Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 766 Cao Cao's Dream Wakes Up

"Let me inform you, wait a moment."

Hou Wenyan, the gatekeeper, softened his expression a little, and said with his fists clasped.

"Thank you, my lord." Naturally, the knight did not dare to object, and lowered his head.

Not long after, the director of Cao Cao's camp came out.The chief bookkeeper was calm and relaxed at first, but after a quick conversation with the knight who came to report, his face immediately changed drastically.

"Come with me." After saying a word, the master clerk shook his sleeves.Someone prepared a carriage and took the two knights to Cao Cao's middle camp.

What should I do if such a big thing happened.

You know, Duke Cao just inspected the Yellow River today and selected a place to cross the river.But I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Such a big thing happened in the rear.

On the carriage, the master's heart was in a mess.

Not long after, the chief secretary brought the chief officer among the knights to the outside of the central army tent.

"Prime Minister, the battle report from the rear is here." Outside the big tent, the chief bookkeeper whispered.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Cao Cao was still talking with Jia Xu, looking very happy.After hearing the voice from the off-book master book, he couldn't help frowning.

The voice was too low, it seemed to be deliberately lowered.In Cao Cao's view, the master book was a little too afraid of him.

However, I am in a good mood right now.Cao Cao didn't care about such a trivial matter.He couldn't help saying: "Bring it in."

As for the rear battle report, Cao Cao didn't care much about it.

In Cao Cao's view, there are [-] elite soldiers guarding Xudu City, and Zhu Ling's [-] elite cavalry are supporting them.Food Road, and Xudu should be very safe.

If Zhao Yun's cavalry dared to stand up, they would be beaten to the ground immediately.

In fact, it's just that Cao Cao cares about silver, but he guesses in his heart that the cavalry of Chu State will not appear in the Central Plains.Who would foolishly take out [-] cavalrymen who had just been established for less than a year, and rush to the Central Plains?

There are Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry who can wipe out the invading enemies at any time.


Outside the door, the master made a promise, and walked in with a roll of bamboo slips.Behind him, followed the knight.

"Prime Minister, this is the battle report from the rear." After arriving at the main tent of the Chinese army, the master book didn't dare to say a word, but stepped forward a few steps and handed the battle report to Cao Cao.

The knight behind him was also very well-behaved, even lowering his head in fear.

How to bear the anger of the prime minister?

These two people are a master and a knight.Official positions vary in size, and even people of different sizes.But at the same time worried in my heart.

"How is this possible? How is this possible? Is he, Zhu Ling, for nothing? [-] cavalry, [-] cavalry, were actually defeated by Kou Feng's [-] cavalry. You have to barter him from the nine clans, the nine clans."

The above is the report written by Xun Yu himself. Zhu Ling was killed and hundreds of thousands of horses in the racecourse were robbed.

In the process of opening the bamboo slips, Cao Cao's expression was very natural, relaxed, and even a little slow.But after opening the bamboo slips and seeing the contents recorded inside.

Cao Cao's face changed instantly.

From relaxed and natural, it suddenly turned into red, red.It's like the color of pig liver.

Then it was green and white.Then it turned white and then turned black, and then turned red again after turning black.

It's like watching a lantern on a horse on a horse, it's ever-changing.

The expression on Cao Cao's face is also so changing, frightened, angry, unbelievable, and monstrous hatred.

Regarding the war and war losses mentioned in Xun Yu's report, he was full of shock and anger, which was unbelievable.He has great hatred for Zhu Ling's failure.

What was lost was not only the [-] elite cavalry capable of conscripting and fighting, but also the tens of thousands of horses they rode.This is the most immediate loss.

The indirect loss is the 20 horses of various colors.Without them, Cao Jun's horse supply capacity would drop by a third.

With them, Chu State has a steady supply of war horses.

How can this not make Cao Cao angry?

And all of this is due to Zhu Ling's mistakes. In Cao Cao's view, his [-] cavalry will definitely win a big victory against Zhao Yun's [-] new recruits from Chu State.

Even if there is no big victory, there should be small victories.It is impossible to win or lose each other, or even a big defeat.

All this is because of Zhu Ling's command error.

Killing the Zhuling Nine Clans really did him a favor.

Cao Cao seldom gets angry, not to mention his complexion has changed so many times, and his tone of voice is so exasperated.

The master who had followed Cao Cao for a long time trembled and quickly lowered his head.

It was so unbearable for the master, let alone the knight who sent the news, he was trembling and sweating.

Even Jia Xu, who has always been indifferent to emotion and anger, never surprised by honor or disgrace, and who can be regarded as a candle by others if he is silent, opened his eyes involuntarily, and looked at Cao Cao's changing expression, showing a hint of surprise .

What is it that made the overlord of the Central Plains lose his composure?

And threatened to kill Zhu Ling's nine clans?Although Cao Cao is easy to kill, he has done a lot of things like massacring cities in his life.But when dealing with his subordinates, he mainly focuses on buying people's hearts.

For some small faults, you can turn a blind eye and close your eyes.Even if they betrayed Cao Cao, then surrendered, rebelled, and surrendered again, Cao Cao would let him go if he could.

It's not that Cao Cao is so generous, but because he can buy people's hearts.

Because Cao Cao knows that talents are the most important in troubled times.Therefore, generally Cao Cao would not kill the nine tribes under his command.Especially for a meritorious minister like Zhu Ling who died in state affairs.

It must be that something as big as the sky happened, which made Cao Cao so angry, so uncontrollable and tolerant.

Jia Xu opened his eyes, but the master and the knight were still worried.But neither spoke.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, only Cao Cao's heavy breathing was left.It was not until a long time later that the panting subsided, but Cao Cao's expression did not change back.

Basically blue and white.

Seeing this, Jia Xu asked, "What happened in the rear that made the Prime Minister so angry?"

Just now Cao Cao was so angry that he lost his composure.At this moment, the anger in my heart gradually calmed down.But the breath of the whole person has become decadent.

With a wry smile, Cao Cao turned to the master, and the knight said, "Send Xun Yu an official document to make him feel at ease. Let's all go down."

"Promise." The master, the knight was overjoyed, and immediately agreed.

The clothes on their bodies were already wet with sweat, and they were afraid that Cao Cao would kill them in a fit of anger.Now that Cao Cao let them go, naturally they left very fast.

Turn around and leave.

Looking at the panicked appearance of these two people, Jia Xu became even more thoughtful.I'm afraid things are really big, big.

"What are you talking about about the strategy of Yongliang? Now people have robbed their lair. In a blink of an eye, it may be Yuan Benchu's disaster." After the master and the knight left, Cao Cao gave a wry smile and took the bamboo slip in his hand. Passed it to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu stood up and bent over to take it.

At first glance, his expression changed drastically.

"Kou Feng's cavalry is so powerful?" Jia Xu lost his voice.Normally this would not happen, but this moment it did happen.

It is really Kou Feng's cavalry that broke the tradition. Everyone knows that cavalry training is the most difficult.For an army, the most basic spearmen, it only takes one year to train them to become a general elite.

The elite of a hundred battles can only be practiced through bloody battles.The cavalry ranged from two years to three to four years.It would take at least three or four years to become Zhu Ling's [-]-strong cavalry.

Plus size dozens of wars.

But now Zhao Yun's cavalry has been established for less than a year, and most of them are newcomers, so they don't have the energy to fight any war.Why did he kill Zhu Ling?

In today's troubled times, the situation is changing.What often happens is the unexpected.

Thinking back when Yuan Shao separatized Hebei, when Cao Cao was weakest, he even had the idea of ​​handing over his family to Yuan Shao as a proton.Who would have thought that after more than ten years, Cao Cao would become the overlord of the north?

But there are traces to follow.

Cao Cao is the leader, and all the civil and military officials under his tent are also extraordinary people, so he can naturally defeat Yuan Shao.

But Kou Feng's cavalry was nowhere to be found, so they got up and defeated Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry so smoothly.Even Jia Xu couldn't keep calm after seeing this kind of thing.

The stimulation is too great.

"It's still Wenhe who has a steady heart." Cao Cao smiled wryly again when he heard this.When he first watched it, he thought it was because Zhu Ling was incompetent that he lost the army.But after thinking about it carefully, I found it impossible.

Cao Cao didn't like Zhu Ling's character very much.But he is a good player in war, second only to the five good generals.It is evenly divided with Li Dian and others.

The cavalry confrontation is also very simple and straightforward.According to Zhu Ling's ability, he shouldn't fall into ambush or suffer any conspiracy.

It is conceivable that Zhao Yun's cavalry must be too powerful, beyond expectations, and Zhu Lingcai felt angry on the spot.

In his fright and anger, he threatened to kill Zhu Ling's nine clans just now, which was really too Meng Lang.

"Chu has powerful cavalry, it is basically impossible. But now that the facts are in front of us, we have to believe it. Chu has powerful cavalry, plus the hundreds of thousands of horses that were looted this time, Chu's The cavalry will be stronger. This is already inevitable. In future battles, there will be a lot of hands and feet." Jia Xu sighed and said.

"What is the prime minister's decision?" Jia Xu then asked solemnly.

Now the situation is not in Cao Wei, but in Chu.It is really hard to go.

Cao Cao couldn't help falling silent when he heard the words, and then he looked up to the sky and sighed, and said, "Gu really had a very long and beautiful dream this time. It's a pity that dreams are always dreams, and now it's time to wake up from the dream."

This is Cao Cao's admission that all the strategies he discussed with Jia Xu to manage Yongliang, conquer Hanzhong, and compete with Kou Feng for the land of Shu are all dreams.

The flowers in the mirror are just the moon in the water.

It's hard to do now.

When Cao Cao sighed, he felt sorry for Jia Xu's strategy.It's a pity that Jia Xu, a peerless adviser who counts everything, came up with a strategy.

Can divide Ma Teng, Han Sui.

But time is not with me.

He was so ambitious that he was smashed to pieces by one of Zhao Yun's cavalry.At this moment, Cao Cao's mood is very, very complicated.

(To be continued)

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