"Your Majesty is right?" Deng Ai said thoughtfully. .

"Set up camp? Your Majesty, we have been attacking for three days in a row. If we give up at this time, it will be tantamount to letting Zhang Ren recover his vitality. Wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts?" Chen asked puzzled.

"If you don't attack alone, of course someone will help you out. We just need to wait for a while, and there will be news." Kou Feng laughed.

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Deng Ai, and said: "This person has a conspiracy, and he is here, so I won't see Gu being blocked from the door."

As he said that, Kou Feng smiled heartily and said, "Although I'm a little bit lost, it's really up to him whether I can invade Shu in a short time this time."

Kou Feng felt enlightened.The land of Shu is notoriously easy to defend but difficult to attack. With Chu's national strength, it will take several years to attack before entering.

In history, the national power of the Wei State was also strong. It insisted on attacking for decades without breaking through. Finally, Deng Ai used the Yinping path to attack Chengdu and settled the land of Shu.

Not to mention Liu Bei in history, he didn't have that kind of national power at all, it all depended on Fa rectification, Zhang Song and the two men conspired to make Liu Zhang lure wolves into the house.

If there are no internal problems, it is difficult to invade Shu.

Now, he also has internal support, let's just leave it alone.On the contrary, it is really a disadvantage to attack the danger by force.

Kou Feng didn't feel ashamed either, if he couldn't get in, he couldn't get in.Shu has this advantage, there is no way.

"No." Seeing that Kou Feng's expression changed drastically, his face became radiant, and he looked very relaxed, even if Chen Da and Deng Ai had doubts in their hearts, they would not say it out.Qi Qi made a promise and went down to make arrangements.

Since we are not going to attack the city, we have to set up camp for a long-term plan.Then the safety of the camp must be paid more attention to.They are busy.

Following the outside of the city, Kou Feng shrank his troops and stopped attacking.

The tense atmosphere inside and outside Fuling City finally eased.All the soldiers and civilians in Fuling City breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Zhang Ren and Liu Gui felt very strange.

On this day, Zhang Ren and Liu Gui came to the city to inspect together. They climbed up and looked in the direction of Chu Ying, with a very strange look on their faces.

"It's been three days of continuous attack, and the determination should be very heavy. Besides, Kou Feng is the king of Chu, and it shouldn't be easy to change his mind midway, otherwise why would he lay such a foundation. But why did he change his mind? If we wait for us to recover , Isn’t it a waste of all previous efforts? Lost a lot of soldiers and horses for nothing?” Zhang Ren asked doubtfully.

"Furthermore, although we in Yizhou don't have many soldiers and horses, we have a lot of people. The longer we delay, the more recruits we can recruit, so that we can continuously replenish them into Fuling and Berkshire. The longer Kou Feng delays, the more he will be treated. Not good." Liu Gui was also very surprised.

"That's right. According to your lord's documents, don't drive Zhang Song, Mr. Fazheng, and Captain Meng Da will arrive with [-] soldiers. By then, our defense in Fuling will be even stronger." Zhang Ren nodded in agreement. road.

The two thought about it, but they couldn't figure it out.

In the end, Zhang Ren had no choice but to say: "Forget it, don't think about it. Anyway, the longer the delay, the better for us. It is in line with our wishes that he will not attack.

The two discussed for a while, and decided to stick to the city.Strengthen your defenses.


North, Berkshire area.

It is said that Yan Yan guards Berkshire, but in fact the main guard is the seat of Berkshire, Jiangzhou.Guard the north and the south, and if you don't break through this city, you can't continue to go north.

It was originally one of the big cities in Shu, but recently it has become a bit cold because of the war.

On this day, Zhang Song, Fazheng and Meng Da led [-] troops to the outside of Jiangzhou City.Yan Yan ordered Kaesong to welcome him.

"Zi Qiao, Xiao Zhi, Zi Jing, the three of you came at the right time. During these days, Kou Feng attacked Fuling fiercely. The old man wanted to rescue him, but he was afraid that he would fall into a trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, so that Pang Tong next to him would have the opportunity to attack Ba County. Now that you have led your troops here, it is really gratifying to congratulate." Yan Yan laughed heartily at Zhang Song and the three of them.

At this moment, Yan Yan has more white hair on his head than when he left Chengdu.Although the person is still the same, he is indeed a little older.

Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da couldn't help feeling ashamed in their hearts when facing this old general.

However, this did not shake their determination.

"Hehe, don't worry, old general, we will definitely help General Zhang defend the city as much as possible." Zhang Song said with a smile on his face.

"I heard from the old general that Kou Feng attacked Fuling?" Fazheng asked from the side.

"We have been attacking for three days. However, I don't know why they suddenly set up camp yesterday. It seems that they will not attack. However, the old man and Zhang Ren did not take it lightly and continued to strengthen their guard. After all, they cannot be rejected. This is Kou Feng's weakness. It's a plan." When talking about the battle ahead, Yan Yan couldn't help saying seriously.

"Okay, it must have been very hard for the three of you to march all the way. First enter the city and rest." Yan Yan is a straightforward person, and he is also very efficient.

Seeing the dusty faces of Fazheng and others, he couldn't help saying.

"Thank you, old general." The three of Zhang Song said to Yan Yan together.

Soon, Yan Yan arranged for Zhang Song and the three to live in the prefect's mansion in the city, and arranged them in adjacent rooms.

That night, the three met in Zhang Song's room.

"You said that Duke Chu has been attacking for three days and suddenly stopped attacking. Why is that?" Zhang Song asked strangely.

"Yes, all previous efforts have been wasted." Meng Da also said in doubt.

"I'm afraid I'm waiting for help." Fazheng's eyes were bright, and he was very confident.

"Borrowing strength? Can the Duke of Chu count? Knowing that we will lead the troops to help the Chu army enter the city?" Zhang Song was surprised. Although he also admired Kou Feng, he would not give Kou Feng to Shinhwa.

"It's not that we can pinch and count, but we have determined that our group will not be willing to see Duke Chu being blocked from the door, and will definitely take action. Only then did Duke Chu take advantage of the situation to set up camp and not attack Fuling. Those who waited for something to happen One day." Fazheng said with a smile in his eyes.

From this matter, it can be seen that Kou Feng really attaches great importance to the three of them.The hope of entering Shu is all on them.

After Fazheng finished explaining, Zhang Song and Meng Da felt the same. They felt a wave of trust was on their shoulders. Although it was heavy, they were very satisfied.

The three under Liu Zhang's tent were not considered to be reused, but under Kou Feng's tent, they felt a kind of fulfillment as a minister.

At this moment, both Fazheng, Zhang Song, and Meng Da forgot their original intentions.There is a kind of determination that a scholar must die for his confidant, and must open the way to enter Shu for Kou Feng.

"It's getting late, let's take a rest early and recharge your energy. Then we can plan big things." The three discussed for a while, and finally, Fazheng looked at the sky and said softly.

"En." Zhang Song nodded, and then Fazheng and Meng Daqi said goodbye and left.

Because of Kou Feng's attention, it was difficult for Fazheng to calm down.In the past, regarding Kou Feng, he was only thinking that if he offered the land of Shu, he could get the corresponding status.

But now, Kou Feng gave up the attack, and made it clear that he and Zhang Song and others should find a way, which can be said to be extremely important and new.

This is a very strange feeling for Fazheng.The emperor he served in the past was just a mediocre person. Not only did he do nothing, but he couldn't detect him, which made him often wander around the edge.

Being bullied.But now that he and Kou Feng haven't met, Kou Feng attaches great importance to him. From Fazheng's point of view, this is a kind of true trust.

"How can a dragon play with fish and shrimp? When I meet Junshang, it's really the time to soar into the sky." After returning to the room, Fazheng's heart still couldn't completely calm down, lying on the bed, he felt very excited.

The Dharma is a wise man, who can live without showing his emotions and anger, and is very dignified.

But Fazheng is not the kind of person who is naturally calm, otherwise he would not have had many grudges with others.

The so-called kindness of a meal, the resentment of the grievances, are all revenge.Fazheng is such a person, if you humiliate him, he will remember it forever.

If you treat him well, he will remember it forever.

Be vigorous.

Once you take off, no matter it is kindness or resentment, you will definitely retaliate.

A person like Xiang Fazheng is a real man.

Early the next morning, after a day's rest, Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da led five thousand soldiers and headed for Fuling under Yan Yan's gaze.

Another day, we arrived in Fuling.

Like Yan Yan, Zhang Ren also ordered the gates of the city to be opened very grandly, and went outside the city to greet him in person.

As soon as he went out, he saw Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da. However, Zhang Ren was in the midst of war at present.The first thing he noticed was the five thousand soldiers behind Meng Da.

According to official documents, Meng Da only trained for several months.But looking at the soldiers behind him, they already looked a bit elite, very capable.

After observing for a while, Zhang Ren couldn't help but raised his fist at Meng Da and said, "Zi Jing is really a capable man, this soldier is really a useful talent."

"General Zhang is too serious. This soldier seems to be very capable, but he has never been on the battlefield, he has no blood, and he will never be on the stage." Meng Da smiled slightly and shook his head.

Not to be modest, but to be the truth.

Meng Da has always been very proud of his leading skills, otherwise he wouldn't be able to be friends with Fazheng.But this army is really just a chart.

"Sending them out to fight against the Chu army is of course not enough, but defending the city is enough." Seeing Meng Da say this, Zhang Ren couldn't help laughing.

"General Zhang, let's not talk about this for now. Let's enter the city first, and then take us to the south of the city to see how the Chu army's camp is arranged. According to the rumors, how powerful the Chu army is, I have long wanted to see it. It's over." Seeing the two chattering endlessly, Zhang Song couldn't help saying.

"Okay, all three please." Zhang Ren nodded and stretched out his hand to lead.

Immediately, under the leadership of Zhang Ren, the three led [-] soldiers into Fuling.Not long after, Zhang Ren even led three people to the top of the city to watch the layout of the Chu army camp.

"Hidden secrets, it is difficult to overcome." Fazheng sighed immediately after seeing it.

Absolutely from the heart.When looking at a person's ability to fight, one must first look at the layout of a person's barracks.The important place of the military camp, firstly, as a foothold point, and secondly, as a point of attack, it is too important.

Only those who pay attention to the military camp and can put on a very outstanding posture can have the temperament of a famous general.

And the arrangement of the Chu camp in front of him, in Fazheng's view, was really outstanding.If you want to attack at night, or sneak attack, or simply attack from the front, even if you don't count the magical weapons in the Chu army, there are no tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and you will definitely not be able to take them down.

Guanying is talking about people, and Mr. Chu is really a man who is good at fighting.

Fazheng thought in his heart.

(To be continued)

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