In Fuling City, in the hall of the Prefect's Mansion.

Kou Feng sat in the first place, wearing armor and wearing a Chu knife around his waist, very dignified.

Below them are Zhang Song, Fazheng, Meng Da, Deng Ai, Chen Da, Xiang Chong and others.Everyone is smiling.Now the gate of Shu has been breached.

The time to completely separate the land of Shu is at hand.

Chu's power will increase greatly.Of course there is something to be happy about.

Kou Feng glanced at Fazheng and Mengda.First, he said to Zhang Song: "Zi Qiaogu also knows me." Then, he looked at Fazheng and Meng Da, and said, "You two are Fa Xiaozhi, and Mencius respect you, right?"

"It's right here." Fazheng and Mengda looked at each other, and clasped their fists together.

Kou Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: "The two of you have made a lot of contributions in this battle, so naturally it is Chu Chen, why bother claiming to be subordinate?"

"My lord." Fazheng, Meng Da was overjoyed, and formally met with the worship of a monarch and a minister.

"Tonight, Gu has seen Mencius Jing's military training methods, which can be said to be quite capable. The opening of the city is indispensable. Gu will make you a general to protect Shu, including the soldiers and horses led by Zijing. All the soldiers and horses that surrendered late will be returned to Zijing's command." Kou Feng said to Meng Da with a smile.

It stands to reason that the reward is also something after the surrender.However, no matter what the purpose of the surrender is, it must be given a gift to show sincerity.Can win people's hearts.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Meng Da couldn't help being overjoyed, bowing down with joy.

Not only because of the school lieutenant, who was promoted to Zhonglang general.Nor is it because of the sudden expansion of the authority of commanding troops.It's because the school lieutenant of the Shu Kingdom is so different from the Zhonglang General of the Chu Kingdom.

How could Meng Da not be happy?

"When I was in Chu State, I often heard people say that Fa Xiaozhi has the ability to plan and plan, and I saw it tonight. It is true. From now on, Xiaozhi will be a servant and walk by Gu's side." Kou Feng said to Fa Zheng with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The excitement in Fazheng's heart was no worse than that of Meng Da. Although the servant's position was not high, he had great power, and could often influence your Majesty's judgment.

It can be said that he is a close minister of the king of a country.This is also a world of difference for Fa Zheng's status in Shu.

"Zi Qiao contributed the most to entering Shu this time. If it weren't for Zi Qiao's picture of Xichuan, how could Gu go straight in? Tonight, how could he break through Fuling, the barrier of Shu land? Therefore, Zi Qiao is not only serving as a servant, but also serving as the governor. Marquis of Guannei." Finally, Kou Feng solemnly hugged Zhang Song with great respect.

"Shu, the land of abundance, has outstanding people. It is only natural to dedicate it to such a hero." Zhang Song said with a smile.

"Hahaha." Kou Feng laughed.

After Kou Feng laughed, Deng Ai said: "Your Majesty, now we have conquered Fuling and half-stepped into Shu. Next, how should we deal with Yanyan of Bajun?"

Kou Feng put away his smile when he heard the words, pondered for a moment, and said, "At first we already had [-] troops entering Shu, and [-] surrendered soldiers were annexed along the way. Today, Zijing joined in Fuling City, and there are a lot of surrendered soldiers. You can add another [-] troops. In this way, there will be [-] people. With the ferocity of our Chu army, even if we attack Berkshire by force, it is feasible."

After speaking, Kou Feng raised his head and looked at the crowd, and said, "Now is not the time to find someone, but how to stabilize the troops and stabilize the hearts of the people in Fuling. After we have cultivated for a while, we can slowly figure it out."

Kou Feng has already thought about this matter very clearly.

Now that Fuling has been breached, Yan Yan of Berkshire cannot support himself alone.The advantage is on their side, they cultivate for a while to recharge their batteries.But the longer Berkshire Yan Yan and the others dragged on, the morale of the army would surely fluctuate.

Under the ebb and flow, their chances of winning will increase.

"No." Deng Ai promised, no objection.

Immediately, Kou Feng ordered Zhang Song, Fazheng and others to handle Fuling's government affairs, issue Anming notices, and stabilize people's hearts.After that, it was time to go to bed.

When I entered the city just now, I was very energetic.Now that the city has been captured, Kou Feng feels drowsy.

"By the way, Your Majesty, what should Zhang Ren do?" Chen Da suddenly asked.

Kou Feng suddenly sobered up a lot.After thinking about it, I couldn't help but think of Xu Huang back then. Even if he tried to persuade him to surrender now, it was just hitting a wall.

"Being a guest of honour, treat him with hospitality." Kou Feng said after pondering for a long time.

"No." Chen Daying made a promise.

"Zhang Ren is extremely loyal and brave. Although his merits are commendable, he accepts death. If the emperor wants to surrender Zhang Ren, he can order Liu Zhang to issue an order after Chengdu is destroyed." At this time, Fa Zheng laughed beside him.

Kou Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "Xiaozhi is right. At the beginning, Zhou Tai and Lu Meng were all loyal ministers of the Sun family, but after Sun Quan led the surrender, they also surrendered. Now all of them are The general of Chu State, Zhang Ren should also be in this list."

Nothing to worry about.

Suddenly, Kou Feng felt relieved.The sleepiness is even more sufficient.

"I'm tired and alone, go to bed first, and I'll leave the rest to you." Saying that, Kou Feng got up and walked out.

"Respectfully, Your Majesty." Everyone stood up and bowed, saying in unison.

……………… The destruction of Fuling City is a great joy for Chu State.It's like stepping into Shu.

But for Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian, Yan Yan and the others, it was a major event enough to subjugate the country.

After Liu Gui led Ling Bao, Deng Xian, and [-] soldiers out of Fuling, they immediately went straight to Berkshire without stopping.Because it is also a return to the army.

Therefore, although the army suffered a city break, the morale of the army has not dispersed.Along the way, no soldier took the opportunity to escape.

However, the hearts of Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian did not get better because of this, instead they felt very heavy.They all wondered what would happen to Zhang Ren after his death in Fuling.

Just when the three of them were in a serious mood, Berkshire was already in sight.

This is, the sky is already bright.

Seeing the general flag with the word "strict" on the top of the city, the three of them felt a sense of peace in their hearts.Zhang Ren and Yan Yan are well-known loyal generals in Yizhou.

It can be said that he is a general in Shuzhong.But after all, Zhang Ren is young, and his prestige is not as high as Yan Yan.

The three of them were defeated in the army, and when they came back here, they all felt like the baby swallows were returning to their nests.

"Who is under the city?" But the three of them arrived with the remnants of the defeated army, which caused panic among the defenders on the top of the city, and a military lord couldn't help shouting.

"The city of Fuling is broken, and General Zhang is behind. We are Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian leading the remnant soldiers to the north, and please take General Yan Yan in." Liu Gui clasped his fists at the top of the city.

There was an uproar in the city.

The fact that Fuling was lost, one can imagine how shocking the entire Shu region was.

The military marquis was also sweating profusely, and immediately said: "You wait, I will report to the general." After speaking, the military marquis ordered to be on guard, and hurried to the city.

Soon after, Yan Yan wore armor and led hundreds of soldiers to the city gate.

The old general's face was full of dignity, and there was still some disbelief left.Obviously, they couldn't believe that Fuling City, with Zhang Ren sitting in the town, Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian as the assistants, and Meng Da's reinforcements, was actually breached.

They connected to receive the message, and there was no time for support.

"Order their army to retreat for one mile. Liu Gui, Deng Xian, and Ling Bao are in front, and talk to me." After arriving at the city gate, Yan Yan gave the order first.

At the critical moment, you have to cheat the city.

"Promise." The military marquis on the top of the city promised, and immediately shouted out Yan Yan's original intention.

The three of Liu Gui immediately ordered the army to retreat, and only the three of them were in front.In this way, Yan Yan ordered to open the city gate.Out of the city.

"What's going on?" When Yan Yan saw Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian, who looked very embarrassed and were dressed in a mess, the remaining disbelief in his heart finally disappeared.

The moment they saw Old General Yan Yan, Liu Gui and the three of them were all saddened, dismounted and cried bitterly: "Please also ask the old general to avenge General Zhang Ren."

"What's going on?" Yan Yan's expression changed again before he noticed that Zhang Ren was not there.

Zhang Ren is the successor general, Yan Yan feels old now, and feels that after his death, Shuzhong will rely on Zhang Ren.Zhang Ren had an accident now?

Liu Gui opened the mouth and told Yan Yan exactly what happened in Fuling City.

Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da rebelled, the city was breached, Zhang Ren died, and his life was unknown.

After Yan Yan heard the news one by one, she only felt the darkness in front of her eyes.

This is a huge earthquake that can shake the hearts of officials in Shu.Zhang Song, don't drive, he has started to defect to the enemy.Can the officials still trust that Liu Zhang can continue to keep the Kingdom of Shu?

After being dizzy for a while, the old general waved his hand feebly and said, "Send someone to Chengdu immediately, and tell your majesty what happened."

Although, Berkshire is still in hand.But Yan Yan already felt that death was imminent.


"Follow me into the city too. Clean up the remnants and continue guarding Berkshire. Now we can only do what Zhang Ren said, do our best and obey the destiny. Anyway, we can't be sorry for the king's salary and loyalty."

After giving the order, Yan Yan said to Liu Gui and the others.

"Don't worry, general, we will never be like Meng Da and the others." Liu Gui and the others said in unison.

Last time, Zhang Ren was defeated.Except for Liu Zhang and some important ministers, most of the people who knew about Shu didn't know about it.

Although Liu Zhang is cowardly, he is not stupid.Knowing that the front line is defeated will definitely affect people's hearts.So, block the news.

But this time was different, Fuling was breached.This news cannot be concealed.

When Yan Yan passed the news to Chengdu, Jiang Yang, who was next to him, had already got the news.


"What? Fuling has been breached? Zhang Ren's life and death are unknown?"

Jiangyang City Prefect's Mansion, in the study.After Ma Feng heard the news, he suddenly lost his voice.

Extremely shocked.

"It's absolutely true." A small official standing in front of Ma Feng nodded vigorously, his expression very pale.

"Prepare the carriage immediately, I'm going to Fucun."

Ma Feng was absent-minded for a moment, and then immediately ordered.

He remembered some of Zhuge Liang's words. It was only a matter of time before the Chu army broke through Fuling and Berkshire.He was going to ask if there was any way to stop it.

(To be continued)

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