The cavalry galloped, very quickly.Soon, they galloped past outside Xudu City.It can be said to be fleeting, but the impact of this cavalry is far more than that.

"What did you say? It wasn't Zhu Ling who came back triumphantly, but Zhao Yun driving the cavalry and passing outside the city of Xudu?" Xun Yu, who was originally very relaxed and natural, turned pale and asked in disbelief in the study room of Shang Shuling's mansion. .

"At first, the younger ones thought that General Zhu Ling must have led his troops back when the cavalry passed by. But I didn't want to, but what I saw was the handsome flag with the word "Chu". Coupled with the fact that this cavalry has a lot of horses, it must have defeated Zhu Ling." After the general, the horses were captured." Under Xun Yu's momentum, the messenger who was ordered to report tremblingly explained.

"Your general lied about the military situation without seeing the cavalry coming. Is he going to die?" Xun Yu's face turned livid, and he asked angrily.

"Please forgive me, my lord." The orderly did not dare to speak, but lowered his head in fear.

"Forgive me, how do you ask the old man to forgive him? After playing the music, it is equivalent to telling the [-] elite soldiers throughout the journey that we have won a big victory. This big victory suddenly turned into a big defeat. What should we do?" Xun Yu He smiled angrily and said.

"Come here, go and remove the official position of the guard and put him in prison. After Cao Gong returns, he will make a decision." Xun Yu ordered loudly.

"Promise." A small official promised, planning to lead someone to arrest him.

But at this moment, another messenger arrived.

"My lord, the defender in the west of the city has committed suicide in fear of crime." The messenger reported.

Xun Yu was speechless.

It's really too oolong.After Zhao Yun came, not only was Xudu in chaos, but he also indirectly killed a general defending the city.

However, people hate each other.Since the general who defended the city had the courage to commit suicide, Xun Yu didn't plan to pursue it any further.

"Immediately restrain the corpse. In addition, send an order to stop Kaile." After a moment of silence, Xun Yu waved his hand feebly.

"Promise." The little official promised, and immediately led the people away.

The two messengers were still kneeling below, but Xun Yu didn't send them away immediately because he was already lost in thought.

Xun Yu slowly came to the seat, knelt down and sat down, slightly closed his eyes, with an extremely heavy expression.

Zhu Ling's cavalry was defeated, and depending on the situation, it is estimated that even one of them would never come back.This not only caused the north to lose [-] cavalry.

[-] cavalry, for Cao Wei, is really drizzle, and it is not considered to be a muscle-breaking.

But the most important thing is that Cao Cao is currently on a western expedition, and the food is slowly transported from the Central Plains.Now that there is no iron cavalry as support, Zhao Yun's cavalry can drive straight in.

Directly cut off the food supply between Cao Cao and the Central Plains.

It is tantamount to directly pronouncing that Cao Cao's western expedition has failed, and those who fail cannot fail again.A large-scale war, especially a war of more than 20 troops.

The resources needed, as well as war materials, are astronomical figures that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

Otherwise, the historical Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would not have been destabilized by the Empress Dowager Dou because of the lack of success in the siege of Mayi.

This kind of traumatic thing is really unbearable.

This is the most direct impact, and the indirect impact is with the growth of Chu cavalry.Since Zhao Yun was able to lead his troops to kill Zhu Ling, it meant that his cavalry quality was already comparable to that of the Xiliang Cavalry, and perhaps only slightly inferior to the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

That's the far-reaching impact.

Not only the southerners have become good at horse fighting as simple as that.In the heart of a wise man like Xun Yu, he was already terrified.Think about it, how long has Zhao Yun's cavalry been established?

It's not been a year.There is such a fighting power.Now, Zhu Ling has been defeated, and tens of thousands of Zhu Ling's war horses have also been captured.

How many cavalry can Zhao Yun build up with this?

In less than a year, it can form combat effectiveness, which is really terrifying, very terrifying.The population of Chu State is abundant, the treasury is sufficient, and the foundation is stable.

Very popular.

As long as Kou Feng has enough horses, he can form enough cavalry.

The closest thing is that Cao Cao's western expedition must be yellow, and the farthest is the threat of Chu's large-scale cavalry.This made Xun Yu look as big as an ox.

It was a burst of shock.

It is very difficult for Xun Yu to have such a status today and have experienced so many ups and downs.But no matter what, the state of Chu went up step by step, it was really too fast, too fast.

Cao Wei's foundation for decades is not as good as Kou Feng's foundation for several years.This really made Xun Yu breathless.

But when Xun Yu became dizzy for a while, suddenly a flash of light flashed in Xun Yu's mind, and tremblingly asked the messenger in front, "Which direction is Zhao Yun going?"

He stared at the orderly with both eyes, very nervous.

"Reporting to Shang Shu Ling, Zhao Yun's cavalry went all the way to the east. They didn't turn back." The messenger didn't know why, but he still replied obediently.

"This." Xun Yu felt his eyes darken, and almost spat out a bloody arrow.

Negligent, really negligent.

Just now Xun Yu had a flash of inspiration, but he thought of a big racecourse outside the city.There are more than [-] adult war horses there, and the rest of the foals and mares are not counted.

If Zhao Yun got it, wouldn't the Chu cavalry be on the top right away?From a weak brigade, it has become a cavalry power that can compete with the big forces in the north.

Oversight.He was negligent.

Xun Yu was very remorseful in his heart, and he was also full of confidence, so he sent Zhu Ling there.Zhu Ling's existence is firstly to protect the grain road, but at critical moments, he also has the responsibility to protect the racecourse.

He sent Zhu Ling out, thinking that Zhao Yun would be wiped out.Unexpectedly, Zhu Ling was wiped out.Now there is no cavalry support between the racecourse and Xudu.His [-] pawns could not keep up with Zhao Yun's speed.

He could only watch Zhao Yun go to the racecourse to collect the fat that was not guarded by many people.

This made Xun Yu feel unspeakable remorse.

Xun Yu's first reaction was to send troops for reinforcements.But Zhao Yun's cavalry could defeat Zhu Ling's cavalry in a direct confrontation, so it was very easy to defeat the [-] elite soldiers walking on the plain.

Like blowing dust.

It's an exaggeration, but it's the truth.All they can do now is cats in the city, and they will be knocked out as soon as they show up.

In Xun Yu's heart, after making a choice between venturing out of the city to save the Damachang and keeping Xu Du, he could only choose to hide in the city.

He watched Zhao Yun plunder Cao Wei's war horse training base outside the city.

There are more than [-] horses, mares, and foals in the large horse farm.

"It's a waste of old man's usual time, but he also pretended to be able to calculate everything. But he didn't expect that the cavalry of Chu State would progress so fast. It's really rotten wood." Xun Yu smiled wryly, and his heart seemed to be suppressed. Like a big rock, very heavy.

"Come here, go and summon Shang Shu Wu Qi to come."

Xun Yu ordered.

"Go down." Immediately, Xun Yu said to the two poor messengers.

"No." Qi Qi agreed, and the guard immediately went down to find someone.And the orderlies also left.

Not long after, a middle-aged literati walked in, a very elegant person.It was the Shangshu Wu Qi that Xun Yu was talking about.The right of Shangshuling is to be in charge of Shangshutai.

On the one hand, he is in charge of the exchange of documents, and on the other hand, he is also the emperor's staff.Shangshu Ling Xun Yu, as well as the Shangshu in the Shangshutai, are very powerful.

"My lord." After Wu Qi came in, he immediately bowed to Xun Yu.

"Immediately write an official letter to the Prime Minister, saying that Zhu Lingbing was defeated. The horse farm outside the city was robbed by Zhao Yun, and Xun Yu was helpless. Please ask the Prime Minister to return to the army as soon as possible." Xun Yu's face was still very pale, he smiled wryly, and said.

"Why did your lord say that? Just now when the music was played, didn't it mean that General Zhu Ling had killed all directions and wiped out Zhao Yun?" Wu Qi asked very strangely.

Of course he heard Kaile, and he was very happy.

Why all of a sudden, Zhu Ling was defeated.How powerful are the cavalry in the north, and they will lose to Zhao Yun, a three-legged cat cavalry who has only been trained for less than a year?

Because Xun Yu's words were too vague, Wu Qi's mind actually rose to the point of whether Shang Shu made the Lord sick and confused.Such thoughts are usually difficult to arise.

You must know that Xun Yu's prestige in the north is very high, but Wu Qi actually thinks that Xun Yu is an old fool. It can be seen that Wu Qi's heart believes that the power of the northern cavalry is stronger than the prestige of being intimidated by Xun Yu.

To put it simply, Wu Qi believed in their cavalry more.

Unfortunately, this time he was wrong.

"That was a misreport by Deng De, the guard of the west city. Now Deng De has committed suicide. There is nothing wrong with it. Hurry up and go west with an official document. Don't delay the time. If you delay the time, the prime minister 20 Wan Dajun had no time to withdraw, and he ran out of food. Then the whole north is finished."

The wry smile on Xun Yu's face deepened, and he said.

"This, is this true?" Wu Qi finally realized that Xun Yu was not sick, nor was he old and confused, this matter was true.

Wu Qi was so shocked by the news that he stood there for a long time before he came back to his senses.After recovering, his complexion was as pale as paper, almost without any blood.

So shocking, so shocking.

The northern cavalry they were proud of failed.Lost to the crappy cavalry that Zhao Yun of Chu had trained for less than a year.

It is, it is.

While shocking, it was also a huge blow to the confidence of the northern cavalry.After this, the cavalry will definitely be timid when facing each other.There is no more hearty attack.

A great sadness rose in Wu Qi's heart.

"It's true." Xun Yu nodded, confirming his words again.

"I'll deal with it right now." Wu Qi's face turned pale when he heard this, he clenched his fists weakly, turned around and walked out, looking very decadent.

"Hey." Looking at Wu Qi's appearance, Xun Yu sighed.

The news is not the worst.The worst thing was the big racecourse outside the city. He wanted to save it, but he couldn't.


When the prime minister comes back, how should I explain?

(To be continued)

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