Pang Tong's army still maintains a very high-speed advance method.

At a fast marching speed, they passed the area where Yan Yan was.As they got closer and closer to the middle, the heartbeats of the generals became faster and faster, and many people's palms were sweating.

The key to success or failure depends on tonight.

It is about the fate of Shu and Chu, two countries that have not been established for a long time.

Even Yan Yan, the old general, suppressed the restlessness in his heart at this moment, and silently calculated whether Pang Tong's army had passed halfway.

In comparison, General Chu's mood seemed much calmer.They have gone through too many battles, not to mention knowing in advance that it was their own conspiracy to lure Yan Yan into battle.

Although marching in a hurry, generals at all levels, school lieutenants, Sima, military lords, etc. are very vigilant.

Finally, a little more than half of Pang Tong's army passed by.This is also about the middle of Yan Yan's calculation of the Chu army's [-] to [-] troops.

Kou Feng brought more than [-] troops ahead of time, but Yan Yan didn't know it.

"Kill." When Yan Yan estimated that the Chu army had already left halfway, he immediately yelled.

"Kill." Liu Gui, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian almost yelled after Yan Yan yelled.Immediately, the left and right armies rushed out together.


At night, when there were only the sound of the Chu army's footsteps, it suddenly seemed to be in purgatory.The shouts of killing soared into the sky.

Facing the "sudden" shouts of killing, Pang Tong showed a smile on his face, and this battle was decided for Berkshire.

"Don't panic, the enemy army is coming from the east, east, east." Meng Da didn't have that kung fu anymore, he was overjoyed, pointed his spear to the east, and roared.

"Fix the formation and stabilize first." Ma Di, who was awarded a military position by Pang Tong and had a bit of military power, is now in the middle, which is the point of Yan Yan's attack.

It can be said that he was given a heavy responsibility.

Ma Di did not disappoint Pang Tong, and issued the order very quickly.And reined in the horse and stood in the front row, very calm.


On the opposite side was a rain of arrows, but it was the crossbowmen and archers of the Shu army.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." For a while, the Chu army suffered certain casualties.

However, there were quite a few Iron Armored Army among them. Without Ma Di's order, the military officers, Sima and other officers mobilized the Iron Armored Army to block the enemy's arrows one after another.

Therefore, after a period of panic, the Chu army quickly stabilized.


At this moment, Yan Yan, Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and others also straddled their horses and rushed out.The front is a heroic soldier, and the middle is a heroic general. It has the momentum of a fierce tiger descending the mountain and swallowing the Chu army.

"Bang bang bang."

Soon, the two armies were at war.Chu Dao and Wei Dao once again competed with each other on the battlefield, and the sound of weapons clashing was endless.

"Puchi, puchi."

Although the Chu army was elite, Yan Yan, as the attacking party, put the most powerful soldiers at the front. For a while, the Chu army was actually at a disadvantage.

"Kill." Seeing this, Yan Yan was shocked and shouted.

"Kill." Liu Gui, Deng Xian, Ling Bao and others, their morale boosted even more, shouted and killed Ma Su.Even though the Chu army had experienced hundreds of battles, at this time, their momentum could not help but weaken.

"Hahaha, it's just a temporary murder. Our army is on the left and right, so don't panic."

At the critical moment, Ma Su laughed loudly.

Ma Di is just 21 years old this year, and his temperament is not too mature.Although he is wearing light armor, his status as a literati cannot be ignored.But at the moment, lol.

But very heroic.

The generals and soldiers of the Chu army saw that Ma Su, a literati, was so heroic, and their morale was immediately boosted.Thinking of the colleagues in robes on the left and right, the Chu army is so majestic.

The morale of the army immediately stabilized.

"Your Excellency is right, but it's just a momentary attack. There are elite soldiers in the world, and there are countless people who can fight our Chu army, but they are definitely not the Shu army."

The Junhou and others under Ma Su's tent took advantage of the momentum and shouted in unison.

"Kill." The aura of the entire Chu army was raised to the peak immediately, and they all shouted to kill, and instead of retreating, they advanced, and instead launched an attack on Yan Yan and the others.

In addition to Pang Tong, Meng Da mobilized the front and rear troops to counterattack Yan Yan.Immediately, Yan Yan felt the pressure of Zhang Ren fighting against Kou Feng's army outside the city.


That kind of overwhelming momentum that destroys everything and destroys everyone in the city.Yan Yan, who was leading the army, was shocked in his heart.

"My Kingdom of Shu has been established for the second time. The Marquis of Shu is lenient and benevolent. The country is rich. How can it be annexed by outsiders. Kill." Yan Yan roared, raised his sword and rushed forward. As a commander in the army, he actually took the lead.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." For a while, Yan Yan beheaded more than ten soldiers.Among the Chu army, a military marquis couldn't see it, so he stepped forward, but Yan Yan beheaded him if he couldn't make a match.


"The old general is mighty." The momentum of the Shu army was boosted again, and Liu Gui who was beside him even raised his arms and shouted.

"The old general is mighty." The soldiers shouted in unison, fighting the enemy bravely.

"Enemy of every man, don't panic." Ma Di saw it, his eyelids twitched, and he was also shocked by Yan Yan's bravery. It was nothing to kill a soldier, but the key was that he killed more than ten soldiers of the Chu army with one sword.

You know, Nako is an elite soldier in iron armor.

However, sitting in the front, Ma Di certainly wouldn't show the shock in his heart, instead he yelled very calmly.

"Kill." Following Ma Di's order, the Chu army launched another counterattack.

At the same time, Meng Da led the former soldiers back, stood in front of Ma Di alone, and fought with Yan Yan's army.The rear army also quickly came nearby.

The combined armies of both sides numbered more than [-].It was in this narrow place that a very bloody fight took place.

Pang Tong rode his horse and came to the vicinity of Ma Di.The handsome flag with the word "Chu" also arrived at the place where it was located, which played a very good role in suppressing the morale of the army.

The fighting continued.

But on the scene, Chu Jun did not have much upper hand.Because there are too few warlords, some people say that warlords are almost useless in a war with many people.

But in fact, it is not the case. If there is a general, and if you kill a lot of enemies, your morale will be boosted.

On Yan Yan's side, although Yan Yan is the commander in chief, he takes the lead and is unstoppable.The rest of Ling Bao, Liu Gui, Deng Xian, etc. are also very brave for a while.

On the Chu army's side, it was only Meng Da who was holding up the scene, and it was a bit ugly for a while.

Ma Di's face could not help showing some impatience.

"Guard from arrogance and impetuosity. Strong soldiers and strong generals, strong soldiers and strong generals. Strong soldiers are in front, and strong soldiers are in the back. They are just acting out of the moment." Pang Tong used Ma Di's own words just now, exhorting Ma Di.

"Thank you, General, for your teaching." Ma Di was startled when he heard this, and immediately calmed down his anxiety, and bowed to Pang Tong.

"En." Pang Tong just casually mentioned Ma Di, and his attention was still on the current battlefield.

Sure enough, not long after, the scene gradually tilted towards the Chu army.Because the Chu army is mostly elite, but Yan Yan's elite is less.Although under the strength of Yan Yan and others, they acted fiercely for a while.

But not for long.

The more the fight goes on, the worse it will be for Yan Yan.

As a general, Yan Yan was fighting at the front, so of course he could feel this.I can't help but hate.

I had already estimated the strength of the Chu army, but I didn't expect it to be stronger than imagined.

No wonder he dared to be fierce and destroy Shu.

"Ah." With a loud shout, Yan Yan abandoned the army behind him, led more than a hundred soldiers from left and right, and charged in the direction of the commander-in-chief flag with the word "Chu".

Wherever they pass, they are killed by knives.Anything that gets off the horse immediately has an effect.The left and right soldiers are even more loyal, following Yan Yan to the left and right, resisting the sword.

For a moment, Yan Yan advanced dozens of steps.It is very close to Shuai Qi.With a flash of Yan Yan's eyes, he drew out a strong bow behind the horse, and drew two sharp bows, and strung the bow.

Like flowing water.

The targets were Pang Tong and Ma Di, because both of them were wearing light armor, and it was impossible to tell who was who.Yan Yan simply took his life together.

Fortunately, Meng Da who was next to him had been paying attention to Yan Yan, and saw Yan Yan bending his bow to take pictures.His eyes were tearing apart, and he shouted: "General, be careful with cold arrows."

As soon as the words fell, the arrow flew out of Yan Yan's hand.

Pang Tong and Ma Su only had time to lower their heads slightly to see the steel helmets on their heads.

"Bump, bump." The arrow collided with the helmet, making two crisp sounds.Pang Tong was shocked even more, and Ma Di and Ma Su were covered in cold sweat.

Veteran generals Huang Zhong and Tai Shici both had the ability to hit the general from a hundred or fifty paces away.Unexpectedly, Yan Yan of the Shu Army also had such abilities.You know, the two of them should be 120 steps away from Yan Yan.

But feeling the faint pain in his head, Pang Tong calculated fiercely.Enough to kill him a hundred and fifty paces away.

"Hold up the shield." While breaking out in a cold sweat, Pang Tong naturally wouldn't let him be killed like this, but he couldn't do it if he retreated. It's a fight at this moment. If the commander retreats, the morale of the army will be greatly reduced.That's all.

Therefore, only the shield can be raised.

Following Pang Tong's order, the left and right guards immediately raised their shields high in front of Pang Tong and Ma Di.

When Yan Yan saw that the arrow had missed and was about to shoot again, he could only see a few bare shields.

While Yan Yan felt great hatred in her heart, she also knew that the general situation was over.The Chu army was obviously prepared, and their surprise attack did not achieve any effect.

Now that the soldiers are making dangerous moves, he personally leads the army forward.But they failed to shoot Pang Tong or Kou Feng.In this battle, failure is only a matter of time.

Although it is a bit dark now, there is still a certain degree of visibility.

Following the voice just now, Yan Yan looked at Meng Da, opened his blood-red eyes, and shouted: "Even if the old man dies on the spot today, I will take the life of a villain like you."

Saying that, Yan Yan couldn't help but lead the crowd to kill Meng Da again.

On the left and right, Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and others saw Yan Yan's arrow shot just now, which was a great opportunity to take Pang Tong, but they were destroyed by Meng Da.

He couldn't help feeling great hatred, and with great hatred in his heart, he also started to kill Meng Da.


The Shu army uttered a loud and clear cry of killing, but it couldn't hide its solemnity.

(To be continued)

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