Zhang Ren ruled the south of the city, so he naturally lived in the barracks.

When Fazheng and Meng Da led their troops to attack the east of the city, Zhang Ren was still awake.

Inside the Chinese army tent.

Zhang Ren wore a coat and knelt on the handsome seat to read a book.

These days, Kou Feng did not attack, which made the three-day attack futile.His less injured soldiers have almost recovered.

The tense atmosphere also changed, and it was because of the successful defense of the Chu army that shocked the southeast for three days.In addition, don't drive Zhang Song to come to the front to work in the front line, which greatly boosts morale.

Everything has become impregnable.

But Zhang Ren's mood never got better.There is always a lingering doubt in his mind, why did Kou Feng stop attacking and give them a chance to breathe?

If he can't figure this out, Zhang Ren will continue to suffer from insomnia.

Even if you read military books, you can't read it.

"Hey." Zhang Ren sighed and put down the military book in his hand.Immediately, he put on his coat and came outside the big tent.Asked the guard: "Is it time for shift change?"

"It's almost here. Zuo Sima has already led his troops to replace the soldiers patrolling the city." The guard calculated the time and said to Zhang Ren.

"En." Zhang Ren felt relieved, nodded and said.

But when Zhang Ren turned his head and entered the big tent, there were shouts of killing and screams from the east of the city.

It seemed that in an instant, countless people were killed.

If Kou Feng attacked the city at night, it would be impossible to kill countless soldiers in an instant.

East of the city.

Zhang Ren's complexion changed first, and then changed again.Meng Da's [-] soldiers were placed in the east of the city.It's not that Zhang Ren judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but that there are no problems in the north, south, and west of the city, but it happens to be the east of the city.

Coupled with the screams of the soldiers, it seemed to be collectively uttered.There should be many people killed in an instant.

Besides Meng Da making trouble in the city, who else is there?

Just when Zhang Ren figured it out, Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian came from outside.The clothes of the three of them are a little messy, and their expressions are also full of surprise.

"General, what is this?" Liu Gui clasped his fists at Zhang Ren with a suspicious look on his face.

"I guess it's Meng Da who caused chaos in the city." Zhang Ren took a deep breath and calmed down.Just now I thought that when Meng Da caused chaos in the city, Zhang Ren almost lost his three souls to two souls.

There is a powerful Chu army outside the city, almost invincible in field battles.At least the Shu army is not their opponent of the Chu army.They can defend the Chu army only by relying on the high mountains and dangerous waters and the tall city.

Now Meng Da is making trouble in the city, intending to open the city.Welcome the Chu army to enter.Although he still had more than [-] elite soldiers under Zhang Ren's account, he did not dare to fight the Chu army in the city.

"What should I do?" Liu Gui and the others are also experienced generals who have already guessed it, so they were surprised, but after being confirmed by Zhang Ren, their faces were still pale, and they were a little confused.

"I immediately led [-] troops to quell the rebellion. I killed the rebellious officials and traitors." Zhang Ren also gritted his teeth and said that he was the most loyal and brave in his life. The determination of the second master naturally hated someone like Meng Da very much.

"General Liu, please lead 5000 soldiers and continue to sit in the south of the city. General Ling, go to the west of the city, lead the troops from the west of the city, enter the center of the city, and join forces with the [-] soldiers in the center of the city. Gather [-] soldiers and sit in the city first. General Deng, you go to the north of the city and sit in the north of the city. This is the back road, so don't break it." Zhang Ren immediately ordered after making up his mind.

Having said that, Zhang Ren paused for a moment, and then said solemnly: "If you see the shouts of killing in the east of the city getting louder, it proves that the Chu army has entered the city, and you lead the army to withdraw from the north of the city. Leave me alone. If the city of Fuling is destroyed, only Bajun will be left. The old general has no more than [-] troops, so I am afraid it will be difficult to resist. You bring back more or less remnant soldiers. If the shouts of killing in the east of the city gradually decrease, it proves that I have successfully suppressed the rebellion. Then don’t act rashly.”

"Promise." Zhang Ren's words were very determined, and his actions were very orderly. The three of Liu Gui couldn't help but calm down and agreed with the promise.

Seeing that the three people obeyed the order and left.

Zhang Ren immediately put on his armor, gathered [-] soldiers and horses, and rushed towards the east of the city.

"Death is imminent, speed up." On the avenue in the city, Zhang Rence rode his horse and held a spear in his hand, constantly urging the soldiers to speed up.

But a heart keeps sinking to the bottom.

Because of this moment, he thought of more.Meng Da, Zhang Song, and Fazheng came together.After entering Fuling, the three of them were also together.Definitely an accomplice.

Fa Zheng is nothing, and Meng Da can also be said to be a traitor for a while.The two countries were at war, and there were too many traitors, and there were too many to count. It is not surprising that there is Meng Da.

But Zhang Song is not driving, one person is under ten thousand people.He actually has a heart for Chu State, so how many people in the entire Shu area are willing to hug Chu State's thigh.

How many people are willing to be loyal to Liu Zhang, Marquis of Shu?

After such a calculation, how could Zhang Ren not feel cold?

Moreover, Zhang Ren also thought of more from this.No wonder Kou Feng was able to make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, and drove straight into it.With Zhang Song here, how many military topographic maps can be obtained.

"Rebellious officials and thieves." Zhang Ren cursed loudly.

But at this time, it's useless to scold anymore.To say that Zhang Song and others are rebellious officials and thieves, is it not that Liu Zhang is not strong enough to win over these talents.

Rebels like Zhang Song, Fazheng are all outstanding people, and Meng Da is also a temporary talent.If you can treat kindness and kindness, how can this be the case?

East of the city.

Fazheng and Zhang Song sat in the rear, while Meng Da led his troops to storm Zhang Ren's camp in the east of the city.

Countless soldiers were killed in their sleep, and more people were either killed or surrendered on their knees after waking up.Wherever Meng Da's army passed, countless people were burned and killed.

In just a moment, the entire camp was like a fireball, burning up with momentum.

And after a fight, the soldiers of Meng Dajun, who were a little hesitant, became a lot more ruthless, and they killed people without mercy.

He hesitated before doing it.After doing it, it doesn't matter.

"Don't worry about surrendering troops, attack the city quickly, and then deal with Zhang Ren's attack." Fazheng saw that the barracks had been breached, and the surrendering soldiers had lost their momentum, so he couldn't help but shouted.

"Okay." Meng Da yelled, retracted his gun and turned his back, and shouted: "Retract the troops and continue to kill towards the city gate."

"No." The messenger beside him immediately spread the news.Not long after, Meng Dajun gathered in the east of the camp that was already in flames, and continued to fight towards the east of the city with a fierce arrogance.

In just a moment, he reached the gate of the city.

At this moment, the city is in chaos.Mengda rebelled in the east of the city, and the soldiers on the east gate of the city could see clearly.Up to the leader of the army, down to the soldiers are completely at a loss.

After reaching the bottom of the city, Meng Da drew his gun forward, pointed at the top of the city, and shouted: "Soldiers approaching the city gate, whether it is life or death, you decide."

With a loud shout, there was no room for murder.

The military lords and soldiers on the city were even more at a loss.

Junhou is a middle-aged man, very burly, but at the moment his face is pale.The left and right soldiers said: "My lord, we only have 500 people. There are thousands of them. What should we do?"

Unexpectedly, this military marquis can be regarded as having backbone.After turning pale for a moment, determination flashed across his face, and he said, "General Zhang has treated us well, and we should do our best. Order the soldiers to string their bows and start shooting."

"Promise." Zhang Ren was very popular in the army, and the soldiers no longer hesitated when they heard the words, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

Soon after, the archers aimed at Meng Da and the others.

"Swish, swish." Countless arrows flew down.

"Hmph." Meng Da couldn't help riding his horse back a few steps.

"Zhang Renguo is popular, don't hesitate, kill him." Fa Zheng said beside him.

"Kill." Meng Da nodded, roared loudly, took the lead, and killed towards the head of the city.

"Kill." The soldiers roared and rushed over.

Although the courage of the defenders is commendable, they intend to be a chariot with their arms.But after all, the difference in power was too great, Meng Da only led his troops to charge for a while, and killed the [-] defenders on the city.

Most were killed on the spot, and a few surrendered.

After Meng Da ordered the withdrawal of the handsome flag with the word "Shu" on the top of the city, he stood on the top of the city together with Fazheng and Zhang Song, staring at the inside of the city.

On the top of the city, there are bloodstains everywhere.The corpse, I didn't have time to move it away.

The gate of the city has been opened, just waiting for you to enter the urn.

"We were in front of us by surprise, attacking the camp first, and then occupying the east of the city. It should be. It's nothing. The next step is the key. Zhang Ren, a fierce general, don't be careless. If you can defend the city, you will have a brighter future, Jiaolong Fly into the sky. If you can’t stand the city, you and I, the three of us, will die on the spot.” Fazheng said solemnly.

Originally, they had the city gate, even if they lost the enemy, they could still escape.But the three of them are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they don't want to leave a way out.

Either live, and win the city for Chu Jun.or die.

"En." Meng Da nodded coldly.The fight just now made Meng Da's momentum very high at this moment.

"Open the bow and be ready to shoot at any time," Meng Da ordered with a wave of his hand.

"No." The soldiers agreed in unison, very cooperative.

Zhang Song and Fazheng looked at each other and nodded in unison. As long as Duke Chu arrives soon, the city will be theirs.

Success or failure is here.

………………… “Your Majesty, there is a fire in the city, and there are loud shouts of killing.”

During this period of time, Zhang Ren felt uneasy and suffered from insomnia.Kou Feng slept soundly.This night is of course the same. After reading a book for a while, I settled down early.

When the city was in chaos and the soldiers came to report, Kou Feng was fast asleep.

However, this sentence was too lethal, it immediately dispelled Kou Feng's sleepiness and made Kou Feng sober.Quickly lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Where is it?" Kou Feng asked with joy on his face.It's finally here, Fazheng, you really didn't disappoint me.

"East of the city." The soldier replied.

(To be continued)

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