Kou Feng's camp was actually still some distance away from Fuling City, but it couldn't stop Zhang Ren's spies.Therefore, the Chu army made some moves, and the news that they attacked Fuling first spread to Fuling immediately.

"finally come."

In the study of the prefect's mansion.After Zhang Ren heard the news, he immediately laughed.

"Come here, pick out five thousand elite soldiers and hold Chu Dao. Come out with me." Immediately, Zhang Ren gave an order.

"No." The guard outside the door promised loudly, turned around and sent the order.

Immediately, Zhang Ren put on his armor and sent for Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and other generals to arrange for the defense of the city.So he personally led [-] elite soldiers out of Fuling, intending to go in the direction of Jinyan Bridge.

Fuling East Gate.

With a loud noise, the suspension bridge was lowered and the city gate opened.

General Zhang Ren of Yizhou, dressed in armor, with a strong horse in his crotch, and holding a spear, rushed out first.Beside him is a flag bearer, holding a general flag with the word "Zhang", which flutters in the wind with the horse running, very imposing.

Behind are five thousand elite soldiers.

They are all the most elite warriors temporarily selected from the [-] army.They were all dressed in leather armor, with a Wei sword across their waists.

Since he is a warrior in the army, he is a person who is not afraid of death.Followed by Zhang Ren, a famous general from Yizhou, his morale was very high.I want to block and kill Kou at Jinyan Bridge.

Golden Goose Bridge.

It is relatively close to Fuling, so Zhang Ren and the others arrived near the Jinyan Bridge not long after they rushed.

Zhang Ren stood up on his horse and looked at the terrain in front of him. There was a road running from east to west, with dense forests on both sides.There is also a small river, which cuts the main road into two ends from south to north.There is an old bridge connecting them.

It is Jinyan Bridge.

Jinyan Bridge has already been tampered with by Zhang Ren.It seems to be very stable now, but if it bears a certain amount of weight, it will collapse suddenly.

"Ambush according to the plan." Zhang Ren stood here for a moment and ordered.

"No." The lieutenant beside him promised, and immediately went down to prepare.After a while, Zhang Ren and others disappeared on both sides of the forest.

In fact, this time Zhang Ren had two preparations.

One is to lie in ambush near the Jinyan Bridge, and wait for the Kou Feng army to pass halfway and the Jinyan Bridge collapses.Head on.If you can make meritorious deeds, you will be happy, but if you can't make meritorious deeds, you will pretend to be defeated and retreat into the forest.

The soldiers of Yizhou crossed the mountains and ridges very easily.It is also very good at setting up an ambush in the forest.

Therefore, Zhang Ren's 4000 elite soldiers were divided into two parts, and 1000 people ambushed not far from Jinyan Bridge.Another [-] people lay in ambush in the forest.

Very detailed, and the feasibility is also very high.

Therefore, Zhang Ren is also very confident.

At this moment, in the forest beside the road, Zhang Ren had dismounted from his horse and leaned against a big tree, his eyes were very bright and energetic.

Able to fight against the mighty Chu army in the world, and be able to make meritorious deeds.

In Zhang Ren's view, it is a very honorable thing.It cannot be compared with defeating Zhang Lu.

"If Kou Feng can be captured alive in a battle, or a general under Kou Feng's tent, it will be a great joy in life." The calm Zhang Ren was also very excited before the battle at this moment.


Kou Feng's [-] elite soldiers are slowly advancing.

Kou Feng sits in the middle of the town, beside him is the handsome flag with the word "Chu".As well as Deng Ai and Xiang Chong, the two teenagers.In front are Chen Da and the soldiers of the broken barracks, as well as elite soldiers, and the rear is also elite soldiers.

Three thousand Liannu soldiers were placed among them.

Yizhou's mountains and rivers are dangerous, and the most feared thing is an ambush.Of course, we must take precautions before they happen.In addition, there are spies deployed around.

"Zhang Ren." On Wu Yunju, Kou Feng touched his chin, and Zhang Ren's detailed information appeared in his mind. This guy prefers to attack.

In history, he first fought against Liu Bei and retreated to the city after being defeated.Then he fought again, was defeated again and was captured.

Unyielding to death.

Very brave and a good general.

"Let the broken soldiers in front cheer up. There may be an ambush." ​​After pondering for a moment, Kou Feng ordered to the messenger beside him.

"Zhang Ren can win a big victory if he sticks to the city. He shouldn't take risks and set up an ambush here." Seeing Kou Feng's order, Xiang Chong asked next to him.

It's not that he questioned Kou Feng's order, but guessed that Zhang Ren should not be like that.

"It's very different to act for a general. You can't guess the enemy general by yourself, but you have to guess the enemy general's behavior based on the enemy general's name. You will choose to stick to it because you are safe, but Zhang Ren may send troops to ambush. Defeat our spirit." Deng Ai beside him said coldly.

Deng Ai has always been dull and indifferent.The character is a little arrogant, and generally does not talk to others.Not to mention talking to people is the way to go.However, now Kou Feng's eldest sister Liu Zi is married to Xiang Chong, and her second sister Liu Jie is Deng Ai's wife.

The two had a relationship, so Deng Ai mentioned something to Xiang Chong.

"What you said makes sense." Kou Feng smiled and nodded to Deng Ai.

Xiang Chong, who was next to him, was also a child to teach, nodded, and thanked him: "Thank you, General, for your reminder."

Although the two are relatively close in personal relationship, they generally refer to each other as generals during the march.Xiang Chong also knew that Deng Ai was highly capable, and he was a very humble person.

Therefore, I don't think it's wrong to be taught by Deng Ai as a brother-in-law.

Kou Feng saw it in his eyes and smiled in his heart.Usually Deng Ai's surname is Gemu, and he rarely speaks.Very different.Not many friends, Kou Feng married his younger sister to Deng Ai and Xiang Chong.

Just to get closer to the relationship between the two.

Both of them are young players from the Chu Kingdom, and their future is limitless.If Deng Ai can learn a little easy-going from Xiang Chong.Xiang Chong can learn the experience and talent of marching and fighting from Deng Ai.

It's really a gratifying thing.

Now it seems that it is the right way.

At this time, Kou Feng's Chu army had arrived near the Jinyan Bridge, and Chen Da, who was leading the army before, had broken through the barracks, and some elite soldiers had passed the Jinyan Bridge.

But right here, the former army suddenly stopped.

And a fast horse separated from the former army and ran towards Kou Feng.

"Your Majesty, the spies in front have found some traces, it seems that there is an army ambushing." The spies clasped their fists at Kou Feng.

"Order to be alert. Slow down." Kou Feng ordered without much surprise on his face.

In general wars, encountering an ambush is actually not a big deal.As long as you can maintain the morale of your own soldiers and stabilize them, it will be nothing more than a hand-to-hand battle.

The brave win, the loser retires.

Those armies that were ambushed and captured were all defeated because of chaos.

Kou Feng's Chu soldiers were already a famous army in the world, and this time they attacked Fuling, they all chose the best soldiers in the army.It can be said to be the elite of the elite.

Naturally, he is not afraid of ambushes.

But when Kou Feng gave an order.The Jinyan Bridge ahead suddenly collapsed.Many soldiers could not escape and fell into the water.

The front and rear troops were a little confused, especially some of the Liannu soldiers beside Kou Feng, and many new recruits were all pale.

"It's just an ambush, don't panic." Kou Feng shouted.

Kou Feng is the king of Chu, and his prestige in the army is extremely high.Even though the new recruits were afraid, they calmed down a lot when they saw Kou Feng's order.

Not to mention those elite soldiers ahead.

Chen Da was in front, standing on his horse, with [-] battalion soldiers beside him.There are thousands of elite soldiers behind them.Apart from the slight embarrassment of the person who fell into the water, there was no panic at all.

"Kill." In front of him, the sound of killing suddenly rose to the sky.Zhang Ren led four thousand elite soldiers to rush out.

He is tall and broad, a general of bear and tiger.There is also a flag with the word "Zhang", and it is impossible to know who it is.

Kou Feng looked up, suddenly felt imposing.Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved.

"Catch him." Kou Feng laughed.

Kou Feng was very angry and spoke very loudly.The sound overwhelmed the whole field and reached Chen Da's ears in front of him.

Chen Da pulled out the Chu Dao from his waist, let out a long laugh, and roared, "Catch Zhang Ren."

"Kill." Qi Qihu, a soldier who broke the barracks, roared and charged back.

It is to not panic when encountering an ambush, but to fight the enemy bravely.

Zhang Ren suddenly felt something unusual, and he was inexplicably horrified.Is this Chu Jun?Encountered an ambush, unexpectedly so calm.

Instead of defending first, he counterattacked like a tiger descending the mountain.

This was absolutely beyond Zhang Ren's expectations.In Zhang Ren's experience, when encountering an ambush army, no matter which army it is, there will be a brief panic.

An ambush is caught off guard.Thus winning.

Zhang Ren never encountered an ambush, and even broke the army behind the bridge.Not only did he not panic, but he was fierce and terrifying.

This ambush turned into a close combat.

"Kill." But Zhang Ren was also brave and resolute, and looked ahead.Due to the collapse of the Jinyan Bridge, the front army and the rear army were basically separated.The soldiers looking around at Chen Da's side were no more than [-] soldiers.

Head on, there is still a chance.

Therefore, Zhang Ren shouted to kill, and rushed to kill Chen Da.It is also quite fierce.

"Huh." Chen Da snorted coldly, and rushed over with Chu Dao in his hand. The [-] battalion soldiers in front of him and behind him, as well as thousands of elite soldiers, were even more ferocious.

He swooped over.

"Kill." The two armies fought almost instantly.

However, although Zhang Ren's soldiers and horses are also elite soldiers, the Wei Dao he holds is also a weapon of the same level as the Chu Dao.But what they encountered were soldiers from the broken barracks.

Can block ten with one.Although there are only 800 people, it can be used as 8000 people.Plus the thousands of people around Chen Da.It seems that the troops have the upper hand, but in fact they have the upper hand.

Almost instantly, Zhang Renjun's front row soldiers were knocked down one by one by the broken barracks.None were spared.

Like a basin of cold water pouring down, Zhang Ren's fiery fighting spirit was wiped out in an instant.He couldn't believe his eyes, the most elite soldiers in his tent were killed by the other side's soldiers after meeting each other.

No one was spared.

This is the combat power of the Chu army?Zhang Ren often heard that the Chu army, which dominates the southeast, is as fierce as Dong Zhuo's Xiliang soldiers in the past.

I always feel that there is an exaggeration.

I saw it today, but I still have to believe it if I don’t believe it.

It's not that the Raptors don't cross the river.The Chu army attacked the land of Shu, which had dangerous mountains and rivers.

It really wasn't unreasonable.

At this moment, Zhang Ren regretted sending troops to ambush. Facing such a powerful army, the only way to defend the city is the kingly way.

(To be continued)

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