Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 786 Your Majesty, God and Man

Zhuge Liang was a little more indifferent, he was not determined to resist Kou Feng.But for this strategy of his own, he is still very confident, thinking that he can stop Kou Feng for a while.

It is a big festival to preserve the horse style.

In the eyes of the two, a large army appeared in front of them.

"Chu." The banner with the word "Chu" was hung very high, fluttering in the wind, very majestic.

Under the banner is a general in black armor. He can't see his face clearly, but he can vaguely feel the aura he carries.Behind him are fierce generals and fierce soldiers.

Majestic, really majestic.

Although Ma Feng is not a general in charge of the army, he has also seen the army of Shu.But it was also because of this that when I saw this Chu army, I really felt majestic.

It is not comparable to the army of Shu.

Of course, not all.At least Zhang Ren and Yan Yan's soldiers and horses may also have such an aura.But after all, Chu State is the overall national power, while Zhang Ren and Yan Yan are just two generals.

The difference is too much.

Involuntarily, Ma Feng's mouth felt bitter, no wonder the Kingdom of Shu couldn't resist it.If it weren't for the dangerous mountains and rivers, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be qualified to resist.

Just surrender.

But now they have indeed lost the mountains and rivers. Zhang Ren and Yan Yan were defeated one after another, and Berkshire and Fuling fell one after another.Only the Chengdu Plain remains.

For the brave and skilled Chu army, this was like a stripped chicken and duck, waiting to be eaten.

However, Ma Feng immediately cheered up again.

But he also has Zhuge Kongming, who just helped out with a clever plan to stop Kou Feng for a while.

At this moment, Zhuge Liang also looked slightly strange.

Although he said that he didn't want to harm the interests of Chu State, he wanted to see how Kou Fengfang would respond to his strategy.

In front of the army, Kou Feng, who saw this battle, saw the city gate open in front of him, and several old soldiers were sweeping the ground outside the city, as if supplying the king.

This made Kou Feng startled for a moment, but then laughed out loud.


This trick is a good one, a trick that can frighten Sima Yi.Can you say it's bad?But it also depends on the target. If Kou Feng didn't know the three words "empty city plan", he might be really scared and retreat.

But Kou Feng knew.

Wrong person.

Although Zhuge Liang's strategy was good, it was used on him.Kou Feng thought it was funny, so of course he laughed.Not to ridicule, but to find it funny.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, surrendered in Kaesong. You don't need to waste your time attacking." Kou Shui next to him couldn't see any mystery, and congratulated him.

"Your Majesty, Ma Feng is a loyal man, so how could he open the city to welcome him? This is probably a trick." Chen Da said beside him.

"What General Zhenjun said is true. I'm afraid this is a trick." Xiang Chong was also very active and said.

Xu Sheng didn't say a word, he thought he was an old general of Eastern Wu, and although he kept his duty in Chu, he was not active.But in his eyes, there was also loneliness and suspicion.

This is the beauty of the empty city plan.

It can stop a man with a plan, but not a man without a plan.It's specially designed to deal with tall people.

If Zhuge Liang had met Xu Chu instead of Sima Yi back then, he would have broken the city and been killed immediately.

Because of this, even though Kou Feng thought the empty city strategy was interesting, he still gave Zhuge Liang a high look at him, and he was a little bit complacent in putting out this formation.

In this world, how many people can be looked at by Zhuge Liang?

Although this is nothing, Kou Feng does not need Zhuge Liang's appreciation, but there is always a little refreshment in his heart.

"It's indeed a trick." Kou Feng turned around and said with a smile.

"This. The last general is reckless, and please punish him." From what Chen Da and others said just now, Kou Shui sensed that something was wrong, and his face was a little red.

Seeing Kou Feng say that now, he immediately felt ashamed and couldn't help pleading guilty.

And Chen Da, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng and others didn't feel proud of it, but fell into deep thought.The ambush must have been an ambush, but why did Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, have such confidence to ambush in Jiangyang City?

It must have its own support and an army.But where did this army come from?Could it be the [-] elite soldiers in Chengdu? It was Liu Zhang who heard that he was worried about the loss of Yan Yan in Bajun in the south, so he mobilized the army from the town of Chengdu here?

Thinking about it this way, Chen Da, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng and others became a little worried.Because this Jiangyang city is a city that must be pulled out, because he occupies it here.

It will have a great impact on Kou Feng's advance.If it is not removed, the grain road cannot be kept smooth.How can we attack Chengdu?Furthermore, if Jiangyang is besieged.

Then Liu Zhang still occupied most of the Shu land by relying on it, and recruited soldiers wantonly to defend the city.Then connect to Zhang Lu, it would be empty talk to break through quickly.

Just when Chen Da, Xiang Chong, and Xu Sheng were worried.Kou Feng smiled and said, "I haven't finished my words yet." Immediately, he appeased Kou Shui and said, "This is a trick, but it is a deceitful one. As the saying goes, everything in the world has both positive and negative sides. One It means that there are ambushes in the city, Jiangyang prefect Ma Feng opened the city gates and ordered the old soldiers to sweep the road, there must be a plan. Secondly, it is not because there are no soldiers in the city that they have no choice but to come up with this plan to trick me into retreating?"

Even though he said that, Kou Feng felt ashamed in his heart.

In fact, if he didn't know the history, it would be really difficult.Because the so-called heroes in history are all people who understand contingency, military power, and suspicion.

Such a person can stand in troubled times.

As for Kou Feng's identity, Zhuge Liang guessed that he should also be such a person.In fact, it is used in the right place.If Kou Feng hadn't known the empty city plan, he would not have dared to say these words.

So, Kou Feng spoke beautifully, but in his heart he didn't think he was smart.

"So that's how it is." Chen Da, Xu Sheng, and Xiang Chong's eyes lit up together, and their eyes flickered with contemplation.

Kou Feng felt relieved when he saw these three people, Chen Da Nai was promoted from an unknown soldier, but Chen Da Nai knows how to make progress, although he is not very literate, but he often asks the military officials to read him the art of war, and if they don't understand, they will not be ashamed to ask him.

With a little ink in his chest, he was already approaching to assume his current military position, the general of the town army.

As for Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng couldn't compare it.One is a famous general of Shu Kingdom in the middle period, and the other is Zhongxing General of Wu Kingdom.They are all extraordinary talents.

If you can really understand something from this way of using soldiers now, from the false and the real.In the future, the achievements will be limitless.

Of course, while teaching the three generals under his tent, Kou Feng did not forget that there was a big city in front of him, and Zhuge Liang, who was extremely talented but not very lucky, was waiting for him.

Since Ma Feng opened the city gate, he would accept it with a smile.

"When the former army enters the city, first take over the city gate." A moment later, Kou Feng formally ordered.

"Promise." Chen Daying made a promise, and led the soldiers and horses of the battalion to charge towards the city.

Although Kou Feng is confident that this is an empty city plan, he cannot enter at will.If he was shot by a cold arrow on the city, he would be wronged.Therefore, he sent an army to take over first, and then he followed up.

Because of Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng's doubts, and Kou Feng's conversation with them.Chu Jun did indeed stop.

There was a kind of hesitation, as if he didn't dare to enter the city.

Therefore, a smile appeared on Ma Feng's face, and his heart finally settled down.He turned his head even more happily, and excitedly said to Zhuge Liang next to him, "Kong Ming is really a god."

Although Zhuge Liang had a slight smile on his face, he didn't respond to this sentence, but shook his head and said: "This strategy, the more knowledge you have, the more you understand the situation of the army and the contingency. The greater the chance of falling into the trap. And Now that Chu Jun and Kou Feng are not leading the troops, it just proves that his talent is extraordinary. It is not comparable to ordinary people. Shu Kingdom is in danger. Brother should see it clearly, and don't do this kind of thing like hitting a stone with an egg .”

Originally, Zhuge Liang had no intention of blocking Chu's army. It was Ma Feng's plight and pleading, which made Zhuge Liang unbearable, so he decided on this plan.

Although the army of Chu State has been resisted now, Zhuge Liang is not happy about it.Instead, according to this example, instill in Ma Feng that Kou Feng is strong, and Chu is strong.

Let this elder brother who has friendship with him stop thinking too much.

The smile on Ma Feng's face dimmed when he heard this, what Zhuge Liang said was the truth, although he could temporarily resist Kou Feng based on Zhuge Liang's relationship.

But it's not a long-term solution.Yi Kou Feng's great talent and general plan are really not comparable to Liu Zhang.The longer the time, the more Liu Zhang lost.

"I can stop Kou Feng for a while, and buy some time for Chengdu. I am already satisfied, why do I want to be able to stop the Chu army?" After a long time, Ma Feng sighed and said lonely.

"Hehe." Seeing Ma Feng thinking about it, Zhuge Liang chuckled, a little relieved.

But at this moment, the Chu army that had already stopped in front of them started to move.Where Zhuge Liang and the others could see, the former army was clearly separated.

Killed towards Jiangyang City.

There are about 3000 people in the former army, and there is a general in golden armor in the front.Next to it is a general flag embroidered with the word "Chen" to show his identity.

Tell the world that the person who came here is the general of the Chu army, who ranks above many generals, and Chen Da, who is equivalent to Kou Feng's front, back, left, and right generals.

Following Kou Feng for a long time, Kou Feng personally pulled out his confidants.

Whenever Kou Feng personally commanded the army, this person would lead the broken army, with a godly arm and battalion as the leader of the army, with nowhere to go.Prestige.

And his actions also represent Kou Feng's determination.

The empty city plan of Jiangyang City has failed.

This left a little smile on his face, but it was about to be replaced by loneliness.It quickly solidified on the face, and was finally replaced by disbelief.

Kou Feng actually entered the army.

Zhuge Liang, the crouching dragon's strategy, the more knowledgeable he is, the more he understands the power of the army, the more he knows the contingency, the more he will be hindered. The strategy was actually seen through by him?

Is he still human?

"Is this gentleman really a god?" Zhuge Liang also froze for a moment, muttering to himself.

(To be continued)

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