This booklet is Xu Shu's brief explanation of the Central Plains.

At the beginning, Kou Feng saw that Zhao Yun's fine cavalry was good enough for a battle, and could compete with Xiliang's iron cavalry.He was also worried that if he sent troops to Xishu, Cao Cao would take the opportunity to kill Ma Teng and Han Sui.

Therefore, Zhao Yun was left for Xu Shu to take command.When Cao Cao made a move, he attacked the Central Plains.Because Kou Feng knew that if Cao Cao killed Ma Teng, Han Sui would.

Then you have to take all the tiger and leopard riders.Ma Teng and Han Sui's army are mostly cavalry. If Cao Cao didn't have tiger and leopard cavalry, he would definitely not be able to win.

Therefore, Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry rode across the Central Plains, smashing this city today and that city tomorrow.A porridge made by stirring the Central Plains.

Cao Cao had to return to the army for rescue like burning his butt.At that time, Zhao Yun had already fled back to Wancheng.

Kou Feng's plan is like this.

But Xu Shu was in Wancheng, so he had better sources of information and greater ambitions.It was found out that Cao Cao sent Zhu Ling to lead an army of [-] troops, stationed in Xudu, to protect the safety of the grain road.

He couldn't help thinking of letting Zhao Yun eat Zhu Ling, and he had a detailed plan.

There are Xu Shu, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan.Kou Feng is also very relieved, believing that this battle will definitely win a big victory.

The reason why Kou Feng laughed out loud was because he thought that another village would be brighter than another village, not because it was as simple as being able to eat Zhu Ling's [-] elite riders.Instead, it was Gongsun Kang's refusal to trade war horses.

Gongsun Kang refused to trade horses on the front foot, and this could break Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry on the back foot.The horses were captured.Isn't this a very refreshing thing?

You know, Cao Cao is sitting in the north, and most of them are war horses.The general equipment is one person and two horses.The tiger and leopard rider is one man and three horses.If Zhu Ling is defeated, at least [-] war horses can be captured.

In addition to the [-] horses that Zhao Yun himself has, he can order Zhao Yun to increase his troops to [-] after this war.Fifty thousand cavalry.

With a shake of prestige, the whole Central Plains will groan.

At this moment, Kou Feng swept away the bad mood brought about by Gongsun Kang's bad things.Feel refreshed.

"In the coming days, you, Gongsun Kang, will be destroyed, and Liaodong and the Korean peninsula will be flattened." Immediately, Kou Feng's eyes flashed, and Sen Han said.Originally, although Kou Feng knew that all the princes in the world were enemies, he had no allies.But Gongsun Kang cut him off at a critical moment.It still made Kou Feng very upset.

When the opportunity arises, Kou Feng will definitely beat Gongsun Kang.

On the other hand, because of his open mind, Kou Feng didn't want to sit here anymore.

Although there are dragons and tigers crouching in front of them, but in the end we have to attack and see whose fist is bigger.

"Order, the whole army will rest for three days first, and on the third day, they will pull out their camps and attack Fuling." Kou Feng finally made up his mind and ordered loudly.


Outside the tent, the guards promised and quickly issued Kou Feng's order.

"Under the strong soldiers of the Guchu State, there is no concept that a strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake." After giving the order, Kou sealed off the tent of the Chinese army, raised his head and looked in the direction of Fuling, and said.

That day, most of the soldiers in the Chu army camp began to rest.Only a part of the remaining soldiers patrolled the camp, guarding against Zhang Ren and Yan Yan's possible robbery of the camp.

Prepare for the attack on Fuling three days later.



This city, located behind Berkshire, is the only way to enter Chengdu.But firstly, it is not dangerous, and secondly, because of Yan Yan in front, Zhang Ren blocked it.

Therefore, even though it was a time of war, Jiangyang still appeared to be very peaceful and healthy.

Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, was naturally in a great mood.Especially today, Ma Feng also received news that Kou Feng's army had been stationed in Fuling for two days.

Can't move forward.It seems to be intimidated by Zhang Ren and Yan Yan's army.The mood is even better.

"Even if Kou Feng dominates the southeast, in the face of the dangerous mountains and rivers in our Shu land, he can only be anxious." In the study of the prefect's mansion, Ma Feng chuckled, feeling very happy.

The reason why a separatist regime emerges in a place is because the whole place has common interests.Dongzhou scholars and Liu Zhang have common interests.

As a member of Dongzhou scholars, Ma Feng is naturally very loyal to Liu Zhang.Because Liu Zhang is now in power, Dongzhou scholars can gain a firm foothold.

If Kou Feng came, I don't know what will happen.

Because he was in a relaxed mood, Ma Feng wanted to visit Zhuge Liang.

It was Kou Feng who killed Liu Bei back then, but now Kou Feng's army is suppressing the border.Maybe it's an opportunity to ask him to come out and help Yizhou.

I really admire Zhuge Liang's talent so much, so as soon as this idea came to Ma Feng's mind, Ma Feng couldn't sit still.After leaving the study, he ordered to the guard: "Prepare the carriage, I'm going to Fucun."

"No." The guard promised, and immediately turned to prepare.

Not long after, Ma Feng left the city in a carriage and headed for Fu Village.

Originally, Zhuge Liang had a great reputation, and many scholars often came here to make friends with Zhuge Liang.Now that the battle is together, it is quite deserted.

Because Ma Feng is also a frequent visitor to the mansion, Ma Feng arrived outside Zhuge Liang's mansion as soon as he arrived.The porter in charge of guarding the gate immediately invited Ma Feng in.

And, to report to Zhuge Liang.

In the study, Zhuge Liang was reading a book at first, but he heard that Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, had arrived.Thinking about Ma Feng's enthusiasm over the past few days, as well as the current situation, he couldn't help guessing some of his intentions.

I couldn't help but sighed slightly, and said sorry in my heart.

It is absolutely impossible for him to enter Liu Zhang's mansion as a minister.

However, Zhuge Liang still has to give Ma Feng face.Therefore, Zhuge Liang first sent the concierge who came in to inform, then changed his clothes and went to the hall to meet Ma Feng.

"Master Taishou." Zhuge Liang saluted Ma Feng.

"I have known Kong Ming for many days, why are we still so distant." Ma Feng said slightly displeased.

"Brother." Zhuge Liang smiled wryly in his heart when he heard the words, clasped his fists and called him brother.

"Haha, brother." Ma Feng said happily.

Immediately, the two sat down together.Although Ma Feng was pleased with Zhuge Liang's call as a good brother, he also knew that Zhuge Liang had agreed to become a minister under Liu Zhang's tent.

Therefore, it quickly calmed down.And said: "My dear brother, you should know about the Chu army's entry into Shu."

"Mr. Chu personally led elite troops into Shu, and the ground shook. Almost everyone knew about it." Zhuge nodded.

"Hehe, my virtuous brother probably doesn't know that Kou Feng has been blocked in Berkshire, east of Fuling, and is not allowed to enter. It has been two days." Ma Feng said with a smile.

"Oh." Zhuge Liang groaned, but the expression on his face did not change.

Ma Feng didn't pay much attention, he just continued excitedly and said: "The mountains and rivers in my Shu land are dangerous, even if he conquers the southeast, he will be powerful in the Central Plains. I'm afraid he will have to be hated. Feng blocked the mountains and rivers, which was the first step. The second step was to wipe out Kou Feng's elite soldiers. This made him frightened and never dared to underestimate the land of Shu."

"My good brother, Liu Yuzhou, was killed by Kou Feng. I don't know if my good brother wants to go to the front line and watch Kou Feng's defeat?" Immediately, Ma Feng asked again.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly when he heard the words, shook his head, and said: "If you have never fought against Kou Feng, you will never know how powerful Kou Feng is." After speaking, Zhuge Liang paused, and recalled Liu Bei, Zhou Yu, and Cao Cao in his mind. Lv and other past events of the war with Kou Feng.He sighed and said, "His power lies in his endless means. It is impossible to guard against."

"Brother Xian doesn't believe in Zhang Ren, Yan Yan and the two generals can't defeat Kou Feng?" Ma Feng frowned after hearing Zhuge Liang's words.Not displeasure, but unbelief.

"It's not that there is no chance, but the chance is not great." Zhuge Liang nodded calmly and said.

Zhuge Liang has long been optimistic about Kou Feng, so he is naturally full of confidence in Kou Feng.

The area around Berkshire and Fuling is indeed very dangerous.Yan Yan and Zhang Ren are also loyal and brave generals, very outstanding.But Zhuge Liang still believed that Kou Feng could break through Bajun and Fuling.

Ma Feng admires Zhuge Liang's talent very much, and therefore trusts Zhuge Liang very much.Hearing Zhuge Liang say this, and looking at Zhuge Liang's expression, it doesn't seem like he was joking.

Immediately, he became worried, and even his thoughts of recruiting Zhuge Liang fell to the bottom.

If the city is destroyed, the land of Shu will be occupied by Kou Feng.What kind of talents are you recruiting?Because he was worried, Ma Feng hurriedly chatted with Zhuge Liang and left.

"With the current situation in the world, it's just a game of chess. Only two people are playing against each other, and the rest have already been excluded from the chessboard. It's just that the parties involved don't know it."

Zhuge Liang stood at the door, looked at Ma Feng's back in a hurry, and sighed.

Immediately, he began to think secretly again.If Kou Feng breaks through Fuling, Berkshire, and arrives in Jiangyang, what should he do?

Zhuge Liang also has troubles.


On that day, Kou Feng ordered to rest for three days, and then tried to attack Fuling first, to see the morale of Zhang Ren's army and the strength of the city.

It is already the third day now.

At this moment, in the camp of the Chu army and the tent of the Chinese army.

Kou Feng, Pang Tong, Deng Ai, Chen Da and others took their seats respectively.Kou Feng himself also put on his armor, as if he was about to go out for an expedition.

"Now we have rested for three days, and the physical strength of the soldiers is already very abundant. If we want to enter Shu, we must attack Fuling and Berkshire. There is no other way. If we sit down again, it will only give Yan Yan and Zhang Ren more preparations." It’s just time. Gu decided to send troops to attack Fuling today.”

Saying that, Kou Feng raised his head and glanced at the generals in the tent, and ordered: "Deng Ai, Chen Da, Xiang Chong."

"Your Majesty." Deng Ai, Chen Da, and Xiang Chong came out together and greeted him.

"The three of you will gather [-] Liannu soldiers and [-] foot soldiers to attack Fuling together."

"No." The three of them agreed in unison, and immediately turned and walked out.

After the three of them walked out, Kou Feng turned to Pang Tong and said, "Leave the camp to Shi Yuan."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." Pang Tong nodded and said.

"Okay." Kou Feng called out.Then he stood up and stepped out of the Chinese army tent.

Soon after, Kou Feng, Chen Da, Xiang Chong, and Deng Ai led [-] soldiers and horses, some ladders and other siege equipment, and went to Fuling to kill.

Knowing that there are dragons and tigers crouching in front of him, Kou Feng still wants to subdue the tiger and catch the dragon.

(To be continued)

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