"Your Majesty, some spies heard the news that a general named Meng led his troops into Fuling."

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Kou Feng is sitting and reading a book. These days, Kou Feng has really calmed down, as if he was living at home, reading books, and walking around.

Suddenly, Xiang Chong walked in from the outside.

"Surnamed Meng?" Kou Feng was overjoyed at first, then calmed down, and waved his hand, "Is there five thousand soldiers?"

"Almost." Xiang Chong nodded, also very pleased.

"En." Kou Feng nodded, pondered for a moment, and waved his hand: "Immediately order the whole army to be on strict alert, and always pay attention to the movement in the city."

"No." Xiang Chongying made a promise, and immediately turned and walked out.

After Xiang Chong left, Kou Feng stood up and came to the front of the map next to him.

Of course Kou Feng had news that Meng Da led five thousand soldiers and was stationed in Deyang.There is Fazheng again, Zhang Song and the others are here.So Kou Feng counted the time, Zhang Ren was defeated, and the news spread to the east of the city.

Liu Zhang may send troops to support Fuling.Among them, the Mengda Department of the Pianshi, who is based in Deyang, is the most likely.

Therefore, Kou Feng sent some spies through the dense forest, bypassing Fuling City, and went to the north to inquire about news.Watch out for reinforcements.

Today, it really is waiting.

"A few months ago, Gu heard the news that Meng Da was appointed as a school captain and took charge of one side. Sure enough, Fa Xiaozhi and Zhang Ziqiao had premeditated plans, and it was indeed right to bet on them." Kou Feng looked Glancing at the map, I was overjoyed.

"Right now, Youfa is in the city. Isn't Fuling at your fingertips?" Kou Feng stared at Fuling and said with a smile.

Fuling and Berkshire are protected as horns and have a very defensive advantage.But if a city is broken, the power will be greatly reduced by more than half.Berkshire, even if it is a strong attack, it can be scored.

Going up further, it is Shu County.Chengdu.

In the east of Fuling City, in a school grounds.Zhang Ren placed Meng Da and the others in this school grounds, and now there are many camps, it is an important place for military camps.

It has been four days since Meng Da, Fazheng, and Zhang Song arrived, and they have not moved.

This day, late at night.In the big tent of the Chinese army.

Meng Da, Fazheng, and Zhang Song were the three of them, with Zhang Song as the commander, sitting on the commander-in-chief seat, and Meng Da and Fazheng sitting next to him, the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

"We have been in the city for four days, and Junshang has been stationed outside and has not moved for five or six days. According to this situation, the defense in the city should be relatively lax. But the troops have also been sent."

Mengda said.

For the past few days, Meng Da has been holding back his breath and can't help it anymore.

"Yes. We happen to be in the east of the city again. Although the east of the city can't allow you to set up a formation to attack, it can tolerate the entry of the army. The defense is relatively loose. As long as we go down to the east of the city and hold on for a while, we will be able to wait until the king Lead the troops to kill."

Zhang Song also nodded in agreement.

The high mountains and dense forests on both sides of Fuling City are not suitable for attacking, because the Chu army cannot attack in an open formation, so the defense is relatively lax.The north of the city is the rear again.The south of the city is also an important frontier.

It is very fortunate that they were temporarily placed in the east of the city by Zhang Ren instead of in the north or south of the city.

If they were placed in the north of the city, they would have to go around a large circle and attack the east or west of the city.The chance of being discovered on the way is much higher, if it is placed in the south of the city.

There is a heavy army led by Zhang Ren himself. If he fights Zhang Ren, with the current level of Meng Da's soldiers, I am afraid that they will be wiped out in an instant.

Now, just in the east of the city, it is really a godsend opportunity.

"It's almost the same. How is the army?" Fazheng pondered for a moment when he heard the words, then nodded.Immediately, he asked Meng Da again.

"This is a secret, of course we can't tell it in advance. But according to my estimation, most people should not object. Because when I recruited soldiers, I chose poor families, even mountain people. Love Liu Zhang, It's much worse. Besides, if you don't accept it, you will be dealt with." Meng Da said with a murderous look on his face.

Now it's time for the dragon to take off, whoever blocks and kills.

"Okay." Fazheng pondered, but finally nodded.With that said, he stood up and came outside the camp gate.

"Filial piety?" Zhang Song asked doubtfully.

Fazheng stretched out his hand, signaling Zhang Song not to ask.

"How long is it before dawn?" Fazheng asked the guard outside the camp gate.

"Probably still two or three hours." The guard thought for a while and replied.

"En." Fazheng nodded, then turned around and returned to the big tent.

"There are still two or three hours before dawn. Let's cultivate for half an hour first, and then gather a large army to capture the east of the city." Fazheng whispered to the two of them.

"Tonight?" Meng Da was a little surprised.He thought it was still tomorrow.

"It happened in a hurry, without preparation, is it too hasty?" Zhang Song said.

"If you're prepared, it's tantamount to leaking secrets. If you're unconstrained, you won't show any traces." Fazheng shook his head and said.

"Okay, then let's close our eyes and rest for half an hour." Meng Da nodded and said.

"En." Zhang Song also nodded.

The three began to close their eyes and began to rest quietly.

About half an hour later, Fazheng opened his eyes first.He said to Meng Da: "Let's raise troops."

"No." Meng Da opened his eyes, cupped his fists at Fazheng, and walked out the door immediately.Facing the guard at the door, he said: "Call the people with military positions in the army to enter the big tent."


The voices of the three of them were all very low just now, so the guards didn't know why.But he nodded and left quickly.

Not long after, twelve people of various ages walked in.Some people are in their forties, but they are still very capable, while others are in their twenties and thirties, but they also appear very calm.

These 12 people are the ten military lords under Meng Da's tent, and the left and right army Sima.

It can be said that Meng Da's army is the embryo of elite soldiers from top to bottom except that they have not experienced bloody battles.

When the 12 people walked into the big tent, they were all taken aback.

Because it was Zhang Song, not Meng Da, who was sitting in the handsome position.

"General, this?" An older military lord asked suspiciously to Meng Da who was sitting on the side.The rest of the people also looked at Meng Da with similar eyes.

"Why did you join the army? I won't ask. But at this moment, there are two roads before you. One is wealth and honor, and the other is a sword. I don't know, where are you going?" Meng Da knelt Sitting in his seat, he asked blankly.

"What do you mean, General?" There were many people present who had followed Meng Da for many years, but they had never seen Meng Da like this before, and they were surprised when they heard this.

"Master Zhang and I, Mr. Fa Xiaozhi, are going to open the city gate to welcome the Chu army into the city." Meng Da said without changing his face.

"This." The 12 people gasped in unison and looked at Meng Da in surprise.

Kaesong surrendered?

This is surrender to the enemy, and most people dare not even think about it.

"Don't look at your general like this, he just wants to save himself and gain a fortune." At this moment, Zhang Song said.

"Although the Kingdom of Shu was established, it was too weak to even be beaten up by Zhang Lu, a rice thief. In today's troubled times, if you follow Liu Zhang, you will surely die in the chaos. But the Kingdom of Chu is different. He dominates the southeast, regardless of financial resources, region, and people's hearts are very stable. Chu Jun is even more famous. Rebelling against Shu and surrendering to Chu is to save his life and win a fortune." After a pause, Zhang Song said again.

Zhang Song's words moved the hearts of all 12 people.Because it is the truth.

"As Biejia, Zhang Ziqiao has a respectable status. He is below one person and above ten thousand people in the Shu Kingdom. You have to fight hard. You are just like me, with a low position and no power or power. Why don't you give it a go?" Fa Zheng He also followed suit.

Meng Da gave two roads, one is the road of wealth, and the other is the road of death.And Zhang Song is a lure.But none of them are as brilliant as the Fa-rectification.

Little people, there is a Zhuang Kang Avenue in front of you, a rare opportunity.

If it fails, Meng Da and the others will stand up to it.Besides, with Zhang Song's other honor, he always makes such dangerous moves.It can be seen that the odds are great.

What are they afraid of?

"Follow the general's order." After hesitating for a moment, the 12 people finally bowed to Meng Da and said in unison.

"Okay, immediately summon all the troops and attack the east of the city." Meng Daben finally showed a smile and a trace of pride on his expressionless face, and ordered.

"No." The 12 people all agreed and walked out immediately.

Not long after, five thousand elite soldiers were called out.However, Meng Da did not inform the whole army of their siege. 5000 people, if the news leaks out, it will be troublesome.

Wait until the east of the city, and then order to attack the city.Even if the news leaks, it's nothing.

Soon, Meng Da, together with Fazheng and Meng Da, led [-] soldiers and charged towards another large camp in the east of the city.

There were originally 4000 soldiers and horses in Fuling City.Zhang Ren led his troops to ambush Kou Feng, but was defeated.About 2000 people were lost.These days, Kou Feng attacked the city for three days, causing Zhang Ren to lose another [-] people.

Currently there are only about 4000 people.Because the south of the city is the main place for defense, [-] of them were stationed in the south of the city, and Zhang Ren personally ruled them all.

The rest had [-] soldiers stationed in the center of the city, just in case.The last six thousand were scattered in the east, west, and north of the city.There are two thousand soldiers and horses in each place.

As for Meng Da's army, although they were stationed in the east of the city, they were actually used as a backup and did not conflict with the original defense.

It's late at night.Of course the soldiers had to sleep too.There were only 500 soldiers and horses patrolling the top of the city, and the remaining [-] people were resting in another large camp in the east of the city.

After Fazheng and the others broke through the city, they still needed to defend it for a while.If you only capture the east of the city without destroying the camp.After the soldiers and horses of the big battalion have gathered, they will fight to the east of the city.

It's better to settle the camp in the east of the city early, and then lead the troops to attack the east of the city.

Because they were all in the east of the city, soon, Meng Da and the others led their troops to kill them.

"There will be chaos in the city tonight. If you don't follow the army, you will die without a place to die. Attack the camp." After approaching the camp in the east of the city, Meng Da held a long gun and pointed in the direction of the camp, threateningly.

"This." Of course most of the soldiers hesitated for a while, and actually wanted to attack their own people.But some soldiers loyal to Meng Da started to attack.

"Kill." With the sound of killing, he rushed to the defenseless camp.

Recalling Meng Da's words again, there will be chaos in the city tonight, if you don't follow the army, you will die without a place to die.Immediately, most of the people followed and rushed towards the camp.

Being a soldier is not a fake.

Everyone knows that casualties are the most serious in military chaos.At that time, there is a high chance of being killed alone.

(To be continued)

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