Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 773 Jiangyang's Anonymous

There are high mountains and dense forests in Shu, and some places are really difficult to walk and find.

The mountain path that Cheng Feng mentioned is really secret.Except for a few people know, others are hard to find.Therefore, Kou Feng sent a large number of spies, but failed to find this way.

But with Chengfeng, the hunter in the mountains, it's different.

Soon, Pang Tong's people came back and confirmed that there is indeed a mountain path that can enter the mountain.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Kou Fenggao sat on the commander's seat, looking very excited.Below them are Pang Tong, Fa Zheng, Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng, Ma Su, Fa Zheng, Zhang Song, Meng Da and others.

Every face is also very exciting.

Except for them, that Cheng Feng was also standing in the center of the big tent, very obedient.

Kou Feng has long seen that this person is not a spy, and now that he has confirmed the reliability of the news, he is naturally more pleasing to the eye.Thinking about it, it is definitely not acceptable to not reward for meritorious service.

He couldn't help but kindly said: "The strong man dedicated this road and solved a big trouble for Gu. You should be rewarded. I don't know if you want to be an official, or do you want to just get some rewards?"

Cheng Feng was taken aback when he heard the words.

He thought that Kou Feng would reward him, but he didn't expect Kou Feng to give him two choices.Suddenly, a sense of gratitude welled up in my heart.

It seems that the rumors that Duke Chu and Kou Feng were brutal and inhumane were all fake news spread by Liu Zhang.Obviously such a pleasant person.

Cheng Feng thought to himself.

"The little people in the mountains and fields dare not be officials under the tent of the Duke of Chu. However, the little ones also have the ambition to revitalize the Cheng family." After speaking, Cheng Feng lowered his head and continued: "It is rumored that the Chu State has Chu School. It specializes in cultivating officials and talents. The youngest son in the family is very smart, please accept it.”

Although Cheng Feng lowered his head, his eyes were still very excited.He didn't expect such a thing to happen, Cheng Feng is a smart man, he knows that it is better to take fishing tools than fish from the county.

Wealth can only be rich for several generations.Only by studying can you become a talent for all eternity.

Apart from being excited, Cheng Feng was also a little apprehensive.He knows Chu Xue, and he also knows that Chu Xue is very difficult to get started, it seems to be one out of ten thousand.

Kou Feng was also a little surprised, but Cheng Feng was so insightful, Kou Feng was even more delighted.He couldn't help but said with a smile: "Gu sees that you were born as a hunter in the mountains, so you should have some courage. You serve in Gu's army." After speaking, Kou Feng paused before arriving: "But it's difficult to get into Chu school, and Gu doesn't want to The rules are abolished. But you can send a letter to Xiangyang and ask the county school to take it in. If your youngest son is really smart, he can naturally be admitted to the Chu school. If not, he can also pass on etiquette to his family. Hundreds of years later, he will be squeezed into the noble family list."

For a real mountain villager, Kou Feng's words are already very benevolent and righteous.

Cheng Feng is also a contented person. Although he was a little disappointed that he failed to enter Chu School, he was still very happy and said, "Thank you, Duke Chu."

"Youchang, take him to work in your camp later. Teach him well." Kou Feng turned his head and said to Ma Di.

"No." Ma Su agreed.

Immediately, Kou Feng waved Cheng Feng to leave.

After Cheng Feng left, the atmosphere in the big tent became a little dignified.Because everyone knows that next, it is time to discuss how to use this mountain trail leading directly to the north.

"Now, the Zhuangkang Avenue is in front of us, but how can we lure Yan Yan to fight?" Kou Feng asked after pondering for a moment.

"At present, there are two ways, one of which is to send troops to the north immediately, and before Yan Yan finds out, send the troops to Jiangyang, and then to Chengdu. But the disadvantage is that we have a large number of troops, [-] people The trails in the mountains must not be able to transport food. If there is no food to eat after arriving in Jiangyang, it is difficult to conquer Chengdu. Step by step operation, this is safe, but the effect is slow." Pang Tong said immediately after hearing the words.

"Go ahead." Kou Feng nodded, he had already considered these two options.I also believe that Pang Tong will not be so simple.

"These two paths have their own advantages and disadvantages, and we can take the middle way. On the one hand, send troops to Jiangyang, and on the other hand, induce Yan Yan to fight." Pang Tong really lived up to his expectations and said with a smile.

"How?" Kou Feng narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Send a general and lead [-] troops into the mountain path first, and send troops directly to Jiangyang. In addition, the army does not move, and then spreads the news that a direct road to the north has been found. After Yan Yan hears about it, he will definitely send troops to intercept and kill When the time comes, just lay an ambush." ​​Pang Tong said.

Kou Feng nodded when he heard the words, he really took the middle way and walked away from these two paths.However, there will definitely be a difference before and after this.

It should be that the [-] army marched for a few days before spreading the news.

"Okay, that's it. There are 1 Liannu soldiers alone, 1000 soldiers from the Pojun, and 1 soldiers from the God Arm Battalion. [-] ordinary soldiers walked up the mountain path, bypassed Berkshire, and went straight to Jiangyang. The rest of the generals, After hearing this, Pang Tong, the general of the left army division, was mobilized and lured Yan Yan to fight." Of course Kou Feng is a decisive person, since Pang Tong has given a plan.

Naturally, he made the decision efficiently, and he was the one who took the lead.

"No." Pang Tong and everyone present agreed.

Time is tight.

The later you leave, the more likely Yan Yan will notice something strange.In addition, walking during the day is not allowed, because the soldiers on the city can see the Kou Feng divide his troops with their own eyes.

Therefore, only at night can be selected.

The mountains in Shu are densely forested, and it is very difficult to walk at night.There may still be casualties, but Kou Feng has no choice.

During the day that day, Kou Feng forcibly ordered the [-] soldiers who were about to set off to sleep during the day and set off at night.

Late at night, Berkshire City, Taishou Mansion.

Yan Yan, Liu Gui, Deng Xian, Ling Bao and others were sitting in the hall, and there was a pot of charcoal fire in the middle, baking the whole room.

The firelight also reflected on the faces of the four of them, and the joy was visible.

"The news that Meng Huo sent [-] troops has been confirmed, and the day before Gan Ning, Deng Ai led [-] troops to the south to suppress Meng Huo. Now there are only [-] troops left outside the city, and there are [-] more It is Yizhou's surrendered soldiers, and the real elite Chu army is only [-]. It is really gratifying."

The smile on Yan Yan's face is the richest.He is a veteran of Yizhou, and has deep feelings for Yizhou, Liu Yan, Liu Zhang and his son.Although it is a bit shameful to invite Meng Huo.But the old general still felt very happy to be able to keep Yizhou and Liu Zhang.

Most of the others were delighted with this matter after Yan Yan's touching words that day.Naturally, I am full of joy at the moment.

"That's right, [-] Chu elites are all that's left. We also have more than [-] soldiers in our city, and we have separated the city. That's enough to last for a few years." Liu Gui said with a smile.

"That's right. It's our home game now, and we won't be afraid to play for a few years. But Kou Feng can't do it. He still has Cao Cao in the north, so he can't last for a few years." Ling Bao also laughed and said very optimistically.

"Hehe, these are all things in the future. But I'm afraid that Kou Feng will be defeated in front of him." Deng Xian said with a smile, with a playful look in his eyes.

"Brother, Deng Ai, Gan Ning led [-] troops to fight against Meng Huo, right?" Liu Gui understood and said with a smile.

"Yes. Maybe Kou Feng was having too much fun beating the Shanyue people. He thought that the barbarians were as vulnerable as Shanyue. But he didn't know that Meng Huo of the Nanban colluded with the Han people such as Yong Kai. They had excellent weapons and learned skills. The Han people's art of war. In addition to the dangerous environment in the mountains and forests, most of the barbarians are elite. No matter how sophisticated the Chu army is, no matter how powerful the weapons are, I am afraid they may not be the opponent of Meng Huo." Deng Xian said happily. .

Deng Xian and Meng Huo have been at war for many years, so he naturally knows Meng Huo's combat power.He compared Kou Feng with Meng Huo, but he valued Meng Huo a lot.It's not that the Chu army is not strong enough.

But Kou Feng was too arrogant. 3 people against 10?Fortunately, Kou Feng is so arrogant, otherwise they would have nothing to do with Kou Feng.

"Hahaha. What you said is very true, very true." Ling Bao and Liu Gui laughed loudly.

Although Yan Yan was cautious, she couldn't help nodding with a smile when she saw what Deng Xian said so happily.

"Okay. The old man and the generals will wait for the day when Deng Ai is defeated and Kou Feng withdraws from the Kingdom of Shu in desperation." Afterwards, Yan Yan also laughed.

At the same time, in the camp of the Chu army outside the city.

Unusual gatherings also began.

Twenty-one thousand troops, including Chen Da's broken barracks, god arm battalion, and Liannu soldiers.And Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng's [-] troops.In addition to these, there are also one thousand personal guards dedicated to General Wei Kou Shui, who specialize in protecting Kou Feng.All gathered in the school grounds.

But the school grounds were pitch black, making it difficult to see clearly.

This is also because he is afraid that the soldiers in Berkshire City will see his way, so he has no choice but to stop lighting the lamp.Fortunately, there is still a little bit of moonlight, so I can't see clearly at all.

Otherwise, there is really no way to leave.

Kou Feng didn't stand on the stage this time either.Just stand in front of twenty-one thousand soldiers.He was wearing a pitch-black armor with a Chu knife hanging from his waist.

Hands are empty.

Beside him are Kou Shui, Chen Da, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng, and behind them are Pang Tong, Fazheng, Meng Da and others.

After standing quietly for a while, Kou Feng turned his head and said to Pang Tong: "I'll leave Yan Yan to Shi Yuan. Go hunt Jiang Yang alone."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Yan Yan must be killed to stabilize the rear." Pang Tong nodded with a smile and said.

Pang Tong went out, and he had another strategy to lure Yan Yan out of the city.In terms of brains, it is estimated that the twenty Yanyans are not Pang Tong's opponents.Kou Feng was naturally very at ease.

"Go, go straight to Jiangyang. Capture Jiangyang prefect Ma Feng alive." In the dark night, Kou Feng's eyes flashed, and he said heartily.

"Promise." Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng and others all agreed.

Immediately, under the leadership of Kou Feng, all the generals gathered together and led the army to the west.

There is an anonymous person in Jiangyang, and Kou Feng always remembers it.

It is a great talent that Kou Feng is bound to win, and his military deployment in Jiangyang has an extraordinary meaning for Kou Feng.This is an important reason why he decided to lead his troops there in person.

(To be continued)

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