Zhao Yun's goal is actually very simple.

That is the horse farm that Cao Wei set up next to Xudu.

Gongsun Kang of Liaodong, Ma Teng of Xiliang, and Han Sui are all in the frontier, and they can take Xiliang as much as possible, and Liaodong war horses are used for a few purposes.Although Cao Cao also has the best war horses in Bingzhou as production and supply to the entire north.

But after all, not much can be produced.

Moreover, in a war, the losses of war horses will be a lot.If Zhao Yun generally has a horseshoe, the loss will be minimized.But those war horses without horseshoes will have their hooves injured during long-distance raids, and the losses will be huge, sometimes even greater than a fight.

Countless horses are lost in every war.

Naturally, it is not enough to rely on external purchases, and a large-scale horse breeding is also required.

Cao Cao has three racecourses, one of which is set up in Youzhou, one of them is set up in Bingzhou, and the other one is set up near Xudu.

The number of war horses in each racecourse is very large, and there are more than [-] adult war horses.Not to mention some foals, and some mares.

Youzhou and Bingzhou are both in the great north and the rear, so they are naturally very safe.And in Xudu City, there are [-] elite soldiers, and it is very safe to set up the racecourse near Xudu.

According to Zhao Yun's understanding, not counting Xudu's elite soldiers, there are about [-] elite infantry guarding the horse farm, and the defense force is also very objective.

Therefore, people in the whole north never thought that Zhao Yun would visit him.

The goal is to cut Cao Cao's flesh and rob more than [-] war horses, which will be used as Chu State's war horse reserve.

Although the bloody battle with Zhu Ling caused Zhao Yun's cavalry to lose about thousands of people, and even more were injured.There is no way to kill one thousand enemies and damage yourself by eight hundred.

However, Zhao Yun is still full of confidence in breaking through the five thousand elite soldiers, bypassing Xudu, and attacking the racecourse.This time, we must use Cao Cao's war horse to strengthen Chu.

Nearly [-] war horses were roaring, heading towards Xudu. The leader, Zhao Yun, had sharp eyes and was a little excited.

As long as the more than [-] war horses are obtained, Chu's cavalry can be built on a large scale.With the current national strength, population, and cavalry skills of Chu State, it is enough to catch up with Cao Wei within a few years.

At that time, fighting for the Central Plains will be like walking on the ground.

The area where Zhao Yun and Zhu Ling fought was originally near the main road.Although when they were fighting, passers-by and businessmen were afraid to avoid them.

But after Zhao Yun led his troops to leave, some courageous people stepped forward to check.

The bloody scene really shocked many people.

"Look, that's Cao Junshuai's flag."

Passers-by pointed at the "Wei" handsome flag that had fallen to the ground.

"This is the flag of General Zhu."

"I see. These must be Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry. I didn't expect to be wiped out here. Zhao Yun's cavalry is really terrifying."

Immediately afterwards, someone discovered Zhu Ling's body and the general's flag.

They were all horrified.

Chu's cavalry actually wiped out Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry.This, this, is it true that the cavalry of Chu State is already strong enough to compete with the northern cavalry?

Passers-by speculated one after another, and at the same time, the news spread like wings.Along with it, there is also Zhao Yun's great reputation, which is almost the reputation of the elite cavalry of Chu State.

Famous all over the world.

When Zhao Yun wiped out Zhu Ling's cavalry and marched into Xudu, he planned to set up Cao Cao in the racecourse outside Xudu under the eyes of Xudu's [-] elites to wipe out all the more than [-] war horses.

In Xudu, it was calm.

Before Zhu Ling set off, the ministers were very confident that Zhu Ling could go and return quickly, and wiped out Zhao Yun who invaded the north.At this time, Zhu Ling had already set off for a long time.

Many people also speculated that Zhu Ling had obtained Zhao Yun's head and was on his way back.Everyone was very confident. No one would have thought that Zhu Ling would fail to kill Zhao Yun, but instead be killed by Zhao Yun.

No one restrained the bones, and they fed the vultures.

At this moment, in the study room of Xun Yu's official residence, Shang Shuling, Xun Yu was kneeling and sitting at the head.

He wears formal clothes and a crown on his head.With a smile on his face, he is very elegant.An official stood below.It is an official responsible for rewarding the three armed forces.

"My lord, do you think it will be enough to reward General Zhu Ling when he returns?" the official asked Xun Yu with a smile.

Hearing this, Xun Yu looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, which listed the things that need to be rewarded.Including gold and silver, money and food, and some meat such as pigs and sheep.

In addition, there should be some rewards.However, Zhu Ling is a general of Wei, and he received the seal of Cao Wei.Therefore, this matter needs to be reported to Ye City.to make a decision.

In general, Xun Yu and the others already had the chance to win Zhu Ling's defeat of Zhao Yun, and everything was prepared. As soon as the news came, they would reward the three armies and seal the soldiers.

And this list of rewards also made Xun Yu very satisfied, he couldn't help but nodded, and said, "That's right, let's prepare according to this. Go quickly."

"No." Seeing that Xun Yu agreed, a deeper smile appeared on the official's face, and he respectfully agreed, and walked down.Prepare to mobilize the corresponding materials and reward them.

After the official left.

Xun You stood up, feeling very relaxed.Over the years, the state of Chu has grown from strength to strength.The pressure on the North is too great.

Together with the cavalry, Kou Feng formed [-] cavalry.When the news came, the North was terrified.

Horses are good in the north, water is good in the south.After one side has gained the advantage of the other side, there is a harbinger of entering the other side.

Just like when Cao Cao went south to Jingzhou to build a navy.Can compete with Soochow.

Today, Kou Feng has established cavalry, just like in the past, and can compete with the Central Plains.But now, this cavalry has been wiped out in the bud.

Xun Yu was naturally very relaxed.

But just when Xun Yu felt relieved about the fate of the north.Inside and outside Xudu City, there was a sudden tremor that shook the ground.

There were 5 elite soldiers in Xudu. After Zhu Ling went out to fight, although Xun Yu was full of confidence and did not order the city gate to be closed, he still sent a large number of soldiers to the top of the city as a guard.

Northerners are good at horses, even if they are not cavalry, they are very clear about the harbingers of the emergence of large-scale cavalry.

"It's General Zhu who's back, it's General Zhu who returned in triumph."

"General Zhu has returned in triumph." Countless soldiers gave up their patrol, looked eastward, and cheered.The whole city seemed to be plunged into jubilation all of a sudden.

And there was a fast horse galloping out to the Shangshuling's mansion to report the news of the great victory.

But then, the enthusiasm of the soldiers was suppressed, and they trembled all over.I saw oncoming, indeed a cavalry appeared.

But the leader is a silver-armored general, and beside him is the flag with the word "Zhao" and the flag with the word "Chu".

This is the iron cavalry of Chu State.

Countless Cao Wei soldiers opened their eyes wide, watching the appearance of this cavalry in disbelief.Zhao Yun came here just for Yang Wei.

It borrowed from the strategy of the Kou Feng Chen Bing Xu outside the city, which shocked the whole north.Therefore, he deliberately let the cavalry very close to the city.

A total of [-] to [-] troops and [-] war horses roared past Xudu City like a torrent.Don't mention that kind of stimulating surname again.

Cao Wei's soldiers were all in a daze, and soon they thought of it cleverly.

Since this is Zhao Yun's cavalry, and there are so many horses.So what happened to their cavalry?What happened to Zhu Ling's cavalry?

defeated?Is it a fiasco, or a complete failure?

The faces of many officers of some status have changed.What the hell is going on here? The newly formed cavalry of the Chu Army actually defeated Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry.

This this.

Is this a harbinger of changes in the situation of good horses in the north and good water in the south?Does this mean that Cao Wei's national fortune has gone downhill since then?

What made some senior generals even more ashamed was that they had ordered their horses to report the good news just now.

That good news has now turned into a fiasco.

How is this good?

"Hurry up, hurry up and recover the fast horse. Tell Shang Shuling the news of the appearance of Zhao Yun's cavalry." The city gate guard's face was pale, and he ordered in cold sweat.

"Promise." The orderly also had the same expression, and after a promise, he immediately rode his horse and chased after him.

But it was too late.

Inside the official residence of Shang Shuling.

When Xun Yu heard the news that Zhu Ling led the cavalry back, he immediately stood up.

"Play the joyous music to welcome General Zhu Ling. Slaughter pigs and raise them to reward the army." Xun Yu shouted and ordered.


After the little official outside the door promised, he immediately went down to prepare.

Not long after, triumphant music was played in the entire city of Xu Capital.Some aristocratic families who had their heart in Cao Wei opened their doors one after another.Order to reward the servants.

It can be said that there was joy.

But the defender in the west of the city was already pale.It is already a capital offense to lie about the news, but now it is wrong to report the news of the disastrous defeat and report it as a big victory.

How is this good?

Listening to the music played in the city, the blood on the guard's face disappeared, like a dead body.

"General, what should we do?" A military commander next to him also turned pale, trembling at the guard.

"Let's just kill ourselves." In desperation, the general pulled out the Wei knife from his waist, put it on his neck, and wiped his neck cruelly.

"General." There was a miserable cry from the top of the city.

It was only on a whim that Zhao Yun led his troops to pass by outside the city of Xudu.Show off your might.But he didn't want to fight without bloodshed, so he killed a general guarding the west of Cao Jun's city.

It's really a big anecdote.

After the general Cao Jun wiped his neck, the Kaile in the city was still playing.It was in stark contrast to the guard's body.

The morale of Cao Jun's soldiers on the front wall has fallen to the bottom.

It's a pity that Xu Shu didn't know, if he knew there would be such a moment, he would attack Xu Du recklessly.Maybe he can successfully take down Xu Du.

(To be continued)

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