"Old General, don't put a hat on my head, I'm just following the trend." Meng Da was not annoyed when he heard this, but laughed loudly.

In Meng Da's view, it was indeed in accordance with the weather.Besides, under Liu Zhang, he was just unknown.


But Yan Yan was different, and Meng Da had harmed him just now.With a pair of blood-red eyes open, he frantically charged towards Meng Da's direction.

The original frontal attack turned obliquely towards Meng Da.

"Kill." Yan Yan's intention was to lead an army of [-] to compete with the Chu army, and for this he would spare no expense, even if he killed every single soldier.

"Hmph." With a cold snort, Meng Da stepped forward and fought Yan Yan with a gun.

Yan Yan is old and strong, and Meng Da is full of blood. When they fight together, they are evenly matched.

"It's just the last bravery. Use your strength to press people up, and press them all up." Although Pang Tong was blocked by a shield behind him and couldn't see clearly, he could still feel the solemn and solemn momentum of the Shu army.Can't help but order.


Hundreds of soldiers around Pang Tong, plus Ma Di's soldiers, nearly a thousand people, protected Pang Tong, and pressed forward with the handsome flag.

"Kill, kill, kill."

As soon as the handsome flag moved, the Chu army knew that it was time for a general offensive.Immediately rose to kill the enemy.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." He slashed with the Shu army saber, and saw blood every time.

On the battlefield, retreating means reducing the chance of survival.All elite soldiers know this truth, not to mention the Chu army, which is a veteran of hundreds of battles.They moved forward step by step, just to cover themselves and fight with the chances of Baoze's survival.


At this moment, after the general attack of the Chu army, the Shu army began to retreat steadily.Especially the elite in front of Yan Yan was equipped with Wei Dao, and the more soldiers behind him were only equipped with spears.

How to compete with the elite Chu army?

In addition, too many generals in the Shu army are pessimistic, thinking that they will die if they go out of the city to fight.This time the battle was really because Pang Tong had grasped their culprit.

Bypass Berkshire and go straight to Huanglong.They had no choice but to go out to intercept Pang Tong.

Hastily resorted to, not fully prepared.

Together with this defeat, the morale of the entire Shu army dropped by more than half.

"Kill, kill, kill." The old general was majestic, his armor was stained with blood, and the long knife in his hand was like a tireless killing machine, harvesting the lives of soldiers one by one.

"It's really old and strong." Meng Da, who had fought with Yan Yan just now, has retreated now.Panting heavily, he watched Yan Yan flaunt his fierceness.

I have to admire in my heart, saying that I am old and strong.

But the ferocity of Yan Yan and others cannot change anything.Pang Tong was prepared tonight to kill Yan Yan.In this battle, Yan Yan can be said to be born with a deficiency.

No matter how many titans there are, it is of no use.

"Kill, kill, kill." As the momentum of the Shu army was greatly weakened, the morale of the Chu army was rising steadily, shouting loudly, and advancing step by step.The suppressed Shu army was out of breath.

Almost suppressed the Shu army back to the place where they lay in ambush by the roadside just now.

The terrain is not very good.A small road leads directly to the north, with mountains and forests on both sides, and Yan Yan and the others came to the vicinity through a smaller road.

When attacking the Chu army, most of them were behind mountains and forests.

From the top down, it can be said that the momentum is like a rainbow.But now stepping back step by step has become a dead end.Because there are mountains and forests behind.

The Chu army numbered only 5000.Among them, [-] were surrendered soldiers from the Shu army.But they crushed Yan Yan and other [-] troops, really crushing people with force.

Very majestic.

Feeling the powerful momentum of the Chu army like the sea, Liu Gui couldn't help but tremble in his heart while retreating steadily.

You know, Liu Gui is one of the few strong generals in Shu.Even he feels this way, let alone other people.

At this moment, Liu Gui was surrounded by dozens of Chu soldiers. Although Liu Gui killed one, there must be another one on top.Fearless.

The Chu knife in Chu Jun's hand was like the eyes of the god of death, staring at Liu Gui's life, and would not back down even if he died.

Liu Gui was also fierce, killing one after another.But the hero could not stand the crowd, and all the soldiers around Liu Gui were lost, and the soldiers behind him were all timid.

A soldier of the Chu army rushed forward, with a Chu knife in his hand, and inserted it through the chest of the horse.Unable to stop him, Liu Gui quickly got off his horse and was stabbed to death on the spot.

Immediately, a group of Chu soldiers rushed forward.

"Old General." Liu Gui couldn't help being heartbroken, he roared, and was cut to pieces by the Chu army.

Liu Gui's roar made Yan Yan tremble violently.In a pair of tiger eyes, advancing is tragic.

"Die with all the kings." Raising the long knife in his hand, Yan Yan rushed towards Meng Da crazily, regardless of life and death.Now with their morale, it is impossible to attack the Chu army's main formation.

Take Mengda, take Mengda.

This is the last belief in Yan Yan's heart now.

Because Yan Yan knew that Berkshire's defense failed this time.From the fall of Fuling, it was already doomed when Zhang Ren was captured.

When the trail in the mountain was discovered, their last support was gone.

Any call for help from Meng Huo is like a clown.Jumping up and down, it was very fun, but it was useless at all.

Going out of the city to fight is Yan Yan's last fight.Now that I have passed my blog, not only did I not succeed.On the contrary, it proved how powerful the Chu army is.

Their 6 people, from high to low, can't compete with Chu's army.

At this moment, Yan Yan suddenly realized that their Shu Kingdom was really too weak, too weak.Even with the help of Wei Dao, it is not enough to compete with Chu.

They really have nothing left but the mountains are high and dangerous.Nothing at all.Just like now, they have lost their last bargaining chips, and they are the ones who are behind the powerful city that Wanfu can't open.

They are just cattle and sheep at the mercy of others.

In fact, it's not Yan Yan's fault. The army directly under his tent is very powerful. In the early stage of the fight, he held Wei Dao to compete with the Chu army.It is enough to see its ability.

But it's only because Yan Yan didn't lead the army for a long time. He was sent into Berkshire when Liu Zhang suddenly thought that the east needed to be defended.The [-] troops under him were all led by others before.After Yan Yan took office, he was assigned to his subordinates.

It can be said that Yan Yan's failure was because the time to lead the army was too short, too short.

It has been extremely weak for a long time, and Yan Yan cannot bear it alone.If you add Zhang Ren, maybe you can.But unfortunately, Zhang Ren had already lost in the battle of Fuling.

Meng Da was crazy when he saw the situation, and he risked his life to kill his Yan Yan.I can't help but feel respect in my heart. Although I am an enemy, there is no conflict between admiration and non-admiration.

At the same time, Meng Da recalled that Kou Feng said in the past that in the Kingdom of Shu, Yan Yan and Zhang Ren were the first generals, followed by Wu Yi, and the rest were mediocre.

Kou Feng was in Fuling, and he did everything possible to capture Zhang Ren.Now Yan Yan is in front, so fierce and loyal.If Kou Feng was in the front, he would definitely order to capture him.

With a turn in his mind, Meng Da immediately shouted: "Wait until he is exhausted, don't hurt him."

At this moment, Yan Yan was already insane, all he knew was to kill, kill, kill.He couldn't hear Meng Da's yelling.

"Puchi, puchi."

This situation, of course, cannot last long.After Yan Yan killed dozens of people in a row, a soldier finally seized the opportunity and hit Yan Yan's horse with a spear.

Yan Yan felt his whole body sank and fell off the horse.

"Pounce on it." Meng Da was naturally overjoyed when he saw this, and shouted loudly.

"Bang bang bang." Immediately, dozens of soldiers rushed forward and pressed Yan Yan to the ground.Yan Yan refused to accept it, and forced herself to struggle to get up.

Dozens of people can't be completely suppressed.

"This old fellow, how tough should he be when he was young?" Meng Da saw that Yan Yan was so old that he was too old to kill, and still had extraordinary strength. While admiring Yan Yan, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Although he was able to compete with Yan Yan for a short time, but after a long time, he was not as good as a young man.

But fortunately, Yan Yan is not someone who can really overwhelm dozens of people by himself.Struggling hard is also a huge force in the heart, although dozens of soldiers can't suppress it for a while.

But not for long.

Soon, Yan Yan stopped struggling, and half of her face was pressed to the cold ground.Open mouth, dressed roughly.A pair of eyes are still wide open, fixedly staring at Meng Da.

"Suppress it, don't be negligent." Meng Da couldn't help but ordered after being a little scared.

"Promise." The soldiers promised, tied up Yan Yan, and pressed him down.

And with Yan Yan captured alive, the entire Shu army is in danger.

Liu Gui is dead, and now Ling Bao and Deng Xian are in charge.Seeing that the situation was not good, the two immediately shouted: "Withdraw."

After finishing speaking, without further ado, he turned his horse's head and rushed in the direction of Berkshire.

Meng Da did not lead his army in pursuit.

At this moment, Pang Tong had already ordered the removal of the shield in front of him. Looking at Ling Bao, Deng Xian led his troops to flee.Meng Da did not pursue, but was watching the fun.

He was not angry, but laughed and said, "Shu is extremely weak, it is Liu Zhang's fault, and it has nothing to do with the generals. As long as the generals lead their troops to Chu, the Duke of Chu will treat them favorably."

"Hmph. Guard the lonely city, and swear to the death not to surrender." Deng Xian was very staunch, turning his head and roaring.

Ling Bao didn't say anything else, and together with Deng Xian led the defeated army to kill Berkshire without looking back.

"Try to gather the scattered soldiers, and don't let them escape into the mountains and forests, causing harm to Yizhou." After the two escaped, Pang Tong said to Meng Da.

For the disaster of Yizhou.

Now that Yan Yan is defeated, Berkshire is basically down.

Pang Tong no longer called Shu, but Yizhou.Because Pang Tong knew that the next step was the real Zhuang Kang Road.There is Kou Feng ahead, who is estimated to have arrived in Jiangyang.

They conquered Berkshire again.

Chengdu is in sight.

Yizhou is theirs, so of course we must cherish it as much as possible.

"Promise." Of course Meng Da also knew this truth, and he happily agreed, and immediately led the soldiers and gathered the remnants.

"General, the next step is to look at Wu Wen in the city." Ma Di rode his horse to Pang Tong's side and said with a smile.

"En." Pang Tong nodded with a smile.

Wu Wen's task is also to be a lobbyist, lobbying the guards to surrender.

This is the script that Pang Tong has already arranged.It is also the reason why Meng Da did not lead his troops to pursue Ling Bao and Deng Xian.

(To be continued)

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