Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 776 Yan Yan's Final Decision

If the average person is ridiculed like this.

Even if he didn't fly into a rage, he would murmur in his heart.Like a group of uninformed guys.

Because what Wu Wen said was true, there is indeed a road outside the city that leads directly to the Chengdu Plain.These warriors have lived in Shu for a long time, but they don't know it.

It's not that I don't know what it is.

But the most powerful thing about Wu Wen is his ability to be consistent.He has already entered the state, he is the villain who came to show Kou Feng's conspiracy.

No matter on the surface or in his heart, he is a villain.

After being questioned, Wu Wen quickly said: "What the little one said is true. There is indeed a road outside the city that leads directly to the north. If there is a lie, you will surely die in the future."

"Haha, you dare to deceive God, are you afraid that you will die in the future?" Of course Liu Gui and others didn't believe it, but thought that Wu Wen was using an oath as a sophistry.

"It won't be too long. Didn't my brother say that he was too pitiful and spare his life? Now, it seems that he is also a stubborn person. He deceived us again and again. Let his oath be fulfilled. Let him die on the spot." Deng Xian said to Liu Gui with a smile.

But when they were laughing, they didn't realize that Yan Yan didn't lose his composure.But his body shook, and his complexion changed slightly.

No one knew how Yan Yan's heart was shaken.

Yan Yan lived in Berkshire for a long time, and now he is the prefect of Berkshire.Naturally, he is very familiar with the terrain in the Berkshire area.Unlike Liu Gui, Deng Xian and the others lived in Fuling for a long time.

I don't know much about the terrain around Berkshire.

Yan Yan happened to know that there was a small road outside the city that could lead directly to the north.However, the road is hidden, and few people know about it.

If you are an outsider, even if you are looking for it, if you don't have a chance, you may not be able to find this way even if you spend a lot of manpower and material resources.

This made Yan Yan a little relieved.

Moreover, Yan Yan didn't have the energy to send an army to guard the mountain.If he sent troops, or sent spies, wouldn't it be telling Kou Feng that there was a mystery in the forest outside the city?

Therefore, Yan Yan did not act.Instead, he hid himself, pretending that he didn't know there was such a road outside the mountain.I thought I could cheat the world.

But unexpectedly, someone actually said it.

It was precisely because Yan Yan knew the existence of this road, so when Wu Wen said this, his face immediately changed drastically.Then I screamed in my heart that it was terrible.

It is precisely because the Chu army's field combat ability is too strong, he and Zhang Ren can only avoid the edge and enter the city to defend.

If not, Zhang Ren would not fail in ambush, but was killed and defeated miserably.

If Kou Feng uses that road, enter the north.Then go straight to Jiangyang and attack Chengdu.Although due to the cut off of the road, the use of food and grass is insufficient.

But as long as you are ruthless, you will accept the dosage of the common people.It is enough to support the capture of Chengdu.

This is tantamount to the fact that although they are sitting in a powerful city, they have become decorations and are useless.How can this not change Yan's color?

In the hall, Liu Gui and the others were still chatting and laughing relaxedly.

When Yan Yan heard it, it was like mosquitoes buzzing continuously, very irritable.

"Shut up." Yan Yan couldn't help but blurted out.

After saying it, Yan Yan regretted it.The most urgent task should be the general's unity, not the time to reprimand.But Yan Yan couldn't care about it for the time being.

He raised his head and asked, "What's your name, sir? Any position in the Chu camp? How did you hear the news?"

The difference before and after is very huge.

After Liu Gui and others heard Yan Yan yelled to shut up, they were puzzled at first, and then a little unhappy.But seeing Yan Yan's expression, his heart suddenly turned cold.

Now everyone can see that what this self-proclaimed petty official said is correct.Outside the city of Berkshire, there is really a small road that can directly attack the Chengdu Plain.

How does this keep them from being frightened and chilled?

"The little one's surname is Wu, and his name is Wen. He's a small official who catches a sword and doesn't dare to be called a gentleman." Wu Wen felt that he didn't dare to be a gentleman, and then said: "This is the little one who once blocked them During the discussion, I overheard the news."

Originally, Yan Yan believed most of it.

Because of the road outside the city, since Kou Feng knew it, he could send troops directly.Why use some tricks to lure him?If he knows, it will add more variables.

And Wu Wen's demeanor and demeanor convinced Yan Yan even more.

"With Mr.'s talents, he actually succumbs to the position of a small official. It shows how stupid Kou Feng is. If Mr. doesn't dislike it, I would like to hire Mr. as the chief historian, who is only under me. How?" Yan Yan said.

This is a reward for Wu Wen's telling such a piece of news, and besides that, he may not have no intention of probing.Although Yan Yan believed most of it, she was still not happy.

"No need." Wu Wen shook his head unexpectedly, and said, "With the national power of the Shu Kingdom, even if we know the news, it's just some preparations in advance. Even if we block Kou Feng this time, we can Can't stop the next time. I still took the money and let's go."

As he said that, Wu Wen smiled at Yan Yanmei: "Of course, if the old general is willing to help, please help me find a guide. Take the young one out of Yizhou and go north to the Central Plains."

According to Wu Wen's meaning, the Kingdom of Shu will definitely not be able to stop the Kingdom of Chu. After receiving the reward, it is better to go directly to the north.So as not to suffer unforeseen disasters.

This really annoyed Yan Yan and the others, but there was no reason to refute.Because it is.

When Yan Yan saw Wu Wen, he had already thought of a way out.It is even more believed that Wu Wen's coming to Berkshire has no direct relationship with Kou Feng.

"Okay." Yan Yan said with a smile, and then said to the outside: "Come here, take this Mr. Wu down to rest."

"It's late at night and it's hard to travel. Sir, just rest in the city for a day, and then start again." Immediately, Yan Yan said to Wu Wen and Yan Yue.

Before the matter was successful, Yan Yan would not let Wu Wen go easily.

"Understood, understood." Wu Wen showed a knowing smile and nodded again and again.

Very obscene.

Immediately, Wu Wen was taken away by the soldiers who came in.The smile on Yan Yan's face disappeared.With this action, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn.

"Old general, is what that villain said just now true?" After a while, Deng Xian couldn't help asking.

Liu Gui and Ling Bao couldn't help looking up at Yan Yan.Although I already knew the answer, I still couldn't help but fantasize about it.

"It's true." Facing the twilight of everyone, Yan Yan sighed and said.

"I don't know much about this road. The Chu army's field combat capabilities are too strong. I didn't dare to send troops to garrison it. I just hid it like this. Fortunately, Kou Feng would not find it. I didn't expect it."

Following Yan Yan's words, the expressions of everyone in the hall immediately turned pale.

"What is there to guard against? This is not the only way to go." Deng Xian murmured.

"That's right, everything we did was in vain. Since the fall of Fuling, Berkshire has become undefendable." Ling Bao's personality was calm and resilient, but she couldn't help but feel decadent at the moment.

"It is precisely because of this that we have to hold on. Have you forgotten what the old man told you earlier? Everything should be in line with Zhang Ren. As a general, Zhang Ren is an example. Shu Kingdom should be the first." Yan Yan sighed , said.

Immediately, he cheered himself up again, and said, "It's fortunate that we know the news in advance, so we can make full preparations."

"So what if we know the news in advance? Are we going out of the city to prevent Kou Feng from entering the mountains?" Liu Gui was dejected and laughed at himself.

Speaking of field battles, it was a nightmare for their Shu army.

Even with Zhang Ren's bravery, even if they held Wei Dao, they couldn't stop the Liannu that was like a killing machine.Ten rounds of crossbows, even thinking about it makes people shudder.

"He has a continuous crossbow, and we also have a hand crossbow. Even if it's not a continuous fire, we can fight for a while. As a general, you always have to fight for the battle. I should go out in person, and I will never regret it." Yan Yan But said resolutely.

Although the voice was not majestic, and although the hair was gray, Yan Yan's words showed a determination to do everything in his power and die.

This made Liu Gui and the others very ashamed.

"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, but we prefer to go to the mountain. The old general is brave, why should we die?" Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and other generals in the hall said in unison.

"Okay. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, but he prefers to go to the mountain. Even if the egg hits the stone, the old man will bump into it. He Kou Feng wants to bypass Berkshire comfortably and attack our country of Shu." Feeling the generals To die on the battlefield, but also to protect the will of the Kingdom of Shu, Yan Yan laughed and said heartily.

Although the general is old, his heart is not old.

"Liu Gui."

Saying that, Yan Yan let out a loud drink and said.

"The end is here."

Liu Gui immediately stood up when he heard the words, stood up and bowed down.

"I order you to take out all the hand crossbows, bows, and Wei knives in the treasury, and equip them neatly." Yan Yan ordered loudly.

"Promise." Liu Qiang promised, and immediately withdrew out of the hall.

"Ling Bao." Immediately, Yan Yan yelled again.

"The end is here." Ling Bao stepped forward and said.

"Kill pigs and sheep, and feed the soldiers from tonight. Tomorrow night, it's all up to them." Yan Yan ordered.

"No." Ying Nuo roared, and Ling Bao left quickly.

"The rest of the people go back to recharge their batteries for the battle tomorrow night." Finally, Yan Yan glanced at the people in the hall and said.

"No." Everyone agreed and left.

Very happy.

With Yan Yan's prestige, character.He did not hesitate to die, and indeed he could make all the soldiers go out of the city to fight without wavering.

Soon, all the generals left.In the hall, Yan Yan was the only one left.

At this moment, Yan Yan's face lived up to the imposing manner just now, but was a little lonely.

Just like what Yan Yan said just now, an egg hits a stone.As a last resort.You can't just watch Kou Feng leave.This battle, I'm afraid it's more ominous than good.

"Although the old man is old, his teeth are still sharp. Even if he can't stop it, he can still bite off a piece of meat from your Kou Feng." After a long time, Yan Yan cheered up.


There is bound to be a big fight tomorrow night.

(To be continued)

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