Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 787 Seeing Zhuge Kongming Finally

The higher the knowledge, the more you understand the power of the army, the more you know about contingencies, the more you will fall into the trap.But now Kou Feng didn't fall for it.You can say that Kou Feng is imbecile.

Don't understand the power of the army, did you rush into the army rashly?

cannot.Because Kou Feng is a hero in the world, if he is compared to an imbecile.Then Sun Quan, Liu Bei and others should be ashamed.

Zhuge Liang himself failed to assist Liu Bei and was defeated by Kou Feng.

Therefore, Kou Feng is definitely a person with a high IQ.At least in Zhuge Liang's view, he is indeed a figure who understands military power, has many methods, and can recognize the truth and the false.And such a character actually saw through the empty city plan.

Is there any other explanation for this besides God-man?


not even one.

Immediately, a wave of shame rose in Zhuge Liang's heart.

In the past, when he was assisting Liu Bei, he also tried his best to help Liu Bei plan.But in the end he was defeated by Kou Feng, and now his strategy is seen through by Kou Feng.

In vain he compared himself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi.

But they were defeated twice in a row. Guan Zhong and Le Yi were almost undefeated in their entire lives.He lost twice in a row.How can I compare myself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi.

What face is there to work under Kou Feng's account?

Originally, Zhuge Liang was quite high-spirited, and he felt that during this period of time, his self-cultivation and knowledge had improved a lot, which was enough to assist Mingjun.

But I didn't expect that Kou Feng would see through the trick when he was a fledgling again.This was a very huge blow to Zhuge Liang.

Although Zhuge Liang is indeed very human, but at this moment, he couldn't help but have a surname of living in seclusion in the fields and not being born again, so as not to make the world laugh.

"Hey." After a long time, Zhuge Liang sighed, turned his head to Ma Feng and clasped his fists: "I wanted to offer advice to my brother, but I didn't expect to solve it like this. Since then, I have no face left in Jiangyang. After today, I will go boating to Jiaozhou. Please take care, brother."

With that said, Zhuge Liang raised his footsteps and planned to leave.

When the Chu army entered the city, he used to be Liu Bei's aide. If he was recognized, it would be troublesome.Especially now that he has no face, and he is no longer working for Kou Feng.

Originally, Ma Feng was in a state of sluggishness, because he tried his best to save Jiang Yang, who lived there, but was breached so easily.

Zhuge Liang's strategy actually failed.

This left him no room to defend the city.

But Ma Feng doesn't blame Zhuge Liang, because Zhuge Liang's strategy is indeed very clever.It's not that Zhuge Liang can't do it, but that Kou Feng seems to be better.

Hearing the loneliness in Zhuge Liang's tone, Ma Feng's heart was shocked, and he guessed that Zhuge Liang seemed to have a heart to hide from the world.

It seems that this time the blow was big.

Originally, Ma Feng insisted on pulling Zhuge Liang to do this matter.Zhuge Liang was coerced by him with friendship.But now Jiang Yang couldn't keep it.

His ideals were also shattered.

How could he have the heart to let a great talent like Zhuge Liang leave?

Therefore, Ma Feng said decisively: "Kong Ming, don't belittle yourself." Then, after a pause, Ma Feng said again: "It's not that Kong Ming can't do it, but that Kou Feng is better. In the world, it's always a mountain. There is a mountain as high as it is. At most, Kou Feng is taller, so it won’t deny your ability."

"Besides, Kong Ming's talent is not in these military strategists, but in governing the country. Although Kou Feng understands the power of the army and knows the truth and reality, he may not be able to compare with you in this respect. Besides, he is the king of a country. What is needed is not these. What is needed is a talent like Kong Ming." Immediately, Ma Feng said in detail.

Zhuge Liang looked at Ma Feng in surprise when he heard the words, because Ma Feng was a loyal person to Liu Zhang, but hearing what he said now, he had the intention of letting him defect to Kou Feng, which was beyond his expectation .

"Brother, is this?" Zhuge Liang asked in surprise.

"Hey, what Kong Ming said is right. The Kingdom of Shu is dead. It seems that it died in the hands of the Kingdom of Chu, but in fact it was in the hands of the Lord. If the Lord is really a talent in troubled times, the Kingdom of Shu may not be as good as the king. The state of Chu, as well as the north, is weak. But now it is so easily broken, it can be seen that the state of Shu is indeed in the hands of the king. Since the state of Shu is already dead, and the state of Chu that swallowed Shu is so powerful, I also hope that you can enter the powerful state of Chu and develop, instead of dying of old age in the barren mountains. Although a hermit is free and easy, but a man lives for a lifetime, in order to be able to show his ambitions, so he became a hermit so early. Kong Ming, don't you feel sorry?" Ma Feng sighed and said very calmly.

Now that things are going on, the Kingdom of Shu cannot be kept, nor can Jiangyang.He thought about it too.His way was over, and he wanted to go home and be a hermit.

But Zhuge Liang's journey is not over yet. It is a pity that he is so young and so talented, so he retired so early.

Although Ma Feng's intentions towards Zhuge Liang were not pure at the beginning, but during the time they met, Ma Feng really admired Zhuge Liang.I don't want this great talent to be buried.

"This." Ma Feng's words were very provocative.Let Zhuge Liang's originally ashen mood become a little bit more alive.

But in the end, Zhuge Liang shook his head and said, "I see Lord Chu without a face."

With that said, Zhuge Liang turned around and walked down, walking heavily, very very heavy.Seeing this, Ma Feng blamed himself very much, he shouldn't have brought Zhuge Liang here.

But with some words of persuasion, Ma Feng has no ink in his stomach.Therefore, I can only open my mouth and stop talking, not knowing what to say.

But after all, Ma Feng talked to Zhuge Liang for a while just now, so he was delayed for a while.Don't underestimate this little time, in this little time.

Chen Da's army has already entered the city.

Zhuge Liang wanted to leave, but he had no choice.

"Chen Da led three thousand soldiers to the gate of the city, and the defenders did not dare to resist at all.

Taking advantage of the trend, he accepted the city gate.

Immediately, Chen Da arranged two rows of soldiers to line up in front of the city gate to meet Kou Feng.After finishing, he entered the city himself and blocked the stone steps necessary to go up and down the city wall near the gate.

When Zhuge Liang walked down, it was exactly when Chen Da came here.

At the beginning, Chen Da was also in Xinye, he was Kou Feng's old department, and followed Kou Feng to where he is today, Zhuge Liang naturally knew him.

After seeing Zhuge Liang, Chen Da couldn't help getting off his horse, and said to him, "I've seen Mr. Kong Ming."

I'm really afraid of something.Zhuge Liang gave a wry smile in his heart, and immediately said to Chen Dabai, "General."

When the general shouted, Zhuge Liang was also very emotional.Chen Da was just a small military marquis at the beginning, and started his family with Koufeng.

In the end, the official residence is the general of the town army, which is equivalent to the middle generals of Chu State.The scenery is boundless.

Another example is that Zhang Dao and Xu Tian, ​​who were unknown at the beginning, were all talented officials, but after following Kou Feng, they are now honored as Jiuqing.Although the talent is insufficient, but by virtue of influence, he summoned some staff.

It can also run the country for Kou Feng.

Of course, Zhuge Liang did not belittle these three people.These three people are all in important positions, so Kou Feng must have a reason for doing so.

Because all three are faithful.In troubled times, those who are capricious and loyal are the monarch's favorite.

The opportunity of these three people also made Zhuge Liang understand the truth that one can display his ambitions without being talented.It also takes a superhuman gaze.

It is investment.

If there is no superhuman gaze, then there is still a chance for a small person to turn into a man of power, and that is luck.

These three people followed Kou Feng when Kou Feng was weak, and this was an opportunity.

And him?Since now, nothing has been achieved, let alone any ambitions.Zhuge Liang didn't envy or jealous in his heart, he just sighed and sighed.

"Your Majesty admired Mr.'s talent very much back then. However, after the battle in Jingzhou, Mr. Flew away. Mr. Your Majesty thought it was a regret in his life. Now that Mr. Wang is here, Mr. Your Majesty should be very happy." Chen said with his fists clasped.

"Hehe, don't be afraid to tell the general that I dedicated the plan to empty the city here to Ma Feng. But it was seen through by Chu Jun. In addition, in the battle of Jingzhou, he was defeated by Chu Jun twice. It is really shameless to see you again." Mr. Chu, please put your hand high and let it go." Zhuge Liang gave a wry smile and bowed to Chen Dayi.

"Why should you be too modest, sir." At this time, there was a burst of hearty laughter outside the city gate, but after Chen Da took over the city, Kou Feng arrived.

He wears black armor, a steel helmet on his head, and a Chu knife on his waist.Come on horseback.

As the saying goes, the spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease.

At this moment, the land of Shu is in sight, and Zhuge Liang is in front.Kou Feng was naturally in a surprisingly good mood.Coupled with his young appearance, he also has a hearty and heroic demeanor.

Although Kou Feng was surrounded by armored soldiers, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng and other generals surrounded him, his body was surprisingly not intimidating.

On the contrary, they are like young dignitaries coming from the clouds.

Very very generous.

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.Then he sighed, when Kou Feng was in Xinye, he was just an angry young general.

No one took him seriously until he turned back out of Xinye in anger.

It wasn't until he boarded the Lord of Jiangxia that he began to call for wind and rain.Thrive in this troubled world.It's like one footprint a day.Today's Koufeng must be better than yesterday's Koufeng, and yesterday's Koufeng must be better than yesterday's Koufeng.

During the first battle in Jingzhou, Zhuge Liang met Kou Feng several times.It is certain that Kou Feng does not have the demeanor he is now, and he was still a little immature at that time.

But now it is completely immature.

He has the momentum of a Chu king, majestic and majestic.

After three days, the scholars should look at each other with admiration.

The ancients were indeed wise.

Looking at Kou Feng today, Zhuge Liang was filled with emotion.Even in Xinye, Liu Bei, who was mature, stable, and possessed an aura of enlightenment, was far from the current Kou Feng.

And Liu Bei is a late bloomer, and Kou Feng is a young and proud.There is nothing comparable between the two.Because Kou Feng will only become stronger.

"Meet Mr. Chu."

After sighing in his heart for a moment, Zhuge Liang also said politely.

(To be continued)

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