When Zhao Yun led his troops out.

Zhu Ling, as the lieutenant general analyzed, had already killed only forty miles away from Zhongmu.

Compared with Zhao Yun's cavalry, Zhu Ling's cavalry was much stronger in terms of momentum.After all, Zhao Yun's cavalry was mostly a trick, but Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry followed Cao Cao to pacify the north, and even participated in the battle against Gongsun Kang's cavalry.

That strong smell of iron and blood was something that even Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry could not catch up with.

This is why Zhu Ling is confident.

Like Zhao Yun, the [-] cavalry walked very fast.It indicates Zhu Ling's determination to eliminate Zhao Yun as soon as possible so that he can go to the west to support Cao Cao.

At the forefront of the cavalry, Zhu Ling was dressed in golden armor, a golden helmet on his head, and a long knife in his hand. His eyes were sharp and he looked like a general.

There are also two flags next to it.

One side is "Cao" and the other side is "Zhu".

After continuing on for a while, Zhu Ling asked the lieutenant general, "How far is it to Zhongmu?"

"There are still about 35 miles." The lieutenant replied.

"45 miles." Zhu Ling's mood became a little excited. As a general in command, even a person with a calm personality would be a little excited when he was about to go into battle.

Of course Zhu Ling is no exception.

"Thirty thousand troops, I want this merit." Zhu Ling looked forward steadily, very sharply.

On the other side, Zhao Yun also commanded [-] cavalrymen, charged out from Mou, and came straight to Zhu Ling in a menacing manner.

Soon, both sides felt it.

"General, the abnormal vibration on the ground may be Zhao Yun coming to kill him." The lieutenant next to him was surprised and shouted very excitedly.

The excitement is not without reason, they are very confident in the cavalry.But if Zhao Yun put aside the advantage of the cavalry and defended the city, it would take a little time for them to break through Zhongmou.

But now Zhao Yun went out of the city to fight, and he should be able to defeat him in one battle.

"Good thing. Let's speed up and defeat Zhao Yun in one fell swoop." Zhu Ling said with a big smile, also very satisfied.

As for, Zhao Yun's cavalry is a weak brigade that has been built for less than a year. Why do they have the courage to go out of the city to fight.This is out of Zhu Ling's consideration.

He only knows that once the two armies meet, his army will surely be able to win the battle.

Following Zhu Ling's order, Cao Jun's cavalry slowly shrank, forming a charge formation.This is the characteristic of the Central Plains cavalry.

Prairie cavalry, because of their superb riding skills, all walk with bows and arrows on their backs.After dispersing, they first shoot and kill with running shots, and then fight with the enemy, which is very lethal.

But the cavalry in the Central Plains are not good at riding.In the wild running, there are not no people who bend their bows and shoot arrows.In Zhu Ling's army, there are also 3000 people like that.

But it is a minority after all.It is impossible to conduct a large-scale scattered charge like the grassland.

Therefore, their destructive power is to form an army formation, concentrate their destructive power, and carry out powerful destruction.

Don't mention the tiger and leopard cavalry, anyway, Zhu Ling's cavalry can only do so.

As the army slowly shrinks, the formation takes shape.An extremely sturdy aura of iron and blood also slowly gathered, just like a king coming to his own territory, with an overwhelming momentum.

This is the cavalry of the Central Plains, and this war is also going on in the hinterland of the Central Plains, which can be said to be their territory.Very confident and imposing.

In front of Zhu Ling's army, about ten miles away.

Zhao Yun also began to order.

"Spread out, take off the bow and arrow, and be ready to shoot at any time."

With Zhao Yun's roar, the dense cavalry formation immediately became looser, very similar to the formation of the prairie people when they charged.

This is the capital of Zhao Yun's cavalry.

With the help of stirrups, even the low-handed among them can bend their bows and shoot arrows on horseback and run.

If you can run and shoot, you can kill a large number of enemy troops, and you can achieve the effect of taking the lead.In the confrontation of cavalry, very good results can be achieved.

This is the method of the prairie people.

Although it is said that the Han people also have the pride of the Han people.For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty used his strong national power, tens of millions of people at the grassroots level, countless grain reserves, etc., to create a large-scale cavalry and enter the desert.Destroyed the survival of the Huns.

This is the pride of the Han people.During this process, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing and others used the military art of the Han people to be extremely brave.The Huns were suppressed and their tribes were wiped out one after another, making the powerful Huns weak all of a sudden.By the end of the Han Dynasty, the Huns were already weak.

But it is undeniable that grassland talents are the kings of cavalry, and their galloping has inherent advantages.In confrontation, it is very powerful.

Naturally, Zhao Yun had this innate advantage against Zhu Ling.

Soon, the [-] cavalry behind Zhao Yun slowly spread out, presenting a loose formation that seemed harmless but powerful.

The bow on his back was removed and placed in his hand.It can be taken out at any time, and the bow can be bent to shoot.

Slowly, the armies of both sides appeared under the eyes of their respective enemies.

Zhao Yun was not surprised when he saw Zhu Ling's dense formation.Because this is a common method used by the Central Plains cavalry.Unless there are such elite cavalry as Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Xiliang Iron Cavalry, White Horse Army and so on.

Otherwise, the general cavalry formation is like Zhu Ling, a very dense charge formation.

But when Zhu Ling saw Zhao Yun's cavalry, he was taken aback.With such a formation, is Zhao Zilong extremely arrogant, or died early?

In Zhu Ling's view, a cavalry that has only been newly built for several months should use such a loose formation to face the enemy, it would simply die prematurely.It's also cheaper for them.

In Zhu Ling's view, defeating Zhao Yun was no longer a problem.And the loss will be minimized, so that the soldiers can be freed up to support Cao Cao.

"Kill them and let the Chu cavalry know the consequences of belittling our northern cavalry." Zhu Ling shouted vigorously.

Provocative, in the hearts of Zhu Ling and the [-] cavalry, Zhao Yun's formation against them is really arrogant.

Zhu Ling was also trying his best to play up the anger of the cavalry under the tent.Intended to maximize combat power.

"Kill." The northern cavalry also had the pride of the northern cavalry. Under Zhu Ling's roar, the hearts of everyone's pride overflowed, and with a loud roar, they rushed over.

I vow to destroy this group of Chu cavalry.

The morale of the army is available, and the soldiers are all first-class soldiers.There is no suspense in this battle.

Zhu Ling heard it in his ears, felt it with his body, smiled very satisfied, and thought to himself.

But right here, Zhao Yun also issued an order.


There were only two words, but it exploded in this area like thunder.Even in the frantic hooves of the horses, it can be faintly heard far away.

Zhu Ling also vaguely heard it, but he dismissed it with a smile.

I thought I had heard it wrong, and the cavalry, which had only been established for a few months, actually wanted to use the tactic of galloping and shooting.That was such a joke.

Tiger and leopard cavalry have been in the army for more than ten years, and they have this ability.If Zhao Yun's cavalry really knows how to do it, then how embarrassing it is for the tiger and leopard cavalry.

But what happened next left Zhu Ling in a daze, then shocked, until his complexion changed wildly, almost turning pale.

"How is it possible, are these really just cavalry who have been in the army for several months?" Zhu Ling roared, his pupils dilated, full of fear.There is no longer the previous calmness.

When talking to Xun Yu, he must return to that confidence early.

Everything flew to the sky.

Because following Zhao Yun's order, his cavalry began to let go of the reins with both hands, hold the bow in one hand, and draw the arrows in the quiver on their backs with the other hand.

Very skillful with bow and horse.

Even when you are running wildly, you can keep your body shape.Not letting the body fall on the horse became a tragedy.

This is a movement that only a cavalryman with extremely superb riding skills can make.But it just happened to Zhao Yun, a cavalry soldier who had been established for only a few months.

How can this keep Zhu Ling from being in a daze?

Thinking about facing such cavalry, there are still [-].And they are only [-].How can this keep Zhu Ling from turning pale?Thus forgetting the self-confidence of the past?

Like Zhu Ling, his lieutenants and cavalrymen were also very afraid.As a cavalryman, you will truly understand what it means to free up your hands and bow and shoot arrows in that kind of telling.

That was the pinnacle of riding.It represents the real display of cavalry combat effectiveness.It means that they have almost no chance of winning.

Today is destined to be a tragic day for Zhu Ling. After hearing the news, Cao Cao felt extremely painful.

A day that shook the whole North.

Zhao Yun played against Zhu Ling.[-] against [-], but a brilliant world was created.

Without Zhao Yun's further order, the cavalry bowed their bows and set their arrows, and fired their arrows skillfully.

"Swish, swish, swish." Countless arrows flew out, as the old saying goes, ten thousand arrows are fired together.This is the effect that this moment has.The overwhelming arrows had already made Zhu Ling's cavalry tremble with fear.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

Tens of thousands of arrows were fired at once, and the cavalry under Zhu Ling's command was very densely on the run.

When this wave of arrows came down, almost thousands of people howled miserably, then fell off the horses, and were trampled into flesh by the uncontrollable horses.

Once falling off the horse, there can only be one scream, and there is no possibility of a second one, which is very miserable.

"Kill." Of course, in the state of rushing, you can only shoot for one round, because the cavalry on both sides are already close.After Zhao Yun yelled to kill, he stabbed out his spear and began to fight hand to hand.

The [-] iron cavalry behind him also put their bows back around their necks one after another, drew out the Chu knife from their waist, and charged at Zhu Ling's iron cavalry.

For Zhu Ling, the fight was very bloody.But for the cavalry of the Chu army, a war with few enemies and a very dominant position appeared.

The round of arrows just now made the dense formation of Zhu Ling's cavalry loose.This is conducive to Zhao Yun's cavalry attack.

Countless cavalry rushed into Zhu Ling's formation one after another, and started an unfair contest with the sharpness of Chu Dao and the advantages of their own stirrups.

(To be continued)

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