This stop lasts all night.

Because Pang Tong and the others took a lot of time to collect the remnants and bury the corpses. After all, Yan Yan had more than 1 troops in the battle.Only Ling Bao and Deng Xian's [-] people actually returned to Berkshire.

The remaining 5 people were either killed or dispersed in haste.It's very difficult to pack it up.

It wasn't until dawn that Pang Tong, Meng Da, and Ma Su led the army to the city of Bergshire.

At this moment, Fazheng and Zhang Song also led the [-] soldiers stationed within the Chu army's promise to Berkshire to meet Pang Tong.

At the gate of the city, Wu Wen took Deng Xian, Ling Bao, and Deng He to meet Pang Tong, Fazheng and others in person.

"General." Wu Wen bowed, followed by Deng Xian and three others.

"Thank you." Pang Tong nodded towards Wu Wen, then looked at the three people behind Wu Wen.He said with a smile: "It's really a good thing for the three generals to abandon the thief and welcome the king's teacher. In the future, it's natural to show the king to show the achievements of the three."

"Ashamed." Deng Xian, Deng He, and Ling Bao showed shame on their faces, and raised their fists with wry smiles.

Although Pang Tong said that, the three of them knew that their surnames were different.If they are like Fazheng, Zhang Song, and Meng Da, they may not be as good as the direct descendants of Chu Jun Koufeng in the future.

Grace is added.But the three of them surrendered in defeat, the difference is too great.In addition, the three of them used to be self-proclaimed loyal people, and now they surrender, and they feel ashamed.

Pang Tong saw the expressions of the three of them, and felt that they could be made.

It would be too ruthless if things had come to this day and he could still put on a happy face.He is a repeated villain, but like Deng Xian and others, he is not bad.

In fact, the state of Chu still lacks general talents, and it seems that the talents are at their peak.But also because hell is too vast.It's like after Kou Feng got Jiangdong, he had to reactivate the generals in Jiangdong.

On the one hand, Kou Feng is magnanimous and able to trust those generals.On the other hand, there are no generals who are good at ruling Sangoshi, and there are no redundant generals.

And now I just got Yizhou.Relying on Meng Da, Fazheng, Zhang Song and the others is not enough.Even adding Yan Yan and Zhang Ren may not be enough.

In Pang Tong's view, Deng Xian and others will still need to use them sooner or later.

Appreciation flashed in his eyes, and Pang Tong said, "Let's go, let's talk about it when we enter the city."

As he said that, all the armies, no matter the Chu army or the surrendered troops from Shu, all entered Berkshire together.This gateway to the land of Shu is now the rear base for Kou Feng to attack the land of Shu.

After entering the city, Pang Tong first arranged the defense, and then brought Meng Da, Fazheng, Zhang Song, Ma Di, Wu Wen, Deng Xian, Ling Bao and others to the prefect's mansion.

In the eunuch's mansion, Pang Tong sat at the top, with his light armor and helmet still on, he looked very dignified.

Next, Zhang Song, Fazheng, Meng Da and others took their seats.

"How many troops are there in your city? Do you have statistics?" Pang Tong asked Deng Xiandao.

"430 people." Deng Xian said immediately.

Although the remnant soldiers entered the city last night, they also surrendered.But Deng Xian and the others still counted the army including 5000 people of Deng Ji.

In case you don't even know the number of troops you command.

"Last night, we recruited 540 soldiers who were still able to fight and who could recover their fighting power." Pang Tong said softly.

Immediately, he asked Ma Di, "Last night, we had 5000 people who participated in the battle. How many people are there?"

"About 5000 people were killed on the spot, or seriously injured, and could no longer recover. There are still 4 people left." Ma Di also knew it well, said.

"Based on this calculation, there are still 5000 people left in our Chu army. The surrendered army is 5 people." Pang Tong nodded.

This number of words is about the same as he thought.Although the fighting last night was intense, it did not last long.Yan Yan was defeated, but the army was not lost.

There seemed to be only 5 left, and 5000 were lost.But in fact, there are still a part of the army scattered around, hiding, not dead.

Today, the troops of Chu State have completely entered Yizhou.

Kou Feng's army ahead may have already broken through Jiangyang.These soldiers will not be used for the time being, but they need to be reorganized and practiced to gather the morale of the army.

"How about this. First add [-] troops. Zijing, you also temporarily entered my command. Lead [-] troops with me to support the king. In addition, among the soldiers, select [-] strong and strong. You Xiaozhi you Command directly, sit in Ba County together with Deng He, Deng Xian, and Ling Bao, three generals, train soldiers, and collect the fleeing soldiers of the Shu army. Stabilize the rear." Because Kou Feng is not there, and Kou Feng once wanted to let France go He was in command of the army, and Zhang Song was his minister, so Pang Tong temporarily made this decision.

"No." Meng Da and Fa Zheng all agreed.

The two of them, including everyone in the hall, were a little surprised.Fazheng is a descendant, but he is awarded [-] soldiers at once.This is really a blessing.

God knows, Pang Tong, no, why does Your Majesty favor Fazheng so much.Even Fazheng himself was very surprised, he thought that he was temporarily appointed servant by Kou Feng, and he would follow the path of a civil servant.After all, the civil and military affairs of Chu State are very distinct.

After becoming a civil servant, you can no longer be a military officer.In the same way, a military officer cannot be converted into a civil servant.

Unexpectedly, Kou Feng appointed him as a servant, only temporarily.His future is actually in the army.With the wisdom of Fazheng, and the understanding of Pang Tong during this period.

Of course, I know that this must be Kou Feng's intention, and it is not a temporary decision made by Pang Tong.After all, there are [-] strong troops.

Therefore, in addition to accidents, there are joys.

The servant is the staff member who is directly responsible to Chu Jun, so it can be said that he has a high position and authority.But in comparison, Fazheng still prefers to join the army.

Now there are [-] troops in command, it is really the time for heroes to use their weapons.

Meng Da and Zhang Song felt happy for Fazheng after being surprised for a while.Increased trust, indeed, increased trust.

Now that the order has been issued.

The next step is to rest temporarily, and then set off again.Pang Tong sent everyone away and went down to work.

"It's really good to stand firm." After everyone left, Pang Tong smiled slightly and sighed.

Since entering Shu, although they are invincible.Even Fuling was breached, but it never gained a firm foothold and was always in danger of being driven out.

Even if you can deal with it calmly, you are always uneasy in your heart.

Now, Kou Feng personally led the army at the front, and he consolidated the rear.At present, Deng Ai and Gan Ning have an army of [-], and they are confronting the [-] men of Nanban Menghuo.

No problem either.

Moreover, as long as Fazheng can organize a force of [-] in a short period of time.Their fighting ability will be stronger.It really is as stable as Mount Tai.

After sitting for a while, Pang Tong began to write the notes.

Now the Chu army's army has risen, but in fact, its combat ability has dropped a bit.As Fazheng, Mengda's recruits are all very fragile.

Although more than [-] Wei knives were seized during this process, it was not enough to make up for the huge gap.Therefore, it is necessary to mobilize some Chu swords from the rear to equip Fazheng's [-] troops.

Quickly form combat power.

Although the state of Chu may not be able to produce so many Chu knives at present, Pang Tong, as the general of the left army division, still has to mention the things that should be mentioned.

After writing, Pang Tong handed over the scriptures to his soldiers and ordered them to be sent to Xiangyang immediately.

After finishing all this, Pang Tong really relaxed.

It depends on the king's momentum.

Pang Tong raised his head with a smile and looked to the north.For Kou Feng, he is very at ease.As the old saying goes, conquer the world immediately, and it refers to people like Kou Feng.


When Pang Tong praised Kou Feng.

Kou Feng is very hard.

Although there is a small road that can pass through Berkshire and lead directly to the north.It made it very cheap for him to attack Shu.Just take a detour around it.

Next is the Yimapingchuan Chengdu Plain.

To attack Chengdu, Kou Feng wanted to come in person.So he personally led more than [-] troops into the mountains.The first day was fine, I survived.But then, it was very sad.

The mountain road is not easy to walk.

Although Kou Feng is physically strong, he can endure hardships.But after all, Mr. Chu, who has been working for so long, has not had a chance to suffer for a long time.Walking in the mountains.The next day, his feet were blistered.

On the third day, my feet started to ache.

On the fourth day, Kou Feng finally led his army out of the forest.It's really embarrassing and fortunate.What's embarrassing is that the armor on his body has also been taken off, and the helmet is also gone.

Walking is very light, and it looks a little weird.

If it weren't for lying on a stretcher, it would be too embarrassing.Kou Feng had already ordered someone to prepare a stretcher, and asked the soldiers to carry him away.

Very embarrassed.

But when walking out of the forest and looking ahead, there is almost an endless plain.Kou Feng began to rejoice.It's finally over.

Ahead is the hinterland of Shu, the Chengdu Plain, which is the Land of Abundance.

On this large piece of land, it is not only a vast area.It's not just a land, it's a rich land.In history, Liu Bei relied on him to become the overlord of one party.

And with the current national strength of Chu, just add the land of Shu.That is even more powerful.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that with the land of Shu, he has the opportunity to attack Zhang Lu, Ma Teng, Han Sui, and occupy Yongliang.

In the future, there is no need to worry about Cao Cao getting Yong Liang first, and letting Xu Shu play tricks behind his back.Because he Chu State can directly send troops to intervene.

After leaving the forest, Kou Feng first ordered some soldiers to disperse to nearby counties and gather some horses.They were walking on a mountain road, and they couldn't take a horse with them.

Then, order the soldiers to prepare hot water.I soaked my feet comfortably and took a shower.Then he had a meal with the soldiers.

About two hours later, he straddled the horse that the soldiers brought from nearby.

With a wave of his hand, he ordered: "Jiang Yang."

After taking a bath, Kou Feng, who got rid of his embarrassment, was still the majestic Chu Jun.

At this moment, he was also full of pride.

The army headed north, hunting the land of Shu.

(To be continued)

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