Outside Jiangyang City, Fu Village.

There are constant battles ahead, and news keeps coming.Many news came that Zhang Ren failed to ambush but was defeated, Fuling fell, Zhang Ren was captured, and so on.

Ordinary Shu people are quite afraid of the Chu army.

This is naturally the result of Liu Zhang's propaganda.Therefore, for the successive victories of the Chu army, many people were frightened and apprehensive, and many people in the villages packed up their bags and left.

Batches and groups entered the deep mountains to escape, in order to escape the rule of the "brutal" Chu army.

However, this wave of panic and apprehension did not cause much disturbance in Fucun.The men in this village all followed Liu Bei back then.

Although some of them did have a strange hatred for Kou Feng in the early days.But as time went by, they slowly married wives and had children.

This hatred also faded away.In addition, they are people who have experienced the prosperity of Chu State, so they have to admit that Kou Feng, the monarch of Chu State, is very competent.

Not as cruel and inhumane as Liu Zhang advertised.

Therefore, the entire Fu village can be said to be the most comfortable place in the entire Shu region.Everywhere are farmers and peasant women who work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

This morning, Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, sent a follower to Fu Village, Zhuge Liang's mansion.

"Sir, this is a letter from my lord."

In the study room, the attendant held a roll of bamboo slips in his hand, and handed it to Zhuge Liang respectfully.

Disrespect is not enough, everyone now knows that Zhuge Liang has a great reputation and has reached the point of knowing everything in Jiangyang.Moreover, Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, also made friends with him.

He often came to Fucun to talk with Zhuge Liang.This letter exchange is even more commonplace.

Although Zhuge Liang is still white now, no one dares to underestimate him.

Zhuge Liang stretched out his hand to take it, with a very calm expression on his face.However, after opening the bamboo slips, Zhuge Liang's expression turned solemn.

This is the news about Nanban Menghuo.

Yongkai and Menghuo raised [-] troops and went north to Fuling.It was shocking.

"I've read the letter, you can go back and report to your lord." After a moment of seriousness, Zhuge Liang raised his head and said to the entourage who delivered the letter.

"No." The follower promised and left immediately.

In the study, Zhuge Liang was the only one left.His eyes are very deep.

Sure enough, there are no heroes in the Warring States Period.Anyone can do things like connecting with foreign races.

Although according to Ma Feng's letter, Yong Kai and Meng Huo raised their troops to the north just in time for their meeting.But in Zhuge Liang's view, this was actually planned by Liu Zhang.

However, Yong Kai should have moved a little under the cold lips and teeth, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

In the past, Zhuge Liang was very optimistic about Kou Feng, because Kou Feng's troops were strong, their morale was high, and there were generals, good generals, and even people like Pang Tong.It should be able to get rid of Zhang Ren in Fuling and Yan Yan in Berkshire.

And things also developed in Zhuge Liang's imagination, and Zhang Ren was captured in Fuling.Only Berkshire was left with the strong defensive force formed by the two points of Fuling and Berkshire.

As long as a little more time passed, Ba County, the roadblock that Kou sealed into Chengdu, would surely be wiped out.

But now there are [-] people from Meng Huo joining.Kou Feng's originally strong military force became thinner.No matter how much Zhuge Liang admits that Kou Feng's army can fight well, how brave the general is, and how clever Pang Tong is.

In Zhuge Liang's view, Kou Feng is also hanging.Unless, there is a way to leave Bajun and march directly to Jiangyang.

Zhuge Liang's heart moved slightly, and then he laughed.

The whole Shu region knows that Berkshire can't.If Chengdu is safe, how could it be possible to leave Berkshire behind.

"If the Chu army can win the land of Shu, the world will be clear. If it is delayed for several years, the situation will no longer be clear. This world is really ups and downs."

After thinking for a long time, Zhuge Liang sighed.

However, the situation is not clear, only to show talent.

Zhuge Liang immediately began to cheer up, no matter what, Kou Feng will definitely be able to enter Shu, it's just a matter of time.As long as he stayed in Jiangyang, he would wait until the day he came out of the mountain.


In the morning, the sun rises slowly.

In the west of Berkshire, among the deep mountains and dense forests, there is a small road that is inaccessible and almost unknown.

At this moment, this small road is being trampled by more than [-] troops, and it has become a fairly feasible small road.

In front of the army is a handsome flag with the word "Chu", under which is Kou Feng.As well as Kou Shui and other thousand guards responsible for protecting Kou Feng.

This is winter, deep winter.Although the surrounding area was not covered with snow, it was still cold.However, there was a lot of sweat on Kou Feng's face.

Generally, armor is very heavy, and the lightest one weighs dozens of catties.Among them, the black armor is the heaviest.Because he was walking late at night last night, Kou Feng was afraid that the bright armor would be regarded as a stare, and he died under the cold arrow.He put on the black armor.

After walking the mountain road all night, he was wearing heavy black armor.Now that he hasn't got down yet, Kou Feng has plenty of energy.

"Your Majesty. Last night, I was afraid that Yan Yan would find out, so I ordered to speed up. Now that we have walked all night, we have entered the deep mountains. Unless there are Yan Yan's spies here, it will be difficult to detect our army. Now The soldiers are hungry and tired, do you want to order to rest for a while?" Chen Da rushed up from behind and asked Kou Feng.

Kou Feng's face was covered with hot sweat, and Chen Da was about the same.Apart from the hot sweat, Chen Da's expression was slightly strange.It's been fighting all year round, and it was cold and damp last night.

Some old injuries on Chen Da's body responded.

"Look for the water source and light a bonfire. It's so deep in the mountains, I'm really not afraid of Yan Yan seeing it." Kou Feng turned his head and looked at the army behind him. Except for the broken barracks and the guards around him, most of them The soldiers all looked weak.He nodded involuntarily, and was afraid of a night of wind and cold, which would catch a cold in the army.

Can't help but order to boil water.

"Promise." Chen Daying made a promise, and immediately gave the order.

Before long, the entire army stopped.Many soldiers who still had enough energy swung their knives to knock down some small trees to make room for the soldiers to rest.

There are also some dead branches, dry firewood, water sources and so on.

Not long after, he turned on the fire, boiled the water in the pot, and put in the dry food that he carried with him.Even if it is food.Most of the generals also share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

However, Kou Feng is an exception.Not only did he have guards with white rice grains, but he also had some boiled eggs, and even some soldiers went hunting nearby.

He got some delicacies from the mountains and cooked them for Kou Feng to eat.

Kou Feng led the army to fight, and what he paid attention to was to establish kindness.Those who have meritorious service must be rewarded, and those who have done wrong must be punished.It was ordered that generals at all levels have their own meals.

Very particular.

However, some people, such as Chen Da, were accustomed to eating the same meals as soldiers in the army because they were soldiers.Or for the purpose of letting the soldiers return to their hearts.As for those who share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, Kou Feng will not interfere.

Anyway, Kou Feng would not eat coarse grains with the soldiers.It's fine if you didn't start a family before, but now that you are the Duke of Chu, you can't wrong yourself.

As long as the rewards and punishments are clear and the kindness is established, the soldiers can also fight well.

Soon, Kou Feng enjoyed a fairly sumptuous meal.Start sitting down and thinking about the current situation.

Breaking Jiangyang is a simple matter, but the next step is the highlight.With Pang Tong in the rear, Kou Feng is not worried that he won't be able to win.The city of Chengdu ahead is more difficult.

There are still [-] elite soldiers in the city.

Coupled with the tall city, Liu Zhang himself is quite prestigious in the city.get the support of the people.Relatively difficult to overcome.

However, for Kou Feng, it was not a big deal.

The only worry is that Liu Zhang may send envoys to Hanzhong to ask Zhang Lu for help.The reason why Kou Feng was worried was not only because Liu Zhang did this when Liu Bei entered Shu in history.

There is also the good deed done by Liu Zhang, joining forces with Meng Huo, a foreigner.Even if foreigners can unite, Zhang Lu, a member of his own clan, will probably put it down temporarily no matter how much hatred he has.

And based on the reason that the lips are cold and the teeth are dead, I am afraid that Zhang Lu will not stand idly by.At that time, tens of thousands of troops will go south, plus Liu Zhang's tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Xiameng Pass, Yangping Pass, Baishui Pass, and Jiange.

Although it is Zhuangkang Avenue in front of Kou's cover, it has already entered the land of Shu.But there are still many obstacles ahead.So be quick.

See if you can take Jiangyang before Liu Zhang has no reaction, and then go straight to Deyang and go down to Chengdu.Maybe, it will be smoother.

Kou Feng kept simulating the situation in his mind, and finally drew up the final strategy of going north with speed.

Must be fast.

During this break, Kou Feng gave the soldiers an extra hour and a half to rest in addition to the meal time.After regaining physical strength, a certain amount of spirit.

Kou Feng gave the order to set off.

Ahead, there are still several days of mountain roads waiting for them, and the arduous march has just begun.Stepping over, it is the Chengdu Plain.


After Kou Feng and the others walked for a night and a day, Pang Tong also started to make arrangements.The design captures Yan Yan.

In the middle of the night, in the big tent of the Chinese army.

Bright lights.

Pang Tong, Fazheng, Zhang Song, Meng Da, and Ma Di were all seated.Although Kou Feng was not there, Pang Tong presided over it, but Pang Tong still left the commander-in-chief empty, and he just sat on the side.

Besides these Chu elites, there was also a middle-aged man standing in the center of the big tent.

This middle-aged man really doesn't look very good, his eyes are flickering, making people think he is a villain at first glance.In addition, the face is not very good.

Taken together, it gives people a cool and repetitive feeling.

This person is a small official in the army, named Wu Wen.This is the trump card used by Pang Tong to lure Yan Yan out of the city to fight this time.

Before Kou Feng set off, he planned to spread rumors in the city.To spread rumors, it is natural for someone to enter Berkshire as a surrender.

This Wu Wen is the best candidate.

Because the first impression he gives people is that he is a naturally cold and repetitive villain.Such a person sold Yan Yan the news that Kou Feng discovered the trail outside the city and planned to bypass Berkshire.

It also appears to be a lot more "right".

(To be continued)

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