Because of this huge news, for a while, the big tent fell into a deadly silence.The same is true of Meng Huo, and the official sent by Liu Zhang is even more so.

"Let's return to Nanzhong immediately, go north from Lujin Pass, and take a long way to Chengdu." But Yong Kai is also a decisive person after all, and he made a decision after a while, said.

"Is it too late?" Meng Huo couldn't help but asked next to him.

The land of Shu is mountainous, and only the Chengdu Plain is flat.The reason why they crossed the river here was that they wanted to preserve Berkshire, but now that Berkshire has been breached, there is nothing they can do even if they stay.

But it will take at least three or four months to take a detour and enter Shu by another road.

"I have to try before it's too late. Kou Feng must not enter Shu." Yong Kai said decisively.

"it is good."

Meng Huo also nodded.

In the middle of the night, Yong Kai and Meng Huo left [-] soldiers behind as a disguise to hide Deng Ai. Gan Ning and the others thought they were still there.

Select [-] elite soldiers, return to Nanzhong, and then take a long way to Chengdu.

for their own benefit.

Join the battle for the land of Shu.


At Yongkai on the south bank, Meng Huo left only [-] ordinary soldiers, and selected [-] elite soldiers to return to Nanzhong, and then went to Shu by another road.

Although it was done extremely secretly, it could not be hidden from Gan Ning.

The southern barbarians are very warlike, and a group of people will go out to fight every few days.Or waving the flag and shouting and provoking on the South Bank.Now it suddenly became quiet, and everyone felt that something was wrong.

This day, Gan Ning sensed something was wrong.

Involuntarily commanding the Chu army's warships, they swaggered by near the Nanman people's water village.However, the Nanman water village on the opposite side seemed to be as quiet as stagnant water.

Very weird.

"Provoke them." Near the bow, Gan Ning stood upright.The armor on his body is very dazzling.After carefully looking at it for a moment, he said.

"No." The soldier beside him promised, and immediately ordered.

Immediately, the warship began to approach the water village.And, a group of arrows flew towards the water village.

"Barbarians, do you dare to go out and fight my right general for three hundred rounds?" the soldiers of the Chu army on board shouted even more.Immediately, he laughed again.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Very exciting.

But on the water village, there was still no movement.There are only batches of arrows flying down.There is no one to steer the warship, to fight Gan Ning for three hundred rounds.

"I'm afraid I got the news and went to the north by a long way." After repeated provocations, the situation was still the same, Gan Ning was sure in his heart.

"Order, return to camp." Gan Ning ordered.

"No." The person beside him promised, and immediately sent a signal, and the fleet returned to the north bank.

After the fleet docked, Gan Ning himself straddled his horse and brought some soldiers to Deng Ai's camp. He went straight to the camp of the Chinese army without passing through.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Deng Ai sat on his knees, reading a book very quietly.Deng Ai usually doesn't talk much and never chats with others.In the army, most of the time is passed by reading.

"General Deng, the situation in the south is not right." After entering the camp, Gan Ning first said, and then explained the situation in the south camp.

Although this war was led by Gan Ning, the right general, when it came, Gan Ning had been hinted by Kou Feng that if there was an emergency, he would ask Deng Ai for his opinion.

Gan Ning is an arrogant person, most people will definitely not accept it.But Deng Ai, like Gan Ning, followed Kou Feng very early and grew up together.

In the process of the establishment of the Chu State, there must be a lot of contributions.If it weren't for the fact that he was still young, he might still be above Gan Ning.

He was someone Gan Ning admired very much.Now that something big is happening, it's natural to ask.

"You have more than 20 elite soldiers. Among them, the broken barracks and your own personal barracks are all elite soldiers who have fought a hundred battles. They can block ten with one, which is like a [-] army. Adding in the [-] army of the generals, it is enough There are [-]. Even Zhang Lu, Liu Zhang, Nanman and other [-] troops are not to be feared. Moreover, Nanman Meng Huo and others have to take a long way, and it will take at least several months to reach Chengdu. By then, the king will have pacified Chengdu , It’s useless to go. Instead, it’s our side.”

As he said that, Deng Ai said solemnly to Gan Ning: "This road is the only way we must pass to enter Shu. If it is cut off, it is hard to escape the blame. If the Nanman used only a trick of suspicion and did not take a long way Chengdu. Instead, wait for us to relax, or go north to support Junshang. Then lead troops to break in and occupy this road. Junshang will be caught in a urn."

Deng Ai's meaning was already obvious.

Just guard your own affairs, you can ignore other things for the time being, and leave it to Kou Feng to deal with it.This is the confidence in Chu's fighting ability and Kou Feng.

Gan Ning also thought it made sense when he heard the words, nodded and said: "Then I will order the soldiers to continue to guard and guard this place."

Said, Gan Ning nodded to Deng Ai, and left immediately.Deng Ai got up and saw them off.

"There are [-] people in the Southern Barbarians, and it won't be long before they jump. Your Majesty is not Liu Zhang, who can tolerate the barbarians raging on the territory of the Han people." After Gan Ning left, Deng Ai's face was full of murderous intentions.

It can also be said that Deng Ai was cultivated by Kou Feng, and some thoughts were polluted by Kou Feng.Let's say it's pollution.

I don't like the barbarians.

The state of Chu destroyed the mountains in the east and the five streams in the south.Now in the west, I am afraid that the southern barbarians will also be wiped out.

…………………… North, near Xiameng Pass.

Zheng Du's convoy slowly headed towards Xiameng Pass. Xiameng Pass is an important place in Shu and an important pass to defend Zhang Lu. Even in the south when Zhang Ren was defeated and Yan Yan was alone.

Liu Zhang did not mobilize the army here, but at this moment, he had to do it.

On the carriage, Zheng Du looked at Xiameng Pass not far away, and sighed.Drive the tiger and devour the wolf, don't swallow yourself.

Along the way, Zheng Du had already sent Gao Pei, who was in Guangyuan, and as long as he mobilized another [-] elite soldiers from Yang Huai, he could form an army of [-], and join forces with Zhang Lu, a total of [-] troops, to rescue Chengdu.

Thinking about it, Zheng Du abandoned his worries about Chengdu and became excited again.

Zheng Du has not reached Xiameng Pass here, and Xiameng Pass has been closed and opened.Yang Huai led more than a hundred soldiers to meet Zheng Du.

"Hahaha, sir." Yang Huai laughed and got off his horse, and greeted him.

Yang Huainai is a mighty general in Yizhou, with great achievements and loyalty.Especially in the confrontation with Zhang Lu, defeating Zhang Lu, in terms of prestige, is also extremely high.

But Zheng Du is a wise man, which Yizhou people admire very much.Yang Huai is no exception.

"General Yang." Zheng Du smiled slightly, got out of the carriage, and helped Yang Huai up.

After the two greeted each other, Yang Huai asked, "Why did the general come to the north?"

"Berkshire in the south has been breached, and Chengdu is under siege. The old man is in charge of contacting the general and general Gao, and dispatching [-] troops to rescue Chengdu." The north doesn't know this news yet, Zheng Du explained.

"What? Old General Yan Yan lost?" Yang Huai said in surprise.

If you want to say that Zheng Du is a wise man, then Yan Yan is a general among generals.There was Zhang Ren first, followed by Yan Yan.The two most powerful generals in Yizhou failed.

This not only surprised Yang Huai, but also shocked him.

"Yes, General, let's make preparations early. I won't stay in Xiameng Pass any longer." Zheng Du smiled bitterly, nodded and said.

"What? Won't you return it with the army, sir?" Yang Huai was surprised again.

"The old man is going to the north to contact the rice thief. Make a lip-to-mouth alliance." Zheng Du became more bitter, and smiled wryly.

"Alliance with rice thieves?" Yang Huai suspected that he had heard it wrong. Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang fought repeatedly, and now they want to connect with rice thieves, which made Yang Huai a little unbearable.

"Preserving Shu is the most important thing, and the general will take it easy." Seeing this, Zheng Du relented.Immediately, he said again: "The old man is gone."

With that said, Zheng Du got into the carriage again, and the carriage slowly headed towards Xiameng Pass.

"It's time to connect to Mi Thief, I'm from Shu Kingdom, hey." Yang Huai finally came back to his senses and sighed after a long time.

"Come here, order the whole army to prepare and send troops at any time." Immediately, Yang Huai regained his true colors as a Yizhou warrior and ordered loudly.

"No." The left and right guards agreed.

Not long after, the entire Xiameng Pass began to function.Large quantities of food and arrows were mobilized.

On the other side, after leaving Xiameng Pass, Zheng Du headed east all the way to Hanzhong.

Yizhou is also known as the Land of Shu and Xichuan.Hanzhong is also called Dongchuan.Together they are two rivers.They should be lips and teeth.

But now there are two people occupying the lips and teeth.Nature is incompatible.

The reason why Zhang Lu is called the rice thief is because he founded the Five Dou Rice Religion, relying on the unity of politics and religion, he ruled this area.Because of Zhang Lu's style of work, it has greatly endangered the interests of local forces in Yizhou and Dongzhou scholars.

Therefore, although Zhang Lu is fierce, he has been resisted by the gentry in Shu and has been unable to advance.But Zhang Lu's prestige in Hanzhong is very high.

Because for the people of Hanzhong, Zhang Lu's rule was very tolerant.In addition, the Hanzhong Plain is very rich.Therefore, Hanzhong's national strength is very strong.

Except for the fact that they couldn't compete with Ma Teng and Han Sui in terms of combat power, they were all higher than them.

When Zheng Du left Xiameng Pass and arrived at Hanzhong City, what he saw along the way was the prosperous scene of people scattered in the wild and not picking up things on the road.

I have to sigh, the rice thief is also a benevolent master.

Soon, Zheng Du and his party arrived outside Hanzhong City.At this moment, it is morning.A large number of people are preparing to enter the city.Somewhat crowded.

There are still guards checking.

Zheng Du and the others arrived at the gate of the city after waiting for a while, and Zheng Du also revealed his identity to the guards.

"This old man is Zheng Du, a minister under the Marquis of Shu's tent. I am here to ask to see Prefect Zhang. Please inform me."

"Wait a moment." The guard at the gate of the city was naturally taken aback.It is a miracle that Liu Zhang actually communicated with Hanzhong.But he didn't dare to be negligent, and after saying a word, he immediately reported it in a hurry.

(To be continued)

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