The rear will of course receive news of the battle ahead. .

When the news of Kou Feng's attack on Fuling spread to the rear, the entire state of Chu was filled with joy.Even in the borderlands, Wancheng is the same.

As soon as Xu Shu got the news from the front, he immediately summoned Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Li Yan, Wen Pin, Sha Moke and others.

When everyone arrived, they saw Xu Shu's face was full of smiles.

Sha Moke couldn't help asking: "What makes the general so happy?" Although Xu Shu is not the kind of person who can keep his emotions and anger hidden, he is also a general who thinks he is very dignified, and rarely shows such a smile .

"The battle ahead is going well. With the help of Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da, Your Majesty has already conquered Fuling, and Ba County cannot survive alone. Shu is not far away." Xu Shu said with a smile.

"It's really a great happy event." Everyone was overjoyed and laughed.

"Since then, our state of Chu has spanned four states and has become the largest country in the world. Compared with Cao Wei, it is not far behind."

"It's really the right time in Chu."

Just when everyone was happy, Xu Shu said with a smile: "Your Majesty, there is good news, which is indeed exciting. But if we can defeat Cao Cao's spirit in the Central Plains, wouldn't it be even more icing on the cake?"

"The general plans to send troops?" Zhao Yun said with bright eyes.

The plan has been in place for a long time, to raid the grain road, earn Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry, and force Cao Cao to retreat to attack Ma Teng and Han Sui's army.

But the time never came.

Now, there is news that Ma Teng and Han Sui are still in the north of the Yellow River, confronting Cao Cao, and the two sides will win or lose.

"Our spies have figured out the law of Cao Jun's transportation volume and the route. It's about time." Xu Shu nodded with a smile.

"The last general requests to go out." Zhao Yun immediately bowed down.

This is a real cavalry duel since the establishment of the Chu cavalry.Now, with the substantial increase in the combat power of the cavalry of Chu State, Zhao Yun couldn't wait for this moment.

"Tomorrow, let's prepare for tonight." Xu Shu said with a smile.

"No." Seeing Xu Shu's affirmation, Zhao Yun responded with joy on his face.

"Seeing that General Zilong is galloping ahead, but I am waiting behind, the general is a bit biased." Although Sha Moke was also happy for Zhao Yun, he was a little unhappy because he had no chance to make contributions.

At the beginning, Shamoke had a brother on his head, so he had to hide his surname and deal with him.But after entering the state of Chu, no one would harm him.

His character has regained a bit of barbarian boldness.Very straightforward.

"If Zilong can wipe out Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry, it will be equivalent to destroying Cao Cao's food road. At that time, Cao Cao, who is majestic and prestige in the west, will not return to the army in shock and anger to fight with us? Some battles Hit it." Xu Shu said with a slight smile when he heard the words.

"It's still the same sentence, strengthen the fortifications. Wait for the storm." Li Yan next to him also laughed and joked.

"That's right. At that time, Cao Cao will definitely be allowed to drink his hatred under our Wancheng city." Shamoke thought it was very reasonable and smiled.


Everyone laughed, very happy.

Kou Feng in the front has already shown signs of victory, and they will win a big victory in the rear, which is really gratifying.

Soon, Zhao Yun was sent away by Xu Shu and forced to rest.Tomorrow will go out.

Although Zhao Yun left, the atmosphere in the hall was still very active.

"Although I am confident that I can stop Cao Cao's attack, after all, it may be that Cao Cao led more than [-] troops to attack, and the momentum is too strong. It should not be underestimated. Now Jingchu's soldiers and horses have been lost by the king. I want to write a letter One letter, to mobilize Lu Meng from Jiangdong, and Zhou Tai and the two to help out with [-] reinforcements. I don't know what you think?" Xu Shu said.

"Wancheng's important place must not be lost." Wenpin pondered for a moment, then said immediately.

"Of course." Li Yan also nodded.

Xu Shu was afraid that doing so would hurt the hearts of these arrogant soldiers.After all, it is a shame that they defend Wancheng and now need foreign aid.

But Wenpin and others obviously also put the overall situation first.Xu Shu was quite happy.

These people, Wenpin, Li Yan, Wei Yan, Sha Moke.They are all the essence of Chu State.

"Okay, I'm going to write a letter to Situ Jiang Gongyan, asking him to transfer troops. You all go down and prepare more." Xu Shu nodded and said.

"No." Everyone agreed in unison, and walked down very energetically.

"Cao Cao." Samoke said Cao Cao's name even more, very excited.It was the first time he had a chance to face Cao Cao.

This northern hero.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yun was wearing armor and swearing-in in the school grounds outside the city.For the first time, as a general in charge of the army, he went to the Central Plains and fought against the elite cavalry of the Central Plains.

On that day, Wancheng felt the shock of the cavalry.

Thirty thousand cavalry, like Lin Ruyu, are very imposing.

At the same time, an official document left Wancheng and arrived in Xiangyang.

Because Kou Feng, the king of Chu, personally led his troops to attack the land of Shu, Situ Jiang Wan is now in Xiangyang City as the important task of supervising the country.

Every five days, Situ Jiangwan would hold a court meeting in the hall of Duke Chu's mansion, concerned about the identity of the three princes.

However, this time, because of Xu Shu's dispatch of troops, an additional court meeting was held.

Today, in the hall of Duke Chu's mansion, the elites of Chu State were present one after another.

"The purpose of calling all my colleagues here today is that General Xu Shu of the Right Army Division will find a chance to destroy Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry with confidence. Your Majesty's consent has been obtained for this matter."

Sitting first on the left, Jiang Wan clasped his fists at the courtiers.

"Since Your Majesty has agreed, let Situ send troops and generals." Liu Ba said beside him.The status of Shang Shuling is currently second only to the existence of Sangong, and its status is slightly higher than that of Jiuqing.

Jiang Wan smiled slightly when he heard the words, of course it was reasonable for him to summon the group of ministers.If it is not discussed by the officials, the decision will be made privately.Although Jiang Wan is not afraid, he may also end up with the reputation of being an authority.

Some are not good.

"In this case, please order the Minister to mobilize Lu Meng, and Zhou Tai's [-] troops will enter Wancheng, and listen to the mobilization of General Xu Shu, the rear right army division. In addition, please also invite Zhang Fei, the rear general, to command [-] troops, and enter Fancheng. On the one hand, if the front If the situation is not right, we can support it immediately. On the other hand, if there is a change in the front, we can also defend the safety of Xiangyang." Jiang Wan ordered.


Liu Ba, Zhang Fei responded.

Following Jiang Wan's order, the entire Chu State was mobilized.

With Kou Feng's management during this period, the national power of Chu State has gradually become stronger.Now it is very easy to support the two-sided occupation.

Three gongs and nine ministers, each general, has its own responsibility.In the absence of Kou Feng, he can also dare to fight Cao Cao.

Very bold.

It really is full-fledged and a country of its own.

Xudu is guarded by Xun Yu and has [-] elite soldiers.Before Cao Cao sent troops, Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry were deployed to guard against Zhao Yun's cavalry.

Zhao Yun's cavalry has only been established for a few months, and it is commendable for Cao Cao to attach so much importance to it.

Therefore, although there is no natural danger between Xudu and Wancheng at present.But Xu Duo was very at ease.

It is also because of the large number of elite soldiers in Xudu that Cao Cao also put food in Xudu.Starting from the entire Xudu, provide the food needed for the war ahead.

There are 20 troops on the front line, and the daily food consumption is astronomical.Therefore, every three days there will be a soldier and horse, responsible for escorting a large amount of food to the front line.

It happens every three days, not even for a quarter of an hour.There are countless carts responsible for transporting food, while the number of troops is about one thousand.

In fact, it can be regarded as making it clear that they look down on Zhao Yun's cavalry, and these thousand soldiers are just for show.

After all, Xudu is so close, Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry are there.If the crappy cavalry under Zhao Yun's tent came, they would immediately be unable to eat and walk around.

And this time, every three days, the food was escorted.

Just as the sun was shining, Xu Du Ximen was opened.A group of soldiers and horses left the city, the flag was "high", followed by countless carts.

And a large number of civilian husbands.

This general surnamed Gao is called Kaohsiung.He is a Zhonglang general under Cao Cao's account.It has been a while since I have been in charge of transporting food, because the road ahead is far away.

Between Xudu and the front line, there is also a grain transfer station, which is set up in Hongnong.He just needs to escort the grain to Hongnong.Each time, about seven days away.

This kind of work, in the eyes of Kaohsiung, is very easy and very rewarding.

It is meritorious to guard the rear and escort food, and it does not need to go to the front line to work hard.

Because it was escorted several times in a row, it was very peaceful.Therefore, after leaving the city, the army did not immediately enter the state, but seemed lazy.

"General, this time, it may be the last time I will escort food with the general." The lieutenant next to him said dejectedly.

"Why? This is a good opportunity to gain credit? Just give up?" Kaohsiung said a little puzzled.

"My father is critically ill, I'm afraid he won't survive it." The lieutenant general replied.

In the Han Dynasty, filial piety was used to rule the world. Unless there were special circumstances when the father died of illness, filial piety must be observed.Not keeping filial piety is not filial piety, and this is the end of official career.

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about my father's critical illness." Kaohsiung sighed and said sympathetically.

Escorting food and grass is meritorious. If the battle ahead goes well, they can be promoted to a higher level no matter what.Now the lieutenant has no chance.

The lieutenant was even more dejected.

Although this group of people were lax in guard, they walked not slowly.

A day later, we arrived near Hulao Pass.

The second day, just set off.

Seeing the ground vibrated, it seemed that a large number of cavalry were coming.

"What's going on?" Kaohsiung's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted.

"Could it be Zhao Yun's cavalry?" The lieutenant asked with an even more gloomy expression.

Both the chief general and the deputy generals have become like this, not to mention the soldiers under their tents.Almost a mess.Everyone knows the fate of encountering large-scale cavalry on flat ground.

It's a trivial matter to lose your life.If the food is robbed, it will lead to a big defeat ahead.Their whole family may be implicated.

In such a situation, everyone would be ashamed.

(To be continued)

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