The time when Kou Feng occupied Jiangyang was later than the time when Pang Tong attacked Berkshire.Therefore, not long after Kou Feng occupied Jiangyang and persuaded Zhuge Liang to enter Chu.

There is good news from Berkshire.

Coincidentally, at this moment Kou Feng summoned the civil and military personnel in Jiangyang to discuss major issues.

Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng, Zhuge Liang who had just entered Chu, and Ma Feng were all there.

When the good news came, their discussion was interrupted halfway.But Kou Feng only saw joy, not anger.

"Hahaha, the victory report from Berkshire has arrived. Pang Shiyuan led his troops to conquer Berkshire and surrendered [-] elite soldiers. In the near future, he will serve as the rear army and go north to Jiangyang." In the hall, Kou Feng held the booklet given by Pang Tong, laughed.

The above is very clear, the process and the result.

For the [-] French orthodox troops to rest in Berkshire and Pang Tong's [-] troops to go north to Jiangyang, they were all arranged by Kou Feng in advance.

That is, more soldiers were surrendered than expected, a full 4.

The law orthodoxy has [-] troops, which is equivalent to adding another military power to the Chu State.

From the Yangzhou Army controlled by Huang Zhong to the Jiangdong Army controlled by Lu Xun.There are also Wancheng soldiers controlled by Xu Shu.There is also the Xiangyang Chinese Army controlled by Pang Tong.

Finally, the army commanded by Kou Feng himself included Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Chen Da and others.

Now, another Fazheng and Mengda have been added.In terms of military strength, the Chu State that Kou sealed up has been able to truly compete with Cao Wei.

There are more than 20.

Kou Feng thought in his heart, of course, the joy is not only the increase in troops, but also the joy of adding Fazheng, a handsome man.Accepting Fazheng is just the beginning, and using Fazheng is the result.

As for the official position of Feng Fa Zheng, Kou Feng has no such plan for the time being.Let's make a decision after the land of Shu is pacified.Pang Tong, Deng Ai, Xu Shu, Zhao Yun and others who made contributions in this battle will all have their own rewards.

In terms of military positions, the current state of Chu is already very complete.There is no place to promote their official positions.But the title must be promoted by one liter.

The one who should be granted the title is the title, and the one who should be promoted to Shiyi should be promoted to Shiyi.

In the hall, Kou Feng laughed loudly.But Zhuge Liang and Ma Feng were surprised.

"Your Majesty, since Berkshire is not conquered, why did Your Majesty appear near Jiangyang?" Zhuge Liang couldn't help but ask with a shock in his heart.

Everyone in the world knows that if you want to enter Bajun from the east, you must conquer Bajun. If Bajun cannot be conquered, the land of Shu will be as stable as Mount Tai.According to the meaning in Kou Feng's words.

But before they conquered Berkshire, they drove the army to Jiangyang.

What the hell is going on here, is it really a magic weapon that can't be accomplished?

Not only Zhuge Liang, but Ma Feng is unbelievable.He has been in Shu for many years and knows Shu better.Therefore, the shock in my heart was much deeper than that of Zhuge Liang.

Divine soldiers descend from the sky, divine soldiers descend from the sky.

"Hehe, it's just a coincidence." Kou Feng first chuckled, and then said: "I bypassed Berkshire from a small path in the deep mountains. Because of this, Yan Yan had to send troops to intercept and kill him, but he was defeated by Pang Shiyuan .”

"I see."

Zhuge Liang showed a dazed look, no wonder he had to use Keba County to reach Jiangyang, so there was a shortcut.

"Let's not talk about that." After answering Zhuge Liang, Kou Feng suppressed the smile on his face and said, "Now that Meng Huo has Deng Ai among the [-] people, and Gan Ning led his troops to block it, it is probably not a big problem. Bergshire in the rear Yan Yan was captured by Pang Tong's design again, and the rear is flat. Our Chu army can be said to be truly at ease. It can be transported into Shu in a steady stream. Now, only the [-] elite soldiers from Chengdu in front and the Shu army are left Tens of thousands of troops at the northern pass. It is time to march forward with triumph."

"Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng come out." Immediately, Kou Feng shouted.

"The last general is here." Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, Xu Sheng all came out and bowed down.

"I order you to prepare your troops immediately, and go with Gu to attack Deyang, and then march into Chengdu." Kou Feng ordered.

"Promise." Chen Da, Kou Shui, Xiang Chong, and Xu Sheng roared in promise, and immediately turned and walked out.

"The rear will be left to Kong Ming, and there must be enough food in the front." Kou Feng turned his head and said to Zhuge Liang, and then said to Ma Feng: "The prefect of Jiangyang must assist with all his heart."

"Promise." Zhuge Liang and Ma Feng solemnly agreed.

Kou Feng had great expectations for Zhuge Liang. In the state of Chu, he was either a civil servant or a military officer. There was no place where they could cross each other.

Zhuge Liang's talent lies in governing the country, and being a minister of the humerus inside is his destination.

Shang Shucheng was the starting point for Kou Feng to Zhuge Liang.The road of the famous prime minister Xiao He.It is up to Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wan, Liu Ba and others to govern the country and establish the foundation of the Chu State that will last forever.

After explaining the affairs in the rear, Kou Feng personally led Chen Da, Xu Sheng, Xiang Chong, Kou Shui and other more than [-] troops. As a vanguard, he went north to attack Deyang and marched into Chengdu.

Open the way for Pang Tong's [-] troops in the rear.

When the time came, [-] troops gathered outside the city of Chengdu for the final decisive battle with Liu Zhang.

The Chu army marched forward one after another, with great power and prestige.But in contrast, it is the end of Shu.

Chengdu, inside the study of the Shu Mansion.

Liu Zhang was sitting on his knees, and on the case in front of him were the official documents that had just been delivered from the Jiangyang area.Tell Liu Zhang very clearly that Kou Feng's army has entered Jiangyang.

Berkshire Yan Yan didn't stop him at all.

At this moment, Liu Zhang's face was ashen, almost lifeless.

His heart was filled with despair.

I think back then, I was really high-spirited.Since receiving Wei Dao and defeating Zhang Lu, his self-confidence has swelled.Begin to send Zhang Song into the north to beg Cao Cao.

As a result, he was formally conferred by Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, as the Marquis of Shu, and the founding of the country was in the southwest.

Then Yan Yan was sent to sit in Bajun as an important force against Kou Feng.At that time, Liu Zhang really thought that he could stand tall in troubled times.

But unexpectedly, disaster suddenly fell from the sky.

Kou Feng launched an offensive brazenly, and in a short period of time, he conquered dozens of passes and cities, and advanced to Fuling and the vicinity of Berkshire.

But even at that time, Liu Zhang still had the confidence to resist, and not only sent Zhang Ren south to assist Yan Yan.He also stepped up to forge Wei Dao and continuously supplied it to the front line.

Until Kou Feng conquered Fuling and captured Zhang Renhou.Liu Zhang also contacted Meng Huo of Nanman under Zheng Du's suggestion.Meng Huo sent a crowd of one hundred thousand to help him.

I thought it was as stable as Mount Tai, but unexpectedly, Meng Huo was actually blocked.His Berkshire has also fallen, and even Jiangyang may have fallen at this moment.

Maybe Deyang is also under the attack of the Chu army.

In front of Liu Zhang and Chengdu, there is only the flat Chengdu Plain left, and there is no danger to defend.There is no danger at all. How can this country be protected?

Liu Zhang has always been weak.But it can also sit in the Kingdom of Shu because of the strong mountains and rivers around it.Now that these are suddenly lost, Liu Zhang feels very insecure.

Coupled with the strong combat effectiveness of the Chu army, it is almost a legend.

Liu Zhang almost lost the courage to resist.

"Gushang has [-] elite soldiers, but Kou Feng has twice as many troops as Gu. Now that the road to Shu has been opened, the army of Chu State behind can also enter Shu with a steady stream of troops. What should Gu use to resist, to resist? ah."

The more Liu Zhang thought about it, the more desperate he became, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

People feel sad when they are about to die, let alone when a country is about to die.Thinking how long it took for the Kingdom of Shu to be established, I didn't expect it to die out so quickly.

"Call Zheng Du, Huang Quan, and Wu Yi to enter." Although Liu Zhang was afraid and afraid of the imminent danger, it was precisely because of these that he had a heart of resistance again.

Because if Chengdu is breached, his fate will be in the hands of Kou Feng, and it is very likely that his body will be decapitated.

Therefore, even if you hit a stone with an egg, you still have to resist it.

"No." Outside the door, the guard promised, and immediately turned to do things.

After a while, the three fast horses left the prefect's mansion and went to the mansions of Zheng Du, Huang Quan and Wu Yi.

And at this moment, in Wu's study.

In front of Wu Yi, there was also a roll of bamboo slips.Coincidentally, it was also news about the discovery of the Chu army in the south.

The reason why Liu Zhang can sit in the Kingdom of Shu is that besides the fact that his father is called Liu Yan, he is also inseparable from the support of Dongzhou scholars. Therefore, the power of Dongzhou scholars is very powerful.

As one of the core figures of Dongzhou Scholars, Wu Yi naturally enjoyed many channels, among which news from the South was first-hand.Not slower than Liu Zhang.

"The Chu army is as powerful as Tianwei, and the speed at which they advance is really unimaginable." Wu Yi read the news in the bamboo slips over and over again, and still feels his heart shake.

How long did it take from entering Shu to capturing Fuling, Berkshire, and Jiangyang.Only a few months.When did Shu, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, be so easily breached?

It's not that the mountains and rivers in Shu are too dangerous, but because the Chu army is too strong.

In terms of military strength, momentum, and national power, they all overwhelm Shu.

Just like a giant and a child, the difference is too big, too big.

In addition to being amazed, Wu Yi also worried about the survival of their Dongzhou scholars.The invasion of foreign forces will definitely lead to the collapse or even extinction of local forces.

For example, when Liu Yan entered Yizhou, he relied on Dongzhou scholars who were also foreign forces to suppress the local tyrants in Yizhou.Take the position of Yizhou Mu firmly.

Although Kou Feng is the king of Chu, he also represents the interests of the majority of Chu officials.If Kou Feng enters Shu, he can't look down on them Dongzhou scholars, and it may be a disaster.

As the head of the clan, Wu Yi was naturally worried.

Therefore, during the discussion some time ago, Wu Yi asked himself to lead the army south to Deyang, as a barrier for Chengdu in the south.But unfortunately, since Fazheng and Meng Da rebelled, Liu Zhang didn't trust the generals anymore.

In particular, he, one of the core figures of Dongzhou scholars, was even more suspected.

If he didn't succeed, otherwise today he, Wu Yi, would have led his troops to the south and become the guest of Chu Jun Koufeng.

Wu Yi sighed.

(To be continued)

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