Chengdu, in the Governor's Mansion.

Liu Zhang sat in the study and read a book.

His expression was somewhat terrified, but it was much better than the previous days.

I think at that time, the front battle report was a report every day, and the reports were all about how many cities he lost, how many checkpoints, and how many generals surrendered.

Like a reminder, it almost made Liu Zhang faint.

Immediately angry and surprised.

Fortunately, when Kou Feng's army arrived in Berkshire and Fuling area, they were finally blocked by Zhang Ren and Yan Yan.

When the news came from the front, to put it bluntly, Liu Zhang really felt relieved to sleep.

However, after reassuring, Liu Zhang was also worried about how long Yan Yan and Zhang Ren could resist.It would certainly be a good thing if it could resist until the bandits ran out of food, or if there was an accident in the Central Plains.

But if you can't bear it, what should you do?

Therefore, although Liu Zhang felt relieved during this period, he couldn't feel completely at ease.Still in a state of shock.

"Hey, I heard that no matter it is the state of Chu or the state of Wei, there are countless strong generals and advisers. People like Kou Feng and Cao Cao are very comfortable being kings. There are countless ministers to help share their worries, but what about him? ?” When Liu Zhang thought of this, he felt very uncomfortable.

There will be only a few people, except Zhang Ren and Yan Yan.

There are only a few advisers, Huang Quan, Zhang Song, Zheng Du and others are not very capable of meeting the enemy.

The so-called marching and fighting, there is no strategy to defeat the enemy.The ability to govern the country is only in the middle class.It is really useless.

These days, there are too many fears.Liu Zhang also had some complaints about these people under his command.

"Report to the lord, the news of General Zhang has arrived." Just as Liu Zhang was complaining in his heart, a small official came in, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand.

"Bring it up." Liu Zhang couldn't wait to hear the words.

"Promise." The little official promised, and immediately handed the bamboo slips to Liu Zhang.But after Liu Zhang took the bamboo slips, he hesitated.

If this is a big victory, it is certainly joyful.But if it loses, even the city is lost.This is a monstrous disaster.

Liu Zhang hesitated for a moment, gathered his mind, and opened the scroll of bamboo slips.

After looking at it, he suddenly became dizzy and fainted secretly.

It's clearly written on it.

Because Kou Feng broke through dozens of cities and passes.The morale was too high, and General Zhang Ren was afraid of losing the defense of the city, so he went out of the city to ambush, intending to frustrate the enthusiasm of the bandits.

But in the end, the ambush failed and he was killed instead.Of the thousands of elite soldiers, most of them were shot on the spot, half of them were captured, and only half of them fled back to Fuling.

lost heavily.

In Liu Zhang's heart, there was still some shock.How can you stay calm when you see this kind of news?

Immediately, Liu Zhang became ruthless.

This defense of the city has not yet begun, and there has been such a big loss.

Zhang Ren failed to ambush, but was killed instead, which is a big joke.What a loyal and brave Yizhou general is simply a mediocre general.

"Call Zhang Song, Zheng Du, Huang Quan, Fazheng, Wu Yi and others to the hall for discussion." Liu Zhang snapped his mind and immediately said sharply.

How to deal with Zhang Ren when everyone is called together.And guard against Kou Feng.

"Promise." The soldier who had just entered to send the message agreed and walked out immediately.

Soon after, Liu Zhang dressed neatly and came to the hall.When Liu Zhang came to the hall, the hall was already full of people, including Zhang Song, Zheng Du, Huang Quan, Fazheng, Wu Yi and other civil and military officials.

"This is the battle report ahead, let's all take a look." After sitting down, Liu Zhang immediately handed the bamboo slip to the attendant next to him, asking him to pass it on to everyone in the hall.

As the other driver, Zhang Song was naturally the first to watch.

"This." Zhang Song's complexion changed after seeing it, and then he regained his composure.But his heart was not at peace, the Liannu soldiers really made a contribution.

It is basically a foregone conclusion that Chu Jun entered Shu.

After Zhang Song, Huang Quan and Zheng Du, the two of them really changed their colors.Look dignified.After that came Fazheng. After Fazheng read it expressionlessly, he handed it to Wu Yi.

"General Zhang was defeated for a while ahead. Your Majesty summoned the ministers to come here, but to make amends?" After Wu Yi finished reading, Huang Quan said first.

"Of course it needs to be remedied." Liu Zhang snorted coldly, and said, "This person Zhang Ren is blindly arrogant and sent troops without authorization. As a result, he lost his troops and lost his generals. This person should be executed."

"Your Majesty, you must kill the general before the battle. This is really not good for the war. Besides, General Liu Gui wrote it very clearly in the military newspaper. This battle is because Kou Feng has the same ten-shot that can be fired continuously. Liannu caused General Zhang Ren to lose the army. This is not General Zhang's responsibility." Huang Quan and Zheng Du's complexions changed, and Zheng Du stepped forward to remonstrate with excitement.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, and wanted to kill the general just before the battle, something only Liu Zhang could do.Let's not talk about morale, let's talk about who can replace Zhang Ren after killing Zhang Ren?

Rely on Liu Gui, Deng Xian and those people?Or Wu Yi?In Zheng Du's view, neither will work.Wu Yi is still a bit better, he is strong and resolute, the rest of the people are too far behind, too much.

At present, Zhang Ren's position is in the Shu Kingdom, and no one can replace him.

"Ten rounds of crossbows?" Liu Zhang was a little puzzled. After reading the battle report, he became dizzy and didn't notice what was recorded behind it.

Immediately, I knew what I was missing.Can't help beckoning: "Bring the battle report."

The attendant immediately gave the battle report to Liu Zhang. After reading it, Liu Zhang couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

Among the people sitting in the hall, which one is not a human being?Who doesn't know Liu Zhang well?From the expression on Liu Zhang's face, he immediately guessed something.

Can't help but have different expressions.

Huang Quan and Zheng Du sighed, Fa Zheng was expressionless, Zhang Song's eyes showed pity, and Wu Yi's face also sighed.

After the embarrassment, Liu Zhang's mind was immediately captured by Liannu's strength.

"Is there really such a sharp weapon in the world? Put it on and show it to Gu." Liu Zhang ordered with a face of inexplicable horror.

"Promise." The attendant next to him promised, and immediately walked out. Not long after, he came in with a crossbow.The distinctive appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Although Liu Zhang is weak, he has some experience with these murderous weapons, so he quickly picked up the Liannu.

"Your Majesty, why don't you go to the school grounds for a try?" Wu Yi had a thoughtful look on his face, wanting to see if the Liannu was as powerful as Liu Gui's battle report said.

"No need, just try it here." Liu Zhang shook his head, raised his hand as he spoke, pointed at the wall next to him, and pulled the trigger.

"Touch." The iron arrow ejected without any accident, with such strong force that the entire iron arrow was nailed into the city wall.However, Liu Zhang's expression at this time was quite natural.

Because for crossbow arrows, this power is taken for granted.

But the next moment, Liu Zhang's complexion changed.Because, when he pulled the trigger again, as Liu Gui's battle report said, he could fire iron arrows one after another.

Liu Zhang pulled the trigger again and again, and didn't stop until all the iron arrows in the clip were fired.

"Besides the city, don't compete with him for supremacy." Not only Liu Zhang looked lost, but even Huang Quan's complexion changed. After a moment of flickering, he sighed.

"Hey." Zheng Du and Wu Yi could not help but sigh.

Even Zhang Song, who had seen the power of the Liannu, and Fazheng, who had been mentioned by Zhang Song, couldn't help being amazed by the Liannu again.

A Chu State Liannu almost made the senior officials of the State of Shu lose their voices collectively.

Breathtaking and powerful.

"Outside the city, don't compete with him."

Huang Quan's words are the words that best reflect the prestige of the Chu army.

There are fierce generals and fierce soldiers, as well as Chu swords and Liannu.The momentum is like a rainbow. Apart from the city, what else can they use to fight against Kou Feng in Yizhou?

"Your Majesty, the power of the Liannu now proves that what Liu Gui said is true. The reason why General Zhang was defeated was not because he underestimated the enemy, but because the Chu army had too many means, which caught General Zhang by surprise. Therefore, General Zhang?" However, Zheng Du soon begged for mercy.

Now is not the time to be shocked by the power of Liannu, how to keep Zhang Ren and Yizhou is the big deal.

"No matter what, to go out of the city and fight is to underestimate the enemy. However, Gu Nian is in danger now, and Zhang Ren is quite capable. Let's write down this defeat for now." Liu Zhang pondered for a moment and said.He wasn't too rigid, he found a step for himself to go down.

"Your Majesty is wise." Zheng Du and Huang Quan were overjoyed and said.

"But now in Fuling City, if you lose troops, you will lose. I'm afraid I can't stop it. Should we send more soldiers to the south?" Immediately, Liu Zhang asked.

"Now the north is very empty. If Zhang Lu comes to attack, we will barely be able to cope. If we re-deploy troops, I'm afraid." Huang Quan replied with a look of embarrassment.

"This." Liu Zhang suddenly became embarrassed. Although Kou Feng was the enemy, Zhang Lu was not a small guy.It is indeed not good to take advantage of the fire to rob.

At this moment, Fazheng, who was usually silent like a candle, suddenly said coldly: "Your Majesty has forgotten that Deyang still has a serviceable army, which is just enough to make up for General Zhang Ren's loss."

"Meng Da?" After Fazheng's reminder, Liu Zhang suddenly had some impressions in his mind, and said.

"Exactly." Fazheng nodded and said.

"My lord. Although the soldiers can be supplemented by Meng Da, the morale lost by General Zhang's defeat is hard to make up for. If your lord can come to the front line in person, it will definitely boost the morale of our army." Pang also made a plan.

"This." Liu Zhang's face suddenly became a little distressed.He is not Kou Feng, Cao Cao, and Sun Ce, who can lead troops to kill the enemy and rule the world.

"Your Majesty." At this time, Zhang Song paid a visit to him, and then took the opportunity to say: "Although Your Majesty has declared himself a vassal and founding a country, the governor of Yizhou is still there after all. As a farewell, I can come to the front line on behalf of my lord to boost morale." .”

Just now, Fazheng had recommended Mengda to go there.At that time, the front line will inevitably change drastically.If he stayed in Chengdu with Fazheng, he would definitely suffer.

At this time, Zhang Song had already begun to arrange the way out.

"The minister is also willing to contribute a little bit." Fa Zheng also said beside him.

"Okay. The two lovers are commendable for their loyalty." Liu Zhang hesitated at first, but now he was overjoyed, and immediately applauded.

Immediately, an order was issued immediately that Zhang Song, Fa Zhenghui and Meng Da would lead five thousand troops to Fuling Zhang Ren.

(To be continued)

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