"Withdraw, withdraw."

Although Zhang Ren was brave and stabbed some Chu soldiers to death with a spear, the soldiers behind him kept falling.However, the casualties of the soldiers of the Chu army were very light.

This army is too strong, too strong.

Although Zhang Ren still had the will to fight, he did not dare to confront the Chu army on this flat ground.

Coupled with the thought that there was an ambush in the forest, Zhang Ren couldn't help pushing and roaring.

How to act today, how to pretend to be defeated, the soldiers are also clear.Therefore, following Zhang Ren's order, the soldiers turned and left.

However, it was not pretending, but was really defeated by the broken army camp led by Chen Da.

"Chasing and killing them." Chen Da roared when he saw this overjoyed.Because of the relatively backward position, Zhang Ren's army was defeated in an instant.

Therefore, the knife in Chen Da's hand has not yet seen blood.

The whole person is also full of energy.

"General, you have an order to stop the pursuit." But at this time, Kou Feng's rear army had already set up a ladder on the river.

The soldiers climbed over the ladder.The messenger came over and gave orders to Chen Da.

"Don't the poor come after them?" Zhang Ren asked.

"Your Majesty means that the poor are going to chase after them. However, Zhang Ren is not a brave man. This area is high in mountains and dense forests. If the general pursues rashly, he may encounter ambushes again. Therefore, what you mean by Your Majesty, etc. A thousand crossbowmen cross the river and follow the general in pursuit." The orderly explained.

"Stop chasing and killing first." Chen Daxian roared, and then looked thoughtfully at the dense forest ahead. Zhang Ren, who was still fighting just now, had disappeared into the forest.

As a local snake, Zhang Ren should have a very good understanding of the terrain in this area.If you are not careful, you will be ambushed.As the old saying goes, don't chase after the poor.

It is indeed a wise saying.

However, if there are Liannu soldiers, even in the dense forest, they can fight Zhang Ren.It is estimated that it can also prevail.

Fighting on the flat ground is about fighting with blood and courage, and fighting in the woods is about fighting with cold arrows.

At the beginning, the reason why Kou Feng was so happy to get the Liannu of Chu State was that besides being able to deal with cavalry, it was also very advantageous for entering Shu.

Therefore, Chen Da broke out in a cold sweat when he thought about it.It's really too careless, if you don't bring in the crossbowmen, the [-] battalion soldiers may be shot to death by cold arrows.

That would be a huge loss.

Because of the siege, this Chu army brought in a large number of ladders and fell side by side.A thousand crossbowmen passed at full speed not long after.

"Eight hundred soldiers from the broken battalion, two hundred soldiers from the god arm battalion, and one thousand Liannu soldiers, follow me into the forest to hunt down Zhang Ren." Seeing this, Chen Da gave an order, and immediately led two thousand soldiers to chase into the dense forest among.

In just a moment, he disappeared into the dense forest.

The rear army had completely stopped, and Kou Feng also ordered his soldiers to build a simple bridge.

Kou Feng himself dismounted from his horse, found a big rock and sat down.Xiang Chong and Deng Ai stood beside Kou Feng.

"Your Majesty, is it a little rash to chase you in like this?" Xiang Chong asked a little worried.

Kou Feng smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "Zhang Ren's risk of going out of the city must be to win a game, to improve the morale of their side, and to frustrate the momentum of our Chu army. It is not the case for our Chu State. If the first battle can leave behind Zhang Ren's thousands of troops, and even capture Zhang Ren alive, the defenses in Fuling and Berkshire, which were originally very strong, will be cracked."

"Since there is no way to defeat the enemy, we can only attack by force. If you are given a good opportunity today, of course you must seize it." Deng Ai nodded beside him.

"En." Xiang Chong nodded, secretly remembering it in his heart.

Kou Feng's rear army here is waiting for the bridge to be built before marching.Over there, Zhang Ren led his army into the dense forest and fled for a while.

I didn't see Chen Da leading his troops to chase after him.

Zhang Ren couldn't help but ordered: "Stop."

Following Zhang Ren's order, thousands of soldiers and horses stopped immediately.

"General." The lieutenant clasped his fists and said.

"Kou Feng's general was not fooled, and did nothing." Zhang Ren said with a sigh.

Just now Zhang Ren was too horrified to think about it.But thinking about it now, the one who killed his army just now must not be an unknown person.Even though there are many elite soldiers in Chu State, it is impossible for everyone to be like that group of soldiers.

All of them are burly, much stronger than ordinary people.Not afraid of life and death, very daring to fight and kill.

This reminded Zhang Ren of the very famous Pojun First Battalion in Chu State.In addition, the general who commanded the army just now happened to be surnamed Chen again.

It must be the broken barracks led by General Chen Da of Chu State.

The other party is a general of the Chu State, and it is only natural that he can discern the false and the real, and see through his simple strategy.

Zhang Ren felt a little bit bitter in his heart. Although he lost to the most powerful broken army camp in Chu, it didn't seem too embarrassing.But this ambush battle, which was sure to win, ended like this.

Although the soldiers were not completely killed or injured, some of them were killed or injured after all.It's a huge blow to morale.

Zhang Ren raised his head and looked around, although there was an endless dense forest blocking it.Zhang Ren couldn't see the thousands of soldiers under his tent clearly, but he could clearly feel a sense of frustration.

"It's really counterproductive. If I knew it, I wouldn't have come out." Zhang Ren hated it.

However, just when Zhang Ren regretted it in his heart.Suddenly, a spy in charge of breaking the rear rushed to Zhang Ren's side and reported: "General, there is movement in the rear. It may be that the pursuers have arrived."

When the chasing soldiers arrived, it should have been a matter of talking and turning pale.But there was no panic on the spy's face, but joy on his face.

Because the spies knew that the ambush they set up worked.

This time, it will definitely make Chu Jun look good.

"You actually chased me over here. Is it blind arrogance? Or self-confidence?" Zhang Ren was overjoyed immediately, laughed loudly, and ordered: "Go, retreat to the ambush place."


At this moment, these soldiers, the air of defeat just now was swept away, they all agreed, and headed towards the depths of the dense forest with Zhang Ren in high spirits.

Behind, not far away.

Chen Da also walked on foot, with soldiers in front of him and behind him for protection.The soldiers of the broken army battalion are in front, the god arm battalion is on the side, and the crossbowmen are behind.

Be organized.

However, the distance between the trees here is very close, and walking is a bit slow.

"General, there are traces. It should be very close." At this time, the spies in front found some signs and reported back.

"Keep chasing, remember, don't panic when you encounter an ambush. Our Liannu soldiers shoot arrows very fast, and they can kill Zhang Ren's army in a short time." Chen Dawen gave an order.

The most important thing to say is to those Liannu soldiers, after all, they don't have enough experience in battle.

"No." The soldiers all agreed and sped up their speed slightly.

Soon, Chen Da and others came to a small hillside.Not only is the forest dense, but there are also mountains, a very suitable place for ambush.

"Swish, swish, swish." Before Chen Da gave the order, arrows shot from all over the sky.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." Some soldiers who broke the barracks hurriedly avoided and were shot on the spot.But they were also ruthless, and immediately cut off the arrows and hid behind the trees.

"Kill." At this time, an army rushed down from the small hill ahead, and the leader was really Zhang Ren.

At this moment, Zhang Ren's expression has completely lost the look of frustration, and is full of enthusiasm.With a cry of killing, the first soldiers rushed over.

"The Liannu soldiers stepped forward, firing ten thousand arrows. But to avoid Zhang Ren, your majesty said that he would capture him alive." Seeing this, Chen Da couldn't help but sneered and roared.

"Promise." More than a thousand Liannu soldiers stepped forward one after another and pulled the trigger.

Crossbow arrows are originally a kind of war tool with strong explosive power, and the arrows shot out are as fast as lightning.What's more, 1000 people launch together, and they can fire ten times in a row.

"Puchi, Puchi, Puchi."

Row after row, countless Zhang Ren soldiers fell in a pool of blood, dying with regret.

Zhang Ren's eyes opened suddenly, what did he see?There were arrows all over the sky, and the continuous crossbowmen pulled the trigger continuously, but there was no sign of loading arrows at all.

This repeater?Can this be fired continuously?

Zhang Ren was really completely dumbfounded this time.No matter how brave Ren Zhangren is, it is impossible for him to remain calm in such a scene.

Under the repeated crossbows, his elite soldiers kept falling to the ground, howling.But the Liannu soldiers in front pulled the trigger again and again.

It completely broke Zhang Ren's mind that the Liannu could only be fired once and reloaded once.

Although Zhang Ren was not afraid of death, at this moment, he lost the courage to continue fighting.This is massacre, this is naked massacre.

Fortunately, near the Jinyan Bridge just now, he had tampered with the bridge in advance, so that Kou Feng's army separated from the front and back, and did not encounter the Liannu soldiers.

If they met on flat ground, wouldn't his army be harvested piece by piece like wheat?

"Scatter, scatter. Scatter and evacuate, and return to Fuling to report." At this moment, even though Zhang Ren was loyal and brave, he no longer dared to compete with the Chu army on the flat ground or in the mountains.

Returning to the city was Zhang Ren's only thought at this moment.

"Let's go." Zhang Ren's loyalty is very famous in Yizhou, and he is not afraid of death. The soldiers are gone.

Following Zhang Ren's order, they scattered in all directions.He fled desperately in all directions.

These soldiers are all Shu people, and they are best at walking complicated roads such as mountain roads and dense forests.Therefore, Zhang Ren is not worried that they will get lost.

Finally, he took a distressed look at the countless soldiers who fell on the ground, Zhang Ren gritted his teeth, turned and left.

After a few jumps, he quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

"Catch up, Zhang Ren, and the rest don't care." Chen Tianran would not let Zhang Ren go, and ordered.

"No." Except for a few people left to take care of the wounded, most of the others immediately chased in the direction where Zhang Ren disappeared.

(To be continued)

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