Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 785 An ancient plan, an empty city

At this moment, there are many armored soldiers in the village.

One by one, the soldiers were scattered around and were responsible for guarding.Watch every corner.Chen Da, Xu Sheng, Xiang Chong and others even patrolled in person.

They have also seen the information of the Shu Kingdom.

Knowing that this area was Liu Bei's old department back then, I really had to guard against it.

In front of Zhuge Liang's mansion, Kou Feng got off his horse, and Kou Shui was already a step ahead, knocking on the door.

"Bang bang bang."

After a knock on the door, an old man opened the door.

The old man's eyes were a little lazy at first, when he saw clearly what was going on in front of him.His eyes opened wide.

what did he see.

A group of armored soldiers.A general with a strong physique, but as a pawn.One was dressed in iron armor, dressed as a general, but exuded incomparable majesty from top to bottom.

A young man who is different from ordinary people.

In an instant, the old man's heart encountered a huge challenge.

When Zhuge Liang first came, he had no servants.There is only Liu Bei's old department who is a little two hundred.This old man was brought back by Zhuge Liang's wife's family.

During the days following Zhuge Liang, the old man has seen too many celebrities.It is famous far and near, and even celebrities in Sichuan have seen it.

Each of them is full of demeanor and is very magnanimous.

Whenever celebrities come to visit Zhuge Liang, the old man will be very proud.I feel that my master's eyes are really too sharp.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang had no wife, he betrothed his daughter to Zhuge Liang.

Otherwise, how can there be the current scenery?

But when he saw Kou Feng, apart from being shocked, the old man was only shocked.Needless to say, Kou Feng's demeanor is not comparable to that of celebrities who have come and gone in the past.

The armored soldiers behind him really make people tremble.

"I don't know who your lord is?" the old man asked cautiously.

The old man didn't know how long it had been since he showed such an expression, because celebrities in the past were very polite, so he didn't have to be too careful.

"Gu is here to find Zhuge Kongming." Kou Feng said with a smile.


The old man was so frightened that Liu Zhang was the only one in the Shu Kingdom who could call himself an orphan.And Liu Zhang is already middle-aged, where did such a young orphan appear.

And there are many armored soldiers behind him, they are definitely powerful people.Impossible to be fake.

The old man is a servant, and the news is not very well-informed, so he naturally didn't know that Kou Feng's army had arrived.

"Your Majesty?" the old man stood in a daze for a moment, then asked in a more cautious tone.

"I'm Kou Feng alone. I don't know if Zhuge Kongming is here?"

Kou Feng frowned slightly and asked.

"It's really Kou Feng." Cold sweat was already breaking out on the old man's face, how could the south of Berkshire be breached.What a shock.In particular, he heard that Zhuge Liang and Kou Feng seemed to have an enmity.

At this moment, the old man could no longer maintain his composure, and tremblingly said: "My master has gone out, and only his wife is at home. The young one will inform her."

Saying that, the old man walked in immediately without waiting for Kou Feng to answer.

"I'm going out, so let me ask where I went. Didn't this Zhuge Liang go to Jiangyang City?" Kou Feng felt a little helpless, but then guessed again.

At this time, it is impossible for the people to get the news of his marching troops. Jiang Yang must have found Zhuge Liang after getting the news.

Jiangyang prefect Ma Feng, Kou Feng has a lot of information about this man.Because this person has a good relationship with Zhuge Liang and is more loyal to Liu Zhang.

In the past, Kou Feng was also worried that Ma Feng would use this relationship to abduct Zhuge Liang.

Not long after, a burst of fragrance came, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old woman walked in front of her.Although a woman is a young girl, she is dressed as a woman.

It looks pretty, and it is also very dignified when walking.

This should be Zhuge Liang's wife.

Kou Feng thought to himself, thinking that gold will shine wherever it goes.

When Zhuge Liang came to Shu, he had no contacts, and he didn't have much reputation.But there are still people who have taken a fancy to Zhuge Liang and betrothed their daughter to Zhuge Liang.

"My lord, I didn't know that your lord would come to the door, so please forgive me for being far away." Mrs. Zhuge came to the front and back of the door, only took one look at Kou Feng, and bowed.

At this moment, Mrs. Zhuge can only maintain a dignified and calm face.But before Zhuge Liang left, she told her how to deal with the Chu army.

But he didn't say how to treat Kou Feng.

Mrs. Zhuge is also a relatively intelligent woman. When she heard the old man guarding the gate, Kou Feng came, and said bluntly that she wanted to see Zhuge Liang.

I just guessed that Kou Feng might have sent spies nearby and learned that Zhuge Liang lived here.

This made Mrs. Zhuge a little worried. In other words, although Zhuge Liang had no enmity with Kou Feng, they each had their own masters.Moreover, it is guessed that Kou Feng sent spies to find out.

Naturally, I was worried that if one was not good, Kou Feng would be angry with their family, and it would be a catastrophe.

Zhuge Liang was very cautious in Shu, even if he was a couple, he did not reveal his intention to enter Chu.I was afraid that my wife would say it unintentionally, so Mrs. Zhuge thought so.

"Ma'am, you are very polite." Kou Feng nodded and said, and did not rush to help.

"I don't know, where is your husband Zhuge Liang?" Immediately, Kou Feng asked again.

"My husband has gone to Jiangyang City." Mrs. Zhuge also said calmly, and she knew from the current situation.It is clear that Kou Feng has entered Shu, and it is useless to escape.

I really went to Jiangyang.

Kou Feng's gaze couldn't help but concentrate, don't make any trouble at this juncture.

"Thank you Madam for telling me." Kou Feng cupped his fists slightly at Madam Zhuge, then turned on his horse and shouted: "Retreat, go to Jiangyang."

After all this, I still want to go to Jiangyang.

Then take down this big city in Shu land first.

Following Kou Feng's order, a pair of armored soldiers and soldiers deployed in Fucun retreated in an orderly manner.Soon after, he followed Kou Feng to Jiangyang.

"It's really suspected in a dream."

Hearing the news that Kou Feng had arrived outside the door, it took only a moment to send Kou Feng away.But Mrs. Zhuge was still in a dream.

So simple to come, so simple to go.

But immediately, Mrs. Zhuge began to worry about Zhuge Liang in Jiangyang City again.

I don't know why Kou Feng didn't enter Jiangyang first, but came to Fucun first.Do you want to settle accounts after the fall, or?

After all, it is a woman.

How can one know Kou Feng's heart as a king of Chu and his determination to recruit talents.

After leaving Fucun, Kou Feng immediately sent troops to Jiangyang.

More than 2 troops, as well as temporarily recruited civilian husbands, baggage vehicles, etc., rushed towards Jiangyang in mighty fashion.

At this moment, in the study of the prefect's mansion in Jiangyang City.

Ma Feng's face showed disbelief and hesitation.On the other hand, Zhuge Liang's face was very calm, with the feeling of the presence of an old god.

After struggling for a while, Ma Feng still couldn't help asking: "Is this really possible?"

Because Zhuge Liang's strategy to temporarily preserve Jiangyang is really unbelievable.

"Don't worry. The king of Chu and Kou Feng know the truth and the truth, and they have general strategies. The higher the ability of my strategy, the greater the suspicion, and the more I can protect the city." Zhuge Liang said with a slight smile.

Don't care about Ma Feng's suspicion.

After all, his even strategy is really unimaginable.

It is the empty city plan of the ancient anecdote.

This strategy is purely self-protection, without any lethality.It can save Ma Feng's face without affecting the advance of Chu State.

Let him not be cranky.

It can be said to have the best of both worlds.

However, this strategy has never been implemented, but a strategy that Zhuge Liang came up with in a flash of inspiration by chance.Although there are limitations, in Zhuge Liang's view, it is not bad.

The higher the IQ, the greater the chance of being trapped.

Especially for Kou Feng, who can recognize the truth and the truth, and understand the general strategy, the chance of being tricked is extremely high.

The only thing that worried Zhuge Liang was that he set up this strategy today to preserve Ma Feng's integrity, but it hurt Kou Feng's face.Come and say, go to him.


Zhuge Liang was very worried about this.

"Well, I'll prepare right away." Ma Feng saw that Zhuge Liang was so calm and composed, and there was indeed no army capable of fighting in Jiangyang City.

Since you can't stop it, why not do it boldly?

Although Ma Feng's ability is not good, his decisiveness is still good.Once a decision is made, it will be implemented immediately.

"Kong Ming, wait a moment, I'll get ready right away."

Ma Feng said.

"Go together." Zhuge Liang said.


Nodding his head, Ma Feng took Zhuge Liang out of the prefect's mansion together.

Soon, they arrived at the south gate.

At this moment, there are about 50 defenders on the south gate.They are all old and weak.Just now, Ma Feng has passed down the news that the Chu army entered Shu.

Not only closed the city gate, but also dispersed the pedestrians on the street.

After arriving at the south gate, Ma Feng and Zhuge Liang walked up to the top of the city.

"My lord, what should we do? There's no way we can stop it." Seeing Ma Feng coming up, an old man immediately stepped forward and said with a sad face.

In Du Bo's view, Ma Feng is simply crazy.

How many soldiers are there in the city, probably about 200 people.The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled army.He actually wanted to resist the Chu army.

It's really speechless.

It is rare to see Ma Feng now, and the old Du Bocheng took the opportunity to pour out his bitterness.

Ma Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words, and glanced at Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang nodded.

"Order, open the city gate, send soldiers out to clear the road, and prepare to welcome the Chu army into the city." After this small action, Ma Feng ordered.

"This." The old Dubo was a little dazed at first, then he was overjoyed, bowed down and said: "Your Excellency is really wise." Immediately, he led a team of soldiers in high spirits, went down to open the city gate, took a broom, and began to clean the road.

From the old Dubo's point of view, his lord is really enlightened, knowing that hitting a rock with a pebble is too stupid.To welcome the Chu army to enter, that is the kingly way.

But in Ma Fengkai, this is a good plan to preserve Jiangyang.

The higher the IQ, the higher the knowledge.The more you can recognize the false and the real, the greater the chance of being tricked.

Who is Kou Feng?Heroes who immediately fight the world.Should be able to count, right?Ma Feng thought expectantly in his heart.

(To be continued)

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