Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 781 The little people in Chu State did great things

Immediately, Deng He and Wu Wen left the prefect's mansion together and came to the west gate.

At this moment, the west city gate is still very quiet, and the soldiers guarding the city are all staring at the front, waiting for the result.The same is true for Deng He and Wu Wen after they came to the city.

All are waiting for the results ahead.

That is, the Kingdom of Shu competed with the Kingdom of Chu for the fate of the country.

Not long after, the shouts of killing ahead gradually subsided.

Deng He and Wu Wen's hearts all shook, knowing that the critical moment had arrived.Deng He was very nervous, and he was looking forward to the one in ten thousand chance that Yan Yan killed Pang Tong and survived.

And Wu Wen was similar, but the meaning was reversed. He stared at the front, hoping to see Yan Yan's defeated army, not Pang Tong's defeated army.

Just as the two were expecting, a remnant soldier returned.

Although there is moonlight shining, it is still unclear.Deng He and Wu Wen looked down at the same time.Not long after, Qiqi's heart skipped a beat.

But the feelings of the two are completely different. Deng He's face is ashen, while Wu Wen's face is full of smiles, and the whole person calms down and relaxes.

Coming back is coming back, but it is Ling Bao and Deng Xian who came back. The two flags of "Ling" and "Deng" are very conspicuous, and what is even more conspicuous is that this army has no momentum, like a defeated rooster.

Obviously, this is a defeated army.

Ling Bao, Deng Xian is defeated, how can Yan Yan be better?

Seeing such an army, Deng He and Wu Wen's moods were naturally different.

As for Ling Bao under the pool, Deng Xian and Deng Xian were in a different mood again.After the previous battle, they were exhausted.Especially seeing Liu Gui being dismembered by knives, Yan Yan was overwhelmed by many Chu soldiers and fell to the ground.

The defeated army, the inhumane defeated army.

Along the way, Ling Bao and Deng Xian's moods were messed up.They want to return to the protection of the city with all their heart, because there is nothing else that can give them a sense of security except the city.

Chu Jun is too strong, really too strong.They had 7 to [-] people, led by Yan Yan as the general to attack, but they didn't even have a chance to fight, and they were quickly defeated.

"I'm Ling Bao, General Deng quickly open the door."

Ling Bao, as soon as Deng Xian saw the city, a burst of warmth rose in his heart.Can't help but roared.

"Open the door quickly, the Chu army is about to come after you." Deng Xian also opened his throat and shouted.

Facing these two generals who used to be like elders, Deng He blushed.He wanted to open his mouth to open the city, but he couldn't feel the influence of Wu Wen next to him all the time.

Very stinging.

At this moment, Wu Wen next to him took a step forward, and to Deng Xian who was under the city, Ling Bao laughed and said, "This city is already owned by our country of Chu, the two generals, please do what you want."

The laughter is very hearty.


Under the city, Deng Xian, who was eager to enter the city, Ling Bao couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and cried out.Even the soldiers behind them were at a loss.

After a fight, he was tired and hungry, and finally he was stopped outside his own city.What a joke.

"Who are you? Tell Deng He to come out and meet me."

However, Deng Xian, Ling Bao is also a well-known general after all, so he calmed down very quickly, Deng Xian raised his head and said in a deep voice to Wu Wen.

"Who am I? Isn't it the little official from the Chu camp? How did the general forget it so quickly?" Wu Wen said very heartily.

"What?" Deng Xian and Ling Bao were taken aback again.

Although they had vaguely guessed, the night was a trick.But when Wu Wen said it himself, they were still taken aback.What is especially surprising is that now Wu Wen is actually standing at the top of the city.

What about the [-] troops deployed by their Shu Kingdom?

When they competed with the Chu army just now, the two felt it very clearly.The Chu army should have put in all their strength, what capital do they have to surprise Berkshire?

Make them homeless?

"Hahaha, what's the matter. The strategy you are waiting for this time was arranged by my general Zuojun. After you left the city, I persuaded Deng He to surrender. The two generals are still wise and outstanding. Good." Wu Wen laughed again.

Ling Bao and Deng Xian wanted to burst into flames when they heard the words, but they were helpless.

"No wonder, no wonder when we left, Pang Tong didn't order to pursue us, but recruited us instead. It turned out that it had already been arranged. A little Wu Wen deceived all of us. Who would have thought of such a villainous person? , is actually the key to it. Not only lied to us, but also earned Berkshire."

Deng Xian muttered to himself, very decadent.

Ling Bao didn't speak, but her face was also very ugly.They were played like monkeys. From beginning to end, it was Pang Tong's conspiracy.

The roads outside the city are real.But Pang Tong never planned to go around, he just settled their death spot and led them out of the city to fight.

It's a pity that Liu Gui died, and the old general Yan Yan was aggrieved when he was captured.

At this moment, Ling Bao and Deng Xian no longer have fighting spirit in their hearts, and what is left is only slowly decadent, decadent.

In the meantime, think deeper.

It's not that the Shu State has no resourceful men, such as Huang Quan, Zhang Song, Zheng Du, etc., but they failed to use them. On the contrary, the Chu State has only one Pang Tong, but the Chu King Koufeng can use it, and he has given military power.

Trust is added.

Pang Tong used a little Wu Wen again, and he was able to turn them around.The faces of the two were hot, and they felt very ashamed.

"What should I do?" At this point, the city cannot be entered.Breaking through is even more impossible.There are only two paths before them, either die in battle or surrender.

Ling Bao also lost her mind and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know either." But Deng Xian was also flustered and said.

"Two generals, thank you for your teachings these years, but now it's a dead end. I don't want to die." At this moment, Deng Xian, a military lord behind Ling Bao, suddenly walked out.Said.

"I don't want to die either."

Suddenly, countless people said one after another.

Not only has it reached a dead end, but even the military spirit is unusable, and the military spirit is unusable.

Deng Xian and Ling Bao looked at each other, and Qi Qi gave a wry smile.

"I'm willing to surrender." After saying that, Deng Xian and Deng Xian got off their horses.

"I am willing to submit to the great Chu." The soldiers behind also shouted in unison.

"Hahahaha, my country of Chu has added two generals, it really is like adding wings to a tiger." On the city, Wu Wen laughed loudly.Immediately, he ordered: "Come here, open the city gate."

This surprised Deng He, who was ashamed and silent all the time, and said, "How can this be possible? They still have at least ten thousand soldiers. If they enter the city, wouldn't you and I become the ghosts of the sword?"

"Hahaha, if it weren't for Yan Yan's support, your army's morale would have been lost. What's more, now that you are at the end of the road, what else can you think about. If you don't get in the way, open the city gate and welcome the two generals into the city." Wu Wen laughed loudly.

Very generous.

It was really a different person from the person last night.

Seeing such a bold Wu Wen, Deng He couldn't help asking: "Mr. is really a master of the Chu Kingdom."

"Me? Gao Shi? Hahahaha, I'm just a small official with a knife and a pen, not a high-ranking person under Chu Jun's account." Wu Wen laughed again when he heard the words.

It is true that Wu Wen has the ambition to climb up, but he also has self-knowledge.

"There are so many capable people in Chu State."

Deng He's heart trembled when he heard the words. It turned out that he was really a small official with a knife and a pen, not a fake.The real deal.And a small official with a knife and a pen can have such a bearing.

It can be seen that the majesty of the state of Chu is not comparable to that of ordinary vassal states.It is not comparable to Shu.

"Open the city gate." Deng He couldn't help but feel a certainty in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of confidence in Wu Wen, and ordered.

"No." The guard beside him promised, and immediately opened the city gate.

Amidst a burst of vibrations, the city gate was slowly opened.

This surprised Deng Xian and Ling Bao in the city.

"The two generals were shocked tonight. If it's wrong, please forgive me. Please." On the top of the wall, Wu Wen laughed loudly.

Deng Xian and Ling Bao couldn't help looking at each other, they just thought Wu Wen was just joking, but now they actually welcome them into the city.

If it was in the past, the two would definitely have malicious intentions.Even if he doesn't act, there will be such malice.But at this moment, people are exhausted.

Chu State is too strong, and Shu State is too weak.The ending is basically doomed.How dare you think about it.

"Thank you sir." The two bowed to Wu Wen on the top of the wall in unison.

"The times make heroes, and so do I today." Wu Wen couldn't help but feel such a feeling on the top of the city.He was just a small official, but he was able to get to where he is today by virtue of a momentary opportunity.

Let Deng Xian and Ling Bao bow down and call him Mr.What a sight it is.

There are many famous scholars and talents in Chu State.Now, he stands out.In the coming day, Mr. Chu is also famous in front of him.

With excitement, Wu Wen ordered: "Come here, prepare a banquet, and clean up the dust for the two generals."

"No." Deng He's soldiers next to him agreed and left immediately.

Although the soldiers didn't know what happened, most of them were very confused.But the key point is that they all know that they don't need a big account.

The generals surrendered to Chu.

This is something to be happy about.

"Mighty, the Chu army is mighty, the Chu army is mighty." The soldiers cheered.

Although there are many princes at present, the time for each to establish a country is still too short.For the soldiers, it is actually the same who rules them, there is no difference.

Amidst the cheers, Deng Xian and Ling Bao led the remnants of the Shu army into the city.

Tonight, Wu Wen, a small man in Chu State, pacified Berkshire for Chu State, and subdued the two strong generals of Shu State without any effort.

Ling Bao, Deng Xian, and more than ten thousand remaining soldiers.

It saved Chu State a lot of effort.

Ling Bao, after Deng Xian and Deng Xian entered the city, Wu Wen still stood at the top of the city, and he wanted to wait here, waiting for Pang Tong to lead his troops to arrive and hand over the errand in person.

(To be continued)

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