All the ministers wished Zhu Ling the victory, but Zhu Ling's expression remained unchanged.Of course, Zhu Ling also looked down on the southern cavalry.

Therefore, there is no change.

Because in Zhu Ling's view, defeating the newly established cavalry of Chu State was nothing at all.

He also thought like most people, thinking that it was really stupid for Zhao Yun to drag the newly established cavalry to the north.If [-] cavalry are matched with [-] infantry, it's okay.

But all cavalry, hum.Really underestimated their northern cavalry.

See the hall, the atmosphere is relaxed.

Xun Yu's serious face also showed a little smile.Of course, Xun Yu was not optimistic about Zhao Yun. When Cao Cao left Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry to defend Zhao Yun.

Xun Yu also felt that it was too wasteful.After all, dealing with Ma Teng and Han Sui requires a large number of cavalry. Although the tiger and leopard cavalry are indeed elite, there are only 5 cavalry after all.

Including ordinary cavalry, only 11 are cavalry.Ma Teng and Han Sui may have nearly 20 cavalry.Bringing more cavalry can increase the chances of winning.

Even if they stayed to defend Zhao Yun, a maximum of [-] would be enough.From Xun Yu's point of view, Zhao Yun's new cavalry may have less than [-] fighting strength.

Now, Zhu Ling just happened to get rid of Zhao Yun and the [-] cavalry.On the one hand, beheading one of the five top generals before and after killing Kou Feng can greatly boost morale.

On the other hand, defeating Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry is tantamount to destroying Kou Feng's cavalry seedlings.If Kou Feng has always been in the south, there will be no decent cavalry in the next few years, or even ten years.

In this way, they also have a lot of peace of mind.

Finally, after the early settlement of this cavalry, Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry can be freed to support Cao Cao in the west, concentrate the cavalry to deal with Ma Teng, and Han Sui.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Although Zhao Yun's cavalry caused a lot of damage, in Xun Yu's heart, he thought it was a good time.It's really fat meat delivered to your door.

"Go, general, go and come back quickly." Xun Yu nodded, and then said in a deep tone.

"No." Of course Zhu Ling understood that this was to let him go and return quickly, so that he could march to the west and deal with Ma Teng and Han Sui as soon as possible.With a promise, Zhu Ling also said goodbye and left immediately.

Not long after, Zhu Ling led [-] cavalry stationed outside the city, a total of [-] to [-] horses, and headed towards Zhongmou aggressively.

Xun Yu didn't go out to see them off, but quietly felt the shock brought by the large-scale cavalry in the mansion.If that feeling is the enemy's cavalry, it will be frightening.If it is one's own cavalry, it will boost confidence.

"It should be possible to defeat Zhao Yun in one battle. Even if it cannot be resolved, most of Zhao Yun's cavalry can be defeated." Xun Yu thought to himself.

At this moment, Zhao Yun, who was considered as vulnerable as tofu by Xun Yu, Zhu Ling and other Cao Wei ministers and generals.It is true that he led the cavalry and caused disaster in the area of ​​Zhongmou.

Zhongmu is neither far nor close to Xu, and the cavalry can reach it in about a day.

Zhao Yun had already burned a lot of good things in the north, and the reason for stationing troops nearby was, of course, to lure Zhu Ling's cavalry to attack.Not only did he set up spies near Xudu, but he also had spies along the road.

As soon as Zhu Ling's army came out, he would be able to know it immediately and attack it head-on.Bully Zhu Ling with an army of [-].

Because according to Zhao Yun's estimate, his cavalry may not be better than Zhu Ling in terms of quality, the only strength is that they can bend bows and shoot on horseback.

If the number of people is equal, it must kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.But now he has 3 people, just enough to bully Zhu Ling.

At this moment, Zhongmu City has already been broken by Zhao Yun.The original county magistrate was dragged out by Zhao Yun and beheaded because of his resolute resistance.Zhao Yun was too lazy to set up a county magistrate.

After stationing the army inside and outside the city, he rested in the city and waited for news.

Martial law is imposed in the city, and people are not allowed to leave their homes.

Therefore, at the moment Zhongmu looked very deserted.And Zhao Yun himself was looking at the map in the study of the original county magistrate's mansion.

Zhao Yun has been a general for decades, from Gongsun Zan to Liu Bei, and Kou Feng now.The experience of leading the army is very rich.

But as a single army, as a commander, marched into the Central Plains.But it was the first time.

This feeling makes Zhao Yun feel exciting, but also feels a great responsibility.I don't know that Zhao Yun himself has the qualifications to be a leading general with reading ability, and it is the first time to lead an army. Zhao Yun's mind is very flexible.

In addition, Zhao Yun is a bold and stubborn person.I think in history, under the watchful eyes of Cao Jun's hundreds of thousands of troops, he was able to rescue Adou, the empress of the Shu Kingdom.

It's not enough to be bold, it must be one-sided.

In addition, Zhao Yun also used dozens of cavalry to block Cao Jun's attack.

He is a very daring person.

He stared at the map firmly, his eyes burst into a very bright light, but he had a little unexpected plan.

Originally, according to Xu Shu's order, Zhao Yun only needed to rob Cao Cao's food, kill Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry, and return to Wancheng with countless captured war horses.

Just a big win.The meritorious deeds can increase Zhao Yun's fiefdom by five hundred households.

Zhao Yun's title is currently Tinghou among the Liehou, and there are only [-] households in the fiefdom.After such a war, it is equal to and far surpassed Zhao Yun's previous achievements.

It can be seen how great the credit is.

But at this moment, Zhao Yun's greed is not enough.

Zhao Yun, who is eager to make contributions and bring a hearty victory to Chu State, is very active in thinking and very, very courageous.

He is going to do a big thing, big enough to make Cao Cao's intestines hurt.For Chu State, it is also a very, very big thing.

Big enough to be used for countless years.

But this matter, people without courage, absolutely can't do it.

"General, Xu has news. Zhu Ling went out of the city in person, led a large number of cavalry, and began to march towards Zhongmou. At this moment, it must be very close."

A deputy general came to report outside the door.

Zhao Yun's spies were also cavalry, and Zhu Ling's army was also cavalry.After Zhu Ling's army left the city, although the spies were able to find out the news a little earlier, they also had a personal advantage. They came back to Zhongmu to report earlier than Zhu Ling's army.

But the advantage is not great.According to estimates, Zhu Ling's army should be dozens or even twenty or thirty miles away at this moment.

Very close.

In fact, to guard against cavalry, the effect of beacon towers is the best.But this is Cao Cao's territory, so Zhao Yun naturally won't have any beacon towers.

"Mobilize the army immediately, let's go up." Zhao Yun said with a flash of his eyes.

"No ambush?" The lieutenant asked in surprise.

"The Central Plains is a plain, where cavalry roam freely. In the Central Plains, it is difficult to find a place to ambush cavalry, even if there is barely any. It only weakens the advantage of our cavalry. Remember, this time we are going to use numbers, and the rush The two armies face off, and the brave wins. We can deal with them, so be confident." Zhao Yun said in a deep voice.

"Promise." After being taught by Zhao Yun for a while, the deputy general agreed.

Immediately, he was ordered to go out and mobilize the army.

After Zhao Yun stood for a while, he suddenly ordered to the person outside the door: "Come here, hold the lamp."

"No." Shortly after the promise was made, a guard walked in holding a lamp.Zhao Yun tore off the map himself and burned it.

At the same time, a point marked by Zhao Yun on the map was also burned.his goal.

Immediately, Zhao Yun put on his helmet, picked up his spear, and walked out of the study.He got on his war horse, led a group of fierce personal soldiers, rushed out of Zhongmou City, and had a round with the [-] cavalry outside the city.

Among the [-] cavalry, more than [-] were recruits. Although they were very quick at riding because of the stirrups, they lacked the temperament of iron and blood after all.

But after so many days of attacking the county seat and burning down the farmland.

Although these are small battles, small wars.But little by little, he has accumulated some temperament of that kind of veteran soldier.It looks very capable.

Zhao Yun was very satisfied with this, and rode his horse to the front and back of the cavalry.

Zhao Yun raised his spear and pointed it towards the sky.Loudly said: "When I came out, I was ordered to do a big fight. But these days, we are just playing small things. Next, there will be a real big battle. If we win, we can let Chu [** *] My heart is greatly shaken. Going out for Duke Chu, throwing my head and spilling blood. How are you waiting?"

"I would like to be your minion." The cavalry couldn't help but roared with enthusiasm.

This group of cavalry are all the elites of the state of Chu, and they actively serve the children of good families who were entrusted by the Duke of Chu.The reason for going out is to love Kou Feng.Willing to be minions.

Minion is not a derogatory term.On the contrary, it is a very high evaluation.

Just like in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Chen Shou is in the biographies of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, and Zhao Yun.Commenting on Guan Yu, Zhang Fei are all national scholars, while Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun are minions.

Some people think it is a derogatory term, but it is actually a very high evaluation.

Because I don't know how many people are willing to be the king's minions, eagle dogs.Help the king overcome disasters and pacify the world.If it is a metaphor, then the king is the hunter, and the minions and hawks are the accompanying hunting dogs.

Loyal and very capable.

This is the minion of the country.

"Hahaha, it really is my Chu warrior." Zhao Yun laughed heartily with a joyful expression.The laughter is very hearty and bold.

Not long after, Zhao Yun stopped laughing, retracted the spear in his hand, and put it across his back.He shouted: "Kill the enemy for Duke Chu, go out."

Following an order, Zhao Yun clamped his horse's belly and rushed towards the east first.

"Kill." The [-] cavalry roared one after another, riding their horses, following Zhao Yun's footsteps, and charged towards the oncoming Zhu Ling army.

There is an army in the south, so why be afraid of the iron cavalry in the north?

The iron cavalry of Chu State can also be powerful, and the horses step on the Central Plains.

(To be continued)

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