Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 777 Ambush, encounter an ambush again

The next day said.

Whether it is the Chu army or the Shu army.Unanimously, they recharged their energy and stored up their energy, and slaughtered pigs and sheep, and began to nourish the soldiers.

The Chu army went deep into Shu, and the supplies were insufficient.

All kinds of meat were very scarce, so Pang Tong did not hesitate to disperse the treasury in Fuling City, and recruited meat animals from all around.

In the evening, in the camp of the Chu army, countless iron pots were piled up, and the pot was steaming with white steam, and the smell of meat was overflowing.

The soldiers sitting around kept looking into the pot, some of them were really greedy and swallowed uncontrollably.

That's right, part of the Chu army was supplied with meat. For example, Kou Feng's broken barracks had enough meat.Just like some elites in the army, they are all supplied with meat.

But there are no ordinary soldiers.

Usually there is only rice and no vegetables.Summer is okay, there are some wild vegetables and so on.But when it comes to winter, it is really almost like a vegetarian.

Only like this time, before the Great War, will there be such a sumptuous meal.

The Chu army is actually pretty good. When they were in Chu State, they were at least a little oily.

After all, the national power of Chu State is very strong, and Kou Feng attaches great importance to the army.

But this time the [-] soldiers from the Shu Kingdom who surrendered in the war were different. They basically had nothing to offer.

With such a meal, even if you throw your head and blood, it will be dry.

Many people couldn't help but have this thought in their hearts.

Anyway, before the war, killing pigs and sheep is definitely a major event that can replenish the morale and physical fitness of soldiers.Of course, although the smell of meat is overflowing, there is a lot of meat.

But among the population of 5, it is actually very small.It won't hurt your stomach.

"Even if I cherish the soldiers, I'm afraid I don't have the ability to get such a sumptuous dinner for the soldiers. Let alone some other generals in the Kingdom of Shu. They would rather keep money in the warehouse than Replenish the physical fitness of the soldiers. The king is famous for his emphasis on soldiers, and he fights the world with soldiers, and this has laid the foundation of today's Chu State."

Meng Da, Fazheng, and Zhang Song were walking nearby. Meng Da could not help sighing when he smelled the smell of meat.

"Hehe, it is Chu that can fight the world. For example, Shu's laws are lax, its army is not strong, and its generals don't think about defending against the enemy. They can only be annexed by others." Fazheng said with a smile.

During this period, Fazheng, Zhang Song, and Meng Da lived very comfortably.

Meng Da obtained the military rank of General Zhonglang and commanded [-] troops.In Fazheng, Zhang Song walked beside Kou Feng, advising on major events, and his power grew steadily.

It can be said that these three people who were not allowed to be reused under Liu Zhang's account in Shu State in the past have found their place in Chu State.

The three of them just came out to get some air and walk around.

Coupled with chatting with each other a few words, I don't feel tired.Before I knew it, it was completely dark.

"Two gentlemen, General Meng. The military division general invites the three of you to have a meal in the big tent." Until a soldier came to the door.

"Let's go." Fazheng smiled and said.

A group of people turned around and came to the big tent of the Chinese army.

At this moment, many people gathered in the large tent of the Chinese army.

Pang Tong, Ma Di, and some other important generals, plus the newly arrived Fazheng, Meng Da, and Zhang Song.It seems very popular.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let's have dinner." Pang Tong laughed when he saw Meng Da and the others coming in.After a while, soldiers came in with hot meals.

There is also a jug of wine for each person.

"We're going to fight at night tonight. It's cold and windy. Let's drink a pot of wine to warm up." Pang Tong said with a smile.

Generally, when marching and fighting, alcohol is prohibited in the army.However, night battles are different.Besides, there are a lot of men in this era.

Drinking a pot of wine, Pang Tong is not afraid that drinking will cause trouble.

"Thank you, General." Everyone clasped their fists together and said.

Immediately, Pang Tong and the generals enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.After dinner, Pang Tong sent the generals away and asked them to go down to restrain the soldiers and start preparing for the battle.

But Fa Zheng, Zhang Song stayed.

"Tonight, I will go out in person. I will take away most of the soldiers, and leave the camp to the two of you." Pang Tong said to Zhang Song, Fazheng.

"Don't worry, general, we will proceed with caution."

Fazheng and Zhang Song met each other with a smile, raised their fists and said.During this period of time, they got along well with Pang Tong.Pang Tong did not have the arrogance of being in a high position, and they were not proud of their dedication to the city.

The three of them are very talented and learned people, and they are ministers in the same palace.The surname is also good.That's how the conversation started.

The long night slowly passed.

Until a soldier outside the big tent came in and reported: "The general's time has come."

"Okay. Order the army to assemble." Pang Tong suddenly stood up and said.

"No." After the soldier promised, he immediately turned and walked out.

Not long after, Pang Tong called a few soldiers and put on light armor.Facing Fazheng, Zhang Song said: "You two lead five thousand soldiers and guard the camp."

"Promise." Fazheng, Zhang Song promised.

After finishing the order, Pang Tong walked out without hesitation.Tall and straight, with sharp eyes, very dignified.

"Pang Shiyuan is really beautiful. I'm not as good as that." Zhang Song said enviously.

He is similar to Pang Tong in appearance and similar in stature.But he didn't have the majesty like Pang Tong.

Fazheng smiled and nodded, agreeing very much.

In the Daying school grounds, Pang Tong straddled his horse, leaving 5000 men in Fazheng to guard the camp, leading [-] troops, and headed for the deep mountain path that Kou Feng had walked.

Among them, [-] were the elite of Chu State, and [-] belonged to the descendants of Shu State.

Tonight, Pang Tong's purpose was to lure Yan Yan into battle.It is also God's blessing, the night tonight is very face-saving.The moon was shining brightly, and there was some visibility.

It is also suitable for Yan Yan's spies to observe Pang Tong's actions.

"The Chu army has moved."

Since Yan Yan got the news of Wu Wen, he dispatched no less than three waves of soldiers, quietly descended from the city and came to the vicinity.Tonight's weather was cheering again, and spies saw Pang Tong and the others whenever they moved.

In an open space in the north of the camp, a team of spies lay on the ground.said one of them.

"Report immediately. The rest of the people followed me." The corporal roared, and immediately got up to follow.One of the team returned to the city.

Soon after, the news spread into the prefect's mansion.

In the hall of the prefect's mansion, Yan Yan, Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and others sat separately, and everyone's expressions were very solemn.The atmosphere in the hall was almost frozen.

"General Chu's army has moved." A soldier came in from outside the hall and reported.

"send troops."

Yan Yan's eyes burst out with a flash of light, and said decisively.

"Promise." Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and others all agreed and walked out together.After a while, Yan Yan put on his helmet and followed him out.

Soon, the army gathered in the east of the city.

A total of 6 troops, including [-] Wei swordsmen, [-] Liannu soldiers, and [-] archers.The rest are ordinary spearmen.

Only 5000 people remained in the city to guard.

This is entirely because the Chu army's field combat capabilities are too strong. If they lead too few soldiers, Yan Yan will have no confidence.

With Yan Yan's order, the gate to the east of the city slowly opened.

"Let's go." The old general Yan Yan took the lead, raising the sword in his hand, shouted, and led the crowd to fight out.

It was cold and windy, and there was a male tiger entrenched ahead.But the determination of the old general was very firm, and behind him Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and others also rushed out.

In the prefect's mansion, in a guest room.

Wu Wen knelt and sat on the big bed. He had been kneeling and sitting like this all night.Can't sleep.

Until before, there was a lot of movement in the prefect's mansion.Wu Wencai was a little relieved.After calculating the time, he thought to himself, "I should leave the city."

Wu Wen was ordered to enter the city, and of course it was not as simple as spreading news.There is one more thing waiting for him to do.

outside the city.

After Pang Tong's army left the camp, they quickly entered a small road.

Yan Yan of Berkshire is guarding this side, and he is very familiar with the surrounding terrain.Pang Tong was more familiar, because Yan Yan didn't dare to go out of the city to fight, so he unscrupulously sent spies to inquire about the nearby terrain.

There are three forks in total on this road.It is the best place to intercept.

These terrains can be said to be very clear in Pang Tong's mind.As for the interception, the best is of course the interception.Therefore, Pang Tong arranged the soldiers of the Shu army with poor combat effectiveness at the head and tail. Among them were the Chu army with strong combat effectiveness, equipped with standard Chu army equipment, Chu knives, high-quality leather armor, and even some iron armor.

"The army is in a hurry." After walking for a while, Pang Tong ordered.

"General, since you want to sit and wait for Yan Yan to leave the city, you should march slowly and take precautions. Why do you hurry?" Meng Da next to him said a little puzzled.

"To lure Yan Yan into being fooled, we must make our bypass of Berkshire a reality. For this reason, we will not hesitate to sacrifice some." Pang Tong shook his head and said.

If you want to deceive others, you must deceive yourself first.

"Promise." Meng Da also felt that it made sense when he heard the words, so he agreed and ordered to go immediately.

Not long after, the marching speed of the entire Chu army doubled sharply, and they headed north at a very fast speed.

On the other side, Yan Yan led his army out of the city.

Immediately took a small road and came to the only way Pang Tong marched.It is one of the three forks, the middle one.Ambush down on the side.

Yan Yan was lying in a very front position, as long as the Chu army appeared in front of him, he would be able to see it at first sight.

Because the marching speed was very fast, the Chu army soon came to the vicinity, and there was a lot of movement.Yan Yan immediately narrowed his eyes, staring at the south.

"What a big commotion." Liu Gui who was beside him said.

Yan Yan nodded. He had already believed it before. The Chu army really wanted to bypass Berkshire and go straight to Jiangyang.But now, Pang Tong and the others seemed to be defenseless and rushed forward.

This is further confirmed.

"Shut up, lest people find out." Yan Yan said.

"En." Liu Gui nodded, closed his mouth, and quietly watched the Chu army appear in front of him.

Although the Chu army's field combat capabilities are very strong, it is very risky for them to go out of the city to fight.But after all, he got the news in advance and belonged to the ambush party.

If he can make meritorious deeds, wouldn't it be equivalent to driving the Chu army out in advance?

Before the battle, the most taboo thing is timidity.Liu Gui tried his best to imagine himself tall, and suddenly, his heart beat.His eyes also became hot.

Get rid of Pang Tong, even Kou Feng.

(To be continued)

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