Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 783 Zhuge Liang Comes Out

Almost all of the troops of the Shu Kingdom are now concentrated in Berkshire and the north.Except for the [-] elite soldiers in Chengdu, the rest of the places.

It's all very empty.

Jiangyang, Deyang, and countless cities in the Chengdu Plain do not have any garrisons.

This is after Kou Feng left the mountains and forests, he sent troops to confiscate the horses in the surrounding counties.And the reason why An Anxin rested for two hours.

Not to mention giving Jiangyang prefect Ma Feng two hours, even if he was given one or two days, he would probably have prepared a decent army to resist.

Just like Kou Feng thought.

When Kou Feng sent troops to look for horses everywhere.Although some county magistrates fortified the city gates, they did not dare to resist.He gave Kou Feng the horse without any hassle.

Then, it was even a quick horse to report to Chengdu.

Kou Feng has arrived.

This is dumbfounding news.Isn't there a Berkshire in front of us?There are still [-] to [-] troops in Berkshire, and there is a general Yan Yan.

How could it be breached so badly.And even if it is breached, there will always be a buffer period.For example, in times of danger, release a message so that the county magistrates in Chengdu and the entire Sichuan Plain are prepared.

Nothing now.

The county magistrates and officials all did the same thing while they couldn't figure out why and were dumbfounded.Close the city gates and do nothing.

Chu and Shu fought.This was originally a matter for the two [***] teams. They had no troops at hand, and they had no resistance at all.Since there is no resistance, then simply close the yard.

Waiting for the winner.Then worship the victor.

It can be said that the life of the county magistrates in the Chengdu Plain is very easy.

The only people who have a hard time are those who are loyal to Liu Zhang.Among them, Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, is a relatively loyal person.

When the news reached Jiangyang.

Ma Feng is drinking tea in the hall, and the day is very leisurely.

"My lord. It's not good. There is news from the south that Kou Feng's army has entered the Chengdu Plain. The troops have overwhelmed several county towns and taken more than a hundred horses. They are now heading towards Jiangyang."

Suddenly, an official rushed in sweating profusely.

"Pu Chi." Ma Feng still had a sip of tea in his mouth and couldn't help spit it out.Immediately, he opened his eyes wide and asked anxiously, "Is this really true?"

When he heard the news, Ma Feng's first reaction was that it was not true.

What a fool, there is such a big city in front of you, Xiongguan.How could Yan Yan, who was so fierce and as strong as Lian Po, was killed by Kou Feng and entered the hinterland of Chengdu without any news?

"It's absolutely true. Several county magistrates have already dispatched fast horses to Chengdu. They entered Jiangyang City. After changing horses, they continued to go to Chengdu." The little official wiped his sweat.

He was also frightened and stupid just now, until he received envoys from county magistrates from all over the country one after another.Only then did he regain his composure a little, and rushed to the prefect's mansion.

"My lord, what should I do?" After finishing speaking, the clerk looked at Ma Feng with expectant eyes, hoping that the lord could come up with an idea.

Is it war or surrender.

There is always a decision to make.

Jiangyang City was the first big city encountered when entering Chengdu from Berkshire.It must be the target of the Chu army, and the rest of the counties can close their cities and wait for news.But in Jiangyang City, there are only two roads.

Either be breached or surrender.

It is impossible to defend the city.There was originally a small force in Jiangyang, but it had already been transferred into Berkshire.Now basically only civil servants and petty officials are left.And a little defensive power is necessary.

If you want to resist the Chu army, don't even think about it.

Of course it was surrender.

Even with the knowledge and IQ of a small official, I feel that Kou Feng's army is really unstoppable.The most powerful city in their Shu Kingdom was broken.The two most powerful generals were defeated.

One of them has clear news that it has been captured. Although the other doesn't know the situation, it will definitely not have a good result if Berkshire is breached.

What capital do they have?

But the little official also knew that Ma Feng was relatively loyal and had a good character, so it would be difficult for him to do the surrender of Kaesong.

Now the little official is just hoping, and Ma Feng suddenly thinks about it, and he is enlightened.As soon as the gate is opened, the Chu army is welcomed into Jiangyang.That is something everyone is happy about.

Of course Ma Feng didn't know what the petty official thought.

His mind is very chaotic and messy now.What to do, the army of Chu State actually hit here.This is a question that Ma Feng never thought of.

Because of his confused mind, Ma Feng didn't even hear the little official's voice.

He's just messed up.Very confusing.But after a while, Ma Feng's eyes suddenly brightened, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Go, immediately bring the anonymous man from the village outside the city to the city."

Immediately, Ma Feng immediately ordered the little official to say.

Because just now, Ma Feng suddenly thought that he hadn't expected Kou Feng to enter Berkshire, but Zhuge Liang had expected it.

When the two of them talked about the battle between Chu and Shu, Zhuge Liang had already made it clear that he was not optimistic about Zhang Ren in Fuling, and Yan Yan of Ba County could stop Kou Feng.

Now that I have thought of it, maybe there is a countermeasure.

At this time, Ma Feng was like a drowning man, grasping at the last straw.Regardless of the current strength of Jiangyang City, he thought that if he could invite Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain, he might be able to turn the tide.

Almost regarded Zhuge Liang as an omnipotent god.

"No." The little official was stunned for a moment, a little confused.At this time, what's the use of finding a celebrity.Do you still want to use your words to force the army of Chu to retreat?

Obviously unrealistic.

But after a while, the little official still promised.Although he was worried, the city still belonged to Ma Feng at present, and he had to do whatever Ma Feng asked him to do.

With a promise, the little official immediately went down to prepare the carriage to pick up Zhuge Liang.

"Kou Feng has a phoenix chick. By assisting him, Kou Feng can soar above the nine heavens. And the crouching dragon is as famous as the phoenix chick, so it should be able to pull Kou Feng down. It's up to you."

After the little official left, Ma Feng was still like a drowning man, grasping at the straw and enshrining Zhuge Liang as a god.

…………… The little official prepared a carriage and some attendants, and personally led the team to the outside of Zhuge Liang’s mansion in Fu Village.

After introducing himself at the door, the little official was invited into the study.

In the study at the moment, Zhuge Liang is quietly reading a book.There is a guqin next to it, and I fiddle with it from time to time, which looks very emotional.


After the little official walked in from the outside, he immediately bowed respectfully.

"I don't know why the prefect sent you here, what's the matter?" Zhuge Liang put down the bamboo slip in his hand, raised his head and asked.

"An unknown number of Chu troops appeared in the south. The prefect guessed that Berkshire had already been breached, so he urgently asked the younger one to invite you to the city to discuss."

The little official spoke bluntly and said happily.

As he spoke, he bent down and bowed down, very sincerely.

"This." Today, Zhuge Liang was very leisurely, but after hearing the news, all leisurely thoughts were gone.His whole body was shocked, and his eyes suddenly shot out a burst of light, a burst of surprise.

Berkshire was actually breached.

Zhuge Liang thought of this before, but later changed his mind because of Meng Huo's joining, thinking that Kou Feng could enter Shu, but it would take at least a year and a half.

But at this time, what he heard, Berkshire was actually breached.Not to mention a year or a half, even a month and a half.It was breached in just a few days.

It's only been a few days since Meng Huo's news came.It broke.


This is the consistent style of the Chu army, from Jiangling, to Xiangyang, to outside the capital of Emperor Chen Bing.Very fast, fast, fast Cao Cao didn't even react.

The three important cities of Jiangling, Xiangyang, and Wancheng were lost, and important generals such as Xu Huang, Yu Jin, and Gao Lan were lost.In addition to these accidents, Cao Cao was still in that battle and lost a lot of prestige.

This is a manifestation of the rapid action of the Chu army, and it is also the willingness of the Chu army to achieve today's unparalleled momentum.But Zhuge Liang obviously didn't expect it either.

Even after reaching the land of Shu, the mountains and rivers are very difficult to conquer from the outside.Kou Feng can still continue that lightning-fast advancing speed.

After taking advantage of Fuling, they quickly broke through Berkshire and came to Jiangyang.

Above Jiangyang is Deyang, and above Deyang is Chengdu.It can be said that it has penetrated into the core of Shu.Moreover, Jiangyang and Deyang's defenders have been emptied.

In other words, you can point directly to the heart.Unless Liu Zhang has other means, the land of Shu has already been feuded by the Kou.

What an important step this is.

After the violent shock in his heart, Zhuge Liang let out a breath slowly.back to reality.

Zhuge Liang's heart is toward Chu.But Ma Feng treated him well. He was not only very friendly during his stay in Jiangyang.

And it's cold and warm.

At this time, if you don't go, it will appear ungrateful.Zhuge Liang doesn't think he is an ungrateful person.Besides, there is no army inside, so how can we resist Kou Feng.

Even if he went, he could only stare blankly at Ma Feng.

With a change of mind, Zhuge Liang made a decision.

"Please wait outside, let me explain some things." Zhuge Liang raised his head and said to the little official.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang nodded, the little official was naturally overjoyed.Naturally, there is no opinion.

"The little one is waiting outside, sir." The clerk bowed and said, and then walked out immediately.

Soon after, Zhuge Liang explained a few words to his wife.It's just a way to deal with some troubled times.If the Chu army came nearby, what should we do?

Zhuge Liang made it clear.

However, although Zhuge Liang confessed, he was not very worried.Kou Feng's army is the most disciplined army he has ever seen, and it is generally not allowed to loot the people.

Unless Kou Feng gives an order to plunder the northern people and go south.

Therefore, after explaining a few words, Zhuge Liang took a few personal entourages with confidence, got into the carriage, and went to Jiangyang.

(To be continued)

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