Kou Feng basically trusted Cheng Feng's words.Otherwise, there will be no joy.Because he believed that his eyes could not go wrong.

But after all, people also stumble, and horses also stumble.

Of course Kou Feng would not be so hasty, so he believed Cheng Feng's words.

Therefore, after the ecstasy in the heart.

Kou Feng calmed down.He raised his head and looked at Chengfeng.The Orion was very nervous at the moment, and lowered his head.

"You go down first, I will send someone to explore the way with you later. If the news is true, I will reward you a lot." Kou Feng said gently.

Although it is very gentle, it is also slick. If the news is true, it will be rewarded, if it is teasing, it will be rubbed on the neck.

Although Cheng Feng is a real mountain villager, he is not like some celebrities who claim to be a mountain villager just to follow the fashion.

But Cheng Feng was quite knowledgeable, so he could hear the two results in Kou Feng's words.

I was shocked, but my heart felt relieved.Because his news is not fake news, but a path that does exist.Berkshire can be bypassed.

"Thank you, Duke Chu." Cheng Feng respectfully bowed down.

"Take it down for good entertainment." Kou Feng nodded and waved to the soldiers.

"No." He was obviously a spy, but he became a person who provided information instead. The soldier was somewhat depressed, but he was not upset or anything.So he respectfully agreed, and led Chengfeng back.

Immediately, Kou Feng ordered: "Call Pang Tong, Gan Ning, Chen Da, Kou Shui, Deng Ai, Xiang Chong, Ma Su, Xu Sheng, Zhang Song, Fa Zheng, Meng Da and others to attend the meeting."

"No." The voice of the guard came from outside the door.

Now that he got such a great news, Kou Feng naturally wants to discuss it with Pang Tong, and then send someone to check whether it is true, and then make a plan.

Siege cities and territories, of course, must be fast.

However, as soon as Kou Feng finished speaking, someone walked in.But it was Pang Tong.

Kou Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he said with a smile: "Shi Yuan came just in time, the plan has changed, Guzheng wants to ask Shi Yuan for advice."

"Oh?" Pang Tong was also very surprised when he heard the words, and he agreed to attack the city tomorrow, but what happened changed Kou Feng's plan.Surprised in his heart, Pang Tong also said: "Your Majesty, let's read the news here first."

"Oh?" Kou Feng was surprised, and then he noticed that Pang Tong was holding a piece of white cloth in his hand.Although Chu State has Chu Shu, there are also special memorials for official documents.

However, the message in the army is still mainly white cloth.Because the white cloth is easy to hide.

Pang Tong didn't speak, but just took a few steps forward and handed the white cloth to Kou Feng.

Kou Feng reached out to take it, and opened it to have a look.His expression didn't change much, but a bit of disgust flashed in his eyes.

This is the news of Meng Huo.

Meng Huo and other Nanman leaders elected Yong Kai as the commander-in-chief and led [-] troops to the north.Now it is almost time to reach Fuling.

In terms of news, it is indeed a major problem to fight on other sites.So much so that Meng Huo was under his nose, and Kou Feng's spies found out.

However, the reason why Kou Feng disliked it was not that the news came late, but because these local vassals often wanted to use the power of foreign tribes to interfere with their own clan's separatism.

It was the same with Sun Quan, and so was Gongsun Kang, and it was the same with Liu Zhang and Han Sui.Even in later generations, when the Five Husbands were chaotic in China, it was also caused by Sima's own internal strife and the introduction of foreign tribes into the Central Plains.

I don’t know the truth that asking God is easy but sending God away is difficult.He's really an idiot.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?" Pang Tong still remembered that Kou Feng said that there was a big change, so he didn't say anything about strategy at this moment, but asked Kou Feng first.

"If they had raised their troops a moment earlier, Gu Shang would have been afraid, but now? They are not afraid at all." Kou Feng said with a smile.

Indeed, only a quarter of an hour.

If it was fifteen minutes ago, Kou Feng would definitely be worried.They worked hard on expeditions, and there were many mountains and forests in Shu, which was not conducive to attack.Now the enemy's army has increased by 10 people.

To put it bluntly, Kou Feng might not be able to sleep tonight.

However, he is not afraid now.If the Nanman's [-] people are entrenched in Yizhou County or Nanzhong area, according to the complicated terrain, Kou Feng would still be afraid of three points.

But after leaving Nanzhong, Kou Feng only needs to send a general and divide his troops to refuse.He himself took a small path, went north to Jiangyang, conquered Deyang, and finally went straight to Chengdu.

If it's a bit safer, you can also design to earn Berkshire's Yan Yan, and then move northward steadily.

Both paths are feasible, Kou Feng is naturally happy and not afraid.

"But is it related to the change of the plan that your majesty said?" Pang Tong asked with a smile on his face.


Kou Feng smiled and nodded.

At this moment, a person came outside the big tent, it was Deng Ai.

"Your Majesty." After entering the tent, Deng Ai saluted Kou Feng.

"Sit." Kou Feng said, and then nodded to Pang Tong.Pang Tong understood and sat down with Deng Ai separately.Soon after, Gan Ning, Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, Ma Di, Xu Sheng, Zhang Song, Fazheng, Meng Da and others all walked in and took their seats according to their official positions.

When all the people gathered, Kou Feng's eyes could not help but sweep over the generals slowly.

Most of these people are elites under Pang Tong's account.Such as Deng Ai, Xiang Chong, Ma Su, Xu Sheng and so on.Such as Ma Su, Xu Sheng and other Kou Feng rarely saw each other.

Kou Feng saw the rest quite often.

Therefore, Kou Feng's Twilight stayed with Ma Su and Xu Sheng for a while longer.

Ma Su has been with Pang Tong for a long time. He used to be Pang Tong's chief bookkeeper, but recently he became a school lieutenant and personally commanded 1000 people.When he first followed Pang Tong, Ma Di was a little genius, very talented.But his age is still young, and he appears immature in many aspects.

But now he is sitting there, like a replica of Pang Tong.His expression was calm, and he looked calm and calm.

Sure enough, it is the apprentice taught by the master.Kou Feng sighed in admiration.

In addition, Xu Sheng claimed that after the demise of Soochow, his whole heart calmed down, and he could be regarded as serving Chu State wholeheartedly.It's doing well so far.

Soon, Kou Feng looked away from the two of them.

"I have a piece of news to tell you." Kou Feng said.

"One is that a nearby hunter reported that he found a mountain trail that can bypass Berkshire and lead to Jiangyang. The second is the Nanman Yongkai. Meng Huo sent [-] troops to the north and was about to reach the nearby area. .”

These two pieces of news are very shocking, but the people in the tent are all the elites of Chu State, and they didn't make too much noise.

It's just a look of surprise, but there are.

"Your Majesty once sent a large number of spies into the deep mountains to find a way to go straight to Jiangyang and Chengdu. They didn't find it. Is this news reliable?" After being surprised, Pang Tong asked.

"There is no confirmation. But I believe it more, and I am planning to send a team to investigate." Kou Feng replied frankly.

"If so, we can plan to lure Yan Yan out of the city and fight him." Pang Tong said happily.

Kou Feng is the soul of the Chu army, and Pang Tong is the brain. Both of them think it is feasible.The generals believe that it is feasible.If Yan Yan can be tricked into fighting out of the city, Berkshire can be taken down.

The land of Shu is just around the corner.

The expressions of the generals couldn't help being shocked.

"The top priority is not to think about Berkshire, but to find a way to stop Meng Huo first." But at this time, Deng Ai who was next to him said.

"General Deng is right. If we don't stop Meng Da, we won't be able to design to lure Yan Yan." Beside, Fazheng also said.

very active.

Because of his activeness, Fazheng also knew quite a lot about the characters in the Chu army during this period. He knew that although Deng Ai was young, he was quite popular with Kou Feng, and he was extremely capable.

At this moment, Fazheng had the same thought as Deng Ai just now, so he spoke up to support it.

"This is natural."

Kou Feng nodded and said.After pondering for a moment, he immediately ordered: "Order Gan Ning to lead a navy of [-] troops to resist Meng Huo in warships. Deng Ai leads [-] troops to support on land. Be sure to block Meng Huo."

Yizhou County, where Meng Huo and others are located, is just separated from the north of Yizhou by the Yangtze River.Gan Ning's navy just came in handy.However, Kou Feng would not be so arrogant that he thought that only dispatching Gan Ning would be able to resist Meng Huo.Deng Ai is responsible for assisting, which is very necessary.

"Promise." Gan Ning and Deng Ai Qiqi agreed and said.

"It's not too late, the two of you set off immediately." Immediately, Kou Feng ordered again.

Gan Ning and Deng Ai bowed to Kou Feng, and immediately walked out of the Chinese army tent.Soon after, the sound of soldiers and horses mobilizing came from outside.

Kou Feng showed satisfaction on his face, and said with a smile: "Deng Ai and Gan Ning are here. There is no worry in the south, and next is Bajun Yanyan." Kou Feng turned his head to face Pang Tong. Said: "Immediately send someone to find out the reality of that road."

"No." Pang Tong promised and walked down.

"Tomorrow's siege will be postponed for the time being. Since there is a shortcut, naturally there is no need to mobilize people." After Pang Tong left, Kou Feng looked around at the people in the big tent and said.

"No." All the generals responded in unison.

There is joy on the face.

The bloody battle of the siege resulted in great losses.None of the leading generals is unscrupulous.Now that there is no need to attack the city, it is naturally a happy event.

Kou Feng also had a smile in his eyes.

This convening of the generals is for these two news.Now Deng Ai and Gan Ning have gone to the south to resist Meng Huo.And Pang Tong personally sent people to explore the way.

It can be said that these two things are completely resolved.Kou Feng thought about keeping the generals in the big tent, and there was nothing to discuss.Just waved and let them go down.

After a while, only Kou Feng was left in the big tent.

Facing the empty big tent, Kou Feng let out a breath and showed a relaxed smile.After encountering Zhang Ren's problem, and then overcoming Berkshire's problem.

The land of Shu finally opened its doors to him.

(To be continued)

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