Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 746 The rumors are true, Mr. Chu has many methods

Although Chen Da led his troops to defeat Zhang Ren, Zhang Ren himself was from Shu and was stationed here.Of course, I am familiar with the mountain road and walk very quickly.

Chen Da led his troops to chase, but there was no result.

"One great achievement is missing." In the dense forest, Chen Da said with a bit of annoyance on his face.

"General, if you can't catch Zhang Ren now, you should go back and report to your majesty. Besides, the wounded soldiers are still in the place where they were fighting just now, so we need to speed up their treatment." , but still persuaded.

"Withdraw troops." Of course, Chen Da was also worried about the wounded soldiers left behind, so he couldn't help but nodded.

Immediately, Chen Da led his army back.On the way, he gathered up his own wounded, as well as Zhang Renjun's soldiers who had been shot by the Liannu soldiers and brought them back to the vicinity of Jinyan Bridge.

Now the bridge is still under construction, and Kou Feng is still sitting on the stone next to him.

After returning to the army, Chen Da came to the front of Kou Feng, pleading guilty: "Your Majesty, the last general is incompetent, let Zhang Ren run away."

Kou Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said: "It's good to be able to catch it, but don't be upset if you don't catch it. Today, killing thousands of his elite soldiers is already a big victory. You can't be too greedy."

Kou Feng's mood can be said to be extremely happy. Two days ago, he had no way to defeat the enemy, so he had no choice but to attack by force.Now seeing that Zhang Ren failed to ambush, he was killed instead.

Thousands of soldiers were killed or captured.Today, the [-] troops in Fuling City have been reduced by several thousand at once.It's a great time to attack.

Although Kou Feng said so, Chen Da still couldn't let go.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, this person will definitely be captured alive in the future." Chen Da assured.

"Hehe." Kou Feng chuckled, and didn't plan to fuss over this issue.It is certain that Zhang Ren is captured alive. If Zhang Ren is not captured alive, how can he pass Fuling and Berkshire.

How can I go to the land of Shu?

"By the way, what is the effect of the Liannu soldiers?" Kou Feng asked after changing the subject.

"It's really a sharp weapon. The last general didn't do anything, but Zhang Ren led his troops to rush over. Ten thousand arrows were fired, and Zhang Ren was defeated." Speaking of Liannubing, Chen Da's face was really Rong Guang changed his hair and said with a smile.

Although I knew the power of the Liannu soldiers before, it was not until this moment that I really realized the power of the Liannu soldiers.Otherwise, in the dense forest, if Zhang Renna lays an ambush, he may lose his army and generals.

"It's just good luck to deal with Zhang Ren's infantry. If Zhang Ren didn't attack and ambush, but the two sides set up a formation, if they had huge shields, the power of the crossbowmen would drop a lot. Only when dealing with cavalry, can they Make the most of it." Kou Feng was also quite satisfied, hehe said with a smile.

When we first attacked Shu, we knew that Liannu soldiers were effective.There are many mountains and forests, and the fighting between the troops is relatively scattered.Without the protection of a shield, the lethality of the Liannu soldiers was magnified countless times.

However, Kou Feng certainly did not forget that the Liannu soldiers were invented to deal with cavalry.

"Although there is no bridge here, we can go there. But the horses can't get across, so it's very inconvenient. And this bridge will take some time to forge. Let's do this. Today we will find an open place to set up camp, and tomorrow we will attack Fuling. "After talking with Chen Dashang for a while, Kou Feng said.

"No." Chen Daying promised.


In the evening of that day, Zhang Rencai returned to Fuling City in a state of embarrassment.

Although he was familiar with the terrain in this area, Zhang Ren could quickly get rid of the pursuers, but the dense forest was difficult to walk after all, so he came back so late.

In addition, the whole body is very embarrassed.He even threw away his long gun.

At the city gate, Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian, who received the news, immediately came to the city gate to meet Zhang Ren.

"General Zhang, how did this happen?" Liu Gui couldn't help asking when he saw Zhang Ren's flustered look.

His expression was somewhat unhappy, he led his troops to ambush, and it didn't matter if they failed, the most important thing was that they lost [-] soldiers.

"Before me, did no soldiers come back?" Zhang Ren asked.

"Yes, only a few hundred people came back. I asked them what happened, but they all didn't understand. What happened, all arrows were fired, and the robes fell one by one, incoherent, still in shock." Liu Gui sighed. .

Five thousand people went out, and a few hundred people came back, and they were still in shock.It was so ugly that the panic spread to the entire army. Liu Gui had no choice but to order the hundreds of soldiers who came back to be quarantined.

"Hey, I don't blame them. Even I couldn't help but feel discouraged after watching it." Zhang Ren said with a sigh after hearing the words.

"What exactly happened?" Liu Gui said in shock.Zhang Rennai is one of the best brave generals in Yizhou, and he is famous for not being afraid of death.

But now Zhang Ren also claims to be frightened, what happened to make Zhang Ren like this.

Ling Bao and Deng Xian also looked sideways at him.

"Hey, let's talk after entering the city first." Zhang Ren shook his head helplessly, looked up and saw that the soldiers on the top of the city were all looking down, sighed, and said.

Everyone has also noticed that it is really inappropriate to talk about defeated soldiers here.

"Let's go." Liu Gui nodded and led the crowd back to Fuling City.

After a while, the group returned to the prefect's mansion.Zhang Ren didn't even take a shower and change clothes, and immediately brought Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and others to the small school grounds in the prefect's mansion.

"What's going on?" This time, Ling Bao couldn't help but wonder.

"Hey. According to the rumors, Mr. Chu's methods are changeable, and I have tasted it." Zhang Ren smiled bitterly, and gestured to the soldiers next to him.

This soldier followed Zhang Ren all the time, set up an ambush on the Jinyan Bridge, set up an ambush in the dense forest, and followed Zhang Ren until Zhang Ren fled.

He was lucky, not only dodging the ten thousand arrows.Moreover, he also won a Liannu from the Chu army.This is the only harvest in this battle.

"General." The soldier heard the words and came up, and handed the Liannu in his hand to Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren had already seen this continuous crossbow, and there were still about six arrows in the magazine.

"Isn't this a crossbow?" Liu Gui couldn't help being disappointed when he saw Zhang Ren take out a crossbow.

"It seems to be slightly different." Ling Bao noticed some differences.

"It seems a bit like a four-five-shot continuous crossbow." Deng Xian thought of some tricks and said.

Liu Gui, Ling Bao gradually became certain after hearing the words.

"Even the Liannu is only slightly more powerful. What's the difference? Could it be that the general led his troops to fight against Kou Feng and was defeated by the Liannu?" Liu Gui wondered.

"Just look at it." Zhang Ren held the crossbow heavily, aimed at a target in the school grounds, and then pulled the trigger.

"Touch." An iron arrow shot out, as fast as lightning.But the aim was not good, it just stuck on the edge of the target and almost fell off.

"This." Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian were very surprised.Zhang Ren is very brave. Not only is he proficient in bow and horse, but he is also outstanding in firing this crossbow.

Almost took it off.

But immediately, the eyes of the three of them opened wide in an instant, because Zhang Ren pulled the trigger again, and without exception, another iron arrow was shot from the Liannu.

As we all know, even though the continuous crossbows in this world are called continuous crossbows, they all shoot iron arrows at one time.

But this continuous crossbow broke the tradition and fired arrows one after another.

Although this seems to be similar, but the power is very different.

"This. This is." Ling Bao stepped forward slightly trembling, stretched out her hand, pointed at the Liannu in Zhang Ren's hand, and said.

"This is the reason for my failure. I can fire one after another. I have seen this magazine for arrows. It can hold ten rounds. Today, Kou Feng's continuous crossbowmen are probably about a thousand, but ten thousand arrows All at once. A face-to-face meeting. The soldiers who followed me fell down in groups. When I ordered the withdrawal of the troops, the ones who came back, as you know, were hundreds of people.” On Zhang Ren’s face, there was a wry smile Again and again, very discouraged.

He is not afraid of people's jokes when he speaks out, he is a famous general in Yizhou.He was called loyal and brave, but at that time he was really frightened.He didn't even have the will to resist.

He came back in despair, and made up his mind to stick to the city.It's time to delay Kou Feng's entry into Shu.

Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and the others were all silent when they heard the words, it really wasn't Zhang Ren's fault.If this ambush is faced with Zhang Lu, or a slightly inferior army, it will definitely be successful.

After all, the Jinyan Bridge collapsed, and Kou Feng's army was divided into two armies.At that time, taking the opportunity to fight out would definitely be a big victory.

But not only that time, but also the ambush of pretending to escape into the forest.The people they ambush were turned into a defeated army instead.

It's not that their general Zhang Ren can't do it, but that Kou Feng has too many methods.

"Chu State had the Chu Sword first, and then the Liannu. Even though we got the Wei Sword, it seems that the gap has been narrowed, but there is still too much difference." Ling Bao also said rather decadently.

The enemy has such a sharp weapon, going out of the city to fight is courting death.But now that Zhang Ren has been defeated for a while, his morale has been hit.And the troops lost thousands of people.

Fuling, which was originally impregnable, seemed to be crumbling.

It was really the result that I didn't expect when I sent troops to ambush.

"We don't have enough troops, so we can only ask for reinforcements from Chengdu. However, if we fail this time, if we don't manage well, the emperor will be furious. At that time, it will be difficult to explain, so we should send this Liannu along with us." Go to Chengdu, and explain clearly. It is not the crime of the general, but the attitude of the Chu army's sharp weapon." Liu Gui said after pondering for a moment.

"This is shirking responsibility." Zhang Ren said a little displeased when he heard the words, failure is failure, Zhang Ren is a man who can afford it, and there is no need to make more excuses.

"It's not as simple as shirking responsibility. Now that we have suffered a small defeat for a while, our morale has been greatly weakened. If the emperor is unaware of the situation and changes coaches just before the battle, we will have no hope." Liu Gui sighed and persuaded.

"This." Zhang Ren hesitated for a moment, but it was right to think about it.I stopped making a sound.

"Come here, choose someone who is good at words, and send this Liannu to Chengdu." Seeing this, Liu Gui also ordered.

"No." A soldier came out, took the crossbow and walked down.

After that, Zhang Ren and the other four all looked solemn, and the situation is now dangerous.The four of them looked at each other and sighed together.

(To be continued)

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