The [-] elite soldiers in the racecourse have just assembled.

Although everyone is a strong man, with bright leather armor and sharp spears in their hands.The momentum is also extremely extraordinary.But their general has killed himself.

It can be said that there is no leader among the dragons.

Facing this group of menacing Chu cavalry, they scattered and fled in just a moment.

"How could this be? Is Cao Wei finished?"

There are even some high-ranking military lords, military Sima and other military officers who yelled in disbelief.

What is this place?Xudu is nearby.There were even [-] of Zhu Ling's cavalry in Xudu City, who were killed here, leaving them completely unprepared.

Now, I can only be like a sheep being chased by a group of lions, only hating why my parents didn't give them two extra legs.

"Run away, run away."

The soldiers kept roaring, flying around like headless flies.

In such a situation, even the most elite pawns could hardly form an effective resistance force.

"Kill, kill as much as possible."

Zhao Yun knew that this was a group of elite soldiers.Now that the racecourse is breached, there will be no need for defense in the future.If this group of elite soldiers is let go, it will definitely bring a threat to Chu State.

This is different from the previous day, the people they encountered were able to disperse the trouble.

Amidst the roar, Zhao Yun was like a tiger descending from the mountain, rushing into the crowd of five thousand elite soldiers.The long spears in his hands are dotted with dots, and every time he can take away a Cao soldier who fled in a hurry.

Not to mention the remaining 3 or [-] people.Taken together, the lethality is [-] times that of Zhao Yun.

"Ah, ah."

Countless soldiers of Cao Jun were either killed or trampled into flesh by a large number of horses.

After a while, except for a few who were able to escape by chance, the resistance forces in this racecourse have basically been wiped out.

Zhao Yun and other cavalry also stopped slowly.

"General, we have really broken through Cao Jun's horse farm. Look at the herds of horses. Our Chu Kingdom finally has its own herd of war horses."

The lieutenant next to him couldn't hide the ecstasy on his face. He pointed to the group of horses in front and said almost madly.

"Yes, we finally have warhorses in Chu Kingdom." Zhao Yun also said with a happy expression.

This is not just as simple as adding more than [-] adult war horses to Chu State.For a long time, the war horses of Chu State were imported from Gongsun Kang in Liaodong.

It was bought in exchange for food.

I don't know if Gongsun Kang did it on purpose. Most of the war horses going south were castrated.That is to say, even though Chu State has [-] to [-] war horses, most of them cannot be bred.

Even if there were war horses capable of breeding, there were not enough mares.

Now that they have this horse farm, it is different. Chu State finally has their own horse farm, a group of war horses that can be bred.

For Zhao Yun, this is a great achievement, but in Zhao Yun's heart, he actually values ​​this racecourse more.

"Go and block the hole in the fence that we broke into. Then tell the soldiers to separate in twos and threes, and gather those who raise horses." Zhao Yun ordered after being excited for a while.

"The general wants to bring those horse breeders back to the south?" the deputy general asked with a smile.

"That's natural. Now that the war horses have been transported back, it is natural that the horses are also raised together. To be honest, we in Chu State are not as good as Cao Wei Duoduo in terms of how to cultivate war horses. These are all to be built. "Zhao Yun nodded with a smile.


The deputy general made a promise, and then issued an order to gather all the horse breeders in this racecourse, whether they were officials or servants, to gather together.

After a while, two thousand men of all ages gathered in front of Zhao Yun.

They are all relatively strong, and their complexion looks more moist.Come to think of it, the servants who raise horses in Cao Wei, whether they are officials or servants, are relatively moist.

However, at this moment, all of them were pale, looking at Zhao Yun anxiously.

The racecourse was breached, and they saw what happened to the five thousand elite soldiers just now.The bones are still there.Naturally, he was terrified.

"Which of you is the superior here?"

Zhao Yun rode his horse to the side of this group of people, with silver armor and long spears, very heroic.After looking around at the crowd, Zhao Yun asked.

"This is the horse officer here."

A middle-aged man came out trembling and reported.

"I am Zhao Yun, the general in the town of Chu State. I am hiring you as the horse officer of Chu State on behalf of Chu State. What do you think?" Zhao Yun asked with a smile.

What else can I do.Promise is life, not promise is death.

The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Yun, muttered in his heart for a moment, then immediately showed a flattering smile, and said, "This official has admired Duke Chu for a long time, and being able to serve under Duke Chu's account is really fulfilling his wish."

"Okay, immediately lead the people here and gather the horses. Follow me to Chu." Zhao Yun nodded in satisfaction and ordered.

"Promise." After the horse official made a promise, he immediately greeted. The 2000 people dispersed and gathered all the horses, ranging from adult horses, with mares in the middle and foals in the bottom.

Not a single one was missed.

"Let's go." Zhao Yun looked at the group of horses, which were as dark as dark clouds, and his whole body and mind were very hot. After a hard look, he pulled the reins and ordered.

"Promise." The lieutenant general promised, and immediately led the cavalry, as well as the 30 horse breeders in this racecourse, more, nearly [-] horses, and headed south.

There is a saying, called ten thousand horses galloping.It refers to Wanma Mercedes-Benz, the momentum is really amazing.Just [-] horses together have an amazing momentum.

Not to mention 30, [-] war horses?

It was like a horrified giant beast, overwhelming in darkness.Anyone who saw it would turn pale with fright, and their legs would go weak.

"Bang bang bang."

Amidst the frenzied sound of horseshoes like an earthquake, countless war horses headed south behind a handsome flag with the word "Chu".

This is the great treasure obtained by Zhao Yun during this Northern Expedition.

After Zhao Yun and the others left, this horse farm, which was originally one of the three major horse farms of Cao Wei, with nearly 20 horses, became very dilapidated.

All that was left was a pile of blood and corpses all over the floor.

It was not until a long time later that a group of people came here.The leader is a middle-aged official.It was the Shangshu under Xun Yu's account who was sent to observe the situation.

"This kind of loss is unbearable even for the whole of the north. It hurts, it hurts." The middle-aged official murmured with a mournful face.

……………… Zhao Yun and others finally returned to Wancheng after several days of traveling.

Xu Shu, who had received the news one step earlier, led the generals in the army three miles north to welcome Zhao Yun's triumphant return in an open place.

The reason why Xu Shu got the news earlier was because of the Beacon Tower.He, Wenpin, Li Yan, Wei Yan, Sha Moke and others under the tent did not know that Zhao Yun not only killed Zhu Ling, but also looted nearly 20 horses and brought them back.

This feat is even greater than Zhao Yun's defeat of Zhu Ling, much greater.

Therefore, when Xu Shu, Wenpin, Li Yan, Sha Moke, etc., watched Zhao Yun lead his troops, there were nearly 30 horses galloping.

There was a look of horror and shock on his face.Even Xu Shu was no exception.

But Xu Shu reacted the fastest, he immediately realized what Zhao Yun had done.

"Hahahaha, Zilong really caused Cao Mengda to bleed a lot this time. From then on, our country of Chu no longer needs to be controlled by Gongsun Kang, but can breed war horses by itself. Hahahahaha." Xu Shu laughed heartily. laughing out loud.

The generals of the big account are very dependent on their own national strength.What's more, for a general like Xu Shu who is almost at the top of the country, he has great influence on the national power, financial power, influence, and city of the entire Chu State.The comprehensive forces are very clear.

They have no shortage of troops, generals, counselors, etc., but only lack of horses.This can only make Chu country dwell in the southeast.Never dared to step into the Central Plains.

Therefore, Kou Feng made stirrups, horseshoes and other important utensils that are conducive to the formation of cavalry troops.In addition, there are continuous crossbowmen and other tools for dealing with cavalry.

But these still can't fundamentally solve the problem of the scarcity of Chu cavalry, but this time Zhao Yun went north not only to kill Zhu Ling, but also captured Zhu Ling's horses.

This is to attack the opponent's strength and increase one's own strength.It can be said that Chu State won a big victory.

One of the three major racecourses in the north of Cao Cao was dug up, with nearly 20 horses, mares, ponies, etc., which is a big victory.An unprecedented victory.

This victory, to be honest, can be compared with such a big victory when Kou Feng conquered Jiangling, Xiangyang, Wancheng, and Chen Bing outside the capital of the emperor.

No matter how good Xu Shu's self-cultivation is, no matter how much he has to maintain his dignity.But at this time, he couldn't help laughing.

"War horses, a lot of war horses. From now on, our army can also have a cavalry unit." Li Yan, Wei Yan and others also said in surprise, very happy.

The Chu army lacked cavalry, so Kou Feng gathered all the horses at one point and gave them to Zhao Yun to build a usable iron cavalry.

But this sequelae is that in other armies, excellent cavalry units are rarely seen.Fight in the Central Plains, not in the grasslands.All you need is an organized cavalry.

In the Central Plains, if infantry can cooperate with cavalry, it will be perfect.

After all, infantry is needed to attack a city, and cavalry is needed to defend against cavalry.Li Yan, Wei Yan and the others have a very deep desire for cavalry.

Now seeing so many war horses at once, he is naturally very happy.

"Not only us, but also the elite troops of our state of Chu can establish a cavalry. For example, the left general Huang Hansheng in Yangzhou, etc., if they can have a cavalry, the threat will be even greater. Xuzhou is a flat country. .” Xu Shu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Hahaha, God bless our country Chu, it will surely prosper."

Wei Yan, Li Yan and others laughed out loud, very happy.

(To be continued)

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