Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 753 Opening the Shu Land Portal


Under the leadership of Chen Da and Deng Ai, the soldiers all shouted to kill and rushed over.

Zhang Ren's army was inferior to Chu's army, and they fought against Meng Da's army for so long.At this time, the ability to fight has dropped a lot.

The entire Chu army is like a wolf in a herd of sheep, very fierce.


The fight only lasted for a moment, and Zhang Renjun retreated steadily, giving up the position of the city gate.If Zhang Ren hadn't fought in front of him personally, I'm afraid he would have been defeated long ago.

"Chu Jun, the reputation is well-deserved." On the city, Fazheng said with a smile in his eyes full of admiration.

"When I was in Chu State, if I hadn't seen such an army, I wouldn't have been convinced by Chu State." Zhang Song said with a smile on his beard.

"It's really a hero in the world, the only one who can compete with Cao Wei, the Duke of Chu's Chu[***] team. Compared with Liu Zhang, Zhang Ren and the others are much stronger. It is true to follow Xiaozhi." Meng Da's eyes Also flooded, very pleased to say.

"General, it's all up to you this time. If it weren't for you, we would end up with Zhang Ren now. He can't stop the Chu army at all." The military lords next to him, the Sima on the left and right also said happily.

As Zhang Renjun retreated steadily, more and more Chu troops entered the city.

The sound of shouting and killing became louder and louder, and it went straight into the sky.

In the south of the city, Xiang Chong also led his troops to feign an attack.Although there are only a thousand soldiers and horses, the sound of drums beating soars to the sky.It was very dark again.

Therefore, the momentum is very powerful.

Today's Fuling seems to be besieged on all sides, crumbling.

On the top of the city, Liu Qian tightly clenched his fists, while looking ahead, he listened attentively. Hearing the shouts of killing from the east of the city became louder and louder, he couldn't help but turn pale.

Before Zhang Ren left, he said that if the shouts for killing became weaker, the rebellion had been quelled, and the louder the shouts for killing, the Chu army had entered the city.

Let the three of them leave with the army.

But Liu Gui is also a loyal person, he is still hesitant.

"General, now that the Chu army has entered the city, if you stay any longer, you will be caught by Kou Feng." The deputy general next to him said profusely.

"Yes, General. The morale of the army is fluctuating. If we don't act again, the morale of the army may be scattered, and some rebellious people will kill us and dedicate them to the Chu army." A Sima in the army also persuaded.

Liu Gui's mind suddenly remembered Zhang Ren's words before he left.

There are few soldiers in Berkshire, and as many remnants as can be taken away.

Thinking about it, he ordered with all his heart: "Withdraw the troops and leave no one behind."

"No." The deputy general promised loudly, and immediately went down to prepare.Not long after, the [-] soldiers on the top of the city immediately retreated to the city. Ling Bao and Deng Xian, who were in the city, led [-] remnant soldiers and retreated from the north of the city.

Outside the south gate of the city.

Xiang Chong was dressed in armor, riding his horse in front, and behind him were a thousand soldiers shouting hard to kill.

"On the top of the city, the defenders seem to have withdrawn."

Xiang Chong took a closer look and found that the defenders seemed to have withdrawn.

"Let's attack the city, General." The army Sima next to him persuaded.

"Okay, let's enter the city." Xiang Chong nodded and waved his hand.

"Kill." The [-] soldiers who were only in charge of a feint attack immediately rushed over carrying the siege ladder.Without the defenders, it was very easy for them to enter the city.

After a while, the city gate opened.

But at this time, the sound of fighting in the east of the city was still very intense.

"Go to the south gate and attack Zhang Ren from the rear." Xiang Chong ordered without any hesitation.


With a promise, a thousand soldiers rushed towards the east of the city.

At this moment, the fighting in the east of the city has gradually entered the final stage.

Because the Chu army has basically entered the city, many Liannu soldiers of the Chu army have already climbed to the top of the city, firing ten thousand arrows on the city.

The flying iron arrow made the entire Zhang Renjun advance and retreat like a wolf.

"Zhang Ren, you are also a famous general in Shu. Leading troops to fight is your specialty. If you surrender, Gu will definitely use it again." Kou Feng, also under the protection of Kou Shui and others, stood on the top of the city.

Although Zhang Ren retreated steadily, knowing that the Chu army had already entered the city, there was no hope.But he still led his troops to fight against the enemy, very resilient.

Rather die than give up.

Kou Feng couldn't help but appreciate it more and more, the critical moment.He shouted at Zhang Renda.

Very sincere.

However, it is clear that at this moment, Zhang Ren is rushing forward, and must die on the battlefield in order to achieve his fame.

"Hahaha, Duke Chu's heart, Zhang Ren accepted it. However, Zhang Ren was deeply favored by the Marquis of Shu, how could he surrender to the enemy and betray the country? Kill." Zhang Ren laughed loudly and continued to fight ahead.

At this moment, there are very few soldiers around Zhang Ren.

Although there are quite a few loyal ones, the general situation is over after all.The soldiers either knelt down and surrendered, or fled in all directions.

The armor on Zhang Ren's body was torn a lot, covered with blood, and half of the red tassel on his head was cut off.Very embarrassed.But the eyes are full of spirit, coupled with the aura that would rather die than surrender.

But no one dared to underestimate him, instead a wave of respect rose in his heart.

"Duke Chu, this man's loyalty and bravery are commendable. If he can get him, he will be a great general. But if he can't surrender, he will be a disaster." Zhang Song said beside him.

"This lonely man knows it in his heart." Kou Feng smiled back, and then said: "However, it is too early now. There is always a way to make the tiger return to its heart. Isn't the history book telling us? We will meet the Lord of Ming Dynasty , only loyal. Now that Liu Zhang’s country is about to be destroyed, why is he a Ming lord?”

Of course Kou Feng was a little confident, if Xu Huang did some small tricks, he would be able to submit to him.Although Zhang Ren is loyal and brave, he may not have no chance.

"Promise." Seeing that Kou Feng was full of confidence, Zhang Song had no choice but to promise.

On the top of the city, Kou Feng, Zhang Song, Fazheng and others watched quietly.The fight under the city gradually came to an end.

"Kill." Because Xiang Chong led his troops to kill him from behind.

The sharp shouts of killing made Zhang Renjun's soldiers feel heartbroken. They were attacked from behind, and if they didn't surrender, wouldn't they come back countless times?

Immediately, countless soldiers surrendered on their knees, or put down their weapons and fled to both sides.

Up to now, there are very few soldiers around Zhang Ren. In this way, there are only dozens of soldiers around Zhang Ren.They are all loyal people.

Zhang Ren was unhappy for a while, but then he thought, everyone has his own ambitions.It is really a joy to have dozens of people die with him today.

"Haha, those who can stay are all my good brothers. It's a joy, a joy to be able to fight the enemy side by side with so many good brothers." Zhang Ren smiled boldly, full of anger.

"Follow the general to die, don't hate it." The soldiers roared and rushed over.

The heroism of these dozens of people was almost earth-shattering.

"What kind of general and what kind of soldiers are there?" Kou Feng smiled instead of anger, and said.Immediately, a bow was drawn from the side.

Now, with the strength of Chu State.

Kou Feng's bow is of course high-quality.Compared with Huang Zhong, the family-heirloom bows used by Tai Shici's ape-armed generals who are good at archery are not bad at all.

Can take a person's life within 120 steps.

Today, Zhang Ren wants to die and kills at the forefront.Kou Feng can be sure, shoot and kill him.

Bend the bow and shoot the arrow.

Like flowing clouds and flowing water, it is very fast and fast.

"Whoosh." At this moment, the crossbowmen on the top of the city had stopped shooting arrows.When Kou Feng let go of the bowstring, the whistling sound was very clear in the dark night.

Zhang Ren instinctively felt that a danger was approaching, and planned to lower his head to avoid the arrow.

"Puchi." There was the sound of an arrow piercing into the flesh, followed by a miserable howl.Zhang Renlian, armed with weapons, fell off his horse.

It was Kou Feng's arrow, which hit the horse's neck and killed him on the spot.

"Catch Zhang Ren alive." Chen Da's eyes lit up, he jumped off his horse, and flew over.At this moment, Zhang Ren just fell off his horse and was dizzy.

Chen Da acted very quickly, with a flash of the Chu knife in his hand, it was immediately put on Zhang Ren's neck.Instinctively, Zhang Ren stiffened for a moment.

"Come on, don't let him have a chance to commit suicide." Chen Da took the opportunity to say.Chen Da has some experience in dealing with such strong generals.The generals of Soochow, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, Lu Dai, etc., either died on the spot or committed suicide.

The blood boils on the battlefield, and these decapitated generals are the easiest to produce.After being captured alive, it will be better.

Immediately, countless soldiers flew up and pressed Zhang Ren to the ground.

"Zhang Ren was captured. If you don't want him to die, you can lay down your weapons." As soon as Chen Day got up, he yelled at the dozens of warriors who followed Zhang Ren to die.

For these warriors, Chen Da also admired them very much.

For him, it was a pity that these warriors died for mediocrity like Liu Zhang.

These warriors hesitated at first, but seeing that Zhang Ren had been captured, they glanced at each other and couldn't help but put down their weapons.

"You have to have a backbone." At this time, Zhang Ren had already shouted.

"I don't hate to die for the general. If the general is killed, we are willing to follow. But to die for the Marquis of Shu, I will not accept it." A soldier replied Zhang Rendao in this way.

They were all willing to die with Zhang Ren because of Zhang Ren's charisma.But not for the Marquis of Shu.

"This." Zhang Ren felt cold for a while.

Can't help but think of Fazheng, Zhang Song, Meng Da and the others.Could it be that the Marquis of Shu really has no prestige?Even the soldiers were unwilling to die for him.

But no matter what Zhang Ren thought.

This city has since been named Chu.

"Order the army to enter the city." On the top of the city, Kou Feng was overjoyed.Zhang Ren was captured and Fuling was captured.It is equivalent to the gate of Shu being opened.

Entering Shu is close at hand.

"Leave the defense of the city to the people below, Chen Da, Deng Ai, Xiang Chong, Zhang Song, Fazheng, Meng Da, and go into the hall of the prefect's mansion together with Gu to discuss matters. In addition, send someone to pass the news to the military division general Pang Tong. "

On the top of the city, Kou Feng ordered.

"Promise." Kou Shui next to him made a promise, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

And Kou Feng, Zhang Song, Fazheng, Meng Da, Chen Da, Deng Ai, Xiang Chong and others all entered the Taishou's mansion.

(To be continued)

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