"Could it be Zhao Yun's cavalry?"

The words of the lieutenant general made Gao Xiong's complexion even paler.

However, Kaohsiung still has words of comfort in his heart.

"I heard that Zhao Yun originally had [-] cavalry, but they lost a lot during the Northern Expedition to Xudu. Now the [-] cavalry are just newly recruited, only a few months old. General Zhu Ling has [-] cavalry near Xudu. Cavalry, he should not show up." Gao Xiong comforted the lieutenant general.

But these words, to comfort the lieutenant, might as well comfort himself.

The lieutenant general didn't want to die, and he didn't even want to die.

But as the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the despair.

As the vibration of the ground continued to intensify, a cavalry appeared in front of them.

A large flag with the word "Chu" symbolizing the name of the state of Chu, this is the equipment that every reading force commanding army needs to be equipped with.The second is the flag with the word "Zhao".

No matter which flag it is, Kaohsiung and other Cao soldiers are frightened.

Not to mention, the momentum brought out by this cavalry composed of [-] soldiers, one man and two horses, and [-] horses.

That kind of majestic atmosphere that opens when you encounter mountains, and passes when you encounter deserts, comes from the sky.

"Let's go." After Kaohsiung's expression changed drastically, he immediately turned his horse's head and ran away first.They are only a thousand soldiers, and it is completely impossible to fight against [-] cavalry.

Food and grass will definitely be lost, and if it stays, it will immediately lose its life.

Gao Xiong was the first to escape, and immediately made the lieutenants around him and dozens of cavalry turn their horses around and fled to the north.

The rest of the soldiers looked at each other one after another, immediately put down their weapons, and one after another, they all lay down beside the grain and grass carts with the coachmen, not daring to move rashly.

"General, the thief general has escaped." A deputy general beside Zhao Yun shouted.

"Choose 100 people and follow me to hunt down the generals. Then burn the food, and disperse the coachman and Wei soldiers." Zhao Yun also yelled in response.

The galloping horse was very fast, and Zhao Yun and others who were sitting on the horse's back could only feel the wind whistling in their ears, and when they spoke, a large amount of air was poured in immediately.

It's not easy.

If there is a chance, Zhao Yun still hopes to transport this batch of grain, soldiers, coachmen, carts, etc. back to Chu State, but it is obviously impossible at present.

Therefore, it can only be burned.

"Promise." The deputy general promised, immediately took Zhao Yun's place, and began to restrain the soldiers.On the other hand, Zhao Yun rode a thousand-mile horse under his crotch, led more than a hundred cavalry, and chased Kaohsiung to the north.

Kaohsiung led dozens of cavalry to flee to the north. Although the sound of the large-scale cavalry gradually receding behind, a small group of cavalry pursued them.

Can't help the souls of the dead, turned around, and saw the general flag with the word "Zhao" fluttering in the wind under the control of a flag bearer.There is a silver armored general next to him.

Suddenly, his face turned ashen.

At this time, Zhao Yun did not have much prestige.However, the five great generals who were sealed by Kou Feng are famous all over the world.Among them, Huang Zhong, Gan Ning, Zhang Fei, and Tai Shici are all famous figures.

Zhao Yun, who was juxtaposed with them, naturally no one would underestimate him.

Now Zhao Yun is behind, and there are more than a hundred cavalry.It's really a dead end.

"General." The deputy general also saw it, and couldn't help turning around and uttering a desperate roar at Kaohsiung.

"Kill." The chase has been going on for a while, Zhao Yun not only has no intention of giving up, but is getting closer and closer.Kaohsiung raised his courage, let out a loud roar, patted his horse back, and rushed towards Zhao Yun.

After hesitating for a moment, the accompanying lieutenants and soldiers immediately turned around and rushed towards Zhao Yun.

"Haha, you're not a coward." Seeing this, Zhao Yun gave a long laugh, put his feet between the horse's belly, stepped on the stirrups, crouched down, and stretched out his spear.

to be frank.

The existence of this stirrup allows novices to get started quickly.However, it was also very helpful to veterans like Zhao Yun, which boosted their ability to fight.

"Pu Chi." Only once, this little general named Kaohsiung, was stabbed and fell off by Zhao Yun, and died without even groaning.

"General." The lieutenant general's ghosts were terrified, but the escaped people were immediately killed by Zhao Yun's cavalry who swarmed up.

"Cut off the head and go back to receive the reward, it's yours." Zhao Yun laughed.The head of the leading general is somewhat credited, but it is of little use to Zhao Yun.

"Thank you, General." The soldiers were overjoyed, and immediately rushed forward and cut off the head.Then, together with Zhao Yun, they returned to the place just now.

At this moment, the soldiers and coachmen who escorted the food had all scattered and fled.The weapons, even the leather armor pulled from Cao Jun's body, were put away by the soldiers and pinned to some horses.

Ready to tow.

The carts that escorted the food were set on fire.

There are fiery snakes and gray smoke.

Zhao Yun looked at the flaming grain trucks and knew that this was enough to shake the entire Central Plains.Cao Cao was fighting in the west, and the Chu army invaded.

It is enough to shake the Cao Wei regime.

But this is not enough, Zhao Yun's purpose is for Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry.

"Let's go. Let's attack the city, burn food, and burn the warehouse." A moment later, Zhao Yun raised his spear and shouted.

"Promise." The [-] cavalry all agreed, and under the leadership of Zhao Yun, they galloped across the Central Plains.Cao Jun's camps and some low cities were burned everywhere.

Because of the sparse population in the north, the war is ordinary.In addition to some regular troops, there are also a large number of field soldiers.They are the foundation of the entire Cao Wei.

Now, Zhao Yun's cavalry invaded, burned those camps, and scattered the soldiers in the fields.Absolutely lethal.

The news quickly spread throughout the Central Plains like being tied to a pigeon.The first to bear the brunt is Xudu, which is very close to Hulao Pass.

In the past, Xu Jie existed as the political center of the north, so it prospered.But today's Xudu, with the establishment of Cao Wei, Yecheng became the capital of Cao Wei.

It is no longer a political center.Some of Cao Cao's former generals and civil servants migrated their families, and their clansmen entered Yecheng.Further mobilized the prosperity of Xudu.

Today's Xudu is like an ordinary big city.Except for the tall city walls, [-] elite soldiers, and some officials under the command of Xun Yu, there is basically no momentum of the capital of Han Dynasty.

However, when the news that Kou Feng's cavalry burned Cao's grain and large-scale invasion to destroy the northern farming measures, it still caused a huge shock in Xudu.

Immediately, Xun Yu summoned some important ministers in Xudu to discuss how to deal with it.

The advantage of the Central Plains is that there are many gentry, it is the center of the world, and it has high value.But the disadvantage is that it is surrounded by enemies, and there is no danger inside to defend.

Once a large-scale cavalry invades, it will cause great damage.

In addition, Cao Cao is also currently on the west expedition. If the food in the back road is cut off and the Cao army is defeated, it will be a huge loss.

"What's going on, isn't Zhao Yun's cavalry just forming an army? We probably have [-] cavalry guarded by General Zhu Ling. How could he have the guts to send Zhao Yun's cavalry here? Aren't you afraid of being destroyed?"

"Yes, you must know that our northern warhorses can be continuously produced, while the southern region is fighting less and less. After losing these [-] cavalry, it will be difficult for Kou Feng to train cavalry again. If there is no cavalry, how can he Compete with us in the north? It's really puzzling."

"Don't spurn Kou Feng, he is currently trapped in Chu and cannot extricate himself. I heard that Situ Jiangwan from Chu State is guarding Xiangyang. Maybe he is confused."

The ministers who came to Xun Yu's mansion to discuss together talked a lot, and there was a lot of disdain in their words.

The south is good at water, and the north is good at horses.

It is useless for southerners to compete with northerners for cavalry.

Soon, everyone entered the hall.But at this moment, Xun Yu was already sitting in the hall. He was dressed in formal clothes with a dignified expression.In addition to Xun Yu, there are also some ministers and generals who arrived early.

And the most eye-catching Zhu Ling.

Zhao Yun's cavalry entered the north, just like Cao Wei's provocative cavalry combat effectiveness.But now the only cavalry in Xudu is Zhu Ling.

The ministers were discussing again just now.His eyes naturally looked at Zhu Ling more or less.

But Zhu Ling's face was very calm, and there was no sign of happiness or anger.

The ministers all sighed in their hearts. General Zhu was really calm, and he was nothing compared to Zhao Yun.

When the ministers were almost here, Xun Yu straightened his expression and said, "Zhao Yun led [-] cavalry to plunder our grain roads. He also destroyed a large number of our camps, broke down some county towns, burned government treasuries, and grain. Take them away." The gold, silver, and weapons that can be taken away. You should also know this news."

As he said that, Xun Yu glanced at the people in the hall, and said, "Now that the Prime Minister is no longer here, we should discuss a solution. I don't know if my colleagues have a good plan?"

"Shang Shuling is really too cautious. When bandits invade, they will naturally kill them head-on. So that the Chu people can taste the power of our northern cavalry. What do you mean by being good at fighting in the north and good at water in the south? It is best for them to stay in the south for the rest of their lives. , relying on the Yangtze River water system to survive." A minister laughed when he heard this.

Not just one person, but some people agree.

"Master Zhu is right, let the people of Chu country widen their eyes and see, hahahaha."

"Extremely, extremely."

Some ministers let out hearty laughter.With Zhu Ling around, they are full of confidence.Chu people are on the cavalry, so it's a ball.

Xun Yu first looked at the other ministers calmly, and found that no one objected.So he pushed the boat with the current, turned his head to look at Zhu Ling and said, "Now there is news that Zhao Yun is leading troops to rob and burn the Zhongmou area. Let's go to Wenbo."

Zhu Ling, who always had a calm and natural expression, showed a look of desperation, bowed to Xun Yu and said, "Don't worry, Shang Shuling, I will go back when I go down."

The words seem arrogant, but they carry the strong self-confidence of the northerners.

"Okay, I wish General Zhu the victory and destroy Zhao Yun. There will be no more cavalry in Chu."

"The general is really proud."

The ministers all praised.

(To be continued)

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