At this moment, a servant came in from outside the door.

"Master, Your Majesty sent someone to summon you over." The servant leaned forward and said.

Wu Yi's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and then he waved his hands and said, "Let's just say that the master is bedridden and critically ill."

"Promise." The servant was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but then he complied, promised, turned and walked out.

After the servants left, Wu Yi sighed and said, "If the emperor is wise and the country is strong, I would also like to be a loyal minister, but now, the more I lean on you, the more dangerous I, Wu, will be. I How can Wu Yi cause the clan to be destroyed?"

Outside the door, the officials sent by Liu Zhang were waiting.After the servant should understand, he immediately came to the door and said to the little official: "Please report back to the king, the master is seriously ill and can't get up."

"This." The little official's face changed suddenly, but he opened his mouth and said nothing.He just bowed and said, "Since that's the case, I'm going to reply to Jun Shang."

Dongzhou scholars are powerful, and they are the foundation of Liu Zhang's rule of Yizhou.Regardless of why Wu Yi didn't accept Liu Zhang's summons, he couldn't blame him.

It's just helplessness in my heart, and death is imminent.People's hearts are scattered.

After the little official made a promise, he immediately went back to report.

At this time, in the study of the Marquis of Shu.

Liu Zhang was still sitting, but Zheng Du and Huang Quan were already sitting beside him.

Because the two arrived first, and Wu Yi did not come for a long time, Liu Zhang first told Zheng Du and Huang Quan the news from the south.

Both of them looked very ugly.

Like Liu Zhang, they also believed that once Meng Huo came out, even if it could not solve Berkshire's predicament, at least it would be safe for a while, but they didn't expect that Berkshire would be broken in an instant.

Kou Feng came to the door of the house.

"Your Majesty, General Wu Yi is sick in bed and cannot get up." At this time, the little official in charge of the ward Wu Yi had returned, walked into the study, and reported.

"What?" Liu Zhang was startled at first, then furious.

Although Liu Zhang is weak, he still understands some things.He just saw Wu Yi the day before yesterday, and he was a very strong man, so it was impossible to say that he was sick just because he was sick.

Even if he is sick, he will get the news as soon as possible.

And now, by such a coincidence, Wu Yi was bedridden by a major event in the south.How could Liu Zhang not know Wu Yi's intentions?

Death is imminent, and people's minds have changed.

After the anger passed, Liu Zhang was left with only a sense of decadence in his chest.Sitting in Yizhou for more than ten years, not only has the country's governance been very weak.

Although the wealth is sufficient, the military strength is not strong at all.

It was not enough to win people's hearts. First, there was Zhang Song as the respect of the other, and when the law was upright, Zhang Song led his troops to surrender to Kou Feng, and Zhang Ren was killed by the way.

Later, Wu Yi pretended to be sick and did not come out.

It was only today that Liu Zhang realized that he was really useless.

"It's really hateful for Li Zi." Zheng Du was a little bit stronger, and said angrily when he heard the words.

"In times of peril, people's hearts are most visible." Huang Quan also sighed and said.Huang Quan himself also has a clan, and he is a big Brazilian family.

But now, at the time of death, he still came.

Because Gai had pure loyalty in his heart, Wu Yi turned his back on Liu Zhang because of his clan.In Huang Quan's mind, people like Wu Yi can only share wealth, not adversity.

No matter how much the three of them hated Wu Yi, there was nothing they could do about Wu Yi.If they eradicate Wu Yi by hand, I am afraid that the Dongzhou gentry in the city will collectively rebel.

Chengdu is self-defeating.

In fact, now Wu Yi is just pretending to be sick, not rebelling, which is already very embarrassing to Liu Zhang.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit it.

"Forget it, this man has always been taciturn. One more person is not too many, and one less person is not too many." Liu Zhang sighed helplessly, and then cheered up a little, and said: "Now that the Chu army has arrived in Jiangyang, According to intelligence, there are [-] people. It should be the vanguard, and there should be more than [-] troops in the follow-up. How to resist?"

This is based on information from earlier days.I heard that Kou Feng assigned Deng Ai and Gan Ning to the south to resist Meng Huo, otherwise it would be even more difficult.

"Now in Chengdu, there are still [-] elite soldiers. They are all loyal soldiers. They should be able to survive for a while. But they can't survive forever. For now, we can only ask for foreign aid."

Although Zheng Du didn't want to lure Zhang Lu, a wolf, into the house, there was nothing he could do at the moment.If you don't lure wolves into the house, you can't give birth to Bo Kou and seal this fierce tiger.

"Generals Yang Huai and Gao Pei from the north have an army of [-], and they can be transferred back. In this way, there will be an army of [-]. Then, we should send capable officials to the north to recruit more soldiers to go south." Huang Quan said Pang also said.

Now there is no way to change anything.Kou Feng has entered Shu, and a plain as large as the Chengdu Plain is enough for the Chu army to fight and gain a foothold.

The opinions of the two of them are only for how long they can be delayed.He also dragged Zhang Lu into the water by the way. You must know that Hanzhong has a large population, and it should be possible to recruit a group of troops.

Liu Zhang originally had no plans in his heart, but now that the army is invading, his heart is even blank.He didn't have any idea, seeing the two of them came up with such a feasible solution, he was immediately delighted.

But then, he worried again: "Gu once killed Zhang Lu's mother to make a grudge. Now that Gu is in danger, will Zhang Lu come to rescue him?"

Another needless worry.

Huang Quan sighed in his heart, and said: "Chu's army is strong now, while Bashu is weak. If Koufeng gets the land of Shu, he will definitely attack Hanzhong to the north. This is death with cold lips and teeth. Even if Zhang Lu is unwise, the people around him Yan Pu will also send troops to him."

"If you are still worried, you can also send someone to send you the craftsmanship of Wei Dao, as well as some craftsmen. Show your sincerity." Zheng Du also said beside him.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Liu Zhang finally made up his mind and said.

"I will trouble you again, sir." Then, Liu Zhang said to Zheng Du.Last time, the southern barbarians raised troops, and Zheng Du contributed a lot.This time, he was completely old.

"No." Zheng Du promised, and said.

Because of the urgency of the matter, Zheng Du didn't dare to delay, and quickly left.

"Gongheng, with a warrant in your hands, go to Bazhong to recruit at least [-] soldiers. Supplies and weapons can be taken from the treasury."

Then, Liu Zhang also ordered to Huang Quan.

Yizhou has a large population. In the past, Liu Zhang felt that it was very safe to be surrounded by mountains, so he didn't waste money and people to recruit soldiers.Now that death is imminent, Liu Zhang knows the important surnames of soldiers.

In one breath, [-] soldiers will be recruited.

"Promise." Huang Quan said in a promise.

After a while, Huang Quan also left.

One teamed up with Zhang Lu, the second mobilized Gao Pei, Yang Huai led [-] troops back to rescue Chengdu, and the third ordered Huang Quan to recruit [-] troops.These measures down.

Finally, Liu Zhang gained a little bit of confidence.

"Information shows that Zhang Lu is currently training his troops, replenishing his troops and returning to the original 13 troops. Now Chengdu alone has [-] soldiers, Gao Pei and Yang Huai also have [-] soldiers, plus Huang Quan The [-] conscripts add up to [-]." Liu Zhang murmured.


After saying two sentences of 13 in a row, Liu Zhang's face recovered a little blood.

At this time, Liu Zhang didn't think about whether there were so many troops, whether they were elite or not.He only seeks the consolation of 13 words.

When Liu Zhang actively mobilized the army, united vertically and horizontally, and wanted to resist stubbornly.

Of course Kou Feng was not idle either.

He led more than [-] soldiers and marched triumphantly all the way.

As long as it is a county that stands in the way of Kou Feng's advance, the county magistrate, whether he is a wise or corrupt official, will surrender in anticipation.Kou Feng quickly entered Deyang from Jiangyang.

The prefect of Deyang surrendered without a fight.

Because of time constraints, giving Liu Zhang more time would be difficult for him. Therefore, Kou Feng did not stay in Deyang for a long time, but just rested for a day.

After that, he continued to lead the soldiers to the north.

After walking for hundreds of miles, they finally reached the outside of Chengdu.

Chengdu, this city appeared as the capital when the ancient Shu Kingdom of the Zhou Dynasty was established.At that time, Xishu was ruled by ethnic minorities.

Later, it was destroyed by Qin State.The Kingdom of Shu officially merged into the territory of the Han people.

Shu has always been very safe.Whether it was the struggle for hegemony between the Chu and Han Dynasties, the battle between heroes in the late Western Han Dynasty, and the Yellow Turban Rebellion in modern times, none of them caused much trauma to Shu.

Because it is surrounded by mountains and the central plain, the production of Shu is abundant.If the people are rich and the people are rich, there will be no peasant uprisings, and without peasant uprisings, high stability will be maintained.

Because the outside is surrounded by mountains, peasant uprisings cannot invade.

In this state, Shu has been developing all the time, and has reached the state where there are many household registrations and very rich.Therefore, Shu is called the land of abundance.

As its capital, Chengdu.Nature is also very prosperous and spectacular.

But now, Kou Feng's army is stationed outside this city that almost every careerist would covet.Liu Bei coveted, Sun Quan coveted, Ma Teng, Han Sui coveted, Zhang Lu coveted, Cao Cao also coveted.

But the only one who came here was Liu Feng.

One day, when he arrived outside Chengdu, Kou Feng ordered Xiang Chong, and Xu Sheng stayed behind to build the camp. He led Chen Da, Kou Shui, and more than a thousand soldiers to the vicinity of Chengdu.

Watch the heroics of Chengdu.

"How many people bow their heads for such a majestic city." After watching carefully, Kou Feng's eyes became more and more admirable, and finally, he praised it even more.

"It's a fight with Xiangyang City." Chen Da said in agreement.

"Only such a city is worthy of your majesty personally leading an army into Shu." Kou Shui next to him said very stinkingly.

But even though what Kou Shui said was very stinky, Kou Feng still felt that it made sense.Only such a city is worthy of Kou Feng personally leading the army.

Such a city is where heroes can use their skills.

"Pass down the order, this city is left alone. To attack the city, whoever enters the city first will be rewarded with five hundred gold." Feeling happy, Kou Feng couldn't help but smile boldly, and ordered.

"No." Chen Da complied, and wrote it down in his heart.

(To be continued)

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