Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 791 Four factions compete for the land of Shu

Although it is said that Kou Feng sent an order to go down and attack tomorrow, it is definitely not tomorrow.Because the city of Chengdu is too tall and strong.There are another [-] elite soldiers inside.

In particular, Kou Feng didn't know how many Wei swords these [-] elite soldiers had that could rival the Chu sword.

If you want to attack the city, you have to wait until Pang Tong's [-] troops arrive in Chengdu.

However, some offensive fortifications can still be done.

With [-] elite soldiers in the city, plus the strength of Liu Zhang in the north, and the possible increase of troops by Zhang Lu and others, Kou Feng has already made a long-term plan to attack Chengdu.

Therefore, after setting up camp and resting for a day.

On the third day, Kou Feng sent Chen Da to lead his troops to build mounds in the south of Chengdu. The purpose of building mounds was to gain height.

Back then, when Kou Feng attacked Xiangyang, he suppressed the defense of Xiangyang City with the height of the well cart.This time, because of the difficult road to Shu and the difficulty of entering wells and carts, Kou Feng did not transport them from Xiangyang City.

But now the earthen mounds are being cast outside the city to be level with the city walls of Chengdu, but it has the same purpose.

The most feasible thing is that Liu Zhang is not the same as Yu Jin back then, even if there are more troops, he would not dare to leave the city.Kou Feng can build mounds outside the city with peace of mind.

Chengdu City is more than ten miles long from east to west.There are plains in all directions, so it is very open.

This is noon.

It is about sixty steps away from the south of Chengdu City.

A mound is being built in full swing.

The so-called mounds are not just piled up with soil.Instead, rice milk is mixed with loess, and then solidified by beating boulders.This is the forging method of the traditional city wall in the Han Dynasty.

It is called the Fen earth wall.

At this moment, the fire is raging outside the city, and countless soldiers are forging the mound.

Because it is only sixty steps away from Chengdu, it is under the threat of arrows from the Shu army.

Therefore, in the place where the mound was made, a large number of archers and crossbowmen were dispatched in front, under the cover of the shieldmen, starting from the archers on the city, they began to shoot at each other.

To protect the safety of our craftsmen and workers.

Although shooting from the bottom up, this is a bit of a disadvantage.But the advantage lies in the large number of people, and the firing rate of the Liannu is fast.Therefore, it is still able to stalemate with the archers on the top of the city.

However, there are still soldiers from time to time, and craftsmen fall to the ground with arrows.

Of course, there are also archers on the city who fell to the ground with their arrows.

"Whoosh whoosh."

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi?"

"Ah, ah, ah."

The whistling sound of arrows, the sound of being hit by an arrow, and the sound of soldiers falling to the ground wailing after being hit by an arrow, could be heard from time to time.

But even so, the mound outside the city was still getting higher and higher.

In just half a day, a mound almost level with the city wall was built.Although it was a bit small, it also gave the Chu army archers a foothold.

About dozens of archers walked up and began to shoot at the archers on the city wall of Chengdu sixty steps away.After the height gap is made up, everyone's lethality is the same.

For a while, the Chu army's firepower became more fierce.

This is just one, I believe that in a short time, there will be one, one, next to the mound will be built.It will eventually lead to the commanding heights of the Chu army, the same as the Chu army in the city.

The Chu army has Liannu soldiers, so they must be more fierce.

"Your Majesty, if we continue to develop like this, even if we don't have to wait for the army of the generals to arrive, we can still enter the city." Behind, protected by layers of soldiers, there is a piece of flattened land. There are some seats, and Kou Feng sits at the top, with Kou Shui next to him.

Next is Xiang Chong and Chen Da.

Seeing the development of the situation, Xiang Chong couldn't help saying.

"Well, the Shu army didn't dare go out of the city to fight, and there is no foreign aid for the time being, so they can only watch us outside the city and repair the mound. In the end, they will lose most of the advantages of the city wall. With our more than [-] troops, it is indeed I can fight with one of them." Kou Feng said with a slight smile.

The development of the situation was somewhat beyond Kou Feng's expectations.

In fact, as long as a general under Liu Zhang's tent suddenly came out and hacked during the process, their losses would definitely be great.

It is not easy to build this small mound so easily.However, in the city, no one came out, watching them build the mound.

This made the situation in Chengdu suddenly worse.In this way, even without Pang Tong's army, he can still level Chengdu.


"But now I don't want to attack Chengdu anymore." As he said that, the smile on Kou Feng's face became even richer.

"Since Liu Zhang is defending Chengdu, he must have foreign aid. If he surrounds Chengdu alone, he will attack his foreign aid. Yang Huai, Gao Pei, and Zhang Lu from the north. These people occupy important passes, or guard dangerous points. If Gu captures Chengdu, these people will occupy them. If Gu is surrounded, they will definitely come to rescue them. It is much easier to deal with them on flat ground."

Finally, Kou Feng still said with a smile.

It's not a big strategy, it's just to gather around and fight for aid.Originally, Kou Feng was thinking about how to break through Chengdu, but now that Chengdu is so easy to fight, Kou Feng thought more in his heart.

Outside the city, Kou Feng was preparing to attack without haste.

Inside the city, Liu Zhang turned around in a hurry.Seeing that a mound as high as the city had risen from the flat ground outside the city, as the defenders of the city, everyone would be anxious.

As Kou Feng thought, it's not that Liu Zhang is ignorant of the danger.But there are really no generals available in the city.The Chu army was in the south, Zhang Ren failed in an ambush in the field, and the news that he was defeated instead had already spread in Chengdu.

When the generals saw the Chu army, they became timid.If they are sent out of the city to destroy, I am afraid that a crushing defeat will be in sight.

It can be said that Liu Zhang didn't want to send troops out to destroy the offensive fortifications established by Kou Feng, but he really had no choice.

Now, Huang Quan and Zheng Du are not around.Around Liu Zhang, there were only some older counselors left, all of them were at a loss, there was no one to discuss with, and no one could help him solve this matter.

Now Liu Zhang has regretted sending Huang Quan to recruit soldiers.

But even if Liu Zhang regretted it again, the Chu army built more and more mounds, one by one, getting wider and wider.The advantage of the city wall of Chengdu City was gradually obliterated.


at the same time.

Near Fuling, a place called Guangshu in the Yangtze River valley.

This section of the Yangtze River Basin is the place where the water flow of the Yangtze River is the most stable, the water depth is the shallowest, and it is also the easiest place to cross the river.Meng Huo and Yong Kai's [-] people chose to cross the river here.

In contrast, Deng Ai and Gan Ning were stationed nearby.

Deng Ai built a camp on land, while Gan Ning built a water village by the Yangtze River.The [-] army steadfastly guarded this dangerous point to maintain Kou Feng's expansion in the north of Shu.

Among Meng Huo and Yong Kai's [-] men, Yong Kai's Han soldiers also included navy troops.There are twenty thousand people.Because it has been contending with Liu Zhang in the north for a long time, the quality of the navy is good.

The warships used by Gan Ning in the process of entering Shu were also ordinary warships, not ships with obvious speed advantages.In addition, Gan Ning himself had only [-] sailors, so the two sides competed with each other.

At this moment, Yong Kai and Meng Huo set up the big camp on the south bank of the Yangtze River, in the big tent of the Chinese army, Meng Huo was very upset.

"That Gan Ning really deserves to be a general of the Chu army. We have an advantage in the number of warships and soldiers, and we may not be weak in bows and arrows. But if we can't break through, if we continue like this, we may not be able to reach Fuling."

Today's Meng Huo is not dressed like a Southern barbarian. He is wearing a Han armor and a helmet on his head.It's just that he looks very anxious.

Gan Ning and Deng Ai only led 3 people, and they defended against 10 of them.In the battle of the navy, there is actually not much advantage in terms of weapons, because most of them use bows and arrows as the decisive victory.Therefore, the large number of southern barbarians is a huge advantage, and they have not made any achievements so far.

Obviously, Meng Huo, who is so handsome, felt humiliated.

"Not only Gan Ning, but even if we blocked Gan Ning with some of our warships, and then divided our troops to break through from the side in an attempt to enter the interior, that general named Deng Ai could lead our troops back. Come back. These two complement each other very well."

Yong Kai sighed and said.

The inability to break through after repeated battles made these two people become a little impatient and a little decadent.Coupled with the situation in the north, they failed to understand it in time, so they felt that this attack had become a little slim.

It's not as high-spirited as when the [-] troops left Nanzhong.

"Report, my lord, an envoy who claims to be Liu Zhang has arrived outside the camp gate." At this time, a guard outside the gate shouted.

"Bring it in." Both Yong Kai and Meng Huo's expressions changed, and then Yong Kai waved his hand.

After a while, a literati-like person walked in.

"Greetings to Mr. Yong, Marshal Meng." After the literati came in, he greeted Yong Kai, and Meng Huo greeted him politely.

"Stop doing such nonsense, tell me quickly, why did Liu Zhang send you here?" Meng Huo said impatiently.

"The city of Bajun has been destroyed, and the life and death of the old general Yan Yan is unknown. At present, the army of Chu State has broken through Jiangyang and continued to march north. When the land of Shu is alive and dead, my lord, please think about it. In addition, this is my family. Your Majesty's kindness, Wei Dao's forging technology. Please accept it." Saying this, the literati took out a roll of bamboo slips from his cuff and handed it to Yong Kai.


Both Yong Kai and Meng Huo were taken aback.The Chu army has already broken through Berkshire and entered the Chengdu Plain.This is definitely a big blow for the two of them.

Because Kou Feng is equivalent to squeezing half of his body into the land of Shu, as long as he occupies the land of Shu.These princes in the south will be deterred by the powerful military power of Chu State.

Absolutely trembling, a day like a nightmare.

Yong Kai dully took over the manufacturing process of the so-called Wei knife.Yong Kai had been coveting for a long time. During the battle with Deng Ai, they received an unparalleled blow from Chu Dao.

But at this moment, holding the scroll of bamboo slips, Yong Kai only felt bitter.

Kou Feng has already squeezed into the land of Shu, even if they have the forging technology of Wei Dao, they will not be the opponent of Chu State.This is not a technical issue, but a national strength issue.

(To be continued)

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