Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 748 The Dragon Returns to the Sea

South of Chengdu, about thirty miles away.

Fazheng and Zhang Song straddled their war horses and headed south to Deyang with their left and right please.

Facing this vast field, Fazheng showed an extremely relaxed smile on his face.

"Zi Qiao, this Chengdu is like a cage, trapping us. It's really gratifying to be out of the trap now." Fazheng laughed.

"It's only when I look at the sky today that I feel it's so wide, and it's only when I look at the land that I feel it's so flat." Zhang Song also said with a smile.

One of the two is not reused, and they are depressed all day long.Although the other had a high status, Liu Zhang couldn't listen to his words.Besides, Liu Zhang himself is not a hero.

Under Liu Zhang's tent, he was always in fear, fearing that Zhang Lu would invade Yizhou, and the great foundation would be handed over to Mi Thief.Now, these two people seem to be out of the trap.

Eager to run to the sea.

"It's really the dragon returning to the sea, and the eagle flying in the sky." Fazheng nodded and smiled heartily when he heard the words. He only felt that in half his life, he had never been as happy as he is today.

There are close followers on the left and right, so they have no scruples when talking.

"By the way, our family is small?" Fa Zheng asked Zhang Song.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, the old man has already found a secluded place in the mountains to hide our family. We will be safe and sound as soon as the king pacifies Yizhou." Zhang Song said with a smile.

They came out of trouble, naturally thoughtful and thoughtful.

"Okay. Let's go to see Meng Da right now, and lead the troops to help Duke Chu enter Fuling and Bajun, and take down this Yizhou. We will achieve great feats." Fazheng said with a smile in his heart.

"Hahaha." Zhang Song laughed loudly upon hearing this.

The two rode their horses and galloped together.

Deyang is a big city, hundreds of miles to the south is Jiangyang.And about a thousand miles to the north is Chengdu.It can be regarded as a good barrier on Kou Feng's road to the north.

Therefore, Meng Da was placed here when Zhang Song proposed to Liu Zhang.

Both of them thought that Liu Zhang in Yizhou was a prison, and they returned home like an arrow.Therefore, under the spur of the horse, we soon arrived in Deyang.

Of course Meng Da also got the news and went out of the city to meet him.

"Xiao Zhi, Zi Qiao." At the gate of the city, Meng Da, dressed in armor, laughed heartily at the two of them.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for a long time. General Zijing's spirit is getting stronger." Fazheng said with a smile. Usually, Fazheng gives people a gloomy feeling, which is very inappropriate, but at this moment, he is extremely bold, and he can't help but laugh. Played a joke on Mengda.

"Extraordinary in martial arts." Zhang Song looked at Meng Da carefully, and nodded seriously.

Perhaps Meng Da is also a figure like Fazheng and Zhang Song, and only after being reused will he shine.It can be seen that Meng Da is not only very heroic in armor, but also has very sharp eyes, full of vitality, and very imposing.

"It's also thanks to the recommendation of the two of you. Otherwise, how could we gather five thousand people and lead the army?" Meng Da said modestly after hearing this.

The three of them had already been tied to the same boat because of their treason.They have long been indistinguishable from each other.

After exchanging a few pleasantries in the city, the three of them entered Deyang City together.

In the general's mansion in the city, in the study.

Meng Da invited Zhang Song to sit at the front, and he and Fazheng sat beside him.

"A snake without a head can't do it. Among the three of us, Zi Qiao's status is the most valuable. I'll let Zi Qiao decide what to do next." Next to him, Meng Da cupped his fists at Zhang Song.

"Hehe, in terms of intelligence, Xiaozhi is the most outstanding. How to make a decision, the old man has done it. But if you come up with suggestions, please ask Xiaozhi to contribute more." Zhang Song is a little bit obedient, but he is very solemn and righteous.

Hearing this, Meng Da also agreed very much in his heart, and couldn't help turning his attention to Fazheng.

Facing the eyes of the two, Fazheng pondered for a moment, and said: "Now Duke Chu is in the south, and he is raising troops to attack Fuling and Bajun. It is very hard. I have three strategies to help Duke Chu defeat the enemy."

"Let's talk about Xiaozhi." Zhang Song's eyes lit up and he asked.

"The best strategy is to attack Chengdu immediately and capture Liu Zhang." As he spoke, Fazheng analyzed, "Chengdu is now empty, and we have taken it by surprise. We will be able to make a full contribution."

"Although the city is empty, the hearts of the people are still toward Liu Zhang. Moreover, Zijing's army may not obey Zijing's order and send troops to Chengdu." Zhang Song shook his head and said.

"There is nothing wrong with the army. But if they attack Chengdu, the current capital of the Shu Kingdom, the soldiers will not be convinced and it will not last long." Meng Da nodded.

"Then we can only do the right thing." Fazheng nodded after hearing the words, although after the capture of Chengdu, he will definitely be the most successful in the future.But the risks are just as great.

There is a danger of being killed if the plot fails.

"Following Liu Zhang's order, we went south to Fuling. With [-] elite soldiers, we joined forces from inside and outside to help the Chu army enter Fuling, and then joined forces to attack Bajun."

Fazheng said.

"This is a good strategy." Zhang Song nodded and said, this way the risk is much lower than attacking Chengdu. After all, the Chu army is elite. As long as the Chu army enters Fuling, they can conquer Ba County, and then the land of Shu will be at your fingertips. up.

"We are following orders, and Zhang Ren will not doubt it." Meng Da also nodded beside him, agreeing very much.

"Well. That's the situation." Fazheng stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"What about the worst strategy?" Meng Da suddenly remembered that Fazheng had three strategies, up, middle and down, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"According to Deyang, attack Jiangyang. Stand strong and spread rumors to the south, saying that Chengdu has been breached, which makes Bajun and Fuling's troops more motivated, so that Duke Chu can break through the city smoothly." Fazheng said with a smile in his eyes. .

"Long days are long, easy to change." Zhang Song is not a person without strategies, and immediately hit the nail on the head when he heard the words.

"Yes, it lasts a long time. Even spreading rumors will take time, not to mention attacking Jiangyang. If Chengdu gets the news and raises troops to attack, it's good that we can hold the city. If we can't stand the city, we will be caught." Fazheng nodded, acknowledging the risk of this strategy.

However, it is also the same as the above plan, the risk is great, but the merit is great.This is tantamount to helping Kou Feng completely open the door to the north.

However, Fazheng and his group were rational, and finally chose the middle strategy.

"It's not too late, let's raise troops immediately." Zhang Song tidied up his clothes and ordered.

"Promise." Fazheng and Meng Da responded as if treating the coach.

Not long after, Zhang Song assembled five thousand soldiers and horses, and led them south to Berkshire and Fuling.



Since Zhang Ren's defeat, Zhang Ren never brought up the matter of fighting Kou Feng in the city and defeating Kou Feng's spirit.Close the gates of the city all day long and encourage the soldiers to guard the foundation of the Kingdom of Shu.

Because of Zhang Ren's banner, Fuling's morale was fairly stable.

After Kou Feng led his troops to arrive, he attacked for three consecutive days and paid a lot of money, but he failed to break through the city.

Today, the city of Fuling is stained with blood, and there are traces of swords, guns, swords and halberds everywhere under the city.Tell the world about the bloody Sanyue War.

To the south of Fuling City, about one mile away.There is a big camp of the Chu army lying down.

At this moment, Kou Feng, Chen Da, Deng Ai, Xiang Chong and others are present in the big tent of the Chinese Army.

Kou Feng's face was not very good-looking.

"In the war of conquering the country, the strategy is the top priority, and the siege is the bottom. The siege is not only protracted, but the soldiers are also damaged. It is really not kingly." Kou Feng said with a sigh.

Kou Feng thought that destroying Zhang Ren's prestige and thousands of elite soldiers near the Jinyan Bridge would be enough to destabilize Fuling.

But I didn't expect that Zhang Ren's prestige was so high and his ability was not bad.He insisted that the town of Fuling was very stable.After attacking for three days in a row, he remained completely motionless.

"Your Majesty, it's not only because the siege of the city takes too much time and troops. There is also another reason. Although Fuling City has four gates in the south, east, and north, after the east and west gates leave the city, there are mountains and forests, which are very narrow. We can’t set up a formation to attack the city. We can’t reach the north gate. We can only attack the south gate. It’s like attacking a majestic pass, which is very difficult.” Deng Ai said beside him.

"But if you don't attack, you can't do it." Of course Kou Feng also knew this difficulty, but now the opportunity is rare, if he doesn't quickly attack Fuling, Bajun, and take control of Shu, it will be too late when Liu Zhang continues to recruit troops.

"By the way, what's going on with Pang Shiyuan?" Kou Feng asked suddenly.

Pang Tong still had [-] troops on his side. On the one hand, he was guarding the back road so that the back road would not be cut off by Yan Yan, and on the other hand, he was monitoring Yan Yan's movements in Berkshire, in case Yan Yan divided his troops to rescue Fuling.

"There is no news. It seems that Yan Yan of Berkshire trusts Zhang Ren very much. After Zhang Ren lost his army and lost his general, he did not send anyone to rescue him." Xiang Chong reported back.

"Can't attack, can't get around, it's really annoying." Kou Feng frowned when he heard this, and said very unhappy.

"Why don't you mobilize Lu Xun's army from the east of the Yangtze River to enter Jingzhou and attack Hanzhong. Then go from north to south, enter Xiameng Pass, and go south to attack Chengdu?" Chen Da said beside him.

"On the one hand, the distant water cannot save the nearby fire. On the other hand, Xiameng Pass is many times more steep than Fuling. There is an aura of one man guarding the pass. Even if Lu Xun sends troops to attack, it may take months. Can't go down. It's really long-lasting." Kou Feng pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said.

It is so troublesome to attack the land of Shu, and there are high mountains and dangerous obstacles to enter from there.Although some time ago, Kou Feng swept dozens of cities and passes with his power, and was able to enter here.

But the more you enter Shu, the more elite your army will be, and the better your generals will be.It is really not easy to attack.

"The mountains are high and dangerous, so it's no wonder that Cao Mengde sent Man Chong into the land of Shu and added Wei Dao. He thought it would be able to drag our Chu army in Shu for several years. If you don't attack, just look at the map of mountains and rivers, you still can't understand the land of Sichuan. The land is dangerous." Kou Feng said with a sigh.

"Bronze walls and iron walls. Unless inside." Deng Ai's eyes are very sharp.

"Fazheng." Kou Feng's eyes lit up, and he lost his voice.

Immediately, he laughed heartily and said: "Come here, set up camp. Let the soldiers have a good rest and replenish their strength. We will not attack for the time being."

(To be continued)

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