Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 788 Zhuge Liang Enters Chu

"Mr. Kong Ming is really rare to see." Kou Feng got off his horse, helped Zhuge Liang, and said with a smile.

Zhuge Liang had a wry smile on his face when he heard this.Said: "I really have no words to say goodbye to Mr. Chu."

"Hahahaha." Kou Feng laughed loudly when he heard the words, because he was relatively close just now, he heard the whole conversation between Zhuge Liang and Chen Da.

Unexpectedly, he relied on trickery to see through this empty plan.It hit Zhuge Liang's confidence.But to be honest, I was defeated by the same person one after another.

In terms of confidence, it was indeed a bit of a blow.

However, Zhuge Liang is very human after all, and Kou Feng believes that he was just a little bit decadent for a while.People like Zhuge Liang should be relentless.

How can you fall because of a momentary blow?

However, if you can persuade a few words, it should help Zhuge Liang regain his confidence faster.

Kou Feng thought in his heart, and said with a smile on his face: "Kong Ming is too self-deprecating, Gu sees through this empty plan? No, Gu Nai made a fortune alone, and he is brave enough. Gu is gambling, betting on a [-]% chance. In the end, I was able to enter the city safely, but it was just a matter of luck."

"Thank you, Mr. Chu, for your embarrassment." Zhuge Liang said with a slight smile.But he just knew that Kou Feng was comforting him, so he had nothing to be complacent about.

Seeing this, Kou Feng knew immediately that Zhuge Liang had to heal the impact of the failure of the empty city plan this time.Consolation or something is of no use to Zhuge Liang.

Because Zhuge Liang is not a person who needs comfort.

"Entering Jiangyang alone, and seeing Kong Ming, I was very happy. Let's go, let's go and sit in the prefect's mansion with Gu." After making a decision in his heart, Kou Feng said with a smile.

"Next." Zhuge Liang just wanted to decline.But Kou Feng said again: "Kong Ming won't even give up this bit of face, right?" Kou Feng's expression sank, and he looked very fierce.

Zhuge Liang smiled wryly, knowing that Kou Feng was faking it, but he still said: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Chu for his kindness."

"Okay, let's go." Kou Feng shouted and said.

But this time, the soldiers under Chen Dazhang had already controlled the city wall and brought down Ma Feng who was standing on the top of the city.

"Your Majesty, this is Jiangyang Governor Ma Feng." The soldier led Ma Feng to Kou Feng's side and said.

"Oh?" Kou Feng groaned, and then looked at Ma Feng. He was not very outstanding in appearance, and his temperament was not outstanding. He was a very ordinary person.

But even such an ordinary person, relying on softness and hard work, took a long time, and he was able to pull Zhuge Liang into a plan together.

It can be considered very commendable, and this person is very loyal.

"Mr. is loyal, and Gu admires it very much. Now that the Kingdom of Shu is about to perish, Mr. can stay or stay at will. If Mr. wants to continue to be Jiangyang prefect, if you don't want to, you can retire with your family. Gu will not harm each other." Kou Feng smiled. Said.

This is Kou Feng's brilliance, he can go and stay at will, without intimidation or solicitation.

Ma Feng is a relatively loyal minister. When the Shu Kingdom is in danger, he still sticks to the city, which shows his ambition.But when a man is an official, he is said to be in power.

It is also very difficult to let go.

If it is a threat, Ma Feng will definitely feel disgusted and deal with it firmly.If solicited, Ma Feng would definitely feel shameless in his heart and would not apply.

But now, Kou Feng kicked the ball to Ma Feng himself, and he can stay as he pleases.It's always best.

Sure enough, after Ma Feng listened, hesitant expression appeared on his face.Not much, just a little hesitation is enough.

"Let's go, let's go to the prefect's mansion." Kou Feng smiled slightly, turned his head and said to Zhuge Liang, and immediately got on his horse and headed towards the center of the city.

Behind, of course, some soldiers brought a horse for Zhuge Liang.Zhuge Liang sighed, got on his horse, and followed.

Soon, Kou Feng, Zhuge Liang and others all left.Only Chen Da, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng and other generals remained near the city gate, as well as more than [-] soldiers of the Chu army.

"Master Ma, please publish the Anmin Announcement to restore order in this city." Chen Da smiled slightly, and said to Ma Feng who had been hesitant since just now.

"Hey." Ma Feng sighed when he heard the words. He had just persuaded Zhuge Liang not to give up this road.Now, he can't let it go.

"No." Ma Feng heard the words, and immediately went down to work.

"A loyal person such as Ma Feng, can also be hesitant because of a word from the king. Zhuge Kongming should not be too difficult. I hope the king will be happy." Chen Da smiled slightly when he saw this, secretly in his heart think.

He didn't know how important Zhuge Liang's existence was to the state of Chu, but he saw how much Kou Feng attached importance to Zhuge Liang, and hoped that Kou Feng would get what he wanted.

In the front, Kou Feng, Zhuge Liang, Kou Shui and others entered the prefect's mansion together.

Kou Shui took over the task of guarding the mansion.Only Kou Feng and Zhuge Liang entered the hall.

Although the mansion belonged to someone else, Kou Feng unceremoniously sat on the front seat, while Zhuge Liang silently sat on the side seat.

"Kong Ming, the so-called Ming people don't speak dark words. He has always been an upright person to the people around him. He has never said a word of deceit." After sitting down, Kou Feng said to Zhuge Liang.Then he said: "Gu values ​​you very much, because he thinks you have the talent of Xiao He and the ability to govern the country. Therefore, in the battle of Jingzhou that year, although you left by boat, Gu also sent a group of soldiers to sneak into Yizhou. Therefore, you know all about Gu Gu in Jiangyang. Even, because of this, the group of soldiers captured Cao Wei's full favor for Gu in the vicinity."

Said, Kou Feng looked at Zhuge Liang seriously.

Zhuge Liang's expression changed a little, it turned out to be like this, no wonder, no wonder.

But immediately, Zhuge Liang still sighed, and planned to decline politely.If you can't stop it today, you will be seen through instead.

This really made Zhuge Liang feel speechless in the face of Kou Feng.

It's not just the loss of a simple trick that has been seen through.

Seeing this, Kou Feng felt a little disappointed, but after cheering up a bit, he said first: "Today, Kong Ming is going against the sky to block Master Wang. But Gu doesn't care about it. Could it be that Kong Ming wants to disappoint Gu? "

"In the past, Kong Ming's good friends Pang Shiyuan and Xu Yuanzhi were both lonely ministers. Kong Ming must have known the character of these two people. They can testify that Gu's words really come from the heart, and there is no lie." After a pause, Kou Feng said again.

As a monarch, a person with power aloft.Today, Kou Feng's sincerity is really sufficient, and he robbed whites one after another, just to prevent Zhuge Liang from refusing.

This made Zhuge Liang feel helpless, but also moved.

Yes, as a winner, Kou Feng humbly asked for advice.He wanted to invite him out of the mountain, but he, a loser, wanted to decline instead.

What on earth is this?

He opened his mouth, but he couldn't say what Zhuge Liang wanted to decline just now.In the end, he just sighed and said: "If the emperor does not think that the minister's talent is low, the minister is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse."

But he responded to Kou Feng's call, and he will be a minister of Chu from now on.With Xu Yuanzhi, Pang Shiyuan and other former friends, he lived in the same hall as ministers.

Kou Feng was naturally overjoyed.

With the benefits of Zhuge Liang, there is no need to say anything.Chu's talent pool, as well as its national strength, will definitely be improved to a higher level.

"Okay, Gu will issue an official document to seal Kongming as Shangshucheng and temporarily live under Shangshuling Liu Ba." While Kou Feng was overjoyed, he couldn't wait to make Zhuge Liang an official, but at least he hadn't lost his mind. Zhuge Liang's identity was sensitive and his qualifications were very low, so he was only appointed as the deputy of the minister to help Liu Ba handle government affairs.

Now, although Jiang Wan is the Situ, he is in charge of the government.However, many details were written by Liu Ba. It can be said that Shang Shuling has almost the power to dominate the government.

Shang Shuling's deputy is naturally high in power.

After hearing this, Zhuge Liang was also slightly stunned, a little disbelieving.As soon as he entered Chu, he could occupy such an important position.However, an unspeakable emotion rose in Zhuge Liang's heart immediately.

As someone who was defeated by Kou Feng twice and was once a subject of Liu Bei's account, Kou Feng was able to make him a minister, which is enough to prove what Kou Feng said just now.

Even more convincing.

Kou Feng really valued him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." An indescribable emotion surged in Zhuge Liang's heart, and he thanked him.

Seeing this, Kou Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Zhuge Liang finally entered Chu. .Wolong, Fengchu, Xu Shu, Jiang Wan who was in charge of the government of Shu in the later period, Shangshu Lingfazheng, Liu Ba and so on.

They are all elites, and because of Kou Feng's relationship, they are not scattered as in history.Instead, they got together and Qiqi played for the state of Chu.

Kou Feng has foreseen that in the near future, the state of Chu will become strong.Not only is it a strong and prosperous corner of Pianan, but even one day, Kou Feng will truly reach the pinnacle and become the Nine-Five Supreme.

They can also shine and help Kou Feng continue to strengthen Chu.

Now that the country has been established, Kou Feng's goal is not only to win the world, but of course he also wants to govern the world and create a more brilliant foundation.

It's too early to talk big now.

But Kou Feng believes that the future is definitely not good.

Because whoever can have Wolong, Fengchu, Jiang Wan, Fazheng, Liu Ba, etc. at the same time in this era will have enough strength.

Even in a remote corner, there is only one state.What's more, now the power of Chu State has occupied three states, and Yizhou, which is known as the land of abundance, will also be merged.

The national power is strong, looking around the world, the only enemies left are Ma Teng, Han Sui, Zhang Lu, Cao Cao, Gongsun Kang and a few others.

This weather is already swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, fighting the world.

Excited in his heart, Kou Feng's eyes were very bright.

(To be continued)

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