East of the city?

Kou Feng nodded when he heard the words, the east of the city and the west of the city are the best.

"Convene immediately." Kou Feng just wanted to call everyone to the big tent to discuss matters immediately, but then felt that this was too much time, so he couldn't help but change his words: "Order Xiang Chong to lead a thousand troops and pretend to attack the south of the city. Try to make the sound of the drum beating Louder. Chen Da and Deng Ai set up an army of 5000 people, and went to the east of the city with Gu."

"No." The soldier promised, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

Then, under the service of his own soldiers, Kou Feng put on his armor.Together with Kou Shui, they came to the school grounds.

When Kou Feng arrived, the school grounds were already full of soldiers.All of them were hulking, with amazing momentum.

"Enter the city tonight. Come with me." Kou Feng didn't even have to go up to the stage, straddled Wu Yunju, shouted loudly, clamped his feet on the horse's belly, and rushed out immediately.

"Kill." Deng Ai and Chen Dada roared, and each led their part to follow.

Kou Feng's camp is outside the south of the city, and it will take a while to go to the east of the city.

"Speed ​​up, speed up." Hesitating for fear that this rare opportunity would slip away, Kou Feng kept urging the soldiers to speed up.

At this moment, near the east gate of the city.

Zhang Ren has led his troops to kill.It was dark and I couldn't see clearly.But Zhang Ren knew that Meng Da, Fa Zheng, and Zhang Song must stand on the top of the wall.

"Your Majesty, you are well taken care of, why is that so?" Zhang Ren shouted towards the city with a gun in his hand.

Very angry.

"In today's troubled times, only a hero can overcome the chaos and calm the world. Liu Zhang is cowardly and ruled Xichuan separately, but he is no match for Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. Sooner or later, he will be merged by others, and we are only waiting for the future."

If Fazheng can do it, he dares to do it, and responded to Zhang Rendao very straightforwardly.

"Hahahaha, a joke. You are a benevolent and virtuous monarch, and you won the hearts of the people in Yizhou. Even if you can't conquer the world by entering, you can still separate Yizhou by retreating. How could you be merged by others. Your law is just for your own selfish desires. , and betrayed the king. Not only me, but everyone in the world looks down on you." Zhang Ren laughed angrily, and said loudly.

"It doesn't matter if everyone in the world looks down on me, as long as Chu Jun looks down on me. Don't talk nonsense, if you want to take back the city, just step over our corpses." Fazheng snorted coldly and responded loudly.

Zhang Ren was surprised by his daring attitude.Fa Zheng is under Liu Zhang's tent, and has always been inconspicuous, but rather annoying.

Because this person blames troubles and has many grievances with people.

Zhang Ren didn't think much of Fazheng, but today he finally realized the difference between Fazheng and Fazheng.Looking at Zhang Song again, Meng Da didn't speak, but Fa was speaking.

It can be seen that the mastermind is Fazheng.

Even Biejia Zhang Song is willing to listen to Fa-rectification.What kind of talent must be there to make Zhang Song willing.

There was some bitterness in Zhang Ren's mouth.He should have not noticed such a talent, but Liu Zhang didn't notice either.In Zhang Ren's mind, he couldn't help but think of Fazheng's words just now.

Liu Zhang is not a hero.

I sigh in my heart, but eating the king's salary is a matter of loyalty to the king.

"Kill." Zhang Ren roared and attacked the city with a gun.

"Fire the arrows." Fazheng waved his hand and ordered.

Following Fazheng's order, arrows rained down on the city.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah."

People kept falling to the ground with arrows, which slowed down Zhang Renjun's offensive.

"Go down to the top of the city and resist as much as you can. Take out your life-threatening aura and gain a chance to become a prince with merit." Fazheng said to Meng Da who was next to him.

"Promise." Meng Da promised, and shouted to a pair of spearmen who had already prepared behind him, "Kill."

"Kill." Amidst an astonishing cry of killing, Meng Da led the spearmen to rush down the city, condescendingly, and killed them.At this time, on the top of the city, arrows were still shooting down.

Although Zhang Ren has a large number of soldiers, 3000 men, but in terms of momentum, Meng Da and the others did not lose half a point.

At the beginning, when Meng Da and the others entered the city, Meng Da admitted that his army lacked a bloody battle. At most, it was necessary to have a chart, and it was not considered an elite soldier.

But just now, they experienced a blood baptism.A hearty victory greatly boosted his courage.Finally, he has the appearance of an elite soldier and the aura of an elite soldier.

Zhang Ren couldn't help gnashing his teeth.He rode his horse forward and shouted, "Kill."

Immediately, Meng Da from the top down fought with Zhang Ren from the bottom.On the city, arrows are still raining down.However, they all avoided Meng Da's army.

Under the city, the two armies fought fiercely, and countless people fell to the ground crying almost instantly.

Zhang Ren and Meng Da finally got in touch.Because he came down from the top of the city, Meng Da didn't have a horse, but he still fought Zhang Ren with a gun, which was unstoppable.

Although Zhang Ren prided himself on his skill, he was much better than Meng Da.But for a while, Meng Da couldn't be taken down.

"For the sake of the moon in the well, is it worth dying on the spot? Listen to me, Chu's strong generals are like clouds, and counselors are like rain. Zijing, you voted for Chu together with Fazheng and Zhang Song. There is no good end. I can only bury you Don't worry, as long as you are willing to repent, I will not report this matter to the king, but will say that you discovered Fazheng and Zhang Song's plot, pretended to obey, lured Kou Feng into the city, and intercepted Kou Feng." Zhang A gun in Ren's hand is more fierce than a gun, and his words are like a knife, intending to save Meng Da.

"I trust General Zhang's character. It's just Liu Zhang, hum." Meng Da snorted coldly when he heard that.He blocked Zhang Ren's fatal shot and stepped back.

Zhang Ren has a horse, but he doesn't have one. It's too bad.

Of course Zhang Ren wanted to pursue, but the gap left by Meng Da was immediately filled by soldiers.Although Zhang Ren killed a group of people, another group of people stepped forward, and they were too much to kill.

After retreating, Meng Da straddled the horse he had placed near the city gate, sat in the rear, and stopped moving forward.

Generals against each other.Usually when the situation is unfavorable, he currently has the upper hand, as long as he defends the city, he will win a big victory.I don't want to die at Zhang Ren's snatch.

Zhang Ren's army attacked ferociously, but Meng Da's army with Meng Da himself in charge was no small feat.For a while, Zhang Ren couldn't break through.

Seeing the passage of time, both sides fell a large number of soldiers.

But it couldn't break through.

Zhang Ren's eyes turned red involuntarily.

"When the Chu army enters the city, we will be killed, and the whole of Shu will be bullied by the Chu people. Kill, kill, kill." Zhang Ren roared, and rode forward, not afraid of swords and arrows, struggling to kill .

"The Chu army will enter the city today, stop it." Meng Da snorted coldly and shouted very calmly.

"Kill, kill, kill."

The soldiers on both sides, and the generals following both sides, were all so hot that they couldn't stop.Everyone knows that only by killing the opponent can victory be ushered in.

Outside the city, Kou Feng had already bypassed the south of the city and reached the east of the city.

Kou Feng straddled Wu Yunju, with Deng Ai and Chen Da beside him, and [-] troops behind him.

Not far away, the flames shot up into the sky, and the city gate opened wide.A naked city was waiting for him to take it down.As long as this city is taken down, Berkshire is no problem.To the north is the whole of Shu.

Kou Feng was naturally full of enthusiasm.

After all the hard work and trekking across mountains and rivers to the land of Shu, what is it for, and not for this moment?

"Rush over and help Gu occupy the city." Kou Feng roared.

"Promise." Chen Da on the left and Deng Ai agreed, holding weapons respectively, crossed Kou Feng, and led the army towards the city gate.

And Kou Feng was surrounded by soldiers, protected by Kou Shui.

As Kou Feng got closer and closer, the movement of the brigade's men and horses killing them became louder and louder.

The reactions of Zhang Renjun and Meng Dajun were completely different.

"General, what should we do? The Chu army has arrived." At this time, Zhang Ren was in a daze in front of him, and the lieutenant general had to lead some soldiers to rush to Zhang Ren's side.Facing Zhang Ren, he said in panic.

"We can somewhat stop Kou Feng here for a while, and give Liu Gui and Deng Xian a chance to withdraw their troops. Do your best and obey the destiny." Zhang Ren's eyes were bloodshot, but his heart was like a mirror.He said it lightly, and then stopped talking.

"There is still time, continue to charge." Zhang Ren roared, leading a small number of soldiers, and rushed into the main formation of Meng Da's army.

"The Chu army has arrived, and a great victory is in sight. As long as the city is broken, I will play the Duke of Chu, and everyone will be rewarded." Naturally, Meng Da was overjoyed and shouted loudly.

"Kill." The sound of fighting became more intense.

On the top of the city, at this time Fazheng, Zhang Song has turned his head and looked outside the city.They have already seen the movements of the Chu army.Although he couldn't see clearly, there were countless figures, and the strong momentum rushed towards him.

"Xiao Zhi, we finally succeeded." Zhang Song couldn't help but sighed in relief, and said with emotion.

"After occupying the land of Shu, the Duke of Chu was young and strong, and he was able to consume Cao Cao to death. How could Cao Cao's son be the Duke of Chu's opponent? This world is probably settled." Fazheng also laughed, feeling It's hot.

"Scream, capture Zhang Ren alive." A moment later, Deng Ai and Chen Da, who were leading the troops in front, had already led their troops into the city, and Kou Feng in the rear ordered loudly.

"Catch Zhang Ren alive, capture Zhang Ren alive."

In the dark night, the declaration of the Chu army entering the city sounded, not only to occupy the city, but also to capture the general of Shu, Zhang Ren.

"Hahahaha, withdraw from the sides and welcome Chu Gong into the city." Meng Da was refreshed when he heard the words, and gave an order amidst laughter.The soldiers also withdrew from both sides to welcome the Chu army into the city.

"To be loyal to the emperor and to the land of Shu, I will not regret it." Zhang Renyi's tiger eyes were shining, but he was sad from the heart.But at the same time, a sense of pride rose in his heart, and he let out a loud roar.

Zhang Ren not only did not retreat, but rushed forward.

"Kill." Seeing how brave Zhang Ren was, the soldiers couldn't help roaring, and followed him.

"Catch him alive." Chen Da and Deng Ai have also completely entered the city.Seeing Zhang Ren coming to kill them, Chen Da couldn't help laughing.

The Shu army and the Chu army finally fought again.

(To be continued)

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