Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 775 What a Bunch of Ignorant People

This is the so-called plan for a rainy day.

If Pang Tong sent a decent-looking and very refined man into the city, he said he wanted to betray his master for glory.Yan Yan definitely didn't believe it.

"Are you clear about all the details?" After explaining all the details that should be explained, Pang Tong asked Wu Wendao.

"Don't worry, general, I have already remembered the little ones." Wu Wen said solemnly.

When he was solemn, Wu Wen didn't have any wretched temperament at all, instead he looked decent.It can be seen that his surname is definitely not a cold and repetitive person.

On the contrary, he is a very honest person.It's just that the appearance is not very good.

"Okay, remember to go. If you succeed in this battle, I will keep you rich and honored forever. If you fail, I will raise your wife and train your son to become a talent." Pang Tong nodded in satisfaction and said.

The wife here means wife and son.

In ancient times, a wife was a wife and a son was a son.

These words are Pang Tong's promises, and they will definitely be fulfilled.As the old saying goes, there is no shortage of hungry soldiers.What's more, it is the matter of breaking into the enemy's interior and spreading false news.

"Thank you, General." Wu Wen said gratefully.

A lifetime of wealth is nothing to Wu Wen, and his family is relatively well-off.The key is Pang Tong's sentence, to train his son to become a talent.

That was what moved Wu Wen's heart.

After thanking him, Wu Wen said goodbye and left.

Pang Tong's gaze was far-reaching.

In fact, this so-called battle of temptation depends on whether Yan Yan is compatible or not.If Yan Yan doesn't cooperate, no matter how mysterious it is, it won't work.

He has done a good job, but there are still some shortcomings.

And if Yan Yan didn't cooperate, I'm afraid Berkshire would still be in trouble.Everything depends on Kou Feng himself.However, it was as if Kou Feng trusted Pang Tong.

Pang Tong also believed in Kou Feng very much.

With Kou Feng's ability, coupled with the more than 2 strong soldiers and powerful generals, even if he loses, he can still surrender Jiangyang undefeated.

"General." Because of his ecstasy, Pang Tong didn't speak for a long time.Xiang Chong couldn't help reminding.

"You all go down, remember to rest well, there may be a bloody battle tomorrow night." Pang Tong came back to his senses, but his face did not show embarrassment, but he smiled and warned.

"Promise." Fazheng, Meng Da, Zhang Song, Xiang Chong and others agreed.

Then they got up together and walked out of the big tent.

"It's up to tomorrow night." Facing the empty big tent, Pang Tong's expression gradually became serious.

Let's see tomorrow night.

The land of Shu belongs to tomorrow.

On Pang Tong's side, all the preparations that should be made have been prepared.Just wait for the bloody battle to come.On the other side, after leaving the camp of the Chinese army, Wu Wen kept walking, directly leaving the camp of the Chu army.

Braving the cold wind at night, we walked to the outside of Berkshire.


Ever since Kou Feng's army arrived in Berkshire, the defense of the entire Berkshire was very strict, even when the army's morale was weakest.

Even at night is still the case.

Every night, Yan Yan would go to bed after patrolling the city.

The same goes for tonight.

When Wu Wen came, Yan Yan had just left the city not long ago.Because there are torches on the top of the city, when Wu Wen stood under the city, some soldiers saw him.

"Who?" Wu Wen appeared so abruptly, the soldiers were naturally taken aback when they saw him, and roared reflexively.

This loud roar shocked the surrounding people again.Soon, the whole city knew that a person had been found.

Fortunately, because Wu Wen was alone, there was no one in the city to shoot him down.Moreover, soon a military Sima who was in charge of the defense of the city came over.

"The little one is a clerk in the Chu camp who discovered a conspiracy of the Chu army and wanted to inform old General Yan Yan of his knowledge." Wu Wen said with a nod and a bow, displaying his wretched demeanor.

The soldiers on the top of the city, who were facing the enemy, were stunned for a moment.Immediately, they all turned their heads to look at the army Sima.

"Wait a moment." This matter is quite big, and Jun Sima didn't dare to make a decision rashly. After thinking for a while, he shouted to Wu Wen who was under the city.

"It's okay, it's okay. The general will be here soon." Wu Wen said with a smile.

Very obscene.

Seeing this, the military Sima on the top of the city immediately became contemptuous.This is a subconscious reaction, which is human nature.

After a while, Jun Sima personally sent someone to inform Yan Yan to go.

At this moment, Yan Yan was riding a horse, surrounded by dozens of soldiers, returning to the prefect's mansion.The soldiers sent by Jun Sima galloped wildly, and soon caught up with Yan Yan.

"General, a man who claimed to be a small official of the Chu camp was found outside the city. He claimed to have discovered the plot of the Chu army and wanted to dedicate it to the general."

After catching up with Yan Yan, the soldier who rode the horse clasped his fists at Yan Yan.

"Oh?" A look of surprise appeared on Yan Yan's face, conspiratorial.Did not expect to encounter such a thing.However, did he discover Chu Ying's conspiracy, or was it the conspiracy itself?It's hard to say.

Immediately, a sneer appeared on Yan Yan's face.

"Please come in. Bring me to the old man's prefect's mansion." Although Yan Yan had doubts in his heart, but with the mentality that he would rather kill the wrong than let it go, after pondering for a moment, he still ordered.

"No." The soldier obeyed, quickly turned his horse's head, and returned to the south of the city along the road.

"Call Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and others into the hall of the prefect's mansion to discuss important matters." Yan Yan gave an order, and several soldiers immediately dispersed to search for these generals.

And Yan Yan continued to ride slowly back to the prefect's mansion.

It wasn't long after Yan Yan returned to the hall of the prefect's mansion and sat down.Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian, and important generals in the army all came.

After seeing each other, sit down one after another.

"It's so late, the old general is anxious for us to come, could it be that something important happened?" Liu Gui asked solemnly.

In the past, Yan Yan also had the habit of calling the generals to discuss at night, but it was the first time that it was so late.

"A man who claimed to be a small official from the Chu camp came from outside the city. He said that he had discovered the plot of the Chu army and wanted to tell the old man." Yan Yan said with a smile.

"Hmph, I think this little official with a knife and a pen is the one who conspired."

Ling Bao snorted coldly and said.

"Hey. We have the advantage of Berkshire's geographical advantage. We have no other way but to attack from the front. Kou Feng can only use this low-level measurement to count us."

Deng Xian also said aside.Apparently none of these people believed that the so-called petty officials had discovered the conspiracy.It's an old trick.

Several people are sure that this is to lure Yan Yan to fight.

Just a little trick.

"Hehe, don't jump to conclusions. It's not all like this, maybe this little clerk really discovered some conspiracy." Yan Yan smiled slightly when he heard the words.

Although Yan Yan said so, it did not change the views of the generals.

On the contrary, the faces of the generals became more and more sneer, disdainful.

Until outside the hall, the voices of soldiers sounded.

"General, that petty official has been brought here."

"Bring it in." Yan Yan restrained the look on his face when he heard the words, raised his hand and said.

Like Yan Yan, although everyone in the hall conceited to guess Kou Feng's plot, they also put away their disdainful expressions and became decent.

At this moment, Wu Wen walked in.

As soon as he entered the hall, he bowed down to Yan Yan, who was sitting in the upper seat, and said, "I have seen Old General Yan."

The demeanor is very respectful.

"One step is the little official who wants to present the news?" Although Wu Wen claimed to be a small official, and his submissive attitude was hard to make people respect, Yan Yan still used the honorific word "one step".

"It's really small." Wu Wen said with a smile.

If it was okay just now, now the whole person looks very wretched.

It is undeniable that seeing Wu Wen look like this.Even Yan Yan had a question in his heart, Kou Feng, would Pang Tong send such a person to use his strategy?

What a joke.

As the old saying goes, look at a person first by their appearance.

This dignified-looking, shrewd and capable person is not necessarily a smart person.But most of the people with wretched demeanor and demeanor are just villains.

Of course, this is not absolute, but the first impression is not very good.

Even Yan Yan felt this way, let alone other people.With just such an appearance by Wu Wen, everyone was shaken by the conclusion that this person was Kou Feng, who was sent by Pang Tong to carry out the conspiracy.

"What's the news?" Although Yan Yan's heart changed a little, she didn't think that the news about this person must be correct so quickly.Therefore, he didn't show it on the face, but continued to ask.

"Just a few days ago, a man who claimed to be Chengfeng came outside the camp of the Chu army, claiming to be a nearby hunter, and said that he found a road that could bypass Berkshire and lead directly to the north. Kou Feng and Pang Tong immediately decided to send troops tomorrow night and go directly to Jiangyang." Wu Wen said still very respectfully.

But this news, like an earthquake, affected everyone in the hall.

"Hahahaha, even if it's a trick, you have to find a reliable reason." Deng Xian laughed out loud on the spot, out of breath.

"Exactly. Who doesn't know that Berkshire is the biggest pass and city after entering Shu from the east. If you don't break through Berkshire, you will never enter the Chengdu Plain. You even found such a lame reason." Ling Bao's face was stern. , said coldly.

Even Liu Gui, who is more stable, still finds it very funny at the moment.He clasped his fists and said to Yan Yan: "General, this lie is too superficial. There is no need to continue asking, this person must be a spy of the Chu army. He wants to induce the old general to send troops. However, I think this person also It's so pitiful. It's better to put him in prison and don't have to kill him."

Although Liu Gui's words were half-joking, they were also a naked mockery of Kou Feng and Pang Tong.They used tricks to lure them out of the city to fight, but they didn't find a good reason. Instead, they made such a lame reason.

It really made people laugh out loud, but couldn't help but feel secretly angry.

There is no need to explain the big teeth with a laugh, secretly angry, but also angry with Kou Feng, Pang Tong underestimated their IQ.Thinking that such a lame reason can induce them to fight.

(To be continued)

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