Because the matter was urgent, Ma Feng ordered to move quickly.

Soon, the carriage arrived outside Zhuge Liang's mansion.

After calling the door, Ma Feng walked into the study by himself without waiting for his servants to report.

"Brother, why are you in such a hurry?" In the study, Zhuge Liang was reading, when he heard the movement, and then saw Ma Feng walking in, he couldn't help but wondered.

"Kong Ming, you really guessed it right. Fuling City is broken, and Zhang Ren is nowhere to be found." Ma Feng sighed with a mournful face.

"What's going on?" Zhuge Liang was also taken aback. At first he thought Kou Feng could break through Fuling and Berkshire, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

It's only been a few days of work.

"It's all Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da." Ma Feng gritted his teeth and told Zhuge Liang all the news he knew.

"Unexpectedly, Duke Chu would have already contacted people like Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da before he entered Shu. These people have strategies, can adapt to changing situations, and have military power. They are truly invincible weapons." Zhuge Liang He sighed, and then said: "Shu's mountains are high and dangerous, and it is very difficult to break through from the outside. Only if there is a problem inside, can it be broken so quickly. This time the Chu State sent troops, it is completely relying on something, but first. Win and then lose. The Marquis of Shu is not wronged when he loses."

"Oh, now is not the time to talk about these things. Fuling has been breached, and Berkshire is at stake. Does Kong Ming have any plans to help stabilize the situation temporarily?" Seeing Zhuge Liang thinking about these things, Ma Feng admired them, and couldn't help feeling anxious. asked.

"Fuling, Bajun, Zhang Ren, and Yan Yan guarding the horns can block Kou Feng for a while. Now that Fuling has been breached, Zhang Ren's life and death are unknown. There are already countless souls. Immortals can't save them." Zhuge Liang shook his head. , said.

I have also been with Ma Feng for a while. Although this person is not talented, he is still loyal.Character is even better.Zhuge Liang wanted to help, but he was not capable enough.

Even if he went to help before Fuling was breached, he might only be able to hold off for a while.Because Fazheng, Meng Da, Zhang Song these three days were too fatal.

If the conspiracy was not detected in advance, no matter who guards Fuling, the result will be the same.

"Then what should we do?" Ma Feng said dumbfounded.

"The army will soon be overwhelmed, so think about staying there." Zhuge Liang sighed and persuaded.At the same time, Zhuge Liang also knew that it was time for him to make a decision.

After Berkshire, it was Jiangyang, and his ass was on fire.

…………………… The news spread quickly and arrived in Chengdu soon.

These days, Liu Zhang has been stable for a while.After all, Meng Da's five thousand elite soldiers went to help, Zhang Ren, a high-ranking official, and Fazheng, a small counselor, went to help.

Should be able to help Zhang Renzhen guard Fuling.He is also at ease.

Therefore, when the news reached Chengdu and reached him, Liu Zhang was almost stunned.

Losing Fuling is equivalent to losing half of Shu.

In the governor's mansion, in the study.After Liu Zhang received the news, he was stunned for a long time, then waved his hand palely, and ordered: "Call, Huang Quan, Zheng Du, and Wu Yi come to see Gu."

Liu Zhang knew that such a big event could not be concealed, but he also felt that if it could be delayed for a while, it was also a moment.The less people know the better, Huang Quan, Zheng Du, Wu Yi.

I can only discuss with the three of them.

Now that death is imminent, the Chu army is aggressive.

Liu Zhang didn't even have the mood to change clothes, so he waited for the three of them in the study.Not long after, Wu Yi, Huang Quan, and Zheng Du walked in.

"Your Majesty summoned the ministers and so on, but something important happened?" Zheng Du said when the three of them arrived.

"Fuling is broken, and Zhang Ren's life and death are unknown." Liu Zhang said weakly.

"How could this be?" Huang Quan lost his voice.

Zheng Du's face suddenly became very ugly, and Wu Yi's expression also changed, but it was a little strange, as if he had made some kind of determination.

"Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da defected to the enemy and treasoned the country, and opened the city gate." Liu Zhang said with a wry smile.

"Zhang Song has been highly valued by the emperors of two generations. He is the head of the officials of the Shu Kingdom. Now he is doing such an act. The wound is really hateful." Zheng Du was jealous, and his expression changed.

"Your Majesty, you should arrest Zhang Song's family as a warning to others." Immediately afterwards, Zheng Du even spoke up.

"Come here, arrest him immediately." An angry look appeared on Liu Zhang's face, but he had forgotten about it when he was absent-minded just now.At this moment, Zheng Du reminded, he immediately ordered.

"No." A guard outside the door promised, and led the soldiers to arrest Zhang Song's family.

Huang Quan wanted to talk, but he felt that doing so seemed a little too heartless.But I also thought that collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country has always been copied and executed.Now it only affects one family, not the whole family.

He is already very tolerant, and he can only hold back what he wants to persuade.

However, after a while.

The faces of the four people in the study all changed.

"Your Majesty, my subordinates led a team to arrest Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da's family, but found that the family of the three had already disappeared." The guard came in to report.

"It turns out that it was premeditated, really hateful." Liu Zhang's face changed.His face was flushed, and he was almost furious.

He thought it was a temporary idea, after all, Zhang Song's status is so high.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about this matter now, the danger is imminent, let's find a way and see how to resist Kou Feng." Huang Quan persuaded from the side.

"What Gongheng said is true. Stopping Kou Feng is the top priority now." Wu Yi nodded, and immediately said: "The last general is willing to lead [-] troops and go south to help General Yan Yan resist Kou Feng."

Today, the city of Chengdu is not without defense forces, and there are still [-] elite soldiers.Wu Yi sent [-] troops to the south, but there was nothing wrong with that.

But Liu Zhang hesitated for a while, because Fa Zheng and Meng Da's rebellion had already made Liu Zhang suspicious.Now that Fuling is lost, if Berkshire is lost again.

He really can only wait to perish.

"Now Yan Yan in front should be able to resist for a while, don't worry." After a while of hesitation, Liu Zhang finally said.

Wu Yi was disappointed for a while, but it wasn't Liu Zhang's hesitation and disappointment, but his disappointment at not being able to go south.He really wanted to support himself.

With the loss of Fuling, the land of Shu is tantamount to an open door.

Everyone knows that the land of Shu is over.It is not Wu Yi's character to die with him.

"Even if the general leads [-] troops, it's no good to go to Berkshire." Huang Quan shook his head and persuaded.

"Why?" Liu Zhang was taken aback and asked.

"In the past, Kou Feng could be driven out at any time, because Kou Feng didn't have a foothold in Shu. Now, with Fuling, a big city near the water, Kou Feng can directly transport troops by water. He can continue to Transfer Jiangdong, some troops from Jingchu come here. Even if there are no troops, they can be trained. After all, Chu has a large population and can compete for national strength. Under such circumstances, no matter how many troops General Yan Yan has, he will be exhausted one day Ah." Huang Quan said with a sigh.

Liu Zhang already had a guilty conscience, but now he couldn't help feeling even more panicked.

"Then what should I do?" Liu Zhang said, feeling guilty for a while.

"The top priority is to invite foreign soldiers as soon as possible to counterattack the Kou Feng." Zheng Du said next to him.

"Foreign soldiers?" Liu Zhang asked suspiciously.

"Nanban Menghuo. Hanzhong Zhang Lu." Zheng Du said slowly with determination in his eyes.

"But, these are all isolated foreign enemies." Liu Zhang was very surprised.

Needless to say, Hanzhong, the Nanman also plundered the south for years, and they were all Liu Zhang's headaches. Now they want to ask them for help?

"For Meng Huo and Zhang Lu, it is much better for us to separate the territory of Shu than Kou Feng. We can still let them survive, but with the strength of Chu, as long as he enters Shu, Meng Huo, Zhang Lu will definitely It didn't end well. This is the opportunity. I think even a barbarian like Meng Huo should realize it." Zheng Du said with a sigh.

This is the most helpless way, in fact, Zheng Du didn't want to.Especially inviting foreigners, the cost is very high.It may be an astronomical amount of food, gold and silver.

The reason why there are few people in the Nanman is because the food production is small.Giving food to the Nanman is tantamount to burdening the enemy country with endless troubles.

But Zheng Du, after calculation, still thinks it is better than subjugation.It is good to linger for a while.

Liu Zhang hesitated for a while at first, but soon became excited.Even if the southern barbarians are cheaper, it is better than subjugation.

"I'll leave this matter to my husband. Contact the Nanman people. As for Zhang Lu." After speaking, Liu Zhang pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "This person has been thinking about separatist control of Shu for a long time. As a last resort, I don't want to lure wolves into the house."

"No." Zheng Du promised and walked out immediately.

Immediately, after discussing with Huang Quan and Wu Yi for a while, Liu Zhang also dismissed Huang Quan and Wu Yi.If it can lead the southern barbarians into Shu, it will be able to resist Kou Feng for a while.

Even kill Kou Feng.

Liu Zhang naturally felt relieved.

Outside the Governor's Mansion, Wu Yi and Huang Quan walked out together.Not a few steps out.Wu Yi suddenly said, "Now that the Kingdom of Shu is in danger, I wonder if Gongheng can make a decision?"

Huang Quan was startled and looked up at Wu Yi.Wu Yi's expression was normal, but there was already a look of determination in his eyes.Huang Quan knew immediately that Wu Yi had a heart.

Can't help but feel dizzy.

The power of the Kingdom of Shu is composed of two parts, one is the local powerful forces in Yizhou, and the other is the Dongzhou scholars.And Wu Yi is a prestigious family among Dongzhou scholars.

Once he has two minds, it means that he has already gone halfway to the Kingdom of Shu.What's more, the relationship between Liu Zhang and some local powerful forces is not good.

Imminent death, really imminent death.

Huang Quan thought bitterly, the most hateful thing is that he can't expose Wu Yi.Because it is impossible for Liu Zhang to deal with Wu Yi at this time.

If Wu Yi is dealt with, it may lead to the early collapse of Shu.

This is also the reason why Wu Yi was so confident that he almost made it clear with Huang Quan.

People's hearts are floating, people's hearts are floating.Huang Quan groaned in his heart.

"Naturally, it is to protect the family and the country." Huang Quan forced a smile, said something, and left in a hurry.

"How could Liu Zhang let Gongheng do this?" Wu Yi sighed and asked in a low voice.

Huang Quan is the real essence of Shu.

The Fa needs Bole to discover it, and Huang Quan is a bright master.Very strategic.But it's a pity to follow a monarch who has no ambitions.

(To be continued)

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