Although Liu Zhang concealed the news of Fuling's fall and Zhang Ren's capture at the beginning for a period of time, it was still not covered by paper.

It still leaked out.

At present, in the city of Chengdu, the hearts of the people, whether they are officials, gentry, or common people, are relatively chaotic.

Those who supported Liu Zhang wanted to protect Shu together with Liu Zhang.Some of the more thoughtful ones began to float.

The whole of Chengdu became dark and turbulent.

Chengdu is the capital of the Shu Kingdom, and its changes will naturally affect the surrounding Chengdu Plain.

As the king of the Shu Kingdom, Liu Zhang, who was canonized as the Marquis of Shu, was naturally in a state of desperation.Busy to appease the nobles and officials.

Evening, Chengdu, Chuhou Mansion.

After dealing with affairs for a day, Liu Zhang dragged his tired body back to the backyard.

"Master." Mrs. Liu hurriedly greeted him.Although Mrs. Liu is 40 years old, she looks like 30 years old because she is good at health preservation, with a plump figure and very beautiful.

As usual, Liu Zhang is also very infatuated.But now it looks like bacon, tasteless.

"I'm tired, I'm going to prepare hot water for a bath, I'm lonely." Liu Zhang waved his hand.

"Yes." Mrs. Liu responded obediently, and immediately called the maid to go down to do things.But Mrs. Liu stayed and supported Liu Zhang to sit down beside her.

The husband and wife were so speechless.

Until a guard came in and reported: "Your Majesty, Mr. Zheng Du is back."

"Are you back?" Liu Zhang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately got up and said.

"It's in the hall." The guard nodded and said.

"Okay, okay." Liu Zhang said yes twice after hearing the words, and immediately got up and walked out.

Now the Kingdom of Shu is basically hopeless, just lingering on its last breath.But if there is Meng Huo's foreign aid, it may not be impossible to come back to life.

How could Liu Zhang not pay attention?

Mrs. Liu could not help but feel resentment in her eyes when she saw Liu Zhang hurriedly touching his face.These days are really sad.

In the hall, Zheng Du was kneeling and sitting beside him solemnly.Outside the door, Liu Zhang hurried in after taking a look.

"Sir, I'm looking forward to you coming back. Is there any news from Meng Huo?" Before Zheng Du got up and saluted, Liu Zhang asked impatiently.

"Fortunately. Meng Huo, Yong Kai promised to raise [-] troops to drive Kou out of Shu." Zheng Du also knew that Liu Zhang was concerned about this matter, so he ignored the ceremony and said directly with a smile.

"Okay, that's great. A crowd of [-] is beyond Gu's expectations. Let's see if Kou Feng will die. Let's see how he loses his soldiers and generals if he wants to take Gu's Shu Kingdom." Liu Zhang concealed his words. I couldn't help being ecstatic and shouting loudly.

Very, very happy.

It is also common sense.After all, Liu Zhang is now in the desert of despair, and suddenly encountered sweet and delicious spring water, how could he not be happy?

Liu Zhang's expression, as well as his tone, lost his identity as the overlord.But at this moment, Zheng Du doesn't care about these things.He also squinted his eyes, very relaxed.

Just like Liu Zhang said.

Now that Meng Huo's [-] men have sent troops, let's just sit and watch how Kou Feng loses his troops and generals.


Outside Berkshire.

In the camp of the Chu army, everything was being prepared in an orderly manner, and all the necessary equipment for siege, such as ladders, were carried out.In addition to these, the soldiers also recharged their batteries.

Only the 1 men under Meng Da's command would conduct simple exercises during the day.

On that day, Kou Feng ordered to attack the city in three days, and now it is the second day.In other words, the city will be attacked tomorrow.Seeing that everything is being prepared.

But today, a strange thing was discovered.

There was a middle-aged man lingering not far from the camp. This middle-aged man was wearing a coarse cloth short-sleeved shirt with a bow and arrow on his back. He could tell at a glance that he was a nearby hunter.

Several times he tried to get closer to the camp, but backed away.Appears hesitant.

"It is rumored that Chugong Koufeng is a domineering villain. If I just go in like this, will I get the reward I deserve? Or even be killed? Any reward has become a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water ? Hey, what should I do?"

The middle-aged Orion sighed.

This middle-aged Orion is indeed an Orion, named Cheng Feng.A village with about ten families, located deep in the nearby mountains.Live by hunting.Occasionally, I can grow a little coarse grain in the mountains, and my livelihood is not bad.

Although the news in the mountains is relatively obscure, Cheng Feng often goes out and walks around, so he is still well-informed.And because Liu Zhang of the Shu Kingdom was afraid of the invasion of Kou Feng, he naturally used rumors to the people of the Shu Kingdom.

Slandering Kou Feng is a bossy villain.Very brutal.

These are naturally a joke to the upper-class gentry, officials, and even some ordinary people in the middle class.But for Cheng Feng, he would rather believe what he has than believe what he has not.

And he just had an important news to tell Kou Feng.This news can help Kou Feng bypass this impossible city.

Go straight to the north.

On the one hand, it is a reward after presenting the news, and on the other hand, it may face brutal tyranny.Cheng Feng was worried about gains and losses.

But he has stayed here for so long, and this is an important place for the military camp.The patrolling soldiers discovered this surreptitious man not long after.

"Who is it?" A pair of patrolling soldiers happened to come nearby, seeing Chengfeng wandering outside, they couldn't help shouting.

A thrill.Cheng Feng immediately turned his head and ran away.

"Catch the living." Seeing this, the soldiers naturally rushed forward.Although Cheng Feng's feet were fast, the soldiers were not vegetarians and quickly followed.

After chasing him for a li or two, he caught this suspicious spy.

During Cheng Feng's struggle, he brought Cheng Feng outside the tent of the Chinese army.

"My lord, I found a spy."

In the big tent, Kou Feng was going to rest.If you have enough energy, you will be able to attack the city tomorrow.But after hearing the report of the soldiers outside the door, he had to sit down again.

He raised his hand and said, "Bring it in."

"No." The soldier promised, and immediately walked in with Cheng Feng.

Kou Feng couldn't help but looked at Cheng Feng. He looked ugly, dressed in ordinary clothes, and his mental outlook was very ordinary.

Kou Feng has basically determined that this is an oolong.It may be the nearby hunters, farmers and the like.

However, I would rather kill a mistake than let it go.

"Whose account are you a spy? What's the purpose of coming to Gu's camp, let's talk about it." Kou Fengfeng asked expressionlessly.

"Chu Gong, please forgive me. I am not a spy of the Shu army, but a nearby Orion. I am not here to spy on the military situation, but I have an important news to report to Chu Gong."

Cheng Feng's face was already pale, but when he saw Kou's faceless expression, his heart was about to jump out, and he said hastily.

"Your Majesty, this man is lying. I saw him lingering a few times, and he didn't seem to be offering news. On the contrary, he seemed to be a little bit more." Seeing this, the soldier next to him said.

"It's okay." Kou Feng shook his head towards the soldiers, comforting him.Immediately, he turned his head and asked Cheng Feng, "What's the name of the strong man, and what news do you want to tell Gu? Speak carefully, slowly."

Kou Feng's voice was very gentle, which calmed Cheng Feng's inner fear and uneasiness very well.

This made Cheng Feng's face regain a little rosiness, and his expression was no longer flustered.It's just that the look in Kou Feng's eyes is still full of fear.

This is impossible.

For Cheng Feng, just looking at Kou Feng sitting on the handsome seat, he felt an overwhelming power coming towards him.This is irresistible.

Unless Cheng Feng doesn't know Kou Feng's identity, change the occasion.

After calming down, Cheng Feng took another deep breath and said, "The young one is called Cheng Feng. His family lives in the mountains nearby, and he has lived by hunting for generations. He is familiar with the roads in this area."

"You mean that there is a way to bypass Berkshire and directly enter Shu?" Kou Feng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he lost his voice.

The reason why Kou Feng could guess it was because what Cheng Feng said was very straightforward.On the other hand, it is also because of a record about Zhang Fei's entry into Shu in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

When Zhang Fei entered Shu, he met Yan Yan in Berkshire, but he couldn't break through the city. Later, he found a small road that could bypass Berkshire and go straight to the north.Only then did he use a trick to capture Yan Yan.

Although it is Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is basically seventy percent fake.But Kou Feng had no choice but to make do with it.Kou Feng sent a large number of spies into Senshan to find a way to bypass Berkshire.

As a result, a lot of manpower and material resources were spent, but there was no way to pass.

It was only then that Kou Feng gave up and made up his mind to carry out a brutal siege three days later.For military strategists of all ages, the most feared thing in war is siege.

Because siege means killing one thousand enemies and destroying two thousand.Although Kou Feng's military quality and weapon quality have great advantages.

But Kou Feng has to pay at least one thousand for killing the enemy and one thousand for self-destruction.After consecutive sieges, the losses of both sides will be calculated separately.But at least for the first few days, it must be.

Of course Kou Feng would feel distressed, but it was impossible to do so unless it was absolutely necessary.

But in the end, Kou Feng still had to do that.

Now, I suddenly heard that there is a road that can bypass Berkshire and attack Shu directly.It can be said that it was a turnaround, and of course it was very exciting.

As a result, Kou Feng's eyes not only lit up, but also the fiery heat in his eyes radiated straight out, very hot and scalding.

On the opposite side, Cheng Feng was taken aback, but he didn't dare to hide it.He lowered his head and said in a low voice, "There is a small road that can pass through Berkshire and enter the north."

"Hahahaha, okay, okay." Kou Feng laughed, very carefree.

It's really a turn of events, a turn of events.

In addition to this sentence, there is another sentence called "the boat goes straight to the bridge head naturally."I thought that spending all my money and carrying out a brutal siege battle would give me an opportunity to break through Berkshire and send troops to Chengdu.

But unexpectedly, Berkshire's obstacle is almost no longer an obstacle.

Happy, happy.

Kou Feng has already seen that Chengdu is in sight.

(To be continued)

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