Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 784 Zhuge Liang's Helplessness

After getting into the carriage, Zhuge Liang arrived at Jiangyang City soon.

Although Zhuge Liang has some friendship with Jiangyang prefect Ma Feng, it can be said to be quite deep.But it was Zhuge Liang's first time to come to this city.

Because Zhuge Liang basically doesn't care about things at home, his wife is naturally in charge of the firewood, rice, oil and salt. He only cares about reading and occasionally plowing the land for exercise.

Or suddenly the interest came, playing the piano for fun.

Anyway, he is self-cultivating and looking very leisurely.Naturally, there was no need to come to this Jiangyang City.

Today, the news of the arrival of Kou Feng's army is only limited to officials, so the people in the city are working and resting as usual.Jiangyang is a big city, so it is naturally very prosperous.

After entering the city, the carriage also slowed down.Avoid hurting pedestrians.

After a long time, he came to the gate of the prefect's mansion.

Ma Feng, who received the news first, stood in front of the gate and waited in person.Seeing that Zhuge Liang had arrived, his eyes lit up, and he immediately greeted him.He bowed down and said, "I'm looking forward to Kong Ming."

"Brother is too serious." Seeing this, Zhuge Liang got off the carriage quickly, helped Ma Feng up, and said.

Ma Feng felt a little ashamed when he called out "brother".At the beginning, he also had bad intentions, so he used soft and hard ways to make friends with Zhuge Liang.

Although they really became friends later, the purpose at the beginning was indeed impure.Especially now that a catastrophe is imminent, Zhuge Liang is still needed to resolve it.

This makes Ma Feng feel ashamed.

However, this shame only lasted for a moment, because the most important thing is how to resist Kou Feng's army.Therefore, Ma Feng immediately said: "Kong Ming comes with me."

After speaking, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but dragged Zhuge Liang into the prefect's mansion.Along the way, I walked a lot and came directly to the study.

As soon as you enter the study.

Ma Feng clasped his fists at Zhuge Liang and said, "Kong Ming must have known about the crisis of the Shu Kingdom today, and asked Kong Ming to make a plan to resolve this crisis."

Zhuge Liang had already prepared for this.Shaking his head, he said: "The survival of a country cannot be changed by one person alone. If the top and bottom are united, there may not be no chance. But Shu has always been divided into several forces to compete with each other. Now that the enemy is outside, people's hearts have already fluctuated. Not to mention that Jiangyang City is difficult to keep, even if Jiangyangcheng is kept, the Kingdom of Shu will not be able to recover."

This is definitely a heartfelt statement. In Zhuge Liang's view, the Kingdom of Shu has long been hopeless.It's just relying on the dangers of mountains and rivers to support it until now.

Because Ma Feng had high expectations, he grabbed Zhuge Liang as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw.But now, what Zhuge Liang said was such determination.

Full of hope, suddenly turned into worry-free.

Ma Feng's whole body suddenly looked as if he was dying, his face was pale, his whole body shook, and he almost fell to the ground.Fortunately, Zhuge Liang's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he stopped Ma Feng, otherwise the majestic eunuch might fall to his death.

But Ma Feng seemed to have lost his soul, and a few tears flashed from his big cloudy eyes.There is a saying that when a man has tears, he does not flick them lightly.

What's more, Ma Feng is a person with good conduct and official residence as the prefect.

Zhuge Liang suddenly remembered how Ma Feng had taken care of him during his time in Jiangyang.Some couldn't bear it anymore.

Strategies, in fact, he has.

It can stop Kou Feng for a while, and maybe save Jiangyang.But he is the one who is about to defect to Kou Feng. If he offers advice at this time, wouldn't he be dead?

Zhuge Liang hesitated in his heart.But looking at Ma Feng's appearance, Zhuge Liang really couldn't bear it.

Besides, his strategy was just to keep Jiang Yang.There is no absolute contradiction with Kou Feng's marching route.There is no need for Kou Feng to lose soldiers and generals.

Harm the interests of Chu.

Unable to bear it, plus there was no real harm to Chu, Zhuge Liang gritted his teeth and said, "Don't do this, brother. I have another plan, I can't save Shu, but I can save Jiangyang, so that my brother won't lose it." After leaving the city, he became a sinner of Shu."

But Ma Feng was desperate at the moment, and a little delirious.Zhuge Liang spoke, but he didn't hear it.

It was Zhuge Liang who helped Ma Feng up and said something again.Ma Feng just heard it, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up, staring at Zhuge Liang, tremblingly said: "Kong Ming's words are true?"

Seeing Ma Feng's appearance, Zhuge Liang was really helpless.The Kingdom of Shu really has many loyal ministers, and it can be said to be a land of outstanding people, but Liu Zhang really can't do it.

Although Zhuge Liang was helpless in his heart, he didn't show it on his face. He nodded and said, "Shu is hopeless, but Jiangyang may not be hopeless."

Zhuge Liang's words have two concepts. On the one hand, it means that Jiang Yang may be saved.But in the Kingdom of Shu, he definitely has a way, and he will die.

He didn't want to fight against Kou Feng, he just couldn't bear to see Ma Feng like this.

But in Ma Feng's view, Zhuge Liang is really a god-man.Jiangyang doesn't have any troops, and the position is also at an important point. Kou Feng mostly chooses to occupy it as one of the rear supply points.

But I didn't expect that Zhuge Liang said that it could be saved in this situation.Isn't this a god-man?

"Please ask Kong Ming to help." Ma Feng happily bowed to Zhuge Liang, bowing down very solemnly.

"Hey, brother doesn't have to be like this." Zhuge Liang sighed and helped Ma Feng up again.

Sincerely, he is unwilling to be an enemy of Kou Feng at this juncture.but.


Zhuge Liang was very contradictory in his heart, and really wanted to kick this guy away.


Just when Zhuge Liang was struggling, Kou Feng's army was as powerful as a bamboo, and wherever they came along the way, they would have dinner in any city.No need to pay, just take the granary directly.

Not only did the local county magistrate dare not resist, but he also needed help.

After two days of rapid attack, Kou Feng's army finally arrived near Jiangyang.

When they came out of the deep mountains, Kou Feng's army was empty with more than [-] men, with their own dry food and no luggage.But at this moment, the army that appeared on the ground.

But it is the army in front and the heavy vehicles in the rear.

Very complete.

The Kingdom of Shu is rich. Although only a few cities were plundered, the food in them was enough to feed his [-] army for a year.

Not all of them were taken away, Kou Feng only took away three months' rations.After all, it is going to be located in Yizhou in the future, and the county below it cannot be searched clean.

Because Kou Feng wasn't in a hurry, the army walked neither too fast nor too slow.Soon after, they came to the vicinity of Fu Village.

"Your Majesty, Fucun is ahead."

At this moment, Kou Feng was riding in front on a decent war horse.Beside him is Kou Shui, and Kou Shui pointed to the village with a little trace in front of him.


As General Wei of the Chu State, he is responsible for protecting Kou Shui from Kou Feng.Naturally, he knew some of Kou Feng's intentions. For example, when he was fighting in Jingzhou, Kou Feng often missed Zhuge Liang when he escaped.

And sent a team of spies into the Shu Kingdom to monitor, and caught the big fish Man Chong by the way.

But now, Kou Feng personally led the army to set foot here.Kou Shui knew what Kou Feng would do without even thinking about it.

"It's finally here." Kou Feng raised his head, looked into the distance, and said with a smile.

At the beginning, when Zhuge Liang left, Kou Feng wanted to stop him, but there was no big boat at that time, so he couldn't catch up.Is there any way to conquer Shu immediately?

I can only let go.

But Kou Feng can never forget this person.Although when he was in Xinye, the existence of Zhuge Liang may have been Liu Bei's abandonment of Xu Shu and the main reason for him.

But this is not Zhuge Liang's own fault.It was Liu Bei's wishful thinking at the beginning, thinking that relying on Zhuge Liang's ingenuity, Xu Shu could not be needed.

Zhuge Liang himself did not get in the way of what happened in Xinye back then.Therefore, Kou Feng actually wanted to recruit Zhuge Liang with all his heart.

The so-called Wu Anbang, Wen ruled the country.Perhaps Zhuge Liang's evaluation of military affairs in history is not outstanding, but can only be regarded as first-rate.But An Bang Ding Guo, fucking is absolutely the best.

Chu State seems to have a lot of talents now, but which monarch does not need one more talent.

What's more, there are really very few talents who govern the country.Jiang Wan is one, but only one.If Zhuge Liang is counted, Chu's state affairs should be very smooth.

The Chu State will become more powerful.

In addition, in history, Zhuge Liang did seize power, but his outstanding ability can make up for this.

What's more, Kou Feng has many talents under his tent, so he is not afraid of the concentration of power on one person.It can be said that Kou Feng is not afraid of people like Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi joining.

In addition, Zhuge Liang cannot be compared with Sima Yi.

It's true that Zhuge Liang is a powerful minister, but Zhuge Liang could sit upright even when he died, but Sima Yi usurped the throne.Therefore, Kou Feng has to use Sima Yi, but he has to guard against Sima Yi.

But Zhuge Liang can be much lighter.

Anyway, Chu State needs Zhuge Liang, and it can perfectly accommodate Zhuge Liang, and can also eliminate some of Zhuge Liang's own defects.

Kou Feng can be said to be determined to win Zhuge Liang.

Now I finally came here, outside Fucun.Naturally, I am in a good mood.

V village.It should mean lurking temporarily, waiting to take off.And the stage where Zhuge Liang took off is the state of Chu.

While Kou Feng felt very happy, he ordered: "Let's go, enter the village."

"Promise." Kou Shui promised, and immediately led the army with Chen Da, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng and others to kill Fucun.

In Fu Village, there are all Liu Bei's old troops. According to Kou Feng's information, there should be a small 200 people.There are so many people, perhaps Liu Bei's loyalists are there.

Kou Feng also had to guard against this point.

He didn't want to be assassinated like Sun Ce.

Anti-human surname is indispensable.

Soon, the army surrounded this small village.The women in the village were all shivering, hugging their children at a loss.

The men were very calm, and many of them were staring at the handsome flag with the word "Chu".

It was the people under this banner who killed their lord Liu Bei.

However, Kou Feng ignored these hateful gazes. He asked the left and right soldiers to guard nearby to prevent anyone from casting cold arrows, and he went straight to the center of the village.

It is outside Zhuge Liang's mansion.

(To be continued)

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