But Cao Cao is Cao Cao, he is not a wimp like Sun Quan.

After a moment of decadence, Cao Cao's eyes suddenly burst out with monstrous murderous intent.

"If you hide this news and forcefully attack Ma Teng, Han Sui. How does Wen He feel?" Cao Cao asked in a deep voice.

"This." Jia Xu couldn't help but gasped.

Cao Cao is a hero, what is a hero?It is a person who can make dangerous moves when he is defeated, do what he says, and is very likely to reverse the situation.

What Cao Cao is doing now is forcibly reversing the situation.

Now, the food road in the rear is indeed cut off.However, it is naturally impossible for Cao Cao to supply the whole army with food.Now the food stockpiled in the army can last for three months.

There are only two ways to continue this war.

One of them is to send 3 tiger and leopard cavalry, assisted by [-] ordinary cavalry, a total of [-] people to Xudu, to re-protect the grain road.

But in this way, Cao Cao's cavalry was much less, a total of 3.You know, what Cao Cao lacked most when facing Ma Teng and Han Sui was cavalry.

Once these 3 people go, the outcome is two things.Even with Jia Xu's ingenious plan, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes.

The second way is to conceal the news that the food road has been cut off, relying on the army's enough food for three months.Take the opportunity to cross the river and pacify Liangzhou in Yongzhou within three months.

This method has a great possibility of success.But if Yongliang is not pacified before the food is eaten up, the 20 army will be wiped out.

In addition, Zhao Yun must be tolerated in the Central Plains, destroying the granary of the Central Plains county, and plundering the population.Burn rice fields or something.

The losses in the rear are incalculable, not to mention the doom of the 20 troops in front of them being wiped out.

Jia Xu was also shocked by Cao Cao's ruthlessness.How ruthless a person must be to make such a determination to die and survive.

Jia Xu felt that something was wrong, very wrong.

After pondering for a while, he said to Cao Cao: "I remember that when Dong Zhuo was executed, Wang Yun did not let his ministers wait for the Xiliang people. In order to save his life, the minister had no choice but to persuade Li Guo to lead his troops to the east, targeting Chang'an. "

After speaking, Jia Xu paused, and sighed: "At that time, it was also because of the bad reputation of the minister, Guo Li and others, that there was no room for them in the world. It was really a desperate effort to make such a bad plan."

"And now the prime minister is sitting in the north. Although he lost in the northwest, he still has deep roots. Why rush to desperately?"

Jia Xu's words, in the words of later generations, means that barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes.Not only do they have shoes to wear these days, they also have nice clothes.

It can be said to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Why do you have to work hard like those barefoot people for the gains and losses of one city and one place?

These words are all from the bottom of my heart, not that Jia Xu didn't dare to work hard.He is a tumbler in troubled times, even if Cao Cao died in battle, he can still live well.

His original intention was to persuade Cao Cao to think twice.

Cao Cao's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and the murderous intent in his eyes slowly subsided.What Jia Xu said is right, he now has a big family and a big career.

There's no need to take a big gamble on whether his life is harder than Kou Feng's.

"Call all the civil and military officials to discuss the matter of withdrawing troops." After a long silence, Cao Cao said.

"No." Jia Xu promised, and then walked down.Not long after, the important civil and military members of the army, Zhong Yao, Cao Hong, Zhang Jai, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Yan, Xu Chu, etc., all entered the central army tent.

"Rear news, Zhao Yun's cavalry defeated Zhu Ling in the Central Plains, and Zhu Ling died on the spot. Zhao Yun took advantage of the situation and robbed hundreds of thousands of horses in the Central Plains. Our food road was also cut off. Gu decided to withdraw first. Now, arrange for those who stay behind Mission." Cao Cao said, at this moment Cao Cao has been able to calm down.He speaks very calmly, and it can be said that his emotions and anger are invisible.

"What? What does Zhu Ling eat?" Cao Hong shouted after hearing this.

Zhong Yao, Xia Houyuan and others were also shocked.

"Calm down." Cao Cao cast a glance at Cao Hong and said coldly.

Under Cao Cao's gaze, Cao Hong was so shocked that he didn't dare to speak.

With Cao Hong as an example, Xia Houyuan and others did not dare to make mistakes, but their expressions were still full of disbelief.

Zhu Ling just failed.

"This time the Central Plains lost, and it will be difficult for Gu to organize troops to march west again for a long time. The Yongzhou area is also unsustainable. Therefore, Gu plans to gather all the people of Yongzhou south of the Yellow River in the Chang'an area. Even if it is a household The whole family has been restrained, and they cannot be given to Ma Teng cheaply. Yuan Chang will lead [-] troops to guard Chang'an." Cao Cao first said solemnly to Zhong Yao, and then turned his head to Cao Hong and said, "Zi Lian, you too. Take it easy, and lead [-] soldiers to guard Tongguan."

"Promise." Cao Cao said very solemnly, Zhong Yao and Cao Hong couldn't help agreeing.

"The remaining 15 troops, including [-] tiger and leopard cavalry, [-] ordinary cavalry, and [-] infantry. Return to the Central Plains with Gu and attack Wancheng." Immediately, Cao Cao's face showed the attitude of a gangster, With cold eyes, he said with hatred.

When he took Kou Feng to Shu, he took the opportunity to make soy sauce.Stopped the money and food that had only been accumulated recently, and carried out a rare western expedition.No, the soy sauce was not finished.

Hou Bei was stabbed by Kou Feng instead.A full [-] cavalry and hundreds of thousands of horses were lost.It really was a hemorrhage.

Cao Cao had already lost his mind just now, and planned to put down Ma Teng first, and then Han Sui went back to find Kou Feng to settle the score.Fortunately, Jia Xu stopped him.

But this does not mean that Cao Cao's sanity has returned. In fact, Cao Cao's mood is still very, very bad.

If you don't take revenge, Cao Cao may have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Promise." Both Cao Cao's tone and Cao Cao's expression showed a strong determination to take revenge.

Soon after, Cao Cao set up the camp on the south bank of the Yellow River, and began to slowly move out of the camp.Of course, the nearly 20 army cannot be removed at once.

Come part by part.

Three days later, Cao Cao's large tent of the Chinese army also began to move out.It symbolizes the complete failure of Cao Cao's soy sauce.It only cost a lot of money, food and troops, and lost hundreds of thousands of horses.

And, how to evaluate Yongzhou and Liangzhou is also left.Strategies in Hanzhong.Unfortunately, there is no time.

Cao Cao walked very silently. During the menacing western expedition, Cao Jun did not even have a decent battle with Ma Teng and Han Sui.It's just that the two sides have tried to fight a few times.

Really anticlimactic.

However, this event is a great joy for the forces in Yongzhou and Liangzhou.Cao Cao walked in silence, but Ma Teng, Han Sui and the others were going to make a big fuss, making it a little more sensational.

Because Cao Cao's retreat means that they have consolidated Yongzhou and Liangzhou.

It is of great benefit to their prestige in the world and the cohesion of their own forces.There are too many heroes who have fallen into Cao Cao's hands in this world, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Lu Bu, Tao Qian, Liu Bei and so on.

But they Ma Teng and Han Sui stood firm, and successfully separated Yongzhou and Liangzhou.What a big deal.

The combined army of Ma Teng and Han Sui was stationed on the north bank of the Yellow River, near Xianyang.

Xianyang was the former capital of the Great Qin Dynasty.It's just that with the decline of Daqin, Xianyang is no longer brilliant.Because the Han Dynasty set its capital in Chang'an.Because the national strength of the early Han Dynasty was not as good as that of the Qin Dynasty.

The resistance of the Han Dynasty to the northern nomads was weak.And Xianyang is on the north bank of the Yellow River, so the nomads can drive straight in and attack Xianyang.

Therefore, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty did not set the capital in Xianyang.

But at this moment, Xianyang is the capital of Qin State established by Ma Teng.Ma Teng recruited countless wealthy households in Yongzhou to supplement the population of Xianyang and increase the height and thickness of Xianyang's city wall.

Make Xianyang prosperous again.

At this moment, the inside and outside of Xianyang City are even more jubilant.At least, the 20 soldiers are very jubilant, because Cao Cao is gone, so there is no need to fight and bleed.

At this moment, in Xianyang City, Qinhou Mansion, in the hall.

Ma Teng sat in the first place, Han Sui sat in the second place, followed by Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Pang De and a large number of Xiliang and Yongzhou warriors.

All of them were beaming with joy.

Ma Teng and Han Sui seem to be very close today, and they have forgotten the past grievances, honors and disgraces.Happy from the bottom of my heart.

"Hahaha, I'm very happy today. Don't come back when you're not drunk. Come, come, I'll give you a toast first." Ma Teng laughed and raised his glass to the giants in the hall.


Han Sui laughed and led the crowd to respond to Ma Teng.

"Happy, happy."

After eating a bowl, everyone shouted happily.

"Brother Shoucheng, defeating Cao Cao this time is of great significance to our two families. But it is really difficult to stand in troubled times. We should not be negligent because of a temporary victory. I don't know if Brother Shoucheng will continue What are the measures to come down, prosperous Yongzhou?" After drinking it all, Han Sui asked Ma Teng, with a very gentle attitude, Chen Ken.

"Oh, I don't know what kind of clever plan Wenyue has to make Liangzhou prosperous?" Ma Teng asked after hearing the words.

"Hehehe, let me tell you about Shoucheng. I have a high prestige among the Qiangs. Now that I am called Marquis of Liang, some of the Qiangs are willing to surrender. But many are still unwilling. I just want to conquer and expand the population of Liangzhou. I am just afraid The power is weak. I wonder if Shoucheng is interested?" Han Sui asked.

Ma Teng sneered in his heart, Han Sui's prestige among the Qiangs was very high, even Ma Teng was far behind.Most of the Qiang people have received the favor of Han Sui.

If he had listened to Han Sui's words, he would conquer the Qiang people together.It is estimated that he was eaten by Han Sui and the Qiang people along the way.

Now, the archenemy Cao Cao has just left.This old wolf has already revealed its wolfish ambition.

"Hey, I'm also tempted. But now that Cao Cao has just retreated, there is a shortage of food, and the soldiers have no fighting spirit. It is not suitable for expeditions. I can only envy Wenyue's prosperous Liangzhou." Ma Teng said with a sigh.

Han Sui knew immediately that Ma Teng would not be fooled.He couldn't help laughing and said, "You and my brother, what's mine is yours. After I conquer the Qiangs, I will surely divide my life into half of the prisoners."

But it opened a blank check.

"Thank you." Ma Teng also smiled.

The two leaders above began to plot against each other, and the titans below also had different thoughts.

The two forces of Liang and Qin will never be truly united.

(To be continued)

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