"Foreign aid? Now that we are trapped in Sichuan, where can we come from for foreign aid?"

"Foreign aid? Could it be Zhang Lu?"

"Your Majesty and Zhang Lu are feuds, it is impossible to unite, right?"

"Why is it impossible? Your lips are cold and your teeth are dead."

Yan Yan's words can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, causing all the generals in the hall to talk about it.In terms of atmosphere, it is much more active than before.

Whether you believe in the alliance between Liu Zhang and Zhang Lu, or you don't believe in the alliance between Liu Zhang and Zhang Lu.It's all a boost of morale.Although there is a feud with Zhang Lu, but in the current situation, it is always good to have foreign aid.

Seeing it in his eyes, Yan Yan couldn't help but feel slightly excited.As long as it's not like a pool of stagnant water, it's fine.But while excited, Yan Yan also had some wry smiles.

The generals believed that Liu Zhang would unite with Zhang Lu, but no one suggested that Liu Zhang would unite with Meng Huo.It can be seen that Meng Huo is really disgusting too much.

In fact, it is also expected.

After all, no matter how much people hate Zhang Lu, he is still from his own clan, while Meng Huo is from a foreign clan.

Also because of this, Yan Yan annoyed what he was going to say.Just let these generals think that the foreign aid is Zhang Lu. There is a saying called "Wangmei quenches thirst".

Although it was invented by Cao Cao, it has already been introduced to Shu.

Just let the generals have something to look forward to.

"Hehe, it's Zhang Lu. Your Majesty has overcome his reluctance and sent envoys into Hanzhong. Presumably in the near future, he will definitely receive news of Zhang Lu going south." Yan Yan said with a slight smile.

With such a smile, the wrinkles on the old general's face stretched out.All of a sudden, I feel much younger and more energetic.

Just like the feeling of ordinary people enjoying the spring breeze.

This expression infected many generals in the hall, and their morale was really boosted.

However, a few people don't quite believe it.

They are Liu Gui, Deng Xian, and Ling Bao. Their status is very high, comparable to Yan Yan.Although he failed to get in touch with the core of Shu Kingdom like Yan Yan.

But they have been in the south for a long time, and they know that the foreign aid refers not only to Zhang Lu, but also to the Nanman Meng Huo.

Therefore, all three are very silent.

They led troops in the south all the year round and fought against Meng Huo several times. They knew that every time Meng Huo invaded, the people in the border areas would suffer terribly.I was a little unhappy about Liu Zhang's trick of attracting wolves into the house.

It just so happened that Ling Bao, Deng Xian, and Liu Gui's prestige in the south was second only to him and Zhang Ren, which meant a lot to the army.

Yan Yan saw it in his eyes and knew that if he could not subdue these three warriors, the city would still be difficult to defend.

I couldn't help but smile wryly in my heart, it really has many internal weaknesses and huge external pressure.There are a lot of troubles.

"Let's pass on the order, and order the soldiers to cheer up. Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian will stay here." Yan Yan ordered after making the generals happy for a while.


The generals promised and left immediately.

After a while, only Yan Yan, Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian were left in the hall.

"Old general, the foreign aid you mentioned just now are Meng Huo, Yong Kai and other idiots?" When there were only four people left in the hall, Liu Gui finally couldn't help it, and asked.

The Yong Kai mentioned by Liu Gui is a Han Chinese, and he is the head of the patriarch of Nanzhong.He colluded with Meng Huo and others and often rebelled.Self-respect.

The so-called Meng Huo cannot become a force, but after adding Yong Kai, there will be a full army of [-].It has been a headache for the Kingdom of Shu.

"It's them." Yan Yan also nodded happily.

"Old General." Although he had already guessed it, but when Yan Yan admitted it, Liu Gui and the other three couldn't help being extremely disappointed and said.

"Hey. Have you forgotten Zhang Ren's ambition? He wants to rule Shu with Shu people, and he doesn't want Shu to be taken over by Chu. Now that our Shu is weak, we can only use these crooked tricks." Yan Yan sighed and said.

"If this is the end of our country of Shu, I have nothing to do. But if the country of Shu can survive, I swear that the barbarians in the south will be pacified in this life. I also ask the three generals to hold back the shame of joining Meng Huo for the time being. Together with the old man, we will protect the Kingdom of Shu." Immediately, Yan Yan made a promise to the three of them.

A heart to serve the country, the world can learn from it.

Yan Yan's sincerity reminded the three of them of Zhang Ren who had been captured in Fuling, and their faces softened.Although he didn't speak, it was obvious that he had no opinion.

Yan Yan glanced at the three of them, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Now Berkshire's military spirit has finally been pulled up by him, and it should be able to hold Kou Feng for a long time.Now we just have to see if Mr. Zheng Du has any achievements in the south.

If Meng Huo could send [-] troops, or even just [-] troops, then they would be able to resolve the crisis.

The southern barbarians are all very fierce, and Meng Huo colluded with the Han Yongkai, using very sophisticated weapons and armor, which is a very powerful force.

……………… Yizhou is a very strange place.

It can be called the land of Shu, because in ancient times there was Ba Kingdom, and Shu Kingdom was established here, but was later destroyed by Qin Kingdom.Just like Jiangdong is called the land of Wuyue, Yizhou can be called Bashu.

But Yizhou itself has Shu County, which is the county where Chengdu is located, called Shu County.

In addition, there is a place called Yizhou County in the southernmost part of Yizhou.

Yizhou is like Jiangdong, and Jiangdong's rule is based in a small area around Wujun.Although it is known as 81 states, in fact the ruling foundation of other places is very weak.

The ruling center of Yizhou is centered on Chengdu, and the Chengdu Plain spreads outward.

In the south of the Yangtze River, there are Yizhou County, Zangke County, Nanzhong County and other counties.They were less obedient to the rule of Liu Zhang, governor of Yizhou.

The local surnames often unite with the barbarians next to them to become a half-powerful force.

And Liu Zhang's own fighting ability is relatively weak, even Zhang Lu can't do it, so naturally he has no time to pay attention to these half-skilled forces.

Only when these semi-literate forces joined forces with Meng Huo and other southern barbarians to attack the hinterland of Yizhou, Liu Zhang would send generals to suppress it.

It's been that way for decades.

Among the common surnames in these counties, the Yong surname in Yizhou County is the most powerful and distinguished.Because the ancestor of the surname Yong was the founding hero of Han Gaozu, Yong Chi.

Yong Chi is a figure who was appointed as a marquis and a general, and he is listed as 57th among Han Gaozu's founding heroes.Passed to the present, it is naturally a very prominent family.

And because he has been living in Nantu, he is very prestigious in the local area.

Meng Huo had about 60 troops and [-] barbarians.Very powerful, right?In comparison, the number of soldiers and horses united by Yong and other major surnames in southern counties is only [-] to [-].

However, the relationship between Meng Huo and Yong Kai, the current head of the surname Yong, is only a cooperative relationship.Only by forming a crowd of one hundred thousand can they call the wind and rain in the south.

In other words, the two sides are on an equal footing.

It can be seen that it is strong.

Yizhou County was the land of Dian Kingdom in ancient times.

The name of his government is called Dianchi Lake.There are many southern barbarians in the city, and there are also many Han people. It looks like the two races live together.

Today, outside Dianchi City, an unexpected visitor ushered in.

This person is in the middle age, with a plump appearance and bright eyes. It can be said that he has an extraordinary temperament.He was sitting in a carriage, accompanied by dozens of guards.

Looks great too.

This person is exactly Zheng Du who was ordered to go south.

At the beginning, Zheng Du proposed a strategy to Liu Zhang in Chengdu, saying that he would unite with Nanman Meng Huo to attack Kou Feng together and solve the disaster of Shu.

Although Meng Huo united with the local people, the tribe lived in the dense forest in the south.Contact is difficult.Zheng Du naturally came to Yizhou County and contacted Yong Kai first.

"My lord, Dianchi Lake has arrived. What should I do next?" The leader of the accompanying guards asked Zheng Du, very respectful.

"Hey, what else can I do? Come to see me directly." Zheng Du said with a sigh.

Although Zheng Du came up with this strategy, Zheng Du also felt discouraged about uniting the Nanman.If the Kingdom of Shu can be strong and prosperous, why should they do so?

"No." The leader of the guard immediately agreed, and led the convoy towards the city.

Han people and barbarians live together, which is very common in today's Han world.In Xiliang, the Han people lived with the Qiang people, and in Youzhou, the Han people lived with the Wuhuan people.

In Jiangdong, Han Chinese and Shanyue people live together.

In Yizhou County, the Han people lived together with the Nanman people.

The adaptive surname of the Han people can be said to be very powerful.

In the city, although the costumes of the Han people and the southern barbarians are different, the language is also different.But it looks very harmonious.Especially, as this kind of mixed living slowly lasts for a long time.

There will be a change in language on both sides.Slowly there is a trend of integration.This makes Yong Kai and other surnames in this soil where half-power forces are to be established.

The so-called local forces refer to this.

Zheng Du also came to Dianchi Lake for the first time, feeling the strange harmony between the two races, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Soon after, a group of people arrived near the city.

In this city, the largest mansion must not be the prefect's mansion, but the Yong family's mansion.

It's easy to find.

After asking passers-by in the center of the city, the group arrived outside Yong's mansion.

The mansion is very grand, because it is located in a remote place, and the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.The surname Yong is also very courageous, and the establishment of this mansion has surpassed the scale of ordinary princes.

"Sure enough, they are all rebellious people." After observing for a while, Zheng Du couldn't help but sneered.

You can only cooperate with such a person for a while, but not for a long time.It will be swallowed for a long time.

"Who are you?" The guard guarding the gate couldn't help but snapped when he saw Zheng Du and the others standing still for a while.

"This old man is Zheng Du, an official under the Marquis of Shu's tent. I want to ask to see Mr. Yong. Please pass it on." Zheng Du straightened his clothes and clasped his fists.

"Zheng Du?" The guard was a little puzzled when he heard the words, he had never heard of it.

But Liu Zhang, the Marquis of Shu, had heard of it, and Zheng Du was very polite.He couldn't help but nodded and said, "Wait a minute." After saying that, he turned around and went in to report.

"If you can talk about hundreds of thousands of people going north, Kou Feng is no problem."

Outside the gate, Zheng Du's gaze was very firm.

(To be continued)

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