Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 765 Predicting Cao Cao's Pig Liver Face

"Your Majesty, there is Ma Teng at the best crossing along the Yellow River. Han Sui sent soldiers to handle it, but it is not easy to cross. This is not the best, but it is not the worst. It is not bad." Among the group , Zhong Yao said, pointing to the rough Yellow River ahead.

The river is a little turbulent.

But among the Yellow River, this side is relatively calm.

Zhong Yao is more than 50 years old, but just looking at his appearance, he seems to be only 40 to [-] years old.He is an old minister of Cao Wei. During Cao Cao's conquest of the world, he always sat in Chang'an.

Appease Ma Teng, Han Sui and more than ten princes in Guanzhong.

He even had a plan to drive Ma Teng, Han Sui and others to help quell a rebellion in Bingzhou.It can be said that with the existence of Zhong Yao, Cao Cao had the power in Chang'an, Yongzhou.

Otherwise, relying on only a brave and foolish Cao Hong, even Tongguan might have been lost long ago.

Therefore, the entire Cao Wei officials respected Zhong Yao very much. During this Western Expedition, Zhong Yao's status was second only to Cao Cao's existence.

"It's okay." Cao Cao turned over and got off his horse, stood by the edge of the Yellow River, looked at the rolling river ahead, and nodded.

"However. If we just cross the river in one place, Ma Teng and Han Sui's spies will definitely hear the news. At that time, if we block the army here, we still can't get through. We need a strategy of suspicious soldiers." Cao Cao immediately said Said.

"Yes, the old minister will look for a few more similar ferry crossings, as a strategy for suspicious soldiers." Zhong Yao understood Cao Cao's intentions, nodded and said.

"A few places, but at least ten places. Prepare the same big boat and build the same ferry. This way, Ma Teng, Han Sui will not guess where we are going to cross the river." Cao Cao shook his head and said very cautiously.

Looking at the Yellow River today, Cao Cao couldn't help thinking that when he was in Chibi, he also used the strategy of suspicious soldiers.But the result.It's really hard to look back on the past.

"Will it be too much? That would waste a lot of manpower and material resources." Cao Hong was startled and couldn't help but say.

"Now that Kou Feng is entering Shu, it is still unknown how long it will take. We need to pacify Yongzhou and Liangzhou as soon as possible, so that we can go south to Hanzhong and compete with Kou Feng for the land of Shu. It is time to race against time. Some manpower and material resources If it is wasted, it will be wasted." Cao Cao frowned and said.

Cao Hong is the general who was there when Cao Cao started his army, and he is also a member of the clan.Naturally, he is deeply trusted, and Cao Hong is also very loyal. When Cao Cao was killed, he gave up his war horse and gave it to Cao Cao.

When fighting, he is also very brave and able to fight.But the qualifications are limited, and you will definitely be defeated when you meet a famous general.Lack of strategic vision.

Sometimes, Cao Cao also wondered why Cao Hong couldn't go further and become a general who could stand alone like Cao Ren.

"Uh." Cao Hong smiled awkwardly upon hearing this.

He really doesn't know much about these strategic matters.

"Your Majesty, if we can get the tiger and leopard riders to the north bank of the Yellow River first, we will be able to gain a firm foothold smoothly. But the price we have to pay must not be small. After spending so much to cross the Yellow River, we still have to face As for Ma Teng, Han Sui's army of 10,000+ includes countless iron cavalry. We must first figure out how to deal with it." Seeing Cao Hong's embarrassment, Xia Houyuan next to him couldn't help saying.

Cao's and Xiahou's wear a pair of trousers.The relationship between Xiahouyuan, Xiahoudun, Cao Hong, Cao Ren and others is also very good.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this second, you already have a good strategy to defeat the enemy." Cao Cao laughed when he heard the words, glanced at Jia Xu who was silent beside him, and said happily.

"Oh. What's the plan?" Xia Houyuan asked in surprise.

"Let's not talk about this for the time being." Cao Cao laughed when he heard the words. This is not the reason for keeping it secret, but because there are too many people talking about it, and they are afraid of spreading it.

After the news leaked out, no matter how clever the strategy was, it would be useless.

"Cough." Xia Houyuan couldn't help but blush when he heard this.

"Hehe, anyway, for this western expedition, Gu must win in a substantial sense, otherwise the 20 troops will be wasted and the money spent on the western expedition will be wasted." Cao Cao turned his head and looked to the north of the Yellow River , very determined.

Yongliang, Yongliang.

After calming down, he will compete with Kou Feng for supremacy.Quiet and simple.

After stopping here for a while, everyone returned together.After all, the location has already been confirmed, so there is no need to check anything else.

Cao Wei's camp was set up nearby.

There are a total of 20 people, and the tents stretch for dozens of miles.The momentum is overwhelming.The most conspicuous thing is the Central Army Office, a flag with the word "Wei" in it.

This scene can be compared even when the heroes were fighting against Dong.Although the princes are now rising together, a 20 army is nothing.

Such as Kou Feng, Ma Teng, Han Sui, and even Gongsun Kang can put on such a formation.

But Cao Wei is still the best among them.

Even Kou Feng himself had a hard time mobilizing so many troops for a big battle.Because Chu State has more places to let go.

After returning to the big tent of the Chinese army, Cao Cao didn't leave anyone behind, but Jia Xu was left alone.

In the big tent, Cao Cao knelt and sat on the handsome seat, with a calm momentum.Below, Jia Xu closed her eyes slightly, as if she was asleep, very unobtrusive.

But Cao Cao didn't dare to underestimate this person.

In Cao Cao's view, Jia Xu may be the smartest person in the world.Not only because Jia Xu can calculate everything, but also has many tricks.

Moreover, it is also related to Jia Xu's behavior as a human being, protecting himself and so on.

In this aspect of the whole world, perhaps only Xun You can match it.Xun You is a man of great wisdom and ignorance, but he is slightly inferior to Jia Xu.

Now during the Western Expedition, Cao Cao has also placed his bets on Jia Xu.This is the purpose of Cao Cao bringing Jia Xu.

And Jia Xu did not disappoint Cao Cao.

Kneeling on the commander-in-chief seat, Cao Cao thought of the strategy that Jia Xu made for him to defeat Ma Teng and Han Sui the day before.Even now, I still can't help but be happy.

Jia Xu's strategy is simple.It is to divide Ma Teng and Han Sui.

Although Ma Teng and Han Sui are temporarily united to fight against foreign enemies because of their interests.But when they were young, they attacked and annihilated each other, and even Han Sui killed Ma Teng's wife.

This is hatred that cannot be resolved.

To differentiate they are seeded.Everyone in this world can think of it.But it is also very difficult. After all, the alliance of interests is almost the strongest alliance in the world.

But Jia Xu made some arrangements.There are not only vague strategies, but also specific layouts.

As long as Cao Cao forced the tigers and leopards to cross the Yellow River, the 20 army would have a foothold in the north of the Yellow River.Cao Cao had the opportunity to contact Ma Teng and Han Sui.

According to Jia Xu's strategy, he could invite Han Sui to meet and have a word in public.Then, write a redacted letter to Han Sui.

With these two simple layouts, Ma Teng and Han Sui can turn against each other.

An army of 20 will be destroyed without attack.

Jia Xu came up with this method.Cao Cao asked himself that he didn't have the ability to come up with such a strategy.Because of this, it is even more admirable.

As long as you have this strategy, layout.Yongliang only needs a small price to calm down.

Thinking about it, Cao Cao couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

"Wenhe. Now that Yongliang has won, Hanzhong is next." Cao Cao turned his head and said something to Jia Xu, and then asked gently: "It's just that the mountains and rivers in Hanzhong are very difficult to conquer. I don't know if Wenhe has any plans?"

Although Yongliang has not been pacified yet, Cao Cao asked about the strategy of pacifying Hanzhong so quickly, which is a bit ambitious.But Cao Cao really believed that he would be able to pacify Yongliang soon.

That's why I couldn't help asking.

Jia Xu also frowned slightly when she heard the words, and felt that Cao Cao was too ambitious.But to pacify Yongliang, his self-confidence is also great.

Therefore, he quickly smoothed his brows, raised his fist and replied, "Zhang Lu in Hanzhong is no more than a clown. If he can occupy Yizhou, he can still have the courage to fight against Master Wang. But now he is only occupying Hanzhong, and he was defeated by Liu Zhang." Once, it was already very despondent. As long as Wang Shi is with him, he will definitely go to the county."

That's right, in Jia Xu's view, Zhang Lu is nothing more than a clown, as long as the army suppresses the situation, he can be pacified.Its existence, compared with Ma Teng, Han Sui is much easier to deal with.

Cao Cao was taken aback when he heard the words, it was really too simple.But if you think about it carefully, it is true.People like Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang are no match for Han Sui and Ma Teng.

"As long as Zhang Lu surrenders, we will be able to recruit Zhang Lu's army while going south to Hanzhong. In this way, Hanzhong will be as stable as Mount Tai. Even if Kou Feng gets the land of Shu, we can still take one foot in." Cao Cao He clapped his hands and smiled.

What Cao Cao is most afraid of is that Kou Feng will get the land of Shu, and then he will have the upper hand.Now, I can go one step ahead and enter Hanzhong.I am really relieved.

Just when Cao Cao and Jia Xu discussed the various strategies needed to pacify Ma Teng, Han Sui, and Zhang Lu, and the situation in the world after victory.And Cao Wei's situation towards Chu State, and other major events.

In the east, several fast horses came towards Cao Jun's camp.

The war horses under the crotch are all superior northern war horses, strong, fast, and very durable.The few knights on horseback are also rare soldiers with excellent riding skills in the army.

But their complexions are not very good.The rear was defeated, but they sent orders.If Mr. Cao is not happy about this, their heads will fall to the ground.

Because the mood is very bad, coupled with the wind and sand in the northwest.Especially when riding on a fast horse, the wind is like a knife that cuts on the face, which hurts and hurts.

This made this team of cavalry not dare to be flattered no matter in terms of momentum or appearance.

To put it vulgarly, it's like dead parents. It makes people feel unlucky at first glance, very, very unlucky.

But no matter how unwilling to see Cao Cao, the journey will always end one day.Soon, this group of people arrived at the gate of Cao Ying.

"Who is here?" the military marquis guarding the gate shouted loudly.

"By the order of Lord Xun Yu, Shang Shuling, send the battle report from the rear." The knights all got off their horses and reported.

All of them were very anxious.Cao Gong was so angry that their heads fell to the ground.

My life is in jeopardy.

(To be continued)

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