Just when everyone is rejoicing.

On the opposite side, the 30 war horses that were galloping gradually stopped.Zhao Yun in front had also got off his horse, led several lieutenants, and walked up to Xu Shu on foot.

"Meet the general." Zhao Yun bent over and cupped his fists.

"Thank you Zilong." Xu Shu smiled slightly, stepped forward to help Zhao Yun up, and then glanced at the weathered face on Zhao Yun's face, and asked with a smile, "How is the result of this battle?"

"Zhu Ling was killed on the spot, and 20 to [-] horses were confiscated. Not far from Xudu City, [-] elite soldiers were beheaded, they entered Cao Wei's horse farm, and nearly [-] horses and horses were confiscated." Zhao Yun replied. road.

"Hahaha, Zilong is really impressive this time. When Cao Mengde heard Zilong's name, he might have to gnash his teeth." Xu Shu laughed loudly.

Although seeing is believing, when Xu Shu heard that Zhao Yun went north this time and seized 30 to [-] horses of various colors, he still couldn't help being surprised.

Then there was ecstasy, and I couldn't help laughing again.

"It all depends on your stirrups, horseshoes. This battle in the Central Plains has been fought for thousands of miles, but the horses were rarely injured during the long-distance raid. They are well preserved. The stirrups made it easy for us to kill Zhu Ling. Now after the battle with Zhu Ling, the soldiers are all veterans of the battlefield. In real fighting, I am afraid that they can really fight the tiger and leopard cavalry." Zhao Yun said with a smile.Speaking of the beloved cavalry, I can't help but talk more and more.

Very happy.

In the battle to the north, Chu State gained the most.The second is this group of cavalry, which can be said to have changed from rookies to elite soldiers. Since then, they have really taken off in the air and soared into the sky.

"Hahaha, good things are all good things." Xu Shu laughed more happily when he heard the words.

Wei Yan, Li Yan and others beside him were also very happy and laughed together.

The hearty laughter showed how huge Chu State's harvest this time was.

After laughing together, Xu Shu solemnly said to the generals around: "It is really not easy for Zilong to win these war horses. You really need to be careful to protect them. Next, we will try our best to build a simple horse farm." , Anfang these horses."

Picking up gold is a very gratifying thing, but the ultimate question is how to keep the gold and use it.Otherwise, what's the use of picking it up?

"Where should it be built?" Wei Yan frowned and said.

"After Zilong's troubles, Cao Cao will withdraw his troops if he does not withdraw his troops. After returning, he will be angered and feel uneasy. I am afraid that he will immediately raise his troops to the south. If the racecourse is built near Wancheng, it may not be safe." Li Yan also said He nodded and said.

"That's right." Xu Shu nodded and began to ponder.

These standing horses are treasures, and Cao Cao cannot take them back.

"Well, I immediately wrote a letter to Situ, requesting that these horses be transported to Xincheng, Shangyong area. There is separated from the Central Plains by the Han River. Even if Cao Cao goes south, the tiger and leopard cavalry can break in, but it is impossible to cross the Han River. , go and take back the horses we got." Not long after, Xu Shu said.

"Should I leave first? Otherwise, there will be many dreams in the night." Zhao Yun was also worried.

"Naturally. This is a major event, so it's okay to cut it first and play it later." Xu Shu nodded in agreement.

Immediately, Xu Shu asked Zhao Yun to set up camp first, and then appease the soldiers.Another [-] undamaged cavalrymen, with their horses, were sent all the way to Xincheng and stationed in the Shangyong area.

At the same time, a fast horse left Wancheng and headed for Xiangyang.Go and tell the civil and military officials in the capital the news, as well as the funds and policies that have gathered to build horse farms and circle the land.

By the way, also tell the rear that Cao Cao may turn into anger at any time and counterattack Wancheng.Get ready to support Wancheng at any time.


Although Kou Feng's expedition to West Shu was victorious, after all, there were no results, and he just barely gained a foothold in Shu.At the same time, Xu Shu in the north also began to harass Cao Wei.

Fight on two fronts.

The state of Chu ranges from hundreds of officials and aristocrats to the common people.Although they are very confident in their own army, after all, it is the first two battles.

Many people are more or less a little apprehensive.

However, Situ Jiang Wan, who is the top of the upper class, and San Gong Jiu Qing, Sima Yi, Liu Ba and others are very calm.

On this day, Jiang Wan had just replaced Kou Feng, who was conquering the West, in the hall of Duke Chu's mansion, and held a routine court meeting.The ministers have not yet dispersed.

A little official rushed in.

"Lord Situ, a great victory is ahead. The general Zhao Yun of the town left Wancheng, went north to conquer more than ten county towns, and burned countless treasuries and granaries. In Zhongmou, he killed Zhu Ling and 20 elite cavalry under his account, and confiscated three [-] war horses. Attacked the big racecourse outside Xudu City, wiped out [-] elite soldiers, and returned with nearly [-] horses of various colors.”

The little official's face was very happy, and he reported loudly.


All the civil and military officials in the hall were shocked.

"There are more than ten counties, this is nothing, and it is expected to kill Zhu Ling. But those [-] to [-] horses?"

"There are nearly 20 horses of various colors?"

"From now on, isn't our Chu State able to produce war horses by ourselves?"

"Great victory, really a great victory that I never thought of."

Immediately, the civil and military officials could no longer be reserved, and said loudly.Many people even laughed out loud on the spot regardless of the importance of the court meeting.

The result is really too big, too big.

Jiang Wan is very magnanimous and reserved.Honor and disgrace are not shocked, emotions and anger are not visible.Especially during the court meeting, although he was sitting below.

But preside over the government, keep not laughing, not angry.Very natural and decent.It can be said to be majestic.

It can be said that among the ministers of Chu State, there is no one who is more suitable for Jiang Wan's current position, Situ, one of the three princes.But at this moment, he couldn't help showing a smile.

But in the end it was Situ, the chief minister in charge of presiding over the court meeting.After being overjoyed for a while, Jiang Wan put away the smile on his face and said, "Prepare all kinds of pigs and sheep, chickens and ducks to the front line. It will be used as a reward for the three armies."

Then, Jiang Wan solemnly said: "In addition, send more arrows and food to Wancheng."

This time Cao Cao's loss was too great, and he jumped over the wall in a hurry, maybe he really wanted to have a dead end.Jiang Wan became even more worried about Wancheng's defense line.

Naturally, more supplies must be prepared to go to the front.


Xu Tian of the Shaofu, and Mi Zhu, the chief minister, all responded in unison.

"By the way, I don't know what else is going on with General Xu?" Jiang Wan asked, thinking of going with Xu Shu and the others.I am very worried about the 20 horses of various colors.

Jiang Wan guessed that Xu Shu might have already made preparations.

"Oh, I forgot. This is General Xu Shu's letter." The little official felt ashamed, took out the copy of Xu Shu's letter from his sleeve, and handed it to Jiang Wan.

After Jiang Wan opened it, there was a hint of peace of mind in his eyes.

Sure enough, they saw the same thing. Not only did Xu Shu consider the issue of arranging the horses, but he had already chosen the location and sent some cavalry to transport the 20 horses southward.

"General Xu Shu, the right army division, please submit a request to build a large racecourse in the Xincheng and Shangyong areas. The construction of this enclosure will be entrusted to the chief minister Mi Zhu and the eunuch Zhang Dao to be responsible together." Jiang Wan finished reading Afterwards, the matter was arranged in front of the ministers.


Mi Zhu and Zhang Dao said in unison.

One is the official in charge of the world's fields, farming and mulberry, and the other is the official in charge of horses.In addition, Shaofu Xu Tian wanted to transport arrows and other military supplies to Wancheng.

It is conceivable that because of Zhao Yun's victory, the entire Chu State will make a huge move.

Chu State will also have its own large racecourse comparable to the size of Cao Wei in the north.Continuous supply of elite soldiers across the country.

This is a happy event, a big happy event.

All the civil and military officials present were very happy.

"Report this good news to Your Majesty immediately." Finally, Jiang Wan ordered.

I want to pass this news to the king of Chu, Kou Feng who is far away in Western Shu.

"Promise." Shang Shu ordered Liu Ba to promise, and immediately went down to prepare.


West, Yongzhou.

Yongzhou is very vast.In the Western Han Dynasty, the Yongzhou area was the most consolidated area of ​​the imperial power in the entire Western Han Dynasty.The emperor at that time regarded Yongzhou as his backyard.The feudal princes, kings, lieutenants, etc., are all outside.

None of them were crowned kings or marquises in Yongzhou.

But since the Eastern Han Dynasty after the Western Han Dynasty, Yongzhou has been in depression.Coupled with the turmoil during the Dong Zhuo and Li and Guo periods, the entire Yongzhou has been very dilapidated.

Now the most powerful person in Yongzhou is Ma Teng, who has separated Huaili and Xianyang.Zhong Yao, the prefect of Chang'an set up by Cao Cao, ruled in the vicinity of Chang'an and the area around Tongguan.

The forces of the two sides are separated by the Yellow River.There is a clear distinction between Wei and Wei.

Today, Cao Cao's expedition to the west, Han Sui and Ma Teng joined forces, and the army has more than [-] people. They are strong and strong, not weak.They rely on the Yellow River to defend.

Near the Yellow River, a large number of beacon towers were set up, and as soon as Cao Jun was about to cross the river, the beacon towers would be lit.

In this way, Ma Teng and Han Sui's cavalry can arrive soon.

Therefore, since Cao Cao's Western Expedition, there has not been much war.The armies of the two sides just looked at each other across the river, and they were in peace.

But Cao Cao's expedition to the west was naturally not to come to Ma Teng and Han Sui to live in peace.He came to the West to exterminate Ma Teng and Han Sui.

Recently, Cao Cao has made up his mind, intending to force the tigers and leopards to ride north across the Yellow River and occupy a place where they can gain a foothold in the north of the Yellow River.

Thus further encroaching on Yongzhou.Suppress Ma Teng's living space.

On this day, the generals led by Cao Cao patrolled the Yellow River.Going to find a good place to cross the river.

Accompanying them were Jia Xu, Zhong Yao, Cao Hong, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Jai, Xu Chu, Zhang Yan and other generals of the Western Expedition.

(To be continued)

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