At this moment, the guard in Berkshire is a young general under Yan Yan's account.It's called Deng He.Like Pang Tong, Yan Yan also left thousands of soldiers for Deng Lu to guard Berkshire.

At this moment, Yan Yan has been out for a long time.

The shouts of killing from the west of the city also seemed to be getting louder.

Deng He's face was tense, staring straight ahead.

Although Deng He is a young general, he is still very clear about the current situation.

Once Kou Feng's army bypasses Berkshire, it means that the general situation of the Shu Kingdom is over. Although it will not perish immediately, it is almost the same.On the contrary, if Kou Feng can't get around Berkshire, the national fortune of Shu has just begun.

This battle is really about the fate of the two countries.As a general of Shu, Deng He felt very nervous.

"General, that Wu Wen said he wanted to see you." Just as Deng He clenched his fists tightly and stared at the front.A soldier came to Deng He's side and said.

"Wu Wen?" Deng He was taken aback for a moment, then he remembered the guy who came to present the news last night and is currently under house arrest in the prefect's mansion.

Deng He looked down on that guy.

What a wretched villain.

But it is undeniable that the news that guy presented was really timely.In addition, Yan Yan had also ordered that Wu Wen should not be neglected.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, Deng He said: "Order the whole army to continue to be on alert, don't let go of any movement."

"No." The soldier promised.

Immediately, Deng He came to the city with a few personal soldiers, rode on a fast horse, and rushed to the prefect's mansion.

At this moment, in the hall of the prefect's mansion, the first place is hanging in the air.

The old god Wu Wen was sitting on the side seat, and there was a guard who stayed by his side.It was said to be a guard, but it should actually be a monitor, preventing Wu Wen from escaping.

But Wu Wen didn't care at all.Because Yan Yan has been out for a while, it is estimated that he has already been fighting with the Chu army.You can go, but it's hard to come back.

There was a smile in Wu Wen's eyes, very natural and decent.

It can be said that Wu Wen at this moment is not obscene at all, but humble.This is Wu Wen, a silent and unknown clerk in the Chu army's tent.

An inconspicuous person, but now he is sitting here.He became a pivotal figure in the process of the Chu army's entry into Berkshire.

This is his crisis, but also his opportunity.

Crisis means being killed at any time.Opportunity is to be able to soar into the sky and go up.

How many talents does Chu have?How many scholars?It can be said that there are as many as an ox hair.For example, the top Jiang Wan, Xu Shu, Pang Tong and others are even more dragons among men.

Such a prosperous situation is the great fortune of Chu State.But it is also the misfortune of these little people like him.

If these little people want to squeeze in, hard work is not enough, there are also opportunities and the ability to seize opportunities.

This time, it was Wu Wen's opportunity.

Just seize this opportunity and earn this Berkshire while luring Yan Yan into battle.He is the first one.A Chu country that has produced a large number of talents in the Chu country, surpassing those who are favored by heaven, has the opportunity to appear in front of the cover of Chu Junkou.

Thinking about it, Wu Wen's eyes burst into waves of excitement, and it was hard to control himself.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and the footsteps were a little brisk.It is estimated that the guard of this city, Deng Yi, died.

The Chu army's information on the Shu Kingdom can be said to be very detailed.Even if this Deng Zhi is unknown, there is still some information.

Young, vigorous, with some talent, but not that kind of great talent.

There is an old mother and a dutiful son.Notoriously dutiful son.

It can be said that Yan Yan's choice of this person to defend the city is very in line with Wu Wen's wishes.

Wu Wen's expression changed, he put away the excitement in his eyes, and looked forward calmly.

After a while, Deng He walked in from the outside.

Seeing Wu Wen's demeanor and demeanor, he was slightly taken aback, because the very calm and natural Wu Wen with a smiling face in front of him was completely different from the wretched Wu Wen who claimed to be young last night.

It's really different.

"Why did you ask me?" However, due to preconceived ideas, Deng He soon thought it was Wu Wen's pretense, essentially saying that Wu Wen was a villain.Wretched villain.

"Dare to ask the general, is there a mother?" Wu Wen did not answer, but raised his fist with a smile.

What are you doing?

Deng He looked at Wu Wen's answer to the wrong question, and instead asked such a puzzling question.I can't help feeling a little annoyed.

The look couldn't help but stepped down.

"Yes." If Yan Yan hadn't told Wu Wen not to neglect Wu Wen before he left, Deng He might have left at this time.You know, he is responsible for defending the city.

He was actually called here to wreak havoc.

"Then there are brothers and sisters?" Wu Wen didn't care, and continued to ask with a smile.

"The only child in the family, where are the brothers and sisters?" Deng He snorted coldly and said.After saying this sentence, Deng He wanted to turn around and leave.

What a load of nonsense.

"So, if Berkshire is breached and the general dies, there will be no one to take care of the old mother?" Wu Wen said with a smile.

This sentence made Deng He tremble all over, and then turned around suddenly, staring at Wu Wen, and said coldly: "What are you talking about?" Not only the voice was cold and harsh, but even the eyes were like cold wind, cutting the pain of life It hurts.

But it is undeniable that at this time Deng He's heart gradually sank.If Wu Wen was just a change in temperament before and after, Deng He would not be like this.

But at this moment Wu Wen said these words, words full of deep meaning.But it had to make Deng He suspicious.

One thought that it was the news from this guy, and the fact that Yan Yan was going out of the city to fight the Chu army according to the news.The uneasiness in Deng He's heart rapidly expanded.

"Knowingly asking."

Wu Wen raised his head and said with a smile.

"What kind of mystery are you playing?" Because of his uneasiness, Deng He's mood became extremely bad, and he yelled at Wu Wen.

"It's nothing mysterious. I just want to say that the old general Yan Yan led his troops out tonight. It was originally a trap. Mr. Chu has already taken a step ahead and led an army of 5000 to attack Jiangyang. Chengwai's army is nothing but Chu. There are [-] people led by Pang Tong, the left army division general of the country. Not to mention that Yan Yan is difficult to break through, even if I break through my left army division general. But the king has already gone to Jiangyang, and I believe Chengdu will not be too far away. You Chu The country is over." Wu Wen said with the same smile on his face, but a cold look in his eyes.

"You bastard." Deng He was shocked and angry when he heard the words, and immediately pulled out the Yangtze River and pointed at Wu Wen.Thinking of the generosity and benevolence of the old general Yan Yan, and thinking of the various benefits of the Shu Kingdom, Deng He couldn't help but want to chop the guy in front of him in half.

"Don't move. The general of the military division has promised that as long as I die in the city, I will kill the whole family of the person who killed me. Not only your old mother, but also your Deng family." Facing the oncoming Wu Wen was very calm, and did not back away, but chuckled lightly and said.

Deng He trembled immediately when he heard the words, he really wanted to stab the guy in front of him to death with a sword.However, he found decadently that the long sword in his hand seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and he couldn't stab it no matter what.

Because, because, as Wu Wen said.

In that situation outside the city, the Kingdom of Shu is definitely doomed.Even with Wu Wen's assumption just now, Yan Yan defeated Pang Tong.There is also Kou Feng's former army.

What's more, Yan Yan went out with a determination to die.To die means that the chances of winning are not great.Yan Yan has a high chance of being defeated by Pang Tong.

In other words, what Wu Wen said may come true.If he killed Wu Wen at this time, when Pang Tongxing asked his teacher to punish him, not only him, but also his mother and clan would all be dead.

Deng He is a very loyal person, but there is a limit to human loyalty.There are very few people who are as calm and generous as Yan Yan and Zhang Ren.

And Deng He is a dutiful son.He cared most about his old mother's life.

This killing would cause a disaster that he couldn't bear.

But on the other hand, if Wu Wen is not killed, how can he be worthy of the Kingdom of Shu, and how can he be worthy of Yan Yan who cultivated him?

Seeing Deng He caught in a dilemma, Wu Wen felt even more admiration for Pang Tong in his heart.These details, as well as dealing with Berkshire's words after the fact.

Pang Tong repeatedly told him.

Including how to threaten and overwhelm others with power.Take Berkshire without bloodshed.

"How?" Wu Wen asked.

"What?" Deng He asked blankly, his face was very pale.

"Let's open the city." Wu Wen said with a smile.

"Impossible." Deng Zhi's pale face turned red all of a sudden, and he said loudly.

"What is the general thinking now? Close the city gate and hold on? Wait for reinforcements, or wait for a miracle to appear? So, this city will be breached sooner or later. If the general leads his troops to resist, he is the mastermind. Afterwards, when the Chu army enters the city, they will still settle the score." Deng He was pitiful enough, but Wu Wen said harshly.

Deng Ji was in a dilemma, unable to make a choice.Wu Wen yelled sharply, which immediately shocked Deng He, and then made a difficult decision.

According to what Wu Wen said, the Kingdom of Shu is hopeless.Hopeless.This is the case even if he sticks to the city.Could it be that he really risked his life for the sake of a hopeless state of Shu?


But on the other hand, Deng He no longer trusted Wu Wen.Therefore, Deng He opened his eyes full of blood, and said to Wu Wen word by word: "I must see the old general's defeated army first, otherwise I won't be able to open the city. If there is a lie in what you said, I'll pull you out and chop you up."

Although Deng He was deprived of his mind by Wu Wen, he did not lose his basic rationality.Think it might be a scam.

"No problem, I'll stay by your side. You can kill me at any time." Wu Wen said with a hearty smile.

This shattered Deng He's last hope. If Wu Wen was cheating, how dare he speak like this?It must be true to be so courageous.That is.

There is no doubt that Yan Yan will lose.

With a decadent mood, Deng He nodded heavily and said, "Follow me."

"Please." Wu Wen nodded with a smile.

(To be continued)

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