In the rear, there are Xu Shu, Zhao Yun and others to open up forces for Chu, and Yang Wei in the Central Plains.Kou Feng, who was on the front line of Western Shu, was naturally not idle.

After he defeated Zhang Ren in Fuling.

Appointed Meng Da to gather Zhang Ren's soldiers, and organized 1 people.Round the original 8 people, a total of 9 people, camped in front of the south gate of Berkshire.

Berkshire is the same as Fuling.

Blocking the main road into Shu, there are trails with high mountains and dense forests on both sides.Only after breaking through the south city gate and entering Berkshire can we continue north.

There is no other choice.

In the past, when Berkshire and Fuling formed a defensive posture with corners, Kou Feng had to garrison Pang Tong at the crossroads to guard the rear.Now that Fuling has been breached, Kou Feng naturally gathered a large army and stationed them all outside the city of Bergshire.

At this moment, outside the south city of Berkshire.The atmosphere was very tense.

Because everyone knew there would be a bloody battle to be fought.

Yan Yan of Berkshire has an army of 5000 people, who want to block the way.And Kou Feng has an army of 9 people, and he wants to remove Yan Yan, a roadblock.

However, during this period of time, the two parties did not have much impulsiveness.

Yan Yan didn't want to go out of the city to fight Kou Feng, because he knew he would not be Kou Feng's opponent in the field.And Kou Feng was also busy getting Meng Da to train and recruit those surrendered soldiers.

Try to train [-] troops to look like it.Worthy of a fight.

This day, in the big tent of the Chinese army.

Kou Feng summoned Meng Da.

Kou Feng has already received the news from the rear during this period.Naturally, I feel very happy in my heart. There are hundreds of thousands of horses, and cavalry is continuously established.

If it weren't for the fact that they were still at war, Kou Feng would have ordered Zhao Yun to start recruiting new cavalry to prepare to compete with Ma Teng and Han Sui's Xiliang iron cavalry.

Therefore, Kou Feng's face is very smug.

Meng Da in front of Kou Feng also had a similar expression. As a Chu general, he also held a heavy soldier.Also very happy.

"How is the training of Zijing's soldiers and horses?" Kou Feng asked warmly.

"My lord, after this period of training, Zhang Ren's influence has basically been eliminated. If he goes out, he will be worthy of a battle." Meng Da replied with his fists clasped.

The expression on his face was very confident. Leading troops to fight is what he is good at.

Now that things have happened, Kou Feng certainly doesn't feel that Meng Da is lying to him.While satisfied, he also admired Meng Da's ability to lead the army in his heart.

In history, Mengda has a bad reputation.

Said that he killed Guan Yu or something, and rebelled against Liu Zhang, Liu Bei, and then Cao Pi.It can be said to be a repeated villain.

But none of this happened, and Kou Feng would not care about people because of things that didn't happen.

Besides, Meng Da rebelled against Liu Bei for a reason in history, because his good friend Fazheng was dead, and Liu Bei forgot Meng Da's previous exploits and planned to kill Meng Da.

It made Meng Da rebel in desperation.

As for Guan Yu's failure, there were multiple reasons.Mengda cannot be blamed entirely.

Therefore, after Kou Feng realized Meng Da's talent, he felt that if he used Meng Da well, he would be a good general.Not enough to compete with Chu's five tiger generals.

Even worse than generals like Wei Yan.But at least he can be compared with people like Li Dian, and he is an indispensable talent for the country.

"I just feel relieved." Kou Feng said with a slight smile.Immediately, he said again: "Gu also decided to attack Berkshire in the near future, and Zijing's soldiers will be pawns at that time."

It is definitely a blow to Yan Yan to attack Yan Yan with a general.This is the main reason why Kou Feng waited for Meng Da to gather his soldiers.

pawn.It is a commendatory word.

"I would like to fight for your majesty." Meng Da said with great joy when he heard the words.

"Yeah. Go down first and then calm down the hearts of the soldiers. When the time comes, you can't embarrass Gu." Kou Feng nodded and said humbly.

"No." Meng Da solemnly replied.

Immediately, Meng Da left.He is also pressed for time.

After Meng Da left, Kou Feng felt more relaxed.

Really everything is ready.

After continuing to sit for a while, Kou Feng stretched his waist and walked out of the Chinese army tent.Standing outside the big tent, Kou Feng looked up in the direction of Berkshire.

What a tall city.Very dense forest.

It's really true that one man is in charge of the other.

It's not the first time I've seen Berkshire's precipitousness, but Kou Feng still couldn't help admiring it.The land of Shu is indeed the best place to save one's life.

After watching for a while, Kou Feng personally led Kou Shui to patrol the camp.

When there is nothing to do, patrolling the camp is what Kou Feng often does. On the one hand, it is regarded as spreading, and on the other hand, he is also urging the soldiers all the time, not to take it lightly.

It's a very healthy thing.

After about an hour, Kou Feng's inspection was almost over.But not far away, Pang Tong hurried over.This period of time went very smoothly, and Kou Feng was in a happy mood.

Pang Tong's was not bad either, his face was ruddy, and he was very calm.

However, this time it seemed that something important happened, and Pang Tong left in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, the battle report from Wancheng." Pang Tong waved the booklet in his hand and said to Kou Feng.

"Oh." Kou Feng frowned, and quickly walked up to him.At the beginning, when Xu Shu gave him the news of the big victory ahead, he made it clear that he might face Cao Cao's revenge.

Of course, Kou Feng also paid a lot of attention to the situation in Wancheng.Now that there is finally news, it naturally touched Kou Feng's heart.Can't wait to greet him, Kou Feng didn't care about the etiquette, took the booklet from Pang Tong's hand, and flipped through it.

Kou Feng let go of the notes written by Jiang Wan himself.

The war in Wancheng went smoothly.

At the beginning, Cao Cao led 15 horse infantry troops to the south of Wancheng.Xu Shu ordered to fortify the walls and clear the fields, only guard the important cities and abandon the secondary cities.

Let Cao Cao's army wreak havoc in Wancheng.

It doesn't matter if the government treasuries and granaries of some counties are burned down.Anyway, Chu State has a lot of these luggage, but if Cao Cao robs the people, Xu Shu will send Zhao Yun out to fight Cao Cao.

Think about it, after Zhou Yu plundered countless people, the army was dispersed by the people, resulting in a great defeat.Even if the elite tiger and leopard cavalry fought against Zhao Yun in the process of plundering the people, their advantage would be much less.

Therefore, the continuous warring parties have victories and losses for each other, and no one has benefited.

When Kou Feng received this note, it is estimated that Cao Cao had already returned to the north in despair.

"Hahaha, Cao Cao retreated to the north, Zhao Yun and Xu Shu attacked the Central Plains, and the brilliant achievements of looting hundreds of thousands of horses were saved." Kou Feng laughed happily.

At this moment, Kou Feng couldn't help thinking of Gongsun Kang.It was Gongsun Kang who cut off their horse trade, but now the state of Chu can produce and sell its own horses.

There is really no need to bow to Gongsun Kang anymore.

How can you not be happy?

"Hehe, from this point of view, as long as we can enter Shu as soon as possible and pacify Hanzhong, we will be able to get in touch with Yongliang before Cao Cao pacifies Yongliang. At that time, it will be impossible for Cao Cao to pacify Yongliang again. With Chu's current wings and power, there is a [-]% chance of winning." Pang Tong was also very happy, and said with a smile.

"Sixty percent, it's already very big." Kou Feng nodded and said with a smile.

"By the way, I have already decided to attack Berkshire in the near future. I haven't decided on the exact date just now, but now is just right. Let's put it in three days. I will attack Berkshire within three months and attack Chengdu. " Kou Feng pondered for a while, and then ordered loudly.

"No." Pang Tong promised.

This time, although Kou Feng was the coach, the real army was actually mobilized by Pang Tong.After Pang Tong promised, he began to mobilize the army to prepare for the attack on Berkshire.

The entire Chu army camp looked like they were sharpening their knives.

Compared with the aggressiveness of the Chu army camp, Berkshire's momentum is much weaker.

The important city of Fuling was breached, and general Zhang Ren was captured.This blow was not insignificant, even with the prestige and means of the old general Yan Yan, it could not completely calm the impact of this matter.

Whether it is the generals at the top or the soldiers at the bottom, the morale is not high.Even some unreliable elements have no desire to resist.

If it weren't for Yan Yan's prestige, maybe the whole Berkshire would fall apart.

Without the Chu army's strong attack, it collapsed on its own.

In the prefect's mansion of Berkshire, Yan Yan was sitting in the commander's seat.Below them are Liu Gui, Deng Xian, Ling Bao, and some of Yan Yan's trusted generals.

Of course, Yan Yan could feel the changes of the Chu army outside the city.He summoned his generals for this purpose.

"According to the news from the spies, Kou Feng has already started to deploy and is ready to attack the city. You must also cheer up, don't look downcast, and let the soldiers be discouraged." Yan Yan glanced at the generals in the hall They found that most of them were very decadent, and couldn't help but hate iron for not being a steel road.

"General, it's not that we destroy our prestige and increase the momentum of others. It's just that we are too disadvantaged. Now we just have a geographical advantage. In terms of morale, we will be completely defeated. In terms of weapons, Kou Feng has a large number of Chu knives, And we only have [-] Wei sabers, so we will suffer a lot in fighting. We are also at a disadvantage in terms of military strength. This city is not easy to defend." A general below said.

If it wasn't for this general being Yan Yan's confidant, if it wasn't for the fact that all the generals in the hall had the same thoughts.Yan Yan dragged him out and chopped him up long ago.

Although he didn't do this, Yan Yan was still full of anger.

But immediately, it was like a deflated ball.Sighing, he said, "What you said is the truth. If there is nothing else, I can't hold Berkshire."


Speaking of this, Yan Yan cheered up and said: "However, wars have always been changing rapidly, and accidents happen a lot. Although we can't resist, we have foreign aid."

The matter of contacting the barbarians is very confidential in Shu.Because the barbarians are the object of hatred of the people in Shu, if the news of Liu Zhang contacting the barbarians spreads, the land of Shu will surely shake.

The only sharp weapon Liu Zhang has now is Renhe.It also disappeared.It is therefore confidential.The upper echelons of the power of the entire Shu Kingdom will not give any explanation.

Because there is only one explanation, it was just an accidental invasion of the barbarians, who happened to attack Kou Feng and help the Kingdom of Shu.

But Yan Yan still decided to spread the news to boost morale.So that Berkshire will not be self-defeating.

(To be continued)

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