At this moment, inside Yong's mansion.

In the south of Yizhou, it belongs to a large family with a local surname, and has high prestige among Han people and Nanman people.Yong Kai, the helm of the Yong family, exists as a half-powerful force.

Drinking tea in the house.

With a face in his forties and fair skin, he exudes the noble aura of the patriarch of a wealthy family.Kneeling and sitting in the first place seemed very natural.

At this moment, besides Yong Kai, there are two other people in the room.

One of them was older, with a majestic body and a majestic face, and he was dressed in the service of the southern barbarians.The other one was younger and appeared to be more immature.

But the appearance is somewhat similar to the older one.

These are a pair of brothers, they are Meng Huo and Meng You, who shocked the Nanman.

The so-called southern barbarians refer to the barbarians in the south, among which there are many tribes, numbering in the millions.Not only in the area south of Yizhou, but also in the deep mountains and old forests in the south, there are countless tribes.

However, the tribes in the deep mountains and old forests further south are very primitive.On the other hand, Meng Huo and others in the south of Yizhou had a certain degree of civilization.

From the ancient Dian Kingdom to the modern Yelang Kingdom.Both were established by barbarian tribes.

The total number of these tribes in Yizhou is about 200 million, and they are composed of several tribes that do not belong to each other.Meng Huo's tribe is the largest among them, with about 60 people.

Due to the hardships of life in the mountains, most of the troops are strong and strong, and almost everyone is a soldier.Therefore, there are [-] regular barbarians.Very powerful.

Meng Huo himself was very prestigious among the local Han people and the Nanman people.Gai because Meng Huo himself is very forthright, anxious for justice.

"Brother Yong called me here in such a hurry, why?" Meng Huo asked with some doubts on his face.

Yong Kai smiled when he heard the words, and said, "Brother Meng, you know that the war between Chu and Shu has seen new ups and downs."

"Oh? Could it be that Kou Feng, who is said to dominate the southeast, has been defeated?" Meng Huo groaned, but he didn't seem particularly concerned.

They are in the south.

The news was relatively obscure. Meng Huo only knew that the state of Chu had entered Fuling and Berkshire and was currently confronting Yan Yan and Zhang Ren.

As one of the commanders of the Nanman, Meng Huo often launched rebellions.Most of them fought with Yan Yan and Zhang Ren, winning and losing each other.I am quite convinced of the military talents of these two people.

I also know that these two men have an army of [-], and they are sitting on a strong city, and they are each other's horns.

Therefore, Meng Huo also thought in his heart that these two people could guard for at least a year and a half, waiting for Kou Feng to run out of food.He never thought that Zhang Ren would be defeated by Kou Feng.

Shu Kingdom ushered in the moment of life and death.

"On the contrary, it was Zhang Ren who was defeated by Kou Feng. He was still in Fuling City and was captured by Kou Feng." Yong Kai said with a wry smile.

Apart from a wry smile on his face, there was also some hatred for iron.

Although Yong Kai often launched rebellions, it was also regarded as one of the local forces in Yizhou.When fighting Liu Zhang, he knew everything.Know that even if you lose the enemy, you can retreat to Yizhou County and consolidate your power.

But the power of Chu State is different.

Although Yong Kai's location is remote, he is very afraid of the power of Chu's bandits.A thriving big country.

It is not comparable to the Shu Kingdom established by Liu Zhang.If Chu State enters Yizhou, how can he feel at ease?

When I came to find Meng Huo today, I naturally wanted to join forces to fight against Kou Feng.Drive Kou Feng out.

"What? Zhang Ren can't be so useless." Meng Huo was shocked when he heard the words.

"Yes, Zhang Ren is a famous general in Yizhou. He was very brave when he fought with us. Besides, isn't he sitting in Fuling? It is a very fortified city." Meng You, who was beside him, also said in astonishment.

"No matter how powerful the defense force is, it can't defend against the moths that appear inside." Yong Kai sighed and said.Immediately, he told Meng Huo what happened in Fuling.

"Fazheng? Meng Da? Zhang Song? Except for Zhang Song, the other two are unknown figures, but they stabbed Liu Zhang like this." Meng Huo finally believed this and said.

"Now is not the time to worry about Liu Zhang. The key is that we are all Yizhou forces, and Chu State is extremely powerful. If Liu Zhang is finished, our life will not be easy." Yong Kai's eyes were very calm, and he finally said It was his purpose to find Meng Huo.

"Then what is Brother Yong going to do?" Meng Huo asked Yong Kai after hearing the words and pondering for a long time.

"Raise one hundred thousand troops and seal the bandits..."

Yong Kai just spoke, at this moment.A guard's voice sounded outside the door: "Master, outside the door there is a man who claims to be Liu Zhang's servant Zheng Du asking to see him."

"Haha, it's not that I want to save it. It's that other people want to be rescued. It's really a fat sheep delivered to the door." Yong Kai was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed.

Yong Kai himself has a very strategic vision and is very decisive.So to save Liu Zhang.But now that others are begging to come to the door, it is different again.

"Hehe. I'll retreat for a while." Meng Huo also said with a smile.

"Okay." Yong Kai nodded and said, and then invited Meng Huo into the inner room.He said to the door: "Please come in."

"No." The guard promised.

Not long after, Zheng Du walked in.

"I met Mr. Yong." Zheng Du walked into the room and greeted Yong Kai.

"You are Zheng Du?" Yong Kai did not rush to speak, but looked at Zheng Du for a moment and said.

"It's right here." Zheng Du nodded.

"Not only do I not have any friendship with Liu Zhang, the Marquis of Shu, but we are facing each other tit for tat. I don't know what the so-called Mr. Zheng, a minister of the Shu Kingdom, entered my Yizhou County?"

Yong Kai asked with a smile.

"There is no friendship, and it's not old. Naturally, we need to ask for something." Zheng Du said happily, and then said: "I, Zheng Du, have always been a straightforward person. I just said it straight."

"When Kou Feng entered Shu, my lord and my husband died with cold lips and teeth. Now Kou Feng's troops have entered Fuling, and Chen Bing is outside Ba County. Once Ba County is captured, Shu State will be destroyed by Chu State. At that time, I'm afraid Mr. Yong will also be in a difficult situation. Therefore, he specially brought [-] spears, [-] long swords, [-] leather armors, and [-] stones of grain. Mr. Suzhong, please send troops to drive out the foreign enemies together."

Just like Zheng Du introduced himself, it is really refreshing.

But this is Zheng Du's brilliance. When he came, he had already got to know Yong Kai in detail. He was very generous and talented.

Not a short-sighted villain.

Get straight to the goal, and then act like this is the final condition.That's the easiest way to deal with Yong Kai.If you talk about it, you will sink deeper and deeper.

More will be lost.

Yong Kai was naturally shocked by Zheng Du's quick words.This is the first time he has seen such a negotiation and such a request for troops.

However, Yong Kai was indeed moved by Zheng Du's conditions.[-] spears, [-] long swords, [-] leather armors, and [-] grains.

They are all military supplies that are currently very scarce in the South.

In addition, Yong Kai himself planned to join forces with Liu Zhang to drive away Kou Feng from the very beginning.

However, what rose in Yong Kai's mind was the idea of ​​continuing the lion's mouth.Because looking at Zheng Du's straightforward appearance, according to common sense, it should not be the bottom line.

But Zheng Du's straightforward gesture really stunned Yong Kai.

If this is the bottom line, he spoke, but Zheng Du didn't agree.Wouldn't this fat meat be lost?After pondering for a long time, Yong Kai still nodded and said, "Yizhou belongs to us, how can we allow an outsider like Kou Feng to get involved. Go back and tell Liu Zhang that I will immediately join forces with Meng Huo and send [-] troops. But what about weapons and food?"

Saying that, Yong Kai looked at Zheng Du.

"Don't worry sir, we are already on our way." Zheng Du said.

"In that case, sir, you can go back and return." Yong Kai laughed immediately when he heard the words.

This hit-it-all thing is really easy to talk about.

"Farewell." Zheng Du finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. Although he said it frankly, the burden on his shoulders was too heavy.Only now that Yong Kai agreed, Zheng Du could really feel at ease.

As for the other, Yong Kai promised to send troops, but if he received the weapons and food, he did not send troops.This is not something Zheng Du can consider.Because if Yong Kai did not send troops, their Shu Kingdom would be over.

It's useless to ask for so many weapons, money and food.

What's more, Zheng Du believed in Yong Kai more.

"Finally got one hundred thousand soldiers. Live up to the entrustment of the Marquis of Shu."

Zheng Du clenched his fists and walked out with a feeling of relief.

"You really are a cheerful person." Not long after Zheng Du left, Meng Huo and Meng You came out from the inner room.Meng Huo, who heard everything in his ears, sighed and said.

"It's very straightforward. It gives people a feeling of doing big things without dragging their feet. It also has a convincing atmosphere. It makes me believe that the weapons and food promised by Liu Zhang will definitely arrive." Yong Kai nodded with a smile Said, and then said enviously: "Although Liu Zhang is weak, the civil and military personnel under the tent are all very elite."

"Like Zhang Song, Huang Quan, Zheng Du, Zhang Ren, Yan Yan, Wu Yi and others. Also like Fazheng, Meng Da, these little-known figures, but they can dominate the situation and change the situation of the battle. They really are sitting on outstanding people. land."

Very sigh.

"But unfortunately, people are not heroes." Meng Huo said with a smile.

"Yes. People are not heroes." Yong Kai nodded and said.Immediately, Yong Kai formally asked Meng Huo, "How is it?"

"Of course we sent troops. There are hundreds of thousands of people. I will gather for Brother Yong. Let's join hands to meet the overlord of the southeast, Duke Chu Koufeng."

Meng Huo said with arrogance.

"Hahahahahahaha." Yong Kai laughed.Immediately, his face became ruthless, and he stood up abruptly and said, "How can it be just for a while? I want to drive him out of the Shu land like a dog. Let the world know that only we Shu people, outsiders, can compete for the Shu land." Don't even think about getting involved."

Very confident and arrogant.Even exudes a domineering.

"Hahaha." Meng Huo and Meng You brothers also laughed.

Half a month later, after Yong Kai received Zheng Du's weapons and food, he joined forces with Meng Huo and Meng You brothers to send [-] elite soldiers to fight against the Kou Feng in the Northern Expedition.

(To be continued)

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