Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 762 Great Treasure, Great Harvest

It was completely different from the mood of Xun Yu and others in the city. .

After Zhao Yun led his troops to kill outside the city of Xudu, he was taken aback for a moment when he heard the music was suddenly played in the city, but then laughed out loud.Because he has already guessed the truth and falsehood.

"Hahahaha, I don't think Cao Jun's soldiers are really rash this time." Zhao Yun laughed heartily.

"Hahahaha." The lieutenant next to him also laughed, feeling very happy.

After laughing, the lieutenant general asked, "General, where are we going now?"

Before Zhao Yun's plan was implemented, it was kept very well kept secret, even the deputy general didn't know about it.

"Let's go get a treasure." Zhao Yun said with a smile.Immediately, he no longer paid attention to the lieutenant general, but concentrated on commanding the cavalry and headed northeast.

That is the direction of Cao Wei Damachang.

There are only three Cao Jun horse farms in the whole north.It is Cao Wei's lifeblood, so he is naturally very caring.

Guang is the area covered, and there is an area with a radius of ten miles.It can make war horses run without becoming sick horses.Next is the fence.

The wooden fence is tall and tall.

The thickness is also very thick.

Plus [-] elite guards, and more than [-] related horse breeders.Countless gold and silver are used from the treasury every year to keep the racecourse alive.

It can be said that it is well cared for.

In addition to the [-] elite soldiers guarding this racecourse, the guard also has a high position, a general.Not General Zhonglang, but General.

There is an incoming general with a miscellaneous number.

This is Cao Wei's solemnity towards the racecourse.But for the general guarding here, it may not be a good thing.

Because guarding here is no different from going to jail, there is nothing to do every day, and there is no chance of promotion.

"Hey, another boring day." In the racecourse, Feng Kuang stretched his waist in boredom and sighed.

Feng Kuang is the general who is in charge of guarding this side. He was originally a general in Cao's army, but he was later ordered to guard this place, which lasted for several years.

The originally strong body began to gain weight.Both sides of the thighs are already covered with fat, basically out of the ranks of warriors.

However, he was only scratching his head, but he didn't dare to slack off.Because the whole north will draw a lot of horses from this horse farm every year to enter the army.

If there is a mistake, his general will definitely lose his life.

"General, the bedding has been laid. Would you like to go and prepare it?"

Right now, after lunch, people are drowsy.Usually, when Feng Kuang was resting, a soldier walked in and asked.

"Well, just sleepy." Feng Kuang nodded and said.

Stretched again, ready to go back to the room to sleep.

But at this moment, the ground began to shake.Although Feng Kuang hadn't led troops out for a long time, he was very familiar with the omens before the appearance of cavalry.

"Hey, that guy Zhu Ling is showing off the cavalry again. I'm really envious." Feng Kuang's eyes lit up first, and then he said wearily.

Envy and jealousy.

After saying a word, Feng Kuang was ready to sleep again.But the shaking on the ground became more and more violent, and it seemed that a large-scale cavalry was coming straight here.

"No, the scale is really too huge. There are probably [-] horses. Zhu Ling only has [-] cavalry, so how could there be so many horses?" Feng Kuang suddenly trembled and couldn't believe it.

Immediately, he shouted: "Alarm, alert, order alert."

Recently, there was news that Zhao Yun's cavalry plundered the Central Plains.Although Feng Kuang didn't believe that Zhu Ling would let Zhao Yun's cavalry come here, he still had a bad premonition in his heart.

"No." The soldiers beside him promised, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

"Dong dong dong."

A moment later, the deafening drumming sounded.The elite soldiers stationed in the racecourse immediately gathered.Including adult war horses, mares, and foals, there are nearly [-] horses.

Also because of the sound of the drum, he became restless.

Fortunately, there are horse breeders to appease.Otherwise there will be chaos.

Not long after, Feng Kuang put on the armor he wore in the early years and went out. The armor has not changed, but Feng Kuang's figure has changed greatly, and the armor is so small that he can hardly wear it.

But at this time, Feng Kuang couldn't care less about embarrassment.He hurriedly greeted a war horse, intending to ride on the horse and go to fight with the army to resist the invading enemy.

Although he didn't really believe that Zhu Ling would fail, Feng Kuang had already prepared for the worst.

But how can the mobility of infantry compare with that of cavalry?When the ground trembled, Zhao Yun's cavalry was already nearby.

When Feng Kuang put on his armor and came out to meet the enemy.

Zhao Yun's cavalry had already appeared before Feng Kuang's eyes.



Coming head-on, there are two flags showing their identity, followed by tens of thousands of horses and knights on the horses.Because he just defeated Zhu Ling, he showed off his power outside Xudu City.

The momentum of this cavalry is very different now, exuding the taste of elite soldiers from top to bottom.Very, very imposing.

The pressure formed by so many cavalry is even more astonishing.

"However, Zhu Ling's cavalry really failed?" Feng Kuang's eyes widened when he saw this cavalry, in disbelief and shock.

Feng Kuang couldn't believe it, but he had to believe the facts before him.

Zhao Yun's cavalry appeared near Cao Wei's horse farm, the incomparably precious horse farm. If Zhu Ling's cavalry was still there, they would immediately cooperate with the [-] elite soldiers in Xudu City to come to the rescue.

But now Zhao Yun's cavalry appeared, but Zhu Ling was nowhere to be seen. The answer can be imagined.Zhu Ling's cavalry must have been wiped out on the road to come here swaggeringly.

This is really, really unbelievable.

Fuck it, where the base of the rear is.It's too damn unbelievable that the horse farm that supplies the entire northern army's war horses will actually be attacked.

Could it be that Cao Wei is finished?

The scene in front of him had to drive Feng Kuang crazy.

"General, general, what should we do?" Feng Kuang went crazy, and the many soldiers around him were even more frightened, so they couldn't help asking Feng Kuang.

"There are two ways, either kneel down and surrender, or commit suicide. You are all my soldiers, master and servant, I let you choose." Knife, wipe the neck.

That's it.

For a general of status, surrender is impossible.Otherwise, the whole family will be implicated.Unless, like Xu Huang, he has made great contributions to Cao Cao, so after Xu Huang surrendered, even if the news was sent back to the north, Cao Cao did not touch Xu Huang's family.

But little Feng Kuang is naturally impossible.

Wipe the neck, dead clean.

Because Feng Kuang knew that he was doomed.Can they stand against such a large number of cavalry?Impossible, after the loss of this large racecourse, one-third of the war horse reserves in the entire north disappeared at once.

Who can bear the anger of Cao Cao's heartache?no one.

Absolutely no one can stand it.

"General." Feng Kuang's determination was too great, and the speed of wiping his neck was very fast. Before the soldiers around could stop him, Feng Kuang had already fallen to the ground.

In a daze, the soldiers let out a shrill scream.

Immediately, many people wiped their necks together.

"Puchi, puchi."

On the battlefield, when the main general dies, the soldiers must be buried with him.Unless you go to the Chu country, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

"Let's go, let's escape to Chu State." The remaining soldiers who did not dare to die did not dare to surrender.

To say that this time Zhao Yun is really majestic.

In Xudu, once showing off his power, a general who guarded the capital of a majestic emperor and a general at the west gate was smashed and smeared.When the soldiers came to the racecourse, they had a famous general wipe their necks.

You must know that Zhao Yun paid a part of the price, and it was nothing more than killing a general Zhu Ling.But the power brought by it killed Cao Jun's two generals.

It's really imposing like a rainbow, even if it's not male.

Zhao Yun and the others had so many troops, they naturally didn't notice that in the tragedy that just happened, a general was forced to kill himself.

After Zhao Yun and the others broke through the fence, they immediately rushed to the barracks in the Damachang.

If you want to rob the cavalry, of course you must first eliminate the five thousand elite soldiers.Otherwise, how can you bring these nearly 20 war horses?

"The north is good for horses, and the south is good for water. People all over the world think so. Today, we have proved to the northerners that we southerners can also raise good cavalry. And as long as we loot this horse farm, we can build The truly invincible cavalry unit has competed with Cao Jun. Charge in, charge in. As long as this big victory, you can enjoy it. I guarantee that after you go back, each of you will be promoted to three consecutive levels. Duke Chu will not be stingy with rewards." At the front, Zhao Yun looked at the vast area around, where countless war horses were scattered, and his eyes immediately turned red.

Zhao Yun is notorious for not being a beauty, and he is well-known in history.According to historical records, the Fan family has national beauty and is the sister-in-law of the prefect Zhao Fan.It was planned to be allocated to Zhao Yun, but Zhao Yun refused.

What a concentration.

But Zhao Yun also has hobbies, that is horses and cavalry.Nearly 20 war horses, mares, and foals were placed in front of Zhao Yun. For Zhao Yun, the temptation was really amazing.

It's okay not to be jealous.

As long as there are these war horses, as long as there are these war horses.With black stirrups and horseshoes.Not only can he compete with Cao Wei, maybe one day he can follow the example of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, enter Mobei, calm down the grasslands, and make great achievements.

As a general, there is no one who does not admire Wei Qinghuo Qubing.Zhao Yun is no exception.

At this moment, Zhao Yun was like an ordinary lecherous man who saw 20 beauties standing naked in front of him, his eyes were red and shining.

The image of a famous general is gone.

"Kill, kill, kill." Stimulated by Zhao Yun, the cavalry also broke out with great enthusiasm, and rushed towards the treasure crazily.

(To be continued)

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